56 research outputs found

    Effect of Omega-3 Deficiency and Positional Distribution of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Triacylglycerols on Tissue Lipids in Rats

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    Triacylglycerols (TAGs) are mostly chiral and they are metabolized in the chiral environment. They are not only a source of energy but also provide essential fatty acids (FAs). Long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids [LC (n-3) PUFAs] are derivatives of essential FA α-linolenic acid. Dietary LC (n-3) PUFAs, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have been associated with normal retinal and neural development and prevention of cardiovascular and circulatory disorders among other biological effects. Various structures of lipids in food products can modulate the release and bioavailability of FAs during digestion and subsequent metabolic fate of FAs. The current knowledge of the bioavailability of these LC (n-3) PUFAs from different TAG structures lies on the fish oil to seal oil comparisons as LC (n-3) PUFAs, mainly EPA and DHA, are located predominantly in the sn-2 position in fish and squid oil, but in the sn-1 and sn-3 positions in seal oil. Despite of numerous biological functions of LC (n-3) PUFAs, very little is known about the absorption of DHA from the stereospecific forms of TAGs, especially from the enantiospecific TAGs. Before recent advances in the synthesis of enantiospecific structured TAGs, the investigation of the impact of dietary TAG structure on the absorption of FAs from sn-1 and sn-3 positions of TAGs has been limited. The aim of the current work was to investigate the effect of mild (n-3) deficiency and the effect of TAG structure on the extent of accumulation of DHA in organs, the bioavailability of DHA in plasma and feces, as well as on body weight, and organ weight. The effect of short-term first generation (n-3) deficiency was studied in a 33 day feeding trial on the lipid composition of different organs, plasma, and feces in rats. The effect of TAG structure on the FA content and composition of the different organs, plasma, and feces was investigated in a 5 day feeding trial with 360 mg/d enantiopure (> 96%) structured TAGs [sn-DHA-18:0-18:0 (sn-1 DHA) and sn-18:0-18:0-DHA (sn-3 DHA)] and their regioisomer [sn-18:0-DHA-18:0, sn-2 DHA). The lipids were extracted from organs, plasma, and feces, transformed into fatty acid methyl esters and analyzed by gas chromatography. The (n-3) deficiency resulted in lower DHA levels in the plasma, brain, testicle, visceral fat, heart, and lungs. The DHA level of the visceral fat of (n-3) deficient animals was 14% of the visceral fat of (n-3) adequately fed animals, being most affected by the (n-3) deficient diet feeding. The brain DHA was least affected with the DHA level of the (n-3) deficient animals being 86% of the (n-3) adequate animals. The DHA level of the organs was affected in the order of visceral fat > liver triacylglycerols > lung > heart > liver phospholipids > testis > eye > brain. The effect of feeding structured TAGs for 5 days following an (n-3) deficient diet resulted in less secretion of fecal DHA from the sn-2 position compared with the sn-1 and sn-3 positions suggesting superior absorption of DHA from the sn-2 position. A significantly higher level of DHA in the sn-1 DHA group compared to sn-3 DHA group in the liver TAG showed the difference in the absorption of DHA between the two primary positions of dietary TAG. The eye of the sn-1 DHA group led to a small but insignificant increase in DHA level compared to the sn-3 DHA group and stearic acid (18:0, STA) in liver PLs was found to be significantly higher sn-1 DHA group as compared to the sn-3 DHA group. This indicated a possible difference in the absorption of FAs from sn-1 and sn-3 positions of TAG. This work provides the information to evaluate the conditions needed to reach mild (n-3) deficiency in the first generation of rats and to evaluate the feasibility to collect data from a variety of organs. Also, the short term feeding of structured TAGs provides evidence on the possible differences in the absorption of DHA from the primary positions (sn-1 and sn-3) of TAG in the liver TAG fraction. Together, this work shed light on the influence of the positional distribution of DHA in dietary TAGs on plasma, fecal, and organ lipids and (n-3) deficiency on the bioavailability of DHA strengthening the current understanding of lipid biochemistry.Triasyyliglyserolit (TAG) ovat enimmÀkseen kiraalisia ja niiden aineenvaihdunta tapahtuu kiraalisessa ympÀristössÀ. Ne