268 research outputs found

    The measurement errors in the Swift-UVOT and XMM-OM

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    The probability of photon measurement in some photon counting instrumentation, such as the Optical Monitor on the XMM-Newton satellite, and the UVOT on the Swift satellite, does not follow a Poisson distribution due to the detector characteristics, but a Binomial distribution. For a single-pixel approximation, an expression was derived for the incident countrate as a function of the measured count rate by Fordham, Moorhead and Galbraith (2000). We show that the measured countrate error is binomial, and extend their formalism to derive the error in the incident count rate. The error on the incident count rate at large count rates is larger than the Poisson-error of the incident count rate.Comment: 4 pages, 2 postscript figures, submitted to MNRA

    Swift UVOT Grism Observations of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae - I. Observations and Data Reduction

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    Ultraviolet (UV) observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are useful tools for understanding progenitor systems and explosion physics. In particular, UV spectra of SNe Ia, which probe the outermost layers, are strongly affected by the progenitor metallicity. In this work, we present 120 Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory UV spectra of 39 nearby SNe Ia. This sample is the largest UV (lambda < 2900 A) spectroscopic sample of SNe Ia to date, doubling the number of UV spectra and tripling the number of SNe with UV spectra. The sample spans nearly the full range of SN Ia light-curve shapes (delta m(B) ~ 0.6-1.8 mag). The fast turnaround of Swift allows us to obtain UV spectra at very early times, with 13 out of 39 SNe having their first spectra observed >~ 1 week before peak brightness and the earliest epoch being 16.5 days before peak brightness. The slitless design of the Swift UV grism complicates the data reduction, which requires separating SN light from underlying host-galaxy light and occasional overlapping stellar light. We present a new data-reduction procedure to mitigate these issues, producing spectra that are significantly improved over those of standard methods. For a subset of the spectra we have nearly simultaneous Hubble Space Telescope UV spectra; the Swift spectra are consistent with these comparison data.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    An Updated Ultraviolet Calibration for the Swift/UVOT

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    We present an updated calibration of the Swift/UVOT broadband ultraviolet (uvw1, uvm2, and uvw2) filters. The new calibration accounts for the ~1% per year decline in the UVOT sensitivity observed in all filters, and makes use of additional calibration sources with a wider range of colours and with HST spectrophotometry. In this paper we present the new effective area curves and instrumental photometric zeropoints and compare with the previous calibration.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Presented at GRB 2010 symposium, Annapolis, November 2010 to be published in American Institute of Physics Conference Serie

    The ambiguous transient ASASSN-17hx. A possible nova-impostor

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    Some transients, although classified as novae based on their maximum and early decline optical spectra, cast doubts on their true nature and whether nova impostors might exist. We monitored a candidate nova which displayed a distinctly unusual light curve at maximum and early decline through optical spectroscopy (3000-10000 \AA, 500<R<100000) complemented with Swift UV and AAVSO optical photometry. We use the spectral line series to characterize the ejecta dynamics, structure, and mass. We found that the ejecta are in free ballistic expansion and structured as typical of classical novae. However, their derived mass is at least an order of magnitude larger than the typical ejecta masses obtained for classical novae. Specifically, we found Mej_{ej}\simeq9×\times103^{-3} M_\odot independent of the distance for a filling factor ε\varepsilon=1. By constraining the distance we derived ε\varepsilon in the range 0.08-0.10, giving a mass 7×\times104^{-4}\lesssim Mej_{ej}\lesssim9×\times104^{-4} M_\odot. The nebular spectrum, characterized by unusually strong coronal emission lines, confines the ionizing source energy to the range 20-250 eV, possibly peaking in the range 75-100 or 75-150 eV. We link this source to other slow novae which showed similar behavior and suggest that they might form a distinct physical sub-group. They may result from a classical nova explosion occurring on a very low mass white dwarf or be impostors for an entirely different type of transient

    Multi-wavelength spectroscopic study of shock-driven phenomena in explosive outbursts in symbiotic-like recurrent novae with an emphasis on RS Ophiuchi

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    Aims. Our goal is to detail the development of RS Ophiuchi and the other Galactic symbiotic-like recurrent novae throughout their outburst and quiescence, with a particular emphasis on the propagation of the shock wave during the outburst of the binaries. Methods. The spectral analysis has been performed using archival data according to the features of the individual datasets. Swift grism spectra were reduced and extracted using a combination of the pre-existing UVOTPY Python routine and newly written pipelines in Matlab. Other datasets were directly available in reduced form, already corrected for instrumental or background contamination, and calibrated in wavelength and flux or intensity. The work on these was done through pipelines suited for reading the data and elaborating them to extract quantities of interest for the analysis. Results. We find striking similarities in different outbursts of the same object and for different novae. For example, RS Oph 2021 was almost identical to the 2006 outburst, despite having occurred at a different orbital phase with the observations made from a different line of sight through the red giant wind. Despite the intrinsically different properties of the binaries, striking similarities are found for different systems of the same class, for instance, the trend of the electron density over time during outburst appears to follow a general temporal development

