89 research outputs found

    Metacognition over time is related to neurocognition, social cognition, and intrapsychic foundations in psychosis

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    Core impairments underlying schizophrenia encompass several domains, including disruptions in metacognition, neurocognition, social cognition, and intrapsychic foundations. Little is known about how these phenomena change over time and whether changes co-occur. The current study sought to address these gaps and examine the relationships between these cognitive domains across a 12 month period in adults with schizophrenia. Seventy-five adult outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders were enrolled in a randomized trial comparing two cognitive interventions designed to improve work performance. Cognitive outcomes were measured at baseline, a 6-month follow-up and a 12-month follow-up. Multilevel linear modeling was used to understand the longitudinal relationships between metacognition and social cognition, neurocognition, and intrapsychic foundations across the 12-month follow-up. Metacognition significantly improved across 12 months. Improvements in overall neurocognition were significantly associated with increases in the metacognition domains of self-reflectivity and mastery across time. Improvements in social cognition over time were associated with improvements in total metacognition and the metacognitive domain of mastery. Improvements in intrapsychic foundations scores over 12 months were significantly associated with improvements in overall metacognition, self-reflectivity, and mastery. In conclusion, over time, improvements in metacognition across domains co-occur with other core cognitive and social capacities in persons with schizophrenia. As persons became better able to form integrated senses of themselves and adaptively use this knowledge, improvements in neurocognition, social cognition, and intrapsychic foundations were also present

    The Impact of the Working Alliance on Vocational Outcomes for People with Severe Mental Illness Enrolled in Employment Programs

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)This study was a subset of a large two-year randomized controlled trial of two employment programs providing services to people with severe mental illness (SMI). Because prior research has found that the strength of the relationship, or working alliance, between service providers and people with SMI is related to a variety of beneficial outcomes, the purpose of the current study was to address the working alliance between participants and their vocational workers and its association with employment outcomes, including the total duration of paid employment over two years and mean paid job tenure after two years. Another primary purpose of the current study was to determine whether working alliance differences exist between a team vocational approach (Diversified Placement Approach) and an individual vocational approach (Individual Placement and Support Model). The final aim of the current study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the ad hoc scale utilized to measure the working alliance. Contrary to expectations, no relationship was found between the working alliance and employment outcomes after two years. As expected, it was found that participants in the individual vocational approach (IPS) had higher working alliance scores across the study than participants in the team vocational program (DPA). Finally, the working alliance measure used in this study was found to have promising psychometric properties, including adequate criterion-related validity and test-retest reliability, although the internal consistency was a bit low. The scale items are a loose fit with existing theory, however, necessitating the addition of items and revision of the current scale and underlying theory to enhance its utility in clinical and research settings

    Barriers and Facilitators to Work Success for Veterans in Supported Employment: A Nationwide Provider Survey

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    bjective: Veterans with mental illness are at serious risk of poor work outcomes and career stagnation. Supported employment (SE) is an evidence-based model of vocational services that assists persons with mental illness to obtain competitive employment. The purpose of this study was to gain a rich understanding of barriers and facilitators related to competitive work success from the perspective of a nationwide sample of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) SE staff, supervisors, and managers. Methods: This study utilized a mixed-methods approach in which 114 VA SE personnel completed an online questionnaire consisting of a survey of work barriers and facilitators; open-ended questions elicited additional factors affecting work success. Descriptive statistics characterized factors affecting work success, and an emergent, open-coding approach identified qualitative themes describing other key elements influencing employment. Results: The most prominent work facilitators were perceived veteran motivation, job match, the assistance of SE services, and veteran self-confidence. The highest rated barriers were psychological stress and a range of health-related problems. Qualitative findings revealed additional areas affecting work success, notably, the availability of resources, the capacity of frontline staff to form strong relationships with veterans and employers, the ability of staff to adapt and meet the multifaceted demands of the SE job, and the need for additional staff and supervisor training. The impact of employer stigma was also emphasized. Conclusions: An array of elements influencing work success at the level of the veteran, staff, SE program, and employer was recognized, suggesting several implications for VA services

