152 research outputs found

    Efficient Garbage Disposal Management in Metropolitan Cities Using VANETs

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    Rapid increase in population, has led to improper waste management in metropolitan cities resulting in increased pests and spreading of diseases. An efficient method to dispose this waste has been designed with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) using VANETs. IEEE 802.11p has been adopted and multicast routing has been proposed to be implemented in Garbage Collecting Vehicle’s (GCV) On Board Units (OBU) for effective communication. Road Side Units (RSU) and sensors have been made use of in the response system. Filling up of multiple bins at the same time and usage of reserve GCVs has been considered. The prototype VANET based efficient garbage disposal system is induced in a metropolitan city environment and has been simulated in NS2and the results are encouraging for implementation

    Fault diagnosis in a five-level multilevel inverter using an artificial neural network approach

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    Introduction. Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters (CHB-MLI) are becoming increasingly used in applications such as distribution systems, electrical traction systems, high voltage direct conversion systems, and many others. Despite the fact that multilevel inverters contain a large number of control switches, detecting a malfunction takes a significant amount of time. In the fault switch configurations diode included for freewheeling operation during open-fault condition. During short circuit fault conditions are carried out by the fuse, which can reveal the freewheeling current direction. The fault category can be identified independently and also failure of power switches harmed by the functioning and reliability of CHB-MLI. This paper investigates the effects and performance of open and short switching faults of multilevel inverters. Output voltage characteristics of 5 level MLI are frequently determined from distinctive switch faults with modulation index value of 0.85 is used during simulation analysis. In the simulation experiment for the modulation index value of 0.85, one second open and short circuit faults are created for the place of faulty switch. Fault is identified automatically by means of artificial neural network (ANN) technique using sinusoidal pulse width modulation based on distorted total harmonic distortion (THD) and managed by its own. The novelty of the proposed work consists of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and ANN to identify faulty switch. Purpose. The proposed architecture is to identify faulty switch during open and short failures, which has to be reduced THD and make the system in reliable operation. Methods. The proposed topology is to be design and evaluate using MATLAB/Simulink platform. Results. Using the FFT and ANN approaches, the normal and faulty conditions of the MLI are explored, and the faulty switch is detected based on voltage changing patterns in the output. Practical value. The proposed topology has been very supportive for implementing non-conventional energy sources based multilevel inverter, which is connected to large demand in grid.Вступ. Каскадні багаторівневі інвертори H-bridge все частіше використовуються в таких пристроях, як розподільні системи, електричні тягові системи, системи прямого перетворення високої напруги та багато інших. Незважаючи на те, що багаторівневі інвертори містять велику кількість перемикачів, що управляють, виявлення несправності займає значний час. У конфігурації аварійного вимикача увімкнено діод для роботи в режимі вільного ходу в умовах обриву несправності. При короткому замиканні аварійні стани виконуються запобіжником, який може визначити напрямок струму вільного ходу. Категорія несправності може бути визначена самостійно, а також відмова силових вимикачів, що порушує функціонування та надійність каскадних багаторівневих інверторів H-bridge. У цій статті досліджуються наслідки та характеристики обривів та коротких замикань багаторівневих інверторів. Характеристики вихідної напруги 5-рівневого інвертору часто визначаються характерними несправностями перемикача, при цьому при аналізі моделювання використовується значення індексу модуляції 0,85. В імітаційному експерименті значення індексу модуляції 0,85 в місці несправного перемикача створюються односекундні обриви і коротке замикання. Несправність ідентифікується автоматично за допомогою методу штучної нейронної мережі з використанням синусоїдальної широтно-імпульсної модуляції на основі спотвореного повного гармонійного спотворення та керується самостійно. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у застосуванні швидкого перетворення Фур’є та штучної нейронної мережі для ідентифікації несправного перемикача. Мета. Пропонована архітектура призначена для виявлення несправного комутатора при розмиканні та короткочасних відмовах, що має знизити повне гармонійне спотворення та забезпечити надійну роботу системи. методи. Запропонована топологія має бути спроектована та оцінена з використанням платформи MATLAB/Simulink. Результати. Використовуючи підходи швидкого перетворення Фур’є та штучної нейронної мережі, досліджуються нормальні та несправні стани багаторівневих інверторів, і несправний перемикач виявляється на основі моделей зміни напруги на виході. Практична цінність. Запропонована топологія дуже сприятлива для реалізації нетрадиційних джерел енергії на основі багаторівневого інвертора, пов'язаного з великим попитом у мережі

    Study of sleep problems and their association with scholastic performance in school going children

