18 research outputs found

    Postupci pakovanja u modifikovanoj atmosveri radi produženja vremena skladištenja klica leblebija (Cicer Arietinum l.)

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    The physicochemical and microbial changes in fresh chickpea sprouts during MA storage at 10°C temperatures and 75 % RH and ambient were examined by monitoring chickpea sprouts weight loss, pH, hypocotyl color changes, texture in terms of hardness, supported by overall visual quality evaluation and microbial infection by yeast and mold enumeration. Under MA storage, chickpea sprouts having different void volume in PP and LDPE polymeric films were stored for a week at 10°C temperature under MAP. In-pack gaseous composition was least in PP as compared with LDPE polymeric films. The PLW (%) was significantly lesser in 200g pack followed by 100; 150 g of sprouted chickpea samples packed PP films than those in LDPE polymeric film packs. Best hardness was maintained by 200g PP and 150g LDPE packaging treatment. Visual evaluation indicates that chickpea sprouts sample packed in 200g PP package received highest significant score. Yeast and mold growth appears to significantly contribute to microbial spoilage of chickpea sprouts, using modified atmosphere may restrict the spoilage problems caused by molds and yeast. Chickpea sprouts packed in Polypropylene (PP) was highly effective in maintaining the physic-textural and microbial analysis as evident by visual evaluation. The LDPE film package did not favorably affect the storage life of chickpea sprouts.Fiziko-hemijske i mikrobiološke promene na svežim klicama leblebija tokom MA skladištenja na temperaturi od 10°C i vlažnosti od 75 % su ispitivane praćenjem gubitka mase, pH, promene boje i tvrdoće, uz opštu vizuelnu procenu kvaliteta i mikrobiološke infekcije brojem kvasaca i plesni. Klice leblebija različitih zapremina su držane u PP i LDPE polimer filmovima sedam dana na 10°C u MAP uslovima. Sastav gasova u pakovanju je bio najmanji u PP u poređenju sa LDPE polimer filmovima. PLW (%) je značajno niža u pakovanjima od 200g, 100g i 150g (redom) od PP filma nego onih u pakovanju od LDPE filma. Tvrdoća je najbolje očuvana kod pakovanja 200g PP i 150g LDPE. Vizuelnom procenom najbolji rezultat je dobio uzorak iz pakovanja 200g PP. Porast kvasaca i plesni značajno doprinosi mikrobiološkom kvarenju klica, a upotreba modifikovane atmosvere može da redukuje ove efekte. Pakovanje od polipropilena (PP) veoma efikasno je održavalo fizičke i mikrobiološke osobine i teksturu klica, što je i vizuelno potvrđeno. LDPE pakovanje nije značajno uticalo na smanjenje vremena skladištenja klica leblebija

    Ispitivanje transpiracije klica leblebija (Cicer arietinum L.) u zatvorenom modifikovanom atmosverskom sistemu

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    Transpiration is an important physiological process that affects the quality attributes of chickpea sprouts, such as package weight, color, appearance and texture. A loss in weight of only 5% may cause fresh produce to lose freshness and appear wilted and it is an important parameter to be considered while designing appropriate packaging system. To measure the transpiration rate an experimental setup was developed to monitor the mass loss of chickpea sprouts at different atmospheric temperatures (5, 10 and 15°C) and 75, 85 and 95% relative humidity. Mass loss of fresh packed chickpea sprouts was measured and transpiration rates were calculated for each treatment. Transpiration rate of sprouts varied from 1.85 mg•cm-2•h-1 to 2.15 mg•cm-2•h-1 under all the combinations of temperature and humidity tested.Transpiracija je značajan fiziološki proces koji utiče na osobine kvaliteta klica leblebija, kao što su težina pakovanja, boja, izgled i tekstura. Smanjenje težine od samo 5% može da izazove gubitak svežine svežeg proizvoda i pojavu uvenuća, što je važan parametar, koji se uzima u razmatranje pri projektovanju odgovarajućeg sistema pakovanja. Za merenje intenziteta transpiracije razvijen je eksperimentalni uređaj za praćenje gubitka mase klica leblebija pri različitim temperaturama (5, 10 i 15°C) i relativnim vlažnostima (75, 85 i 95%) vazduha. Meren je gubitak mase sveže upakovanih klica leblebija i izračunavani su intenziteti transpiracije za svaki tretman. Intenzitet transpiracije klica je varirao od 1.85 mg•cm-2•h-1 do 2.15 mg•cm-2•h-1 pri svim ispitivanim kombinacijama temperature i vlažnosti

