18 research outputs found

    Endovascular embolization of renal cell carcinoma in a patient with solitary kidney

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    Background: Kidney tumors account for about 3% of tumors in adults. The primary therapy of renal cancer is the surgical removal. Traditionally, and also modern procedures are performed to remove the kidneys, especially when the tumor involves the entire kidney. In the cases of unresectable tumors embolization is used as a palliative procedure. Case Report: The aim of this study is to present the case of endovascular treatment of renal cell carcinoma in patient with solitary kidney. 77-years old patient had an ultrasound examination because of the pain in left lumbar region. MRI confirmed the presence of tumor size 29×45 mm in the left kidney. The right kidney had been removed eight years earlier because of clear cell carcinoma. Histopathological diagnosis was renal clear cell carinoma. The patient did not consent to surgical treatment. Tumor embolization was proceeded as a minimally invasive procedure. Pathological tumor vessels were closed using particles filling the entire vascular tumor. Next, the blood vessels supplying the tumor were closed using a mixture of lipiodolu and glubranu. Control angiographiy of the left renal artery confirmed the effective closure of all vascular pathology. In a recent ultrasound examination which was done 15 months after surgery no evidence of vascular pathology was found. Conclusions: Embolization of kidney cancer in particular cases may be an alternative way of treatment and give a good result in the form of stopping the growth of the tumor with simultaneous retaining the remaining parenchyma and renal function

    Percutaneous extraction of residual post-cholecystectomy gallstones through the T-tube tract

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    Purpose: In the present study, the effectiveness and safety of minimally invasive percutaneous extraction of residual post-cholecystectomy gallstones through the T-tube tract were assessed. Material and methods: Between 2000 and 2015, 12 patients (seven women and five men, mean age 78 ± 8 years) after open cholecystectomy with common bile duct exploration and T-tube drainage underwent percutaneous extraction of residual gallstones through the T-tube tract. Results: The intervention was successful in 92% (11/12). In seven patients complete extraction of the retained gallstones was achieved, and in four cases partial extraction combined with passage of small residual fragments to the duodenum was obtained. In one case the extraction attempt was ineffective. Mild haemobilia was observed in two patients. No mortality or major complications were observed. Conclusions: Our findings are consistent with literature data and confirm that percutaneous extraction of residual post-cholecystectomy gallstones through the T-tube tract is an effective and safe treatment method. Although the presented technique is not a novel approach, it can be beneficial in patients unsuitable for open surgery or laparoscopic intervention when ERCP attempt occurs ineffective or there exist contraindications to ERCP

    Endovascular embolisation strategies for pulmonary arteriovenous malformations

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    Purpose: To assess the immediate efficacy of distinct embolisation devices in the endovascular treatment of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations as well as to identify and analyse the possible determinants of the technical success of the procedure. Material and methods: Prospective analysis of 16 consecutive patients was carried out, who underwent transcatheter endovascular embolisation therapy for pulmonary arteriovenous malformations between 2005 and 2017. Pre- and post-procedural angiography studies were implemented to confirm the diagnosis and to evaluate the technical success defined as the complete occlusion of the feeding artery. Embolisation devices - coils, microcoils, occluders, or combination of the above - were used. All the patients were advised to conduct a follow-up computed tomography evaluation 12 months after the procedure. Results: A total of 40 pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) were observed and embolised. The immediate technical success was achieved in all (n = 40; 100%) treated PAVMs, as confirmed by the post-procedural angiographic result. The statistical analysis revealed no significant impact of the number of PAVMs per patient (p > 0.05), their angioarchitecture (p > 0.05), localisation within the lung (p > 0.05) or particular lobe (p > 0.05), and the selection of embolisation device (p > 0.05) on the procedural success rates. The procedure-related complication rate was equal to 6.25%. Conclusions: The immediate success rate of the transcatheter PAVM embolisation reached 100% in this study. The statistical model of logistic regression revealed no significant impact of the number of PAVMs per patient, their angioarchitecture, localisation, and distribution pattern, as well as device selection, on the immediate technical success of the procedure

    Endovascular treatment of renal arteriovenous fistula with n-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA)

