21,586 research outputs found

    Axial Contributions at the Top Threshold

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    We calculate the contributions of the axial current to top quark pair production in e+ e- annihilation at threshold. The QCD dynamics is taken into account by solving the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for the P wave production using the QCD potential up to two loops. We demonstrate that the dependence of the total and differential cross section on the polarization of the e+ and e- beams allows for an independent extraction of the axial current induced cross section.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, including 5 Postscript figures using eps

    Product and other fine structure in polynomial resolutions of mapping spaces

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    Let Map_T(K,X) denote the mapping space of continuous based functions between two based spaces K and X. If K is a fixed finite complex, Greg Arone has recently given an explicit model for the Goodwillie tower of the functor sending a space X to the suspension spectrum \Sigma^\infty Map_T(K,X). Applying a generalized homology theory h_* to this tower yields a spectral sequence, and this will converge strongly to h_*(Map_T(K,X)) under suitable conditions, e.g. if h_* is connective and X is at least dim K connected. Even when the convergence is more problematic, it appears the spectral sequence can still shed considerable light on h_*(Map_T(K,X)). Similar comments hold when a cohomology theory is applied. In this paper we study how various important natural constructions on mapping spaces induce extra structure on the towers. This leads to useful interesting additional structure in the associated spectral sequences. For example, the diagonal on Map_T(K,X) induces a `diagonal' on the associated tower. After applying any cohomology theory with products h^*, the resulting spectral sequence is then a spectral sequence of differential graded algebras. The product on the E_\infty -term corresponds to the cup product in h^*(Map_T(K,X)) in the usual way, and the product on the E_1-term is described in terms of group theoretic transfers. We use explicit equivariant S-duality maps to show that, when K is the sphere S^n, our constructions at the fiber level have descriptions in terms of the Boardman-Vogt little n-cubes spaces. We are then able to identify, in a computationally useful way, the Goodwillie tower of the functor from spectra to spectra sending a spectrum X to \Sigma ^\infty \Omega ^\infty X.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol2/agt-2-28.abs.htm

    Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of oscillatory shape evolution for electromigration-driven islands

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    The shape evolution of two-dimensional islands under electromigration-driven periphery diffusion is studied by kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations and continuum theory. The energetics of the KMC model is adapted to the Cu(100) surface, and the continuum model is matched to the KMC model by a suitably parametrized choice of the orientation-dependent step stiffness and step atom mobility. At 700 K shape oscillations predicted by continuum theory are quantitatively verified by the KMC simulations, while at 500 K qualitative differences between the two modeling approaches are found.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Integrating Item Accuracy and Reaction Time to Improve the Measurement of Inhibitory Control Abilities in Early Childhood

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    Efforts to improve children’s executive function are often hampered by the lack of measures that are optimized for use during the transition from preschool to elementary school. Whereas preschool-based measures often emphasize response accuracy, elementary school-based measures emphasize reaction time (RT)—especially for measures inhibitory control (IC) tasks that typically have a speeded component. The primary objective of this study was to test in a preschool-aged sample whether the joint use of item-level accuracy and RT data resulted in improved scoring for three IC tasks relative to scores derived from accuracy data alone. Generally, the joint use of item-level accuracy and RT data resulted in modest improvements in the measurement precision of IC abilities. Moreover, the joint use of item-level accuracy and RT helped eliminate floor and ceiling effects that occurred when accuracy data were considered alone. Results are discussed with respect to the importance of scoring IC tasks in ways that are maximally informative for program evaluation and longitudinal modeling

    Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linked Data

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    To make digital resources on the web verifiable, immutable, and permanent, we propose a technique to include cryptographic hash values in URIs. We call them trusty URIs and we show how they can be used for approaches like nanopublications to make not only specific resources but their entire reference trees verifiable. Digital artifacts can be identified not only on the byte level but on more abstract levels such as RDF graphs, which means that resources keep their hash values even when presented in a different format. Our approach sticks to the core principles of the web, namely openness and decentralized architecture, is fully compatible with existing standards and protocols, and can therefore be used right away. Evaluation of our reference implementations shows that these desired properties are indeed accomplished by our approach, and that it remains practical even for very large files.Comment: Small error corrected in the text (table data was correct) on page 13: "All average values are below 0.8s (0.03s for batch mode). Using Java in batch mode even requires only 1ms per file.

    Spiral Growth and Step Edge Barriers

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    The growth of spiral mounds containing a screw dislocation is compared to the growth of wedding cakes by two-dimensional nucleation. Using phase field simulations and homoepitaxial growth experiments on the Pt(111) surface we show that both structures attain the same characteristic large scale shape when a significant step edge barrier suppresses interlayer transport. The higher vertical growth rate observed for the spiral mounds on Pt(111) reflects the different incorporation mechanisms for atoms in the top region and can be formally represented by an enhanced apparent step edge barrier.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, partly in colo

    Morphological stability of electromigration-driven vacancy islands

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    The electromigration-induced shape evolution of two-dimensional vacancy islands on a crystal surface is studied using a continuum approach. We consider the regime where mass transport is restricted to terrace diffusion in the interior of the island. In the limit of fast attachment/detachment kinetics a circle translating at constant velocity is a stationary solution of the problem. In contrast to earlier work [O. Pierre-Louis and T.L. Einstein, Phys. Rev. B 62, 13697 (2000)] we show that the circular solution remains linearly stable for arbitrarily large driving forces. The numerical solution of the full nonlinear problem nevertheless reveals a fingering instability at the trailing end of the island, which develops from finite amplitude perturbations and eventually leads to pinch-off. Relaxing the condition of instantaneous attachment/detachment kinetics, we obtain non-circular elongated stationary shapes in an analytic approximation which compares favorably to the full numerical solution.Comment: 12 page

    JHK Observations of Faint Standard Stars in the Mauna Kea Near-Infrared Photometric System

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    JHK photometry in the Mauna Kea Observatory (MKO) near-IR system is presented for 115 stars. Of these, 79 are UKIRT standards and 42 are LCO standards. The average brightness is 11.5 mag, with a range of 10 to 15. The average number of nights each star was observed is 4, and the average of the internal error of the final results is 0.011 mag. These JHK data agree with those reported by other groups to 0.02 mag. The measurements are used to derive transformations between the MKO JHK photometric system and the UKIRT, LCO and 2MASS systems. The 2MASS-MKO data scatter by 0.05 mag for redder stars: 2MASS-J includes H2O features in dwarfs and MKO-K includes CO features in giants. Transformations derived for stars whose spectra contain only weak features cannot give accurate transformations for objects with strong absorption features within a filter bandpasses. We find evidence of systematic effects at the 0.02 mag level in the photometry of stars with J<11 and H,K<10.5. This is due to an underestimate of the linearity correction for stars observed with the shortest exposure times; very accurate photometry of stars approaching the saturation limits of infrared detectors which are operated in double-read mode is difficult to obtain. Four stars in the sample, GSPC S705-D, FS 116 (B216-b7), FS 144 (Ser-EC84) and FS 32 (Feige 108), may be variable. 84 stars in the sample have 11< J< 15 and 10.5<H,K<15, are not suspected to be variable, and have magnitudes with an estimated error <0.027 mag; 79 of these have an error of <0.020 mag. These represent the first published high-accuracy JHK stellar photometry in the MKO photometric system; we recommend these objects be employed as primary standards for that system [abridged].Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 5 Figure
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