83 research outputs found

    Developing practice or management struggle? Barriers to effective youth work practice with young women living with violence [thesis]

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    The research process described in this thesis brought to consciousness, for myself, the researcher, and for the youth work practitioners involved, the limitations placed upon their ability to practice effective youth work by the divergent understanding of `youth work\u27 held by those responsible for either managing or funding the services in which they worked. The study set out to discover why youth work practitioners were not identifying or responding to the needs of young women living with violence at home. The study sought to identify the problem and then to formulate practical strategies to enhance youth worker knowledge and skills in working with this group of young people. What was discovered, however, is that the thirteen youth work practitioners involved in the study lacked confidence in their understanding and ability to respond to the needs of these young women; whereas, through focus group discussion and the development of concept maps they demonstrated that they do have a good understanding of the issues surrounding family violence, which young people might be affected and what sorts of supports might be useful for them

    Killing ostriches: Young women, family violence and youth work

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    Using a phenomenological approach, this study, Killing Ostriches sought to investigate the experience of violence in the home of a small group of young women living in the northern suburbs of Perth. Seven young women between the ages of 17-26 took part in the study. Five of these young women claimed to have experienced violence in their family of origin and the: remaining two, introduced for triangulation purposes, claimed not to have done so. The study sought, not only to explore the lived experience of violence in the home for these young women, but to also investigate their experience of youth work practice. Accounts of family violence provided indicate the significance and meaning of family violence for participants. What the study was not able to do is to provide accounts of aspects of youth work practice perceived as beneficial or detrimental by the young women involved in the study as none of them were aware of the availability of youth workers. They were unaware of other supports available to them and were also scared that if anyone found out, their situation would become intolerable. Each of these women chose not to disclose to anyone outside their immediate environment. For some of these young women I was the first person to whom they had disclosed much of their story. The study provides a better understanding of why it is that young women who have experienced violence in their family of origin do not disclose to others who might be in a position to support them and possibly stop the violence. The young women in this study were isolated from their peers and any support mechanisms that might have been available to them. The study, therefore, provides further insight into why it is that young women living in a violent environment choose to remain silent thereby maintaining the isolation associated with family violence. What is clear is that young women who have experienced violence, no matter what form that violence might have taken or where it is placed on the continuum of violence, have a need to discuss their experience with an individual they feel confident will support them according to their needs. What is also clear is that these particular young women were not aware of anyone who might fill this role. The literature shows the importance of identifying at least one attachment figure as early as possible in life, with whom a secure attachment may be developed. The women in this study have greater awareness of the issues involved in family violence than do many youth workers and other professionals to whom they might realistically go for help. What this study has shown is that there is need for further research based on the needs and experience of women, such as those involved in this study, to effectively answer the original research subquestion relating to youth work practice. It also suggests that youth work practioners should be involved in such research

    Resisting Moral Wiggle Room: How Robust is Reciprocity?

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    Several studies have shown that dictator-game giving declines substantially if the dictator can exploit situational "excuses" for not being generous. In this experimental study we investigate if this result extends to more natural social interactions involving reciprocal behavior. We provide the second mover in a reciprocal game with an excuse for not reciprocating, an excuse which has previously been shown to strongly reduce giving in dictator games. We do not find that the availability of the excuse has any effect at all on reciprocal behavior, and conclude that reciprocity is a more stable disposition than dictator game generosity.reciprocity, moral wiggle room

    Resisting moral wiggle room: How robust is reciprocity?

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    Several studies have shown that dictator-game giving declines substantially if the dictator can exploit situational excuses for not being generous. In this experimental study we investigate if this result extends to more natural social interactions involving reciprocal behavior. We provide the second mover in a reciprocal game with an excuse for not reciprocating, an excuse which has previously been shown to strongly reduce giving in dictator games. We do not find that the availability of the excuse has any effect at all on reciprocal behavior, and conclude that reciprocity is a more stable disposition than dictator game generosity

    Inclusive Services For Children And Families From CaLD Backgrounds In An Australian Context