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    Background: Sleep is an integral part of any healthy individual and sleep problems can affect the intellectual abilities including theperformance at school. Objectives: We studied the sleep problems among school going children in the age group of 6-16 years and theassociation of the sleep problems with scholastic performance in them. Materials and Methods: The study was a cross-sectional studycarried out in students attending a private school. The children were given a questionnaire based on the “BEARS” screening tool forsleep problems in children to be filled by children and parents. Accordingly, the age and academic grades of students were recorded.The prevalence of sleep problems and their relation to school grades were studied. Results: Out of 229 students, 25.33% (58) studentswere found to have sleep problems after applying the “BEARS” criteria. Of these 58 children, 31 scored A grade, 25 scored B grade, and2 scored C grade. 23% (31 out of 135) of A graders were found to have sleeping problems, 28% (25 out of 89) of B graders, and 40%(2 out of 5) of C graders had sleeping problems. Conclusion: Sleep problems were common in school going children. It was observedthat as scholastic grades decreased, the prevalence of sleeping problems increased. Sleep problems might be one of the contributors forpoor scholastic achievements in children

    Clinical characteristics and laboratory profile of childhood systemic lupus erythematosus in a tertiary care center

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    Objectives: To study the clinical characteristics and laboratory profile of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in children in a tertiarycare center. Methods: Children presenting to our tertiary care center with suspected SLE, fulfilling at least 4 out of 11 American Collegeof Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for the diagnosis of SLE were reviewed retrospectively. The study period was from June 2012 to May2015. The clinical presentation and laboratory parameters were analyzed. Results: A total of 14 patients fulfilled the ACR criteria; therewere 12 girls and 2 boys with a sex ratio of 1:6 favoring girls. The mean age on presentation was 9.8 years with a range of 3-15 years.At presentation, 70% of the children had features not suggestive of SLE. The most common symptom was fever seen in 100% of thepatients, followed by hematological abnormalities in 78%, and renal involvement in 57% patients. Arthritis, skin lesions, and pulmonaryinvolvement were seen in 42% of the patients. The gastrointestinal presentation was seen in 21% of the patients. Conclusion: SLE has avaried clinical presentation depending on the predominant organ involved. A high index of suspicion is required for the early diagnosisof SLE in children

    Curriculum on Resident Education in Care of Older Adults in Acute, Transitional and Extended Care Settings

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    Most geriatric care is provided in non-hospital settings. Internal Medicine and Family Medicine residents should therefore learn about these different clinical sites and acuity levels of care. To help facilitate this learning, a geriatrics training curriculum for internal medicine residents was developed that focused on cognition, function, goals of care and medication management in both in-hospital and non-hospital settings. Residents rotated through both in-hospital and non-hospital settings as one block rotation. They took a test of geriatric learning before the rotation and then took the same test at the end of the rotation. Residents showed an improvement in several geriatric domains on completion of a combined in-hospital and non-hospital rotation curriculum. We concluded that the development and implementation of a combined rotation curriculum has practical application to resident learning and the potential to improve geriatrics care outside of hospital settings

    A Federated Consensus for Proof of Authority in IoT-Blockchain Applications

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    The growing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the need for secure and scalable blockchain applications pose significant challenges in the realm of consensus protocols. This paper proposes a novel consensus mechanism called Federated Consensus for Proof of Authority (Fed-PoA), which combines the advantages of Proof of Authority (PoA) and federated learning to achieve secure and scalable IoT-Blockchain applications. The Fed-PoA ensures efficient data sharing, privacy preservation, and decentralized operation. Performance evaluation of this model in a simulated environment demonstrates superior convergence and memory usage compared to a representative work in this context

    Fault diagnosis in a five-level multilevel inverter using an artificial neural network approach

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    Introduction. Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters (CHB-MLI) are becoming increasingly used in applications such as distribution systems, electrical traction systems, high voltage direct conversion systems, and many others. Despite the fact that multilevel inverters contain a large number of control switches, detecting a malfunction takes a significant amount of time. In the fault switch configurations diode included for freewheeling operation during open-fault condition. During short circuit fault conditions are carried out by the fuse, which can reveal the freewheeling current direction. The fault category can be identified independently and also failure of power switches harmed by the functioning and reliability of CHB-MLI. This paper investigates the effects and performance of open and short switching faults of multilevel inverters. Output voltage characteristics of 5 level MLI are frequently determined from distinctive switch faults with modulation index value of 0.85 is used during simulation analysis. In the simulation experiment for the modulation index value of 0.85, one second open and short circuit faults are created for the place of faulty switch. Fault is identified automatically by means of artificial neural network (ANN) technique using sinusoidal pulse width modulation based on distorted total harmonic distortion (THD) and managed by its own. The novelty of the proposed work consists of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and ANN to identify faulty switch. Purpose. The proposed architecture is to identify faulty switch during open and short failures, which has to be reduced THD and make the system in reliable operation. Methods. The proposed topology is to be design and evaluate using MATLAB/Simulink platform. Results. Using the FFT and ANN approaches, the normal and faulty conditions of the MLI are explored, and the faulty switch is detected based on voltage changing patterns in the output. Practical value. The proposed topology has been very supportive for implementing non-conventional energy sources based multilevel inverter, which is connected to large demand in grid

