10 research outputs found

    Origin of magnetic anisotropy in doped Ce2Co17 alloys

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    Magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) in doped Ce2Co17 and other competing structures was investigated using density functional theory. We confirmed that the MCA contribution from dumbbell Co sites is very negative. Replacing Co dumbbell atoms with a pair of Fe or Mn atoms greatly enhance the uniaxial anisotropy, which agrees quantitatively with experiment, and this enhancement arises from electronic-structure features near the Fermi level, mostly associated with dumbbell sites. With Co dumbbell atoms replaced by other elements, the variation of anisotropy is generally a collective effect and contributions from other sublattices may change significantly. Moreover, we found that Zr doping promotes the formation of 1-5 structure that exhibits a large uniaxial anisotropy, such that Zr is the most effective element to enhance MCA in this system

    Origin of magnetic anisotropy in doped Ce

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    Spin waves and spin-state transitions in a ruthenate high-temperature antiferromagnet

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    Ruthenium compounds play prominent roles in materials research ranging from oxide electronics to catalysis, and serve as a platform for fundamental concepts such as spin-triplet superconductivity, Kitaev spin-liquids, and solid-state analogues of the Higgs mode in particle physics. However, basic questions about the electronic structure of ruthenates remain unanswered, because several key parameters (including the Hund's-rule, spin-orbit, and exchange interactions) are comparable in magnitude, and their interplay is poorly understood - partly due to difficulties in synthesizing sizable single crystals for spectroscopic experiments. Here we introduce a resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) technique capable of probing collective modes in microcrystals of 4d4d-electron materials. We present a comprehensive set of data on spin waves and spin-state transitions in the honeycomb antiferromagnet SrRu2_{2}O6_{6}, which possesses an unusually high N\'eel temperature. The new RIXS method provides fresh insight into the unconventional magnetism of SrRu2_{2}O6_{6}, and enables momentum-resolved spectroscopy of a large class of 4d4d transition-metal compounds.Comment: The original submitted version of the published manuscript. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-019-0327-

    Origin of magnetic anisotropy in doped Ce2Co17 alloys

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    Magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) in doped Ce2Co17 and other competing structures was investigated using density functional theory. We confirmed that the MCA contribution from dumbbell Co sites is very negative. Replacing Co dumbbell atoms with a pair of Fe or Mn atoms greatly enhance the uniaxial anisotropy, which agrees quantitatively with experiment, and this enhancement arises from electronic-structure features near the Fermi level, mostly associated with dumbbell sites. With Co dumbbell atoms replaced by other elements, the variation of anisotropy is generally a collective effect and contributions from other sublattices may change significantly. Moreover, we found that Zr doping promotes the formation of 1-5 structure that exhibits a large uniaxial anisotropy, such that Zr is the most effective element to enhance MCA in this system.This article is from Physical Review B 94 (2016): 144429, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.94.144429. Posted with permission.</p

    Robust spin-orbit coupling induced semimetallic state in hyperkagome iridate Li3Ir3O8

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    A hyperkagome iridate Li3Ir3O8 is synthesized by an ion-exchange reaction from Na4Ir3O8. The transport, magnetic, and thermodynamic measurements suggest a metallic state. The electronic structure calculation shows that Li3Ir3O8 hosts a semimetallic electronic structure produced by a competition between the formation of a localized molecular orbital of Ir d electrons on the Ir3 triangles and the strong spin-orbit coupling as in the sister compound Na3Ir3O8. The semimetallic state induced by spin-orbit coupling is quite robust against the moderate change of lattice distortion associated with the different ionic radii of Li+ and Na+

    Spin waves and spin-state transitions in a ruthenate high-temperature antiferromagnet

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    Ruthenium compounds serve as a platform for fundamental concepts such as spin-triplet superconductivity 1 , Kitaev spin liquids 2–5 and solid-state analogues of the Higgs mode in particle physics 6,7 . However, basic questions about the electronic structure of ruthenates remain unanswered, because several key parameters (including Hund’s coupling, spin–orbit coupling and exchange interactions) are comparable in magnitude and their interplay is poorly understood, partly due to difficulties in synthesizing large single crystals for spectroscopic experiments. Here we introduce a resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) 8,9 technique capable of probing collective modes in microcrystals of 4d electron materials. We observe spin waves and spin-state transitions in the honeycomb antiferromagnet SrRu 2 O 6 (ref. 10 ) and use the extracted exchange interactions and measured magnon gap to explain its high Néel temperature 11–16 . We expect that the RIXS method presented here will enable momentum-resolved spectroscopy of a large class of 4d transition-metal compounds. © 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limite

    Spin waves and spin-state transitions in a ruthenate high-temperature antiferromagnet

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    Ruthenium compounds serve as a platform for fundamental concepts such as spin-triplet superconductivity1^1, Kitaev spin liquids2,3,4,5^{2,3,4,5} and solid-state analogues of the Higgs mode in particle physics6,7^{6,7}. However, basic questions about the electronic structure of ruthenates remain unanswered, because several key parameters (including Hund’s coupling, spin–orbit coupling and exchange interactions) are comparable in magnitude and their interplay is poorly understood, partly due to difficulties in synthesizing large single crystals for spectroscopic experiments. Here we introduce a resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS)8,9^{8,9} technique capable of probing collective modes in microcrystals of 4d electron materials. We observe spin waves and spin-state transitions in the honeycomb antiferromagnet SrRu2_2O6_6 (ref. 10^{10}) and use the extracted exchange interactions and measured magnon gap to explain its high Néel temperature11,12,13,14,15,16^{11,12,13,14,15,16}. We expect that the RIXS method presented here will enable momentum-resolved spectroscopy of a large class of 4d transition-metal compounds