8,289 research outputs found


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    Our objectives in this paper were to summarize research relevant to obstacles that people with disabilities (PWD) face in the workplace and to identify directions for future research on the topic. We included review, theoretical, and empirical articles in mainstream management journals and those in psychology or rehabilitation journals if they had clear workplace implications. We argue that obstacles identified in prior research may only partially reflect organizational reality. This is because of the heavy reliance on laboratory studies, which we urge researchers to replicate in organizational settings. Better understanding of obstacles will lead to more evidence-based solutions where the payoff is a less exclusionary world in which more individuals are provided opportunities to use their talent for the benefit of all. .Disability, Workplace obstacles, Review

    Evidence for a quantum phase transition in the electron-doped cuprate Pr2-xCexCuO4+d from Hall and resistivity measurements

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    The doping and temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient, RH, and ab-plane resistivity in the normal state down to 350mK is reported for oriented films of the electron-doped high-Tc superconductor Pr2-xCexCuO4+d. The doping dependence of b (r=r0+AT^b) and R_sub_H (at 350 mK) suggest a quantum phase transition at a critical doping near x=0.165.Comment: 11 pages 4 figures Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 167001 (2004

    Move Forward and Tell: A Progressive Generator of Video Descriptions

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    We present an efficient framework that can generate a coherent paragraph to describe a given video. Previous works on video captioning usually focus on video clips. They typically treat an entire video as a whole and generate the caption conditioned on a single embedding. On the contrary, we consider videos with rich temporal structures and aim to generate paragraph descriptions that can preserve the story flow while being coherent and concise. Towards this goal, we propose a new approach, which produces a descriptive paragraph by assembling temporally localized descriptions. Given a video, it selects a sequence of distinctive clips and generates sentences thereon in a coherent manner. Particularly, the selection of clips and the production of sentences are done jointly and progressively driven by a recurrent network -- what to describe next depends on what have been said before. Here, the recurrent network is learned via self-critical sequence training with both sentence-level and paragraph-level rewards. On the ActivityNet Captions dataset, our method demonstrated the capability of generating high-quality paragraph descriptions for videos. Compared to those by other methods, the descriptions produced by our method are often more relevant, more coherent, and more concise.Comment: Accepted by ECCV 201

    X-ray Binaries and Globular Clusters in Elliptical Galaxies

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    The X-ray emission from normal elliptical galaxies has two major components: soft emission from diffuse gas and harder emission from populations of accreting (low-mass) stellar X-ray binaries (LMXB). If LMXB populations are tied to the field stellar populations in galaxies, their total X-ray luminosities should be proportional to the optical luminosities of galaxies. However, recent ASCA and Chandra X-ray observations show that the global luminosities of LMXB components in ellipticals exhibit significant scatter at a given optical luminosity. This scatter may reflect a range of evolutionary stages among LMXB populations in ellipticals of different ages. If so, the ratio of the global LMXB X-ray luminosity to the galactic optical luminosity, L_LMXB/L_opt, may be used to determine when the bulk of stars were formed in individual ellipticals. To test this, we compare variations in L_LMXB/L_opt for LMXB populations in ellipticals to optically-derived estimates of stellar ages in the same galaxies. We find no correlation, implying that L_LMXB/L_opt variations are not good age indicators for ellipticals. Alternatively, LMXBs may be formed primarily in globular clusters (through stellar tidal interactions), rather than in the stellar fields of galaxies. Since elliptical galaxies exhibit a wide range of globular cluster populations for a given galaxian luminosity, this may induce a dispersion in the LMXB populations of ellipticals with similar optical luminosities. Indeed, we find that L_LMXB/L_opt ratios for LMXB populations are strongly correlated with the specific globular cluster frequencies in elliptical galaxies. This suggests that most LMXBs were formed in globular clusters.Comment: 5 pages, emulateapj5 style, 2 embedded EPS figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Collective behavior of stock price movements in an emerging market

