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    The paper presents the results of a multicenter postmarketing study of Oflomelid ointment versus levosin and levomecol ointments in 301 patients with different purulent diseases of the skin, soft tissues, and bones, diabetic foot syndrome, trophic ulcers of different etiologies, postoperative purulent wounds, chronic posttraumatic osteomyelitis, burns and frostbites, acute and chronic purulent diseases of the skin and soft tissues. Oflomelid ointment shows a high clinical and bacteriological efficacy in stages I and II wound process along with good analgesic activity for the topical treatment of purulent processes of different etiologies and sites. Objectivization of the findings is based on the results of qualitative and quantitative microbiological analyses, wound imprint cytology, and trends in the systemic and local clinical picture.В статье представлены результаты многоцентрового постмаркетингового сравнительного исследования мази Офломелид по сравнению с мазями левосин и левомеколь у 301 пациента с различными гнойными заболеваниями кожи, мягких тканей и костей, синдромом диабетической стопы, трофическими язвами различной этиологии, послеоперационными гнойными ранами, хроническим посттравматическим остеомиелитом, ожогами и отморожениями, острыми и хроническими гнойными заболеваниями кожи и мягких тканей. Показана высокая клиническая и бактериологическая эффективность мази Офломелид при I и II стадиях течения раневого процесса наряду с хорошим анальгезирующим действием для местного лечения гнойных процессов различной этиологии и локализации. Объективизация полученных данных основана на результатах качественных и количественных микро-биологических исследований, цитологии раневых отпечатков, динамики общей и местной клинической картины

    The concept of enhanced recovery after surgery in gynecological oncology

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    The concept of enhanced recovery after surgery in gynecological oncology Dobrokhotova Yu.E.1, Ter-Ovanesov M. D.2, Borovkova E.I.1, Kukosh M. Yu.2, Zhelezkova T.A.1 1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow 2 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow The proven and widely recognized advantage of using the concept of Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is an enhanced postoperative recovery of patients due to the rational preoperative preparation, reducing surgical stress and the number of postoperative complications, which in total reduces the length of hospital stay and treatment costs. Currently, the results of several prospective randomized trials have convincingly proven the effectiveness of the ERAS in gynecological oncology. The basic ERAS protocol consists of 21 items and includes measures aimed at informing the patient, a full preoperative examination, elimination of pre-operative fasting, optimization of the volume of infusional therapy, absence of mechanical preparation of bowels, use of multimodal analgesia, prevention of nausea and vomiting, rational antibiotic- and thromboprophylaxis, a personalized approach to the use of drains and probes, prevention of intraoperative hypothermia, as well as early activation of patients and their fast discharge from the hospital. Key words: gynecological oncology, surgery, ERAS, fast-track surgery, enhanced postoperative rehabilitation, nutritional and perioperative support. For citation: Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Ter-Ovanesov M.D., Borovkova E.I. et al. The concept of enhanced recovery after surgery in gynecological oncology // RMJ. 2018. № 5(I). P. 45–50.<br