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    BACKGROUND: Renal arteriovenous malformation (RAVM) is a rare disease. The causes of pathological connections between renal arteries may be congenital or iatrogenic – mainly as a consequence of a biopsy or due to renal carcinomas and postinflammatory changes. Computed tomography, ultrasound Doppler and angiography are the main diagnostic tools used for the detection of RAVMs. CASE REPORT: The aim of this study is to present a case of endovascular treatment of RAVM with a mixture of NBCA and lipiodol. A 29-year-old woman was suffering from drug-resistant hypertension secondary to RAVM. The malformation was embolized using NBCA mixed with lipiodol. The postoperative course was uneventful. A follow-up angio-CT, performed 3 months and one year after the procedure, showed a complete occlusion of the RAVM. CONCLUSIONS: NBCA can be used alone to embolize RAVMs. Procedures involving a combination of NBCA and lipiodol are difficult and should be performed by experienced specialists

    Kashubian cultural heritage: protection - duration - development

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    Diagnosis and treatment of posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula in the lower leg – a case report

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    External injuries are one of the common reasons for reporting to hospital emergency departments. Peripheral vascular injuries occur in up to about 25% of upper and lower extremity injury cases. Arteriovenous fistula is a type of arterial injury. Doppler ultrasound is currently the primary diagnostic method for vascular injuries as it allows for the implementation of appropriately targeted treatment, indicating the potential need for extended diagnosis or patient qualification for endovascular or classical surgery. Endovascular procedures are currently an acknowledged treatment method in peripheral vascular injuries. We present a case of endovascular treatment in a patient with posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula in the lower leg. Patient qualification and treatment efficacy assessment were performed using Doppler ultrasound

    Diagnostyka i leczenie pourazowej przetoki tętniczo-żylnej podudzia – opis przypadku

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    External injuries are one of the common reasons for reporting to hospital emergency departments. Peripheral vascular injuries occur in up to about 25% of upper and lower extremity injury cases. Arteriovenous fistula is a type of arterial injury. Doppler ultrasound is currently the primary diagnostic method for vascular injuries as it allows for the implementation of appropriately targeted treatment, indicating the potential need for extended diagnosis or patient qualification for endovascular or classical surgery. Endovascular procedures are currently an acknowledged treatment method in peripheral vascular injuries. We present a case of endovascular treatment in a patient with posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula in the lower leg. Patient qualification and treatment efficacy assessment were performed using Doppler ultrasound.Urazy zewnętrzne są jedną z częstszych przyczyn zgłaszania się chorych do szpitalnych oddziałów ratunkowych. Wśród urazów kończyn górnych i dolnych uszkodzenia naczyń obwodowych występują nawet w około 25% przypadków. Jednym z typów uszkodzenia tętnicy jest przetoka tętniczo-żylna. Dopplerowskie badanie ultrasonograficzne stanowi obecnie podstawową metodę w diagnostyce urazów naczyń, pozwala bowiem odpowiednio ukierunkować dalsze postępowanie, wskazując potrzebę ewentualnego rozszerzenia diagnostyki bądź zakwalifikowania chorego na zabieg wewnątrznaczyniowy lub klasyczną operację. W przypadku urazów naczyń obwodowych zabiegi wewnątrznaczyniowe są obecnie uznaną metodą leczenia. Przedstawiamy opis przypadku wewnątrznaczyniowego leczenia chorego z pourazową przetoką tętniczo-żylną podudzia. Kwalifikację do leczenia oraz ocenę jego skuteczności przeprowadzono przy pomocy badania ultrasonograficznego z opcją dopplera

    Ultrasonograficzna ocena występowania i ewolucji zbiorników płynowych jako powikłania procedury transplantacji nerki