eivÀt ole vain energialÀhde, vaan ne sisÀltÀvÀt myös vÀlttÀmÀttömiÀ rasvahappoja. PitkÀketjuiset monityydyttymÀttömÀt omega-3 rasvahapot [LC (n-3) PUFA:t] ovat vÀlttÀmÀttömÀn α-linoleenihapon johdannaisia. Ruokavalion LC (n-3) PUFA:t, erityisesti dokosaheksaeenihappo (DHA), on yhdistetty verkkokalvon ja hermoston normaaliin kehitykseen sekÀ sydÀn- ja verisuonisairauksien sekÀ verenkiertohÀiriöiden ehkÀisyyn, muiden biologisten vaikutusten ohella. Elintarvikkeiden erilaiset lipidirakenteet voivat vaikuttaa rasvahappojen vapautumiseen ja biosaatavuuteen ruoansulatuksen aikana sekÀ niiden myöhempÀÀn aineenvaihduntaan. Nykyinen tieto LC (n-3) PUFA:ien biosaatavuudesta eri TAGrakenteista perustuu kalaöljyn ja hyljeöljyn vertailuun, koska eikosapentaeenihappo (EPA) ja DHA sijaitsevat pÀÀasiassa sn-2 -asemassa kala- ja kalmariöljyssÀ, mutta sn-1 ja sn-3 -asemissa hyljeöljyssÀ. PitkÀketjuisten (n-3) rasvahappojen lukuisista biologisista toiminnoista huolimatta on hyvin vÀhÀn tietoa siitÀ, miten DHA:n tarkka sitoutumiskohta (sn-1, sn-2, sn-3) TAG-molekyylissÀ vaikuttaa imeytymiseen. Ennen viimeaikaista edistystÀ enantiospesifisten strukturoitujen TAG:ien synteesissÀ, ravinnon TAG-rakenteen vkutusta rasvahappojen imeytymiseen TAG:ien sn-1- ja sn-3-asemista on tutkittu hyvin vÀhÀn. TÀmÀn vÀitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten lievÀ (n-3) rasvahappojen puute ja TAG-rakenne vaikuttavat DHA:n kerÀÀntymiseen eri elimiin, DHA:n biosaatavuuteen mÀÀrittÀmÀllÀ plasman ja ulosteen DHA-pitoisuudet, sekÀ koe-elÀimen ja sen elinten painoon. VÀitöskirjatyön 33 pÀivÀÀ kestÀneessÀ ruokintakokeessa tutkittiin lyhytaikaisen, ensimmÀisen sukupolven (n-3) rasvahappojen puutteen vaikutusta rottien eri elinten, plasman ja ulosteiden lipidikoostumukseen. TAG-rakenteen vaikutusta eri elinten, plasman ja ulosteiden rasvahappopitoisuuteen ja -koostumukseen tarkasteltiin viisi pÀivÀÀ kestÀneessÀ ruokintakokeessa, jossa 360 mg enantiopuhtaita (> 96 %) TAG-isomeereja [stereoisomeerit sn-DHA-18:0-18:0 (sn-1 DHA) ja sn-18:0-18:0-DHA (sn-3 DHA), niiden regioisomeeri sn-18:0-DHA-18:0, sn-2 DHA] sisÀllytettiin rottien ruokavalioon pÀivittÀin (n-3) rasvappojen puutetta aiheuttavan jakson jÀlkeen. Lipidit uutettiin elimistÀ, plasmasta ja ulosteista. Rasvahapot muunnettiin niiden metyyliestereiksi ja analysoitiin kaasukromatografialla. (n-3) puutos johti alhaisempiin DHA-tasoihin plasmassa, aivoissa, kiveksissÀ, sisÀelimiÀ ympÀröivÀssÀ rasvassa, sydÀmessÀ ja keuhkoissa. (n-3) puutoksessa elÀinten sisÀelinten ympÀrillÀ olevan rasvan DHA-taso laski eniten verrattuna riittÀvÀsti ruokittujen elÀinten sisÀelinten rasvan DHA-tasoon ollen siitÀ vain 14 %. Tutkituista elimistÀ vÀhiten vaikutusta ruokinnalla oli aivojen DHA:n mÀÀrÀÀn. (n-3) puutoksessa aivojen DHA-taso oli 86 % (n-3) rasvahappoja riittÀvÀsti saaneiden koe-elÀinten aivojen DHA-tasosta. Elinten DHA-tasoon (n-3) rasvahappoja puutteellisesti sisÀltÀnyt ruokinta vaikutti seuraavassa jÀrjestyksessÀ: sisÀelimiÀ ympÀröivÀ rasva > maksan triasyyliglyserolit > keuhkot > sydÀn > maksan fosfolipidit > kivekset > silmÀt > aivot. Kun (n-3) puutteellisen ruokavalion jÀlkeen strukturoituja TAG:eja sisÀllytettiin ruokavalioon 5 pÀivÀn ajan, DHA:ta erittyi vÀhemmÀn ulosteeseen ruokavalion DHA:n sijaitessa sn-2-asemassa verrattuna sn-1- ja sn-3-asemiin, mikÀ viittaa DHA:n parempaan imeytymiseen sn-2-asemasta. MerkittÀvÀsti korkeammat DHA-tasot maksan TAG:eissa sn-1-DHA-ryhmÀssÀ verrattuna sn-3-DHAryhmÀÀn osoittivat eron DHA:n imeytymisessÀ ravinnon TAG:n kahden primaarisen aseman vÀlillÀ. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettÀ sn-1 DHA-ryhmÀn silmien DHA-pitoisuus oli vÀhÀn, mutta ei merkittÀvÀsti suurempi verrattuna sn-3 DHA-ryhmÀÀn. LisÀksi havaittiin, ettÀ steariinihapon mÀÀrÀ maksan fosfolipideissÀ oli merkitsevÀsti korkeampi sn-1 DHA-ryhmÀssÀ verrattuna sn-3 DHA-ryhmÀÀn. TÀmÀ viittaa mahdolliseen eroon rasvahappojen imeytymisessÀ TAG:n sn-1- ja sn-3-asemista. VÀitöskirjatyö antaa tieteellistÀ tietoa arvioitaessa olosuhteita lievÀn (n-3) puutteen saavuttamiseksi ensimmÀisessÀ rottasukupolvessa sekÀ auttaa tulevia tutkimuksia pohdittaessa datan kerÀÀmistÀ useista eri elimistÀ. VÀitöskirjatutkimus TAG-rakenteen vaikutuksesta DHA:n biosaatavuuteen tarjoaa todisteita siitÀ, ettÀ DHA:n imeytymisen erot TAG:n primaarisista asemista (sn-1 ja sn-3) nÀkyvÀt eroina maksan TAG:ssa. Yhteenvetona tÀmÀ työ tarjosi tieteellistÀ tietoa ravinnon TAG:en DHA:n paikkajakauman vaikutuksesta plasman, ulosteiden ja elinten lipideihin sekÀ (n-3) puutoksen vaikutuksesta DHA:n biosaatavuuteen vahvistaen nykyistÀ ymmÀrrystÀ lipidien biokemiasta

    Text Mining Method to Develop D-Matrix for Fault Diagnosis

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    The D-matrix is one amongst the quality diagnostic models specified by IEEE Standard. This framework catches underlying connections between symptoms and failure modes in structured fashion. This framework is called as Dependency or Diagnosis framework (D-matrix).Proposed system describes text mining method based on an ontology to develop D-matrix by mining repair verbatim written in unstructured text. Here repair verbatim are collected during fault diagnosis. Then mining algorithms are applied to find dependencies. D-Matrix is constructed for different dataset, then we generate a combined D-matrix by taking common parameters from each D-matrix and then a graph is formed for that D-matrix

    Study of antepartum hemorrhage and its maternal and perinatal outcome at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Antepartum haemorrhages are defined as bleeding from or into the genital tract after the period of viability untill delivery of the fetus. APH complicates 3-5% of pregnancies and is a leading cause of perinatal and maternal mortality worldwide. Objective of this study is to quantitate maternal morbidity, mortality and perinatal outcome in patients with APH at a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A retrospective observational study was carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Smt. Kashibai Navale medical college and general hospital, Pune. Patient information was obtained from the delivery records of 2018, 2019 and 2020. Patients presenting after the gestational age of 28 weeks with antepartum haemorrhage were included in the study.Results: Out of 100 cases of APH, abruptio placenta contributes to 60%, placenta previa to 37% and 3 cases were due to unknown cause. Overall maternal mortality was 3% and perinatal mortality was 23% in abruptio placentas compared to 13% in cases with placenta previa. Main cause of perinatal mortality was prematurity69%.Conclusions: Antepartum haemorrhage is one of the leading cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. These cases should be deliverd at a centre with transfusion facility, NICU facility and by the obstetrician skilled in controlling intraoperative haemorrhage by stepwise devascularising sutures. Timely decision of uterine tamponade can also save few ceaserean hysterectomies

    Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation of Severe Cerebral Palsy

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    Persons with Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels IV and V are considered as severe cerebral palsy (CP) and are non-ambulatory. These persons are at a higher risk of complications such as hip displacement (sub-luxation or dislocation), spinopelvic deformities, musculoskeletal pain, low bone mineral density and low energy fracture. The recommended management strategy at present for this group is wheelchair-aided mobility, with which none of these complications can be prevented. There is a strong need to evaluate alternative methods of treatment that can allow assisted ambulation in persons with severe CP. The role of Single Event Multilevel Lever Arm Restoration and AntiSpasticity Surgery (SEMLARASS) and protocol-based active rehabilitation on gross motor function and ambulation of non-ambulatory persons with CP at GMFCS levels IV and V is examined. Active rehabilitation involves making the person with severe CP active through most of the waking hours and participating actively in the rehabilitation. A well-planned and executed SEMLARASS, followed by intensive, protocol-based, sequenced multidisciplinary active rehabilitation, provides the persons with GMFCS levels IV and V a significant functional improvement in gross motor function and mobility

