10 research outputs found

    Primeiro bebê nascido no Brasil após diagnóstico simultâneo por PGT-A não-invasivo e convencional

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    Non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (niPGT-A) aiming to assess cell-free embryonic DNA in spent culture media is promising, especially because it might overcome the diminished rates of implantation caused by the inadequate performance of trophectoderm (TE) biopsy. Our center is part of the largest study to date assessing the concordance between conventional PGT-A and niPGT-A, and we report here the delivery of the first baby born in Brazil using niPGT-A. The parents of the baby were admitted to our center in 2018. hey did not present history of infertility, and they were interested in using in vitro fertilization (IVF) and PGT-A in order to avoid congenital anomalies in the offspring. A total of 11 (3 day-5 and 8 day-6) expanded blastocysts were biopsied, and the spent culture media (culture from day-4 to day-6) from 8 day-6 blastocysts were collected for niPGT-A. Overall, 7 embryos yielded informative results for trophectoderm (TE) and media samples. Among the embryos with informative results, 5 presented concordant diagnosis between conventional PGT-A and niPGT-A, and 2 presented discordant diagnosis (1 false-positive and one false-negative). The Blastocyst 4, diagnosed as 46, XY by both niPGT-A and conventional PGT-A, was warmed up and transferred, resulting in the birth of a healthy 3.8 kg boy in February 2020. Based on our results and the recent literature, we believe that the safest current application of niPGT-A would be as a method of embryo selection for patients without an indication for conventional PGT-A. The approximate 80% of reliability of niPGT-A in the diagnosis of ploidy is superior to predictions provided by other non-invasive approaches like morphology and morphokinetics selection.Abordagens para o teste genético pré-implantacional não-invasivo para aneuploidias (non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies, niPGT-A, em inglês) com o objetivo de avaliar o DNA embrionário livre são promissoras, especialmente porque estas podem reverter as menores taxas de implantação causadas por inadequada biópsia de trofectoderma (TE). Nesse contexto, nosso centro é parte do maior estudo atual que avalia as taxas de concordância entre PGT-A convencional e niPGT-A, e relatamos aqui o nascimento do primeiro bebê brasileiro após niPGT-A. Os pais do bebê foram admitidos no nosso centro em 2018. Eles não apresentavam histórico de infertilidade, e estavam interessados em utilizar os tratamentos de fertilização in vitro (FIV) e PGT-A para evitar anomalias congênitas na progênie. Um total de 11 blastocistos expandidos (3 do dia-5 e 8 do dia-6) foram submetidos a biópsia, e os meios de cultivo condicionados (cultivo do dia-4 ao dia-6) de 8 blastocistos do dia-6 foram coletados para niPGT-A. No total, resultados informativos para as amostras de TE e dos meios foram obtidos para sete embriões. Entre os embriões com resultado informativo, 5 apresentaram diagnóstico concordante entre PGT-A convencional e niPGT-A, e 2 apresentaram diagnóstico discordante (1 falso positivo e 1 falso negativo). O Blastocisto 4, diagnosticado como 46, XY por ambos niPGT-A e PGT-A convencional, foi desvitrificado e transferido, o que resultou no nascimento de um menino saudável, que pesava 3,8 kg, em fevereiro de 2020. Com base em nossos resultados e literatura contemporânea, acreditamos que a aplicação atual mais segura do niPGT-A seria como método de seleção embrionária para pacientes sem indicação ao PGT-A convencional. A confiabilidade aproximada de 80% do niPGT-A para determinação da ploidia ainda é superior àquela obtida com abordagens não invasivas, como seleção morfológica ou morfocinética

    Effects of zinc transporters on Cryptococcus gattii virulence

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    Zinc is an essential nutrient for all living organisms because it is a co-factor of several important proteins. Furthermore, zinc may play an essential role in the infectiousness of microorganisms. Previously, we determined that functional zinc metabolism is associated with Cryptococcus gattii virulence. Here, we characterized the ZIP zinc transporters in this human pathogen. Transcriptional profiling revealed that zinc levels regulated the expression of the ZIP1, ZIP2 and ZIP3 genes, although only the C. gattii zinc transporter Zip1 was required for yeast growth under zinc-limiting conditions. To associate zinc uptake defects with virulence, the most studied cryptococcal virulence factors (i.e., capsule, melanin and growth at 37 °C) were assessed in ZIP mutant strains; however, no differences were detected in these classical virulence-associated traits among the mutant and WT strains. Interestingly, higher levels of reactive oxygen species were detected in the zip1Δ and in the zip1Δ zip2Δ double mutants. In line with these phenotypic alterations, the zip1Δ zip2Δ double mutant displayed attenuated virulence in a murine model of cryptococcosis. Together, these results indicate that adequate zinc uptake is necessary for cryptococcal fitness and virulence

    Distribuição e diversidade genética dos poliomavírus humanos JC e BK em águas superficiais e de estação de tratamento de esgoto durante 2009 em Porto Alegre, sul do Brasil