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    Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence and evolution of perirenal fluid collections in a group of 488 patients who have undergone kidney transplantation. Material and methods: Sonographic documentation of 488 deceased-donor kidney recipients was evaluated for the prevalence of perirenal fluid collections and their evolution in time, depending on selected demographic features of the patients, time of detection, initial dimensions and precise position of the collection relative to the kidney and the location of the transplanted organ in the right or left iliac fossa. The collected data were used for statistical analysis to determine the strength of the potential relationships. Results: In 146 out of 488 subjects perirenal fluid collections were found. In 1/3 of the patients more than one fluid collection was diagnosed. Over 40% of fluid collections were detected within 10 days from the date of the first scan and 24.11% were detected within 10–20 days from the date of the first scan. The majority of fluid collections were located near the lower pole of the kidney. Perihilar collections were the least common. Collections encapsulating the kidney and subcutaneous collections were the largest in size on average. A statistically significant difference between the size of collections located on the surface and the size of those located near the upper pole of the transplanted kidney was demonstrated. However, no correlation was proven to exist between the persistence of the fluid collection and its position relative to the transplanted kidney and its initial size. Conclusions: The correct evaluation of a fluid collection’s dynamics of development and nature requires periodic follow-up of the recipient, preferably in a single clinical center. Ultrasonography is an inexpensive, non-invasive and repeatable method for the determination of the presence of fluid collections. However, the decision whether treatment is necessary requires the sonographic image to be compared with the laboratory signs of inflammation and biochemical analysis of the contents of fluid collections.Cel pracy: Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ocena występowania i ewolucji okołonerkowych zbiorników płynowych w grupie 488 pacjentów poddanych operacji transplantacji nerki. Materiał i metody: Dokumentacja ultrasonograficzna 488 biorców nerek od dawców zmarłych została poddana ocenie pod kątem częstości występowania okołonerkowych zbiorników płynowych i ich ewolucji w czasie, w zależności od wybranych cech demograficznych pacjenta, czasu wykrycia, początkowych rozmiarów i dokładnej lokalizacji zbiornika względem nerki oraz umiejscowienia przeszczepionego narządu – w prawym lub lewym dole biodrowym. Zgromadzone dane wykorzystano do analizy statystycznej w celu określenia siły ewentualnych zależności. Wyniki: U 146 na 488 badanych stwierdzono obecność okołonerkowych zbiorników płynowych, przy czym u niemal 1/3 pacjentów zdiagnozowano więcej niż jeden zbiornik. Przeszło 40% zbiorników wykryto przed upływem 10 dni od daty pierwszego badania,a 24,11% –w okresie 10–20 dni od daty pierwszego badania. Najwięcej kolekcji płynowych było zlokalizowanychw okolicy bieguna dolnego nerki. Najrzadziej występowały zbiorniki okołownękowe. Największy średni rozmiar osiągały zbiorniki opłaszczające nerkęi leżące podskórnie. Wykazano istotną statystycznie różnicę pomiędzy wymiarami zbiorników zlokalizowanych powierzchniowo orazw okolicy bieguna górnego przeszczepionej nerki. Nie dowiedziono jednak istnienia korelacji pomiędzy trwałością zbiornikaa jego lokalizacją względem przeszczepionej nerki lub początkowym wymiarem. Wnioski: Prawidłowa ocena dynamiki rozwojui charakteru zbiornika płynowego wymaga okresowej kontroli biorcy,najlepiejw jednym ośrodku klinicznym. Ultrasonografia jest tanią, nieinwazyjnąi powtarzalną metodą oceny występowania kolekcji płynowych. Decyzjao potrzebie leczenia wymaga jednak odniesienia obrazu sonograficznego do parametrów zapalnych oraz wyników analiz biochemicznych zawartości zbiorników

    Sonographic assessment of the prevalence and evolution of fluid collections as a complication of kidney transplantation

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    Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence and evolution of perirenal fluid collections in a group of 488 patients who have undergone kidney transplantation. Material and methods: Sonographic documentation of 488 deceased-donor kidney recipients was evaluated for the prevalence of perirenal fluid collections and their evolution in time, depending on selected demographic features of the patients, time of detection, initial dimensions and precise position of the collection relative to the kidney and the location of the transplanted organ in the right or left iliac fossa. The collected data were used for statistical analysis to determine the strength of the potential relationships. Results: In 146 out of 488 subjects perirenal fluid collections were found. In 1/3 of the patients more than one fluid collection was diagnosed. Over 40% of fluid collections were detected within 10 days from the date of the first scan and 24.11% were detected within 10–20 days from the date of the first scan. The majority of fluid collections were located near the lower pole of the kidney. Perihilar collections were the least common. Collections encapsulating the kidney and subcutaneous collections were the largest in size on average. A statistically significant difference between the size of collections located on the surface and the size of those located near the upper pole of the transplanted kidney was demonstrated. However, no correlation was proven to exist between the persistence of the fluid collection and its position relative to the transplanted kidney and its initial size. Conclusions: The correct evaluation of a fluid collection’s dynamics of development and nature requires periodic follow-up of the recipient, preferably in a single clinical center. Ultrasonography is an inexpensive, non-invasive and repeatable method for the determination of the presence of fluid collections. However, the decision whether treatment is necessary requires the sonographic image to be compared with the laboratory signs of inflammation and biochemical analysis of the contents of fluid collections