    Systemic review and analysis of research on Amlapitta

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    The disease Amlapitta is a common functional disease of Annavaha Srotas. Materialistic life style provoke people to run behind a busy, stressful life which is least concern towards proper food habits. “Hurry”,“Worry” & “Curry” are the main causes for disease Amlapitta. Amlapitta is a disease prevalent all over the world. The increasing prevalence rate is a constant challenge to the research workers. So here an attempt has been made to analyze the research work about to manage Amlapitta. In this article, systemic review of 4 research (held at Government Ayurved College & Hospital, Nanded) had been carried out

    Data Safeguarding against Internal and External Threats

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    Today, many organisations use Information Systems to manage their sensitive and critical business related information. The need to protect such a key component of the organisation, and avoid data theft cannot be overemphasised. Data theft can be defined as the act of stealing computer-based information from an unknowing victim with the intent of compromising privacy or obtaining confidential information. The project on which this paper is based deals with the safeguarding of data against internal as well as external threats. The internal threats in this project deal with leakage of data from within an organisation by the means of mountable devices such as USB drives, while the external threats that are considered are those that corrupt data and cause its loss by means of ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malware for data kidnapping, an exploit in which the attacker encrypts the victim's data and demands payment for the decryption key. This paper describes the ways to thwart such external attacks by monitoring a set of folders for early detection of ransomware. On the other hand, internal threats are handling by means of encrypting data while transferring it over USB drives and other mountable devices

    Neuroregenerative-Rehabilitative Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury

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    Spinal cord injury is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Current mainstay treatment strategies consist of surgical and medical management in acute and subacute stage. Rehabilitative management in the chronic stage. None of the existing strategies can repair the damage to the spinal cord and recover neurological functioning. Stem cells have promising results in pre-clinical and clinical studies. Various pre-clinical studies have evidenced neuro-regenerative capabilities of stem cells and shown neural recovery. Clinical studies have also shown improvements in neurological functions and quality of life. This chapter discusses about different types of cells available, routes of administration available to transplant these cells, dosages of cell and optimum time after injury at which cells should be transplanted based on world-wide literature. We have also discussed results following our protocol of intrathecal transplantation of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells. Although, not a cure, stem cell therapy further improves quality of life, functional independence and reduces secondary complications when combined with existing treatment strategies; neuroregenerative rehabilitative therapy

    Stem Cell Therapy in Pediatric Neurological Disabilities

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    Pediatric neurological disorders represent a major part of the disabilities worldwide. In over 10 decades of research to find a cure for these disorders, medical science has not been able to repair the underlying brain injury. This chapter focuses on recent advances in the application of stem cells as a therapeutic tool for some of the common neurodevelopmental disorders (cerebral palsy, autism, intellectual disability and muscular dystrophy). The mechanism of action of stem cells in each disorder has been explained. A review of clinical data has been described giving a clear understanding of current status of stem cell therapy in these disorders. Various factors influencing the outcome of stem cell therapy such as different types of cells, different routes of administration and dosage and frequency of transplantation have also been discussed. Our experience of treating these disorders is exhibited in the form of our published data. Use of novel monitoring tools such as MRI MSK and PET‐CT scan brain to track the changes occurring at cellular level after stem cell therapy are described. We also highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach of combining rehabilitation with stem cell therapy

    Tissue-Specific Content of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in (n-3) Deficiency State of Rats

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    The dietary intake of fatty acids (FAs) affects the composition and distribution of FAs in the body. Here, a first-generation (n-3)-deficiency study was conducted by keeping young (age 21 & PLUSMN; 2 days) Sprague-Dawley male rats on a peanut-oil-based diet for 33 days after weaning in order to compare the effect of mild (n-3)-deficiency on the lipid composition of different organs and feces. Soybean-oil-based diet was used as a control. The plasma FA levels corresponded to FAs levels in the organs. Lower docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content was detected in the plasma, brain, testis, visceral fat, heart, and lungs of the (n-3)-deficient group, whereas the DHA content of the eye and feces did not differ between the experimental groups. The DHA content of the brains of the (n-3)-deficient group was 86% of the DHA content of the brains of the (n-3)-adequate group. The DHA level of the organs was affected in the order of visceral fat > liver triacylglycerols > lung > heart > liver phospholipids > testis > eye > brain, with brain being least affected. The low levels of (n-3) FAs in the liver, brain, eye, heart, and lung were offset by an increase in the (n-6) FAs, mainly arachidonic acid. These results indicate that, in rats, adequate maternal nutrition during pregnancy and weaning does not provide enough (n-3) FAs for 33 days of an (n-3)-deficient diet. Results of this study can be used also to evaluate the conditions needed to reach mild (n-3) deficiency in the first generation of rats and to evaluate the feasibility to collect data from a variety of organs or only selected ones
