47 research outputs found

    Functional and aesthetic approach to design of bird feeders

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    Anthropogenic objects which load the urban environment negatively affects the human psyche. The alternative is attracting elements of the natural environment into urban environment, of which some of the most frequently identified are birds. Attracting birds in the city is possible by means of feeders and artificial nests, however, both must be harmonious. The aim of this study is to analyze the essential functions of the feeders, and their integration into the environmental design and development of the city. On this basis an original feeder which is convenient for use by birds and attracts people's attention is developed. In this paper we apply comparative analysis of different types of feeders encountered in Tomsk, bird watching, and evaluate usability of different types of feeders from the position of their convenience both for birds and human beings. Historical-cultural analysis for determining features of the architectural and environmental design of Tomsk is carried out, the method allows us to solve engineering problems. In this study the feeder convenient for bird use is designed which blends harmoniously with the architectural design of Tomsk

    LED-technologies for bright light therapy

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    The significance of the LED-based medical equipment design is caused by the need to make up for the sunshine shortfall in many areas of Russia (Siberia, the Far East, the Extreme North) that will allow reducing dramatically the risk of seasonal affective disorders. The sunshine is the essential synchronizer of the human biological rhythms, the abnormality of which plays an important role in the seasonal affective disorder nature. The study allows proving the object database development able to meet the human demand for a comfortable and high-quality placemaking as well as the health potential recoverability

    Electrophysical properties of composite films based on graphene nanoplatelets covered by metal nanoparticles

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    DC conductivity study showed that thin films based on graphene and graphene containing copper or cobalt nanoparticles, have metallic type of conductivity, but thin films consisting of graphene with magnetite nanoparticles, have semiconductor conductivity. It was found that formation of graphene-Fe[3]O[4] film in magnetic field results in the dielectric-metal transition that can be caused by the spin effects in graphene. It was shown that adsorbed oxygen in graphene based thin films acts as scattering centers decreasing mobility of the charge carriers and conductivity as a consequence

    LED-technologies for bright light therapy

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    The significance of the LED-based medical equipment design is caused by the need to make up for the sunshine shortfall in many areas of Russia (Siberia, the Far East, the Extreme North) that will allow reducing dramatically the risk of seasonal affective disorders. The sunshine is the essential synchronizer of the human biological rhythms, the abnormality of which plays an important role in the seasonal affective disorder nature. The study allows proving the object database development able to meet the human demand for a comfortable and high-quality placemaking as well as the health potential recoverability

    Clinical characteristics of patients with aorto-femoral segment in 2019-2020 yr.

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    In this article, a comparative characterization of patients with damage of aorto-iliac-femoral segment for the period of 2019-2020 was carried out. Information on gender as well as age distribution is provided. Particular attention is paid to intraoperative blood loss and the duration of temporary disability in this category of patients on the basis of a retrospective analysis of inpatient cards of the Department of Vascular Surgery on the basis of the State Healthcare Institution "Gomel Regional Cardiology Center." It was found that the incidence of men and women in 2020 decreased. However, the duration of temporary disability in 2020 has increasedВ данной статье проведена сравнительная характеристика пациентов с поражением аорто-подвздошно-бедренного сегмента за период 2019-2020гг. Предоставлены сведения о половой принадлежности, а также возрастному распределению. Особое внимание уделяется интраоперационной кровопотери и длительности временной нетрудоспособности у данной категории пациентов на основе проведённого ретроспективного анализа стационарных карт отделения сосудистой хирургии на базе ГУЗ «Гомельский областной кардиологический центр». Выяснено, что заболеваемость мужчин и женщин за 2020 год уменьшилась. Однако длительность временной нетрудоспособности за 2020 год возросл

    Features of the course of psoriasis in childhood

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    The article discusses current views on the etiology and seasonality of psoriasis development in children. The data on the most common localizations of this disease are presented on the basis of a retrospective analysis of inpatient records on the basis of the Gomel Regional Clinical Skin and Venereal DispensaryВ статье обсуждаются современные взгляды на этиологию, сезонность развития псориаза у детей. Представлены данные о наиболее часто встречающихся локализациях данного заболевания на основе проведённого ретроспективного анализа стационарных карт на базе ГУЗ «Гомельский областной клинический кожно-венерологический диспансер

    Prevalence of risk factors of HIV contamination in injection drug using women in the Omsk Region

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    The results of an epidemiological study of risk factors of HIV infection among women, who inject drugs, are presented in this paper. Incidence of HIV among women during the period from 2005 to 2013 had a significant increasing trend from 2,1 to 63,3 per 100000 women. The predominance of parenteral transmission of HIV, as well as a significant prevalence of substance abuse disorders among women, determined a significant risk of morbidity for women with HIV infection (6,3 per 10,000 women). We included 115 women, taking injection drugs, in our study. Most of the women noted patterns of high risk HIV infection behavior, as well as the lack of knowledge about HIV prevention. 45% of women had been using drugs for 6-11 years, most of them have started using drugs at the age of 16-19 years, 40% of participants have used more than one type of drug, used common needles, syringes, together with other persons, including those with HIV infection. 23,8% of the women mentioned having unprotected sex, including sex with casual sex partners

    Фотоизомеризация и фотоориентация бриллиантового желтого в тонкопленочном состоянии

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    The features of photoisomerization and photoorientation of azo dye brilliant yellow (BY) in the thin film state are studied. The trans-cis-isomerization of the dye molecules is established to proceed upon irradiation of the films based on BY with a full light of an ultra-high pressure lamp DRT-1000 (UV / VID light), this reaction is described by the first-order reaction equation. Under the action of linearly polarized blue light (λ = 457 nm), an optical anisotropy arises in films of BY. Optically anisotropic films of BY with a high dichroic ratio (>10) are shown to be formed using N-methylpyrrolidone and N, N-dimethylformamide as solvents and cellulose acetate as the polymer matrix.Изучены особенности фотоизомеризации и фотоориентации азокрасителя бриллиантовый желтый (БЖ) в тонкопленочном состоянии. Установлено, что при облучении пленок БЖ полным светом лампы сверхвысокого давления ДРТ-1000 (УФ/ВИД-светом) протекает реакция транс-цис-изомеризации молекул красителя, которая описывается уравнением реакции первого порядка. Под действием линейно-поляризованного синего света (λ = 457 нм) в пленках на основе БЖ возникает оптическая анизотропия. Показано, что оптически анизотропные пленки БЖ с высоким значением дихроичного отношения (>10) формируются при использовании в качестве растворителей N-метилпирролидона и N,N-диметилформамида, а также ацетилцеллюлозы как полимерной матрицы