    Mixed methods study examining work reintegration experiences from perspectives of Veterans with mental health disorders

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    Recent findings have demonstrated that reintegration for Veterans is often challenging. One difficult aspect of reintegration—transitioning into the civilian workplace—has not been fully explored in the literature. To address this gap and examine work reintegration, this mixed methods study examined the perspectives of Veterans with mental health disorders receiving Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare. Forty Veterans rated factors that affect work success; participants also provided narratives on their most and least successful work experiences. We used t-tests and qualitative analysis to compare participants who did and did not serve in combat. Several themes relevant to work reintegration emerged in the narratives, particularly for Veterans who served in combat. An array of work difficulties were reported in the months following military discharge. In addition, Veterans who served in combat reported significantly more work barriers than Veterans who did not serve in combat, particularly health-related barriers. In conclusion, Veterans with mental health disorders who served in combat experienced more work reintegration difficulty than their counterparts who did not serve in combat. The role of being a Veteran affected how combat Veterans formed their self-concept, which also shaped their work success and community reintegration, especially during the early transition period

    A randomized controlled trial examining a cognitive behavioral therapy intervention enhanced with cognitive remediation to improve work and neurocognition outcomes among persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    This single blind, three-armed randomized controlled trial compared cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) enhanced with cognitive remediation (CBT + CR) to CBT alone and an active control condition on work and neurocognition outcomes for persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Seventy-five adult outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were randomized to three study conditions (N = 25 per group). The CBT intervention was the Indianapolis Vocational Intervention program (IVIP), consisting of weekly group and individual sessions focused on work-related content. Participants in the CBT + CR group received IVIP and Posit Science computer-based cognitive training. The active control group consisted of weekly vocational support groups and individual vocational support sessions. All participants were placed into a noncompetitive work assignment and were followed for 26 weeks. Data collection included hours worked, weekly work performance ratings, and neurocognition assessed at baseline and 6 months. Neurocognition was also assessed at 12 months. Data were analyzed using multilevel linear models to account for nested, repeated measures data. Results indicate that participants in the CBT + CR condition worked significantly more hours and had a more positive trajectory of improving global work performance and work quality across the study compared with the CBT alone and vocational support condition. Compared to the other conditions, CBT + CR also had a significant increase in overall neurocognition that continued to the 12 month follow-up, particularly in the domains of verbal learning and social cognition. In conclusion, CBT + CR may be an effective intervention to improve work functioning and neurocognition in persons with schizophrenia

    Factors impacting work success in Veterans with mental health disorders: A Veteran-focused mixed methods pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Veterans with mental illness often have poor employment outcomes. OBJECTIVE: This mixed-methods study sought to understand and describe Veteran perspectives of factors that impact their work success. METHODS: A sample of 40 employed and unemployed Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other severe mental illness (SMI) completed a survey of factors that impact vocational functioning and provided narrative accounts of their most successful and challenging work experiences. RESULTS: Personal motivation, self-efficacy, work skills, interpersonal issues, health, and cognitive problems were rated as most impactful on work. There were no significant differences on ratings of work factors based on employment status. Veterans with PTSD reported significantly more barriers to work success compared with Veterans with SMI, notably, cognitive problems, physical health, and psychological stress. Veterans with SMI were more likely to receive VA vocational services and rated this assistance as beneficial to work success. Narrative findings corroborated the survey results, and yielded additional factors, including economic factors, person/job fit, and Veteran-specific issues. CONCLUSIONS: Several factors substantially impact work success in Veterans with mental illness. Veterans with PTSD and SMI experience a distinct set of barriers and facilitators, suggesting the need for tailoring clinical and rehabilitative services

    Factors influencing patients’ preferences and perceived involvement in shared decision making in mental health care