    Respiratorno ponašanje zrele svetlo zelene guave (Psidium guajava L.) u zatvorenom sistemu

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    Respiratory behavior is an important aspect in designing and operating systems such as controlled and modified atmosphere storage that will extend the shelf life of the perishable produce. The respiration rate and respiratory quotient of fresh Guava (Psidium guajava L. cv. ‘Safeda’) fruit harvested at the mature light-green stage were determined under closed system at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 35°C (ambient) temperatures. The respiration rate based on carbon dioxide production in aerobic condition decreased about 46% relative to air atmosphere. However the oxygen consumption sharply reduced to 31% relative to air atmosphere at 25°C temperature. The results suggest that, the respiration rate of Guava increased with temperature and decrease with storage time. Results of the study can be applied to design suitable packaging system for shelf life extension of Guava.Respiratorno ponašanje je važan aspekt u projektovanju i rukovanju sistemima kao što je kontrolisana i modifikovana atmosfera skladišta koja će produžiti period skladištenja. Stepen respiracije i koeficijent respiracije sveže guave (Psidium guajava L. cv. ‘Safeda’), ubrane u zreloj svetlo-zelenoj fazi, određeni su u zatvorenom sistemu pri ambijentalnim temperaturama od 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 i 35°C. Stepen respiracije zasnovan na proizvodnji ugljendioksida u aerobnim uslovima opao je za 46% u odnosu na atmosverski vazduh. Potrošnja kiseonika se značajno smanjila na 31% u odnosu na atmosverski vazduh pri temperaturi od 25°C. Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da se stepen respiracije guave povećava sa povećanjem temperature, a smanjuje sa produženjem vremena skladištenja. Rezultati ovih istraživanja mogu se primeniti pri projektovanju optimalnih sistema za pakovanje kojima bi se produžio period skladištenja guave

    Modeli stope respiracije svežih klica leblebija (Cicer Arietinum L.) u modifikovanom atmosverskom pakovanju

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    The closed system glass container headspace gaseous composition, in terms of O2 and CO2 concentrations, in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) of Chickpea Sprouts (Cicer arietinum L.) at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25oC temperature were respectively monitored within 5h by a O2/CO2 gas analyzer. The respiration rate of Chickpea sprouts under modified atmosphere packaging at any instant of time were calculated by a C+ program based on closed system. The dependence of respiration rate on gas composition was well described by a Michaelis-Menten type enzyme kinetic model equation with uncompetitive type of mixed CO2 inhibition. The model parameters were estimated by fitting the model to the experimental data by non-linear regression using GraphPad Prism 5. The relationship between enzyme kinematics model parameters and temperature was well described by the Arrhenius equation. The results suggest that, the respiration rate of Chickpea sprouts as well as kinematic parameters increased with temperature. Results of the study can be applied to the MAP design for Chickpea sprouts.Sastav gasova na vrhu staklenog kontejnera u zatvorenom sistemu, uključujući koncentracije O2 i CO2, u modifikovanom atmosverskom pakovanju (MAP) klica leblebija (Cicer arietinum L.) pri temperaturama od 5, 10, 15, 20 i 25oC je praćen pojedinačno u periodima od po 5 časova O2/CO2 gas analizatorom. Stopa respiracije svežih klica leblebija u modifikovanom atmosverskom pakovanju proračunavana je u realnom vremenu C+ programom zasnovanim na zatvorenom sistemu. Zavisnost stope respiracije od sastava gasova je dobro opisana jednačinom Michaelis-Menten tipa enzimskog kinetičkog modela sa nekonkurentnim tipom inhibicije izmešanog CO2. Parametri modela su procenjeni prilagođavanjem modela eksperimentalnim podacima primenom nelinearne regresije u GraphPad Prism 5. Odnos između parametara modela kinematike enzima i temperature bila je dobro pisana Arrhenius jednačinom. Rezultati ukazuju na porast stope respiracije klica leblebija i kinematičkih parametara sa porastom temperature. Rezultati studije mogu se primeniti na proračun MAP za klice leblebija

