1,308 research outputs found

    Gradient estimates of q-harmonic functions of fractional Schrodinger operator

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    We study gradient estimates of qq-harmonic functions uu of the fractional Schr{\"o}dinger operator Δα/2+q\Delta^{\alpha/2} + q, α∈(0,1]\alpha \in (0,1] in bounded domains D⊂RdD \subset \R^d. For nonnegative uu we show that if qq is H{\"o}lder continuous of order η>1−α\eta > 1 - \alpha then ∇u(x)\nabla u(x) exists for any x∈Dx \in D and |\nabla u(x)| \le c u(x)/ (\dist(x,\partial D) \wedge 1). The exponent 1−α1 - \alpha is critical i.e. when qq is only 1−α1 - \alpha H{\"o}lder continuous ∇u(x)\nabla u(x) may not exist. The above gradient estimates are well known for α∈(1,2]\alpha \in (1,2] under the assumption that qq belongs to the Kato class \calJ^{\alpha - 1}. The case α∈(0,1]\alpha \in (0,1] is different. To obtain results for α∈(0,1]\alpha \in (0,1] we use probabilistic methods. As a corollary, we obtain for α∈(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1) that a weak solution of Δα/2u+qu=0\Delta^{\alpha/2}u + q u = 0 is in fact a strong solution

    A class of continua that are not attractors of any IFS

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    This paper presents a sufficient condition for a continuum in RnR^n to be embeddable in RnR^n in such a way that its image is not an attractor of any iterated function system. An example of a continuum in R2R^2 that is not an attractor of any weakly contracting iterated function system is also given

    Axial gravitational waves in FLRW cosmology and memory effects

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    We show initial data for gravitational axial waves, that are twice differentiable but which are not C2C^{2}. They generate wave pulses that interact with matter in the radiation cosmological era. This forces the radiation matter to rotate. This rotation is permanent - it persists after the passage of the gravitational pulse. The observed inhomogeneities of the cosmic microwave background radiation put a bound onto discontinuities of superhorizon metric perturbations. We explicitly show that a class of smooth initial metrics that are at least C2C^{2} gives rise to gravitational wave pulses that do not interact with the background during the radiation epoch.Comment: This version matches the published article (Phys. Rev. D 96, 063523 (2017)). A note is added on interaction of axial gravitational waves with stars' interiors, with 3 new reference
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