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    The human polyomaviruses JC and BK (JCPyV and BKPyV) are ubiquitous, species-specific viruses that belong to the family Polyomaviridae. These viruses are known to be excreted in human urine, and they are potential indicators of human wastewater contamination. In order to assess the distribution of both JCPyV and BKPyV in urban water samples collected from a sewage treatment plant (STP) and from a canalized water stream of Porto Alegre, Brazil, two nested-PCR assays were optimized and applied to the samples collected. The amplicons obtained were submitted to sequencing, and the sequences were analyzed with sequences of human polyomaviruses previously deposited in GenBank. Twelve out of 30 water samples (40%) were JCPyV positive, whereas six samples (20%) were BKPyV positive. The sequencing results confirmed the presence of JCPyV subtypes 1 and 3, whereas only BKPyV Ia and Ib were found. This study shows for the first time the presence of human polyomaviruses in surface water and in samples collected in a sewage treatment plant in southern Brazil.Os poliomavírus humanos JC e BK (JCPyV e BKPyV) são virus ubíquos, espécie-específicos, pertencentes à família Polyomaviridae. Estes vírus são conhecidos por serem excretados pela urina humana, sendo considerados potenciais indicadores de contaminação por águas residuais urbanas. Buscando acessar a distribuição de JCPyV e BKPyV em amostras de águas coletadas de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto e de um arroio canalizado de Porto Alegre, Brasil, duas técnicas de nested-PCR foram otimizadas e aplicadas às amostras coletadas. Os amplificados obtidos foram submetidos ao sequenciamento e suas sequências analisadas com base em sequências de poliomavírus humanos previamente depositadas no GenBank. Doze de 30 amostras de água (40%) foram positivas para JCPyV, enquanto 6 amostras (20%) foram positivas para BKPyV. Os resultados do sequenciamento confirmaram a presença dos subtipos 1 e 3 de JCPyV, enquanto apenas os BKPyV Ia e Ib foram encontrados. Este estudo demonstra pela primeira vez a presença de poliomavírus humanos em águas superficiais e em amostras coletadas em uma estação de tratamento de esgoto na região sul do Brasil

    Multicenter prospective study of concordance between embryonic cell-free DNA and trophectoderm biopsies from 1301 human blastocysts

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    Background: The recent identification of embryonic cell-free DNA in spent blastocyst media has opened a new era of possibilities for noninvasive embryo aneuploidy testing in assisted reproductive technologies. Yet, previous studies assessing a limited number of embryos reported variable concordance between embryonic cell-free DNA and trophectoderm biopsies, thus questioning the validity of this approach. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the concordance and reproducibility of testing embryonic cell-free DNA vs trophectoderm DNA obtained from the same embryo in a large sample of human blastocysts and to assess the contribution of the inner cell mass and trophectoderm to embryonic cell-free DNA released to the culture media. Study design: This is an interim analysis of a prospective, observational study among 8 in vitro fertilization centers in 4 continents to assess consistency between noninvasive embryo aneuploidy testing of embryonic cell-free DNA and conventional trophectoderm biopsy. The analysis included 1301 day-6/7 blastocysts obtained in 406 in vitro fertilization cycles from 371 patients aged 20-44 years undergoing preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy. Fresh oocytes underwent intracytoplasmic sperm injection or in vitro fertilization. No previous assisted hatching or vitrification was allowed before media collection. Individual spent blastocyst medium was collected from embryos cultured at least 40 hours from day 4. After media collection, conventional preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, comprising trophectoderm biopsy and blastocyst vitrification, was performed. Embryonic cell-free DNA was analyzed blindly after embryo transfer. Inner cell mass and trophectoderm biopsies were also performed in a subset of 81 aneuploid blastocysts donated for research. Results: Embryonic cell-free DNA analyses were 78.2% (866/1108) concordant with the corresponding trophectoderm biopsies. No significant differences were detected among centers ranging from 72.5% to 86.3%. Concordance rates exceeded 86% when all defined steps in the culture laboratory were controlled to minimize the impact of maternal and operator contamination. Sensitivity per center ranged from 76.5% to 91.3% and specificity from 64.7% to 93.3%. The false-negative rate was 8.3% (92/1108), and false-positive rate was 12.4% (137/1108). The 2 fertilization techniques provided similar sensitivity (80.9% vs 87.9%) and specificity (78.6% vs 69.9%). Multivariate analysis did not reveal any bias from patient clinical background, ovarian stimulation protocols, culture conditions, or embryo quality on testing accuracy of concordance. Moreover, concordances of embryonic cell-free DNA with trophectoderm and inner cell mass suggest that the embryonic cell-free DNA originates from both compartments of the human embryo. Conclusion: Noninvasive analysis of embryonic cell-free DNA in spent blastocyst culture media demonstrates high concordance with trophectoderm biopsy results in this large multicenter series. A noninvasive approach for prioritizing embryo euploidy offers important advantages such as avoiding invasive embryo biopsy and decreased cost, potentially increasing accessibility for a wider patient population