    Estimation of Carbon Footprint of Residential Building in Warm Humid Climate of India through BIM

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    In recent years Asian Nations showed concern over the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of their civil infrastructure. This study presents a contextual investigation of a residential apartment complex in the territory of the southern part of India. The LCA is performed through Building Information Modelling (BIM) software embedded with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) of materials utilized in construction, transportation of materials and operational energy use throughout the building lifecycle. The results of the study illustrate that cement is the material that most contributes to carbon emissions among the other materials looked at in this study. The operational stage contributed the highest amount of carbon emissions. This study emphasizes variation in the LCA results based on the selection of a combination of definite software-database combinations and manual-database computations used. For this, three LCA databases were adopted (GaBi database and ecoinvent databases through One Click LCA software), and the ICE database was used for manual calculations. The ICE database showed realistic value comparing the GaBi and ecoinvent databases. The findings of this study are valuable for the policymakers and practitioners to accomplish optimization of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions over the building life cycle

    Orthorhombic charge density wave on the tetragonal lattice of EuAl4_4

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    EuAl4 possesses the BaAl4_4 crystal structure type with tetragonal symmetry I4/mmm. It undergoes a charge density wave (CDW) transition at TCDW_{CDW} = 145 K and features four consecutive antiferromagnetic phase transitions below 16 K. Here we use single-crystal X-ray diffraction to determine the incommensurately modulated crystal structure of EuAl4_4 in its CDW state. The CDW is shown to be incommensurate with modulation wave vector qq = (0,0,0.1781 (3)) at 70 K. The symmetry of the incommensurately modulated crystal structure is orthorhombic with superspace group Fmmm(00σ)s00, where Fmmm is a subgroup of I4/mmm of index 2. Both the lattice and the atomic coordinates of the basic structure remain tetragonal. Symmetry breaking is entirely due to the modulation wave, where atoms Eu and Al1 have displacements exclusively along a, while the fourfold rotation would require equal displacement amplitudes along a and b. The calculated band structure of the basic structure and interatomic distances in the modulated crystal structure both indicate the Al atoms as the location of the CDW. The tem­per­ature dependence of the specific heat reveals an anomaly at TCDW_{CDW} = 145 K of a magnitude similar to canonical CDW systems. The present discovery of orthorhombic symmetry for the CDW state of EuAl4_4 leads to the suggestion of monoclinic instead of orthorhombic symmetry for the third AFM state

    Orthorhombic charge density wave on the tetragonal lattice of EuAl4

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    EuAl4 possesses the BaAl4 crystal structure type with tetragonal symmetry I4/mmm. It undergoes a charge-density-wave (CDW) transition at TCDW = 145 K and it features four consecutive antiferromagnetic phase transitions below 16 K. Here, we use single-crystal x-ray diffraction to determine incommensurately modulated crystal structure of EuAl4 in its CDW state. The CDW is shown to be incommensurate with modulation wave vector q = (0, 0, 0.1781(3)) at 70 K. The symmetry of the incommensurately modulated crystal structure is orthorhombic with superspace group Fmmm(00{\sigma})s00, where Fmmm is a subgroup of I4/mmm of index 2. Both the lattice and the atomic coordinates of the basic structure remain tetragonal. Symmetry breaking is entirely due to the modulation wave, where atoms Eu and Al1 have displacements exclusively along a, while the fourfold rotation would require equal displacement amplitudes along a and b. The calculated band structure of the basic structure and interatomic distances in the modulated crystal structure both indicate the aluminum atoms as location of the CDW. The temperature dependence of the specific heat reveals an anomaly at TCDW = 145 K of a magnitude similar to canonical CDW systems. The present discovery of orthorhombic symmetry for the CDW state of EuAl4 leads to the suggestion of monoclinic instead of orthorhombic symmetry for the third AFM state