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    Background: Although research has suggested that patients desire to participate in shared decision-making, recent studies show that most patients take a passive role in their treatment decisions. The discrepancy between patients’ expressed desire and actual behaviors underscores the need to better understand how patients perceive shared decision-making and what factors influence their participation. Aims: To investigate patients’ preferences and appraisals of their involvement in treatment decisions. Methods: Fifty-four qualitative interviews were conducted with veterans receiving outpatient mental health care at a U.S. Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: Participants outlined several factors that influence their preferences and involvement in treatment decisions. These include the patient–provider relationship, fear of being judged, perceived inadequacy, and a history of substance abuse. Conclusion: Patients’ preferences and willingness to engage in shared decision-making fluctuate over time and are context dependent. A better understanding of these factors and a strong patient–provider relationship will facilitate better measurement and implementation of shared decision-making

    Patients’ understanding of shared decision-making in a mental health setting: The importance of the patient-provider relationship

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    Shared decision making is a fundamental component of patient-centered care and has been linked to positive health outcomes. Increasingly, researchers are turning their attention to shared decision making in mental health; however, few studies have explored decision making in these settings from patients’ perspectives. We examined patients’ accounts and understanding of shared decision making. We analyzed interviews from 54 veterans receiving outpatient mental health care at a Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in the United States. Although patients’ understanding of shared decision making was consistent with accounts published in the literature, participants reported that shared decision making goes well beyond these components. They identified the patient–provider relationship as the bedrock of shared decision making and highlighted several factors that interfere with shared decision making. Our findings highlight the importance of the patient–provider relationship as a fundamental element of shared decision making and point to areas for potential improvement

    Correlates of Attendance in Psychiatric Services: A Critical Review

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    poster abstractAttendance and dropout are concerning problems in the mental health field. With dropout rates averaging around 50%, mental health agencies lose money and resources invested in missed appointments and under-attended groups, providers lose valuable time, and consumers do not receive recommended levels of services. While there is research on consumer, provider, and agency factors that affect attendance, it has not been integrated and reviewed in the context of community services for those with psychotic disorders. The authors conducted a critical review of literature examining correlates of attendance in community services provided to samples with psychotic disorders as the most prominent diagnostic category. Twenty-two studies were identified that met inclusion criteria. Over 100 unique correlates of attendance were tested; the authors categorized these into eight content areas: demographics, current functioning, history (psychiatric/functional), neurocognitive functioning, services/treatment, social functioning, self-stigma/insight, and symptoms/psychopathology. Correlates were also sorted according to how often they were examined and how many times they were found to be significantly related to consumer attendance. The category containing the most unique correlates was symptoms/psychopathology. Demographic correlates were researched the most, with three unique correlates examined in over ten studies (age, sex, and living situation). Of these demographic correlates, all but two were found significant 25% of the time or less, and none exceeded 40%. Alternatively, some correlates have been investigated few times, but with promising results and theoretical connections to attendance, such as baseline illness severity, which has been found significant in 75% of analyses. There is evidence that researchers are examining correlates for which there is little empirical evidence of a connection to attendance. This may lead to missed opportunities to maximize attendance, use of services, and resources. Implications for future research in the area are discussed

    How Do Patients with Chronic Pain Benefit from a Peer-Supported Pain Self-Management Intervention? A Qualitative Investigation

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    Objective. Peer support is a novel and under-studied approach to the management of chronic pain. This study’s purpose was to uncover the elements of a peer-supported self-management intervention that are perceived by participants as essential to achieving positive changes. Design. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews. Methods. Veterans and veteran peer coaches who participated in a pilot study of peer support Improving Pain using Peer-Reinforced Self-Management Strategies (IMPPRESS, NCT01748227) took part in qualitative semi-structured interviews after completing the 4-month intervention. Questions were designed to facilitate understanding of how participants experienced the intervention. An immersion/crystallization approach was used to analyze data. Results. All 26 peer coaches and patients who completed the intervention were interviewed. Qualitative analysis revealed three elements of IMPPRESS that peer coaches and patients believed conferred benefit: 1) making interpersonal connections; 2) providing/receiving encouragement and support; and 3) facilitating the use of pain self-management strategies. Conclusions. Peer support represents a promising approach to chronic pain management that merits further study. The current study helps to identify intervention elements perceived by participants to be important in achieving positive results. Understanding how peer support may benefit patients is essential to optimize the effectiveness of peer support interventions and increase the implementation potential of peer-supported pain self-management into clinical practice
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