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    To investigate the universality of the structure of interactions in different markets, we analyze the cross-correlation matrix C of stock price fluctuations in the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. We find that this emerging market exhibits strong correlations in the movement of stock prices compared to developed markets, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). This is shown to be due to the dominant influence of a common market mode on the stock prices. By comparison, interactions between related stocks, e.g., those belonging to the same business sector, are much weaker. This lack of distinct sector identity in emerging markets is explicitly shown by reconstructing the network of mutually interacting stocks. Spectral analysis of C for NSE reveals that, the few largest eigenvalues deviate from the bulk of the spectrum predicted by random matrix theory, but they are far fewer in number compared to, e.g., NYSE. We show this to be due to the relative weakness of intra-sector interactions between stocks, compared to the market mode, by modeling stock price dynamics with a two-factor model. Our results suggest that the emergence of an internal structure comprising multiple groups of strongly coupled components is a signature of market development.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    The Discovery of a Companion to the Very Cool Dwarf Gl~569~B with the Keck Adaptive Optics Facility

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    We report observations obtained with the Keck adaptive optics facility of the nearby (d=9.8 pc) binary Gl~569. The system was known to be composed of a cool primary (dM2) and a very cool secondary (dM8.5) with a separation of 5" (49 Astronomical Units). We have found that Gl~569~B is itself double with a separation of only 0".101±\pm0".002 (1 Astronomical Unit). This detection demonstrates the superb spatial resolution that can be achieved with adaptive optics at Keck. The difference in brightness between Gl~569~B and the companion is \sim0.5 magnitudes in the J, H and K' bands. Thus, both objects have similarly red colors and very likely constitute a very low-mass binary system. For reasonable assumptions about the age (0.12~Gyr--1.0~Gyr) and total mass of the system (0.09~M_\odot--0.15~M_\odot), we estimate that the orbital period is \sim3 years. Follow-up observations will allow us to obtain an astrometric orbit solution and will yield direct dynamical masses that can constrain evolutionary models of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs

    A Probable Optical Counterpart for the Isolated Neutron Star RX J1308.6+2127

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    Using a very deep observation with HST/STIS, we have searched for an optical counterpart to the nearby radio-quiet isolated neutron star RX J1308.6+2127 (RBS 1223). We have identified a single object in the 90% Chandra error circle that we believe to be the optical counterpart. This object has m50CCD=28.56±0.13m_{50CCD}=28.56\pm0.13 mag, which translates approximately to an unabsorbed flux of Fλ=(1.7±0.3)e20F_{\lambda}=(1.7 \pm 0.3)e-20 ergs/s/cm^2/A at 5150 A or an X-ray-to-optical flux ratio of log(fX/fopt)=4.9log(f_X/f_opt)=4.9. This flux is a factor of 5\approx 5 above the extrapolation of the black-body fit to the X-ray spectrum, consistent with the optical spectra of other isolated neutron stars. Without color information we cannot conclude that this source is indeed the counterpart of RX J1308.6+2127. If not, then the counterpart must have m50CCD>29.6m_{50CCD} > 29.6 mag, corresponding to a flux that is barely consistent with the extrapolation of the black-body fit to the X-ray spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Uses emulateapj5.sty, onecolfloat5.sty. Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Optical Detection of Two Intermediate Mass Binary Pulsar Companions

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    We report the detection of probable optical counterparts for two Intermediate Mass Binary Pulsar (IMBP) systems, PSR J1528-3146 and PSR J1757-5322. Recent radio pulsar surveys have uncovered a handful of these systems with putative massive white dwarf companions, thought to have an evolutionary history different from that of the more numerous class of Low Mass Binary Pulsars (LMBPs) with He white dwarf companions. The study of IMBP companions via optical observations offers us several new diagnostics: the evolution of main sequence stars near the white-dwarf-neutron star boundary, the physics of white dwarfs close to the Chandrasekhar limit, and insights into the recycling process by which old pulsars are spun up to high rotation frequencies. We were unsuccessful in our attempt to detect optical counterparts of PSR J1141-6545, PSR J1157-5112, PSR J1435-6100, and PSR J1454-5846.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