12 research outputs found

    Phase structure of NJL model with weak renormalization group

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    We analyze the chiral phase structure of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and density by using the functional renormalization group (FRG). The renormalization group (RG) equation for the fermionic effective potential V(Ļƒ;t)V(\sigma;t) is given as a partial differential equation, where Ļƒ:=ĻˆĖ‰Ļˆ\sigma:=\bar \psi\psi and tt is a dimensionless RG scale. When the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DĻ‡\chiSB) occurs at a certain scale tct_c, V(Ļƒ;t)V(\sigma;t) has singularities originated from the phase transitions, and then one cannot follow RG flows after tct_c. In this study, we introduce the weak solution method to the RG equation in order to follow the RG flows after the DĻ‡\chiSB and to evaluate the dynamical mass and the chiral condensate in low energy scales. It is shown that the weak solution of the RG equation correctly captures vacuum structures and critical phenomena within the pure fermionic system. We show the chiral phase diagram on temperature, chemical potential and the four-Fermi coupling constant.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures; Version published in Nuclear Physics

    Singularity Free Direct calculation of spontaneous mass generation

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    We propose a new iterative method to directly calculate the spontaneous mass generation. It is regarded as a new regularization method resembling the ļ¬nite volume calculation which assures non-negative ļ¬‚uctuation property at every stage. We work with the Nambuā€“Jona-Lasinio model and the strong coupling gauge theory where the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking occurs. We are able to conclude the physical mass deļ¬nitely without encountering any singularity nor recourse to any additional consideration like the free energy comparison. However in special case of the 1st order phase transition, we ļ¬nd that the iterative method has a chance to go wrong

    Power Laws in Stochastic Processes for Social Phenomena: An Introductory Review

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    Many phenomena with power laws have been observed in various fields of the natural and social sciences, and these power laws are often interpreted as the macro behaviors of systems that consist of micro units. In this paper, we review some basic mathematical mechanisms that are known to generate power laws. In particular, we focus on stochastic processes including the Yule process and the Simon process as well as some recent models. The main purpose of this paper is to explain the mathematical details of their mechanisms in a self-contained manner