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    The current Australian government is proposing an agenda focused around social inclusion in an attempt to address the complex issues associated with inequality evident in this country. Despite valiant attempts, many agencies struggle to offer inclusive services, particularly to families who have migrated to Australia from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds. In this study, we surveyed a range of programs identified by key informants as offering inclusive service delivery with the aim of identifying those aspects of their practice they believed facilitated successful inclusion. We then attempt to position our findings within recently emerging critiques of the concept of social inclusion, of which our participants appeared unaware. This critique addresses the fundamental purpose of social inclusion, and the strategies commonly used to achieve it, arguing that these are based on a deficit approach that positions those who are excluded as “other.” In identifying those who are excluded as “other” and attempting to include them into a hegemonic idea of civil society as functioning citizens, are agencies actually being racist

    Two New Reference Materials Based on Tobacco Leaves: Certification for over a Dozen of Toxic and Essential Elements

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    The preparation, certification, and characterization of two new biological certified reference materials for inorganic trace analysis have been presented. They are based on two different varieties of tobacco leaves, namely, Oriental Basma Tobacco Leaves (INCT-OBTL-5), grown in Greece, and Polish Virginia Tobacco Leaves (INCT-PVTL-6), grown in Poland. Certification of the materials was based on the statistical evaluation of results obtained in a worldwide interlaboratory comparison, in which 87 laboratories from 18 countries participated, providing 2568 laboratory averages on nearly 80 elements. It was possible to establish the certified values of concentration for many elements in the new materials, that is, 37 in INCT-OBTL-5 and 36 in INCT-PVTL-6, including several toxic ones like As, Cd, Hg, Pb, and so forth. The share and the role of instrumental analytical techniques used in the process of certification of the new CRMs are discussed

    Etude du comportement vibratoire des redresseurs sectorisés monobloc : approches numérique et expérimentale

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    Les redresseurs de compresseur de turbomachine axiale sont soumis à de la fatigue vibratoire. Or leur réalisation par assemblage de secteurs monobloc rend leur modélisation difficile (absence de symétrie cyclique, sensibilité au désaccordage). Le but est de présenter une stratégie de calcul robuste basée sur une modélisation stochastique de la structure et sur un calcul instationnaire tridimensionnel du chargement fluide. Des essais réalisés sur le compresseur HP multiétages CREATE permettent d'évaluer les niveaux de vibration sur un secteur de redresseur instrumenté pour valider le modèl

    Touristic infrastructures adapted for handicapped persons

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    Od wstąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej zauważalny jest wzrost zainteresowania problematyką osób niepełnosprawnych oraz walki z ich dyskryminacją. Niniejsza praca skupia się na przedstawieniu problemów jakie spotykają osoby niepełnosprawne w czasie korzystania z usług turystycznych. Celem pracy jest sprawdzenie stopnia przystosowania infrastruktury turystycznej w Krakowie z uwzględnieniem potrzeb zgłaszanych przez osoby niepełnosprawne. W części teoretycznej zaprezentowane zostały wymogi legislacyjne, koncepcje, zgodnie z którymi organizowane powinny być usługi turystyczne oraz najważniejsze aspekty dotyczące infrastruktury turystycznej i jej istotnej roli w turystyce. W dalszej części pracy zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań, których istotę stanowiła bezpośrednia obserwacja wybranych obiektów. W wyniku analizy zebranych informacji, stwierdzono iż Kraków pomimo intensywnych zmian nie jest miastem w pełni przystosowanym do przyjmowania turystów niepełnosprawnych.Since Polish accession to the European Union is a noticeable increase in interest in the problems of persons with disabilities and to combat discrimination against them. This work focuses on the presentation of the problems faced by people with disabilities when using tourist services.The aim is to check the degree of adaptation of tourism infrastructure in Krakow, taking into account the needs reported by people with disabilities. In the theoretical part were presented legislative requirements, concepts, according to which should be organized tourist services and the most important aspects related to tourism infrastructure and its role in tourism. In the following section we present the results of the research, which was the essence of the direct observation of selected objects.The analysis of the information gathered, it was found that Krakow despite extensive changes in the city is not fully adapted to receive disabled visitors