    Effect of Antiretroviral Therapy on Circulating Lipid Levels in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Patients: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Introduction: The antiretroviral drugs have improved the quality and extent of life of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infected patients, yet like any other long-term medication, these are known to cause several adverse effects. One such adverse effect is on the lipid metabolism in individuals on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). Aim: To analyse the effect of ART on the circulating lipid levels in HIV patients. The secondary aim was to compare the lipid changes in patients treated with ZLN (Zidovudine+Lamivudine +Nevirapine) drug regimen against those, with TLE (Tenofovir+ Lamivudine+Efavirenz). Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2019 to March 2021 at the District Hospital, Chamarajanagar Karnataka, India. A total of 200 HIV positive patients between 18-55 years of age with no associated co-morbidities and who have been on ART were recruited into this study. Of the total 91 patients were on TLE (Tenofovir+ Lamivudine+ Efavirenz) and 109 were on ZLN (Zidovudine+ Lamivudine+Nevirapine) regimen. Blood samples were collected from all the patients and lipid profile analysis was done. results: Statistically significant increase was observed in all lipid parameters in the ZLN group compared to TLE group. Serum Total Cholesterol (TC) {ZLN 190.92±43.57 vs 164.23±40.7 in TLE group (p-value <0.0001)} serum Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) {ZLN 120.44±35.46 vs 100.81±26.84 in TLE group (p-value <0.0001)}, Triglyceride (TG) {ZLN 245.68±132.42 vs 171.56±77.30 in TLE group (p-value <0.0001)} and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) {ZLN 60.71±17.51 vs 53.31±13.8 in TLE group (p-value=0.0012)}. Also the non HDL-C levels {ZLN 130.2±39.51 vs 110.91±36.87 in TLE group (p-value <0.0005)} were higher in patients receiving ZLN drug regimen than those who were on TLE. Of the 200 HIV patients, 53 were taking ART for less than five years (mean 2.51±1.12 years), 109 were receiving ART between 5-10 years (mean 7.78±1.50 years), 38 patients were on ART treatment for more than 10 years (mean 11.73±0.76 years). A positive significant association between lipid derangement and disease/ ART duration was observed. conclusion: Lipid abnormalities were more in HIV patients on ZLN drug regimen, than those on TLE regimen. The longer course of disease/ART is associated with imminent lipoprotein derangement. Periodic monitoring of lipid levels are recommended in these patients

    Novel cross linked guar gum-g-poly(acrylate) porous superabsorbent hydrogels: Characterization and swelling behaviour in different environments

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    A new series of eco-friendly cross linked guar gum-g-poly(acrylate) porous superabsorbent hydrogels was prepared by in situ grafting polymerization and cross-linking on to a natural guar gum employing N,N-methylene bis acrylamide as cross linker. Morphological and structural characterization of the prepared hydrogels (SPHs) done by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and solid state C13 NMR spectroscopy confirmed formation of porous grafted and crosslinked hydrogel structure. Increase in cross linker concentration in the feed mass exhibited decrease in porosity and increase in density of the hydrogels. Swelling of an optimized hydrogel (SPH) in response to external stimuli namely, salt solutions, fertilizer solutions, temperature, and pH exhibited high swelling ratios in various environments. Swelling rate of the SPH was faster than the corresponding nonporous superabsorbent hydrogel. The prepared hydrogels can serve as excellent carriers of pesticides, fertilizers and agriculturally important microbes. Biocontrol formulations based on a representative SPH exhibited excellent shelf-life characteristics and bioefficacy against phytopathogenic fungus Pythium aphanidermatum

    Effect of conservation tillage, residue and nitrogen levels on soil nitrogen fractions and their contributions in nitrogen uptake in castor (Ricinus communis)

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    This experiment was conducted in rainfed semi-arid tropical Alfisol at Hayathnagar Research Farm of Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, during the period 1995 to 2014 to study the long-term effect of conservation agricultural practices on organic and inorganic N fractions in soil, their contribution to available N pool and N uptake in castor (Ricinus communis L.). The experiment was conducted in a strip split-split plot design with conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT) as main factors, surface application of sorghum stover @ 2 tonnes/ha (SS), fresh gliricidia loppings @ 2 tonnes/ha (GL) and ‘no’ residue (NR) as sub-factors and levels of N, viz. 0 (N0), 30 (N30), 60 (N60) and 90 (N90) kg N/ha as sub-sub factors. The results of the study revealed that increasing N levels influenced exchangeable ammonical N and nitrate N. Practice of conservation tillage, application of residues and nitrogen significantly influenced the hydrolysable organic N fractions in the soil. Among these, aminoacid N, hexosamine N, hydrolyzable NH 4 + and unidentified N constituted 52%, 8%, 13% and 27% of total hydrolysable N. Linear regression relationship between castor yield and total soil N and N uptake (R2 = 0.998) was found significant. Further, inter correlations between N fractions indicated free mobility among the N fractions. Hence, the build up of N in these pools can be significantly influenced by adoption of appropriate conservation agricultural practices on long term basis in rainfed Alfisols which are highly deficient in available soil N