    A panchromatic analysis of starburst galaxy M82: Probing the dust properties

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    (Abridged) We combine NUV, optical and IR imaging of the nearby starburst galaxy M82 to explore the properties of the dust both in the interstellar medium of the galaxy and the dust entrained in the superwind. The three NUV filters of Swift/UVOT enable us to probe in detail the properties of the extinction curve in the region around the 2175A bump. The NUV colour-colour diagram strongly rules out a Calzetti-type law, which can either reflect intrinsic changes in the dust properties or in the star formation history compared to starbursts well represented by such an attenuation law. We emphasize that it is mainly in the NUV region where a standard Milky-Way-type law is preferred over a Calzetti law. The age and dust distribution of the stellar populations is consistent with the scenario of an encounter with M81 in the recent 400 Myr. The radial gradients of the NUV and optical colours in the superwind region support the hypothesis that the emission in the wind cone is driven by scattering from dust grains entrained in the ejecta. The observed wavelength dependence reveals either a grain size distribution n(a)a2.5n(a)\propto a^{-2.5}, where aa is the size of the grain, or a flatter distribution with a maximum size cutoff, suggesting that only small grains are entrained in the supernovae-driven wind.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, MNRAS, in pres

    Increasing activity in T CrB suggests nova eruption is impending

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    Estimates of the accretion rate in symbiotic recurrent novae (RNe) often fall short of theoretical expectations by orders of magnitude. This apparent discrepancy can be resolved if the accumulation of mass by the white dwarf (WD) is highly sporadic, and most observations are performed during low states. Here we use a reanalysis of archival data from the Digital Access to a Sky Century @Harvard (DASCH) survey to argue that the most recent nova eruption in symbiotic RN T CrB, in 1946, occurred during -- and was therefore triggered by -- a transient accretion high state. Based on similarities in the optical light curve around 1946 and the time of the prior eruption, in 1866, we suggest that the WD in T CrB accumulates most of the fuel needed to ignite the thermonuclear runaways (TNRs) during accretion high states. A natural origin for such states is dwarf-nova like accretion-disk instabilities, which are expected in the presumably large disks in symbiotic binaries. The timing of the TNRs in symbiotic RNe could thus be set by the stability properties of their accretion disks. T CrB is in the midst of an accretion high state like the ones we posit led to the past two nova eruptions. Combined with the approach of the time at which a TNR would be expected based on the 80-year interval between the prior two novae (2026±2026 \pm3), the current accretion high state increases the likelihood of a TNR occurring in T CrB in the next few years.Comment: Accepted in ApJ

    On the Polarized Absorption Lines in Gamma-Ray Burst Optical Afterglows

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    Spectropolarimetric measurements of gamma-ray burst (GRB) optical afterglows contain polarization information for both continuum and absorption lines. Based on the Zeeman effect, an absorption line in a strong magnetic field is polarized and split into a triplet. In this paper, we solve the polarization radiative transfer equations of the absorption lines, and obtain the degree of linear polarization of the absorption lines as a function of the optical depth. In order to effectively measure the degree of linear polarization for the absorption lines, a magnetic field strength of at least 103 G is required. The metal elements that produce the polarized absorption lines should be sufficiently abundant and have large oscillation strengths or Einstein absorption coefficients. We encourage both polarization measurements and high-dispersion observations of the absorption lines in order to detect the triplet structure in early GRB optical afterglows

    The use and calibration of read-out streaks to increase the dynamic range of the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope

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    The dynamic range of photon counting micro-channel-plate (MCP) intensified charged-coupled device (CCD) instruments such as the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) and the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor (XMM-OM) is limited at the bright end by coincidence loss, the superposition of multiple photons in the individual frames recorded by the CCD. Photons which arrive during the brief period in which the image frame is transferred for read out of the CCD are displaced in the transfer direction in the recorded images. For sufficiently bright sources, these displaced counts form read-out streaks. Using UVOT observations of Tycho-2 stars, we investigate the use of these read-out streaks to obtain photometry for sources which are too bright (and hence have too much coincidence loss) for normal aperture photometry to be reliable. For read-out-streak photometry, the bright-source limiting factor is coincidence loss within the MCPs rather than the CCD. We find that photometric measurements can be obtained for stars up to 2.4 magnitudes brighter than the usual full-frame coincidence-loss limit by using the read-out streaks. The resulting bright-limit Vega magnitudes in the UVOT passbands are UVW2=8.80, UVM2=8.27, UVW1=8.86, u=9.76, b=10.53, v=9.31 and White=11.71; these limits are independent of the windowing mode of the camera. We find that a photometric precision of 0.1 mag can be achieved through read-out streak measurements. A suitable method for the measurement of read-out streaks is described and all necessary calibration factors are given.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Code available from the calibration link at http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/www_astro/uvo

    Distant foreground and the Planck-derived Hubble constant

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    It is possible to reduce the discrepancy between the local measurement of the cosmological parameter H0H_0 and the value derived from the PlanckPlanck measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by considering contamination of the CMB by emission from some medium around distant extragalactic sources, such as extremely cold coarse-grain dust. Though being distant, such a medium would still be in the foreground with respect to the CMB, and, as any other foreground, it would alter the CMB power spectrum. This could contribute to the dispersion of CMB temperature fluctuations. By generating a few random samples of CMB with different dispersions, we have checked that the increased dispersion leads to a smaller estimated value of H0H_0, the rest of the cosmological model parameters remaining fixed. This might explain the reduced value of the PlanckPlanck-derived parameter H0H_0 with respect to the local measurements. The signature of the distant foreground in the CMB traced by SNe was previously reported by the authors of this paper -- we found a correlation between the SN redshifts, zSNz_{\rm SN}, and CMB temperature fluctuations at the SNe locations, TSNT_{\rm SN}. Here we have used the slopes of the regression lines TSN/zSNT_{\rm SN}\,/\,z_{\rm SN} corresponding to different {\it Planck} wave bands in order to estimate the possible temperature of the distant extragalactic medium, which turns out to be very low, about 5\,K. The most likely ingredient of this medium is coarse-grain (greygrey) dust, which is known to be almost undetectable, except for the effect of dimming remote extragalactic sources.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl