68 research outputs found

    Regulierte Intramembranproteolyse des Interleukin-1 Rezeptors II durch α-, β- und γ-Sekretase

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    Ektodomänenspaltung und Intramembranproteolyse des Amyloiden Vorläufer Proteins (APP) durch Alpha-, Beta- und gamma-Sekretase sind in die Pathogenese der Alzheimer Erkrankung (AD) involviert. Eine vermehrte proteolytische Prozessierung und Sekretion eines anderen Membranproteins, des Typ II Interleukin-1 Rezeptors (IL-1R2) wurde mit der Pathogenese der Alzheimer Erkrankung in Verbindung gebracht. IL-1R2 ist ein Abfangrezeptor, welcher vermutlich in der Lage ist, die schädlichen Effekte von Interleukin-1 im Gehirn zu begrenzen. Bis jetzt ist die proteolytische Prozessierung von IL-1R2 nur wenig verstanden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass IL-1R2 ähnlich wie auch APP prozessiert wird. In humanen embryonalen Nierenzellen (HEK293) exprimiertes IL-1R2 unterläuft zuerst eine Spaltung der Ektodomäne durch eine Metalloprotease, was zur Freisetzung der Ektodomäne und einem in der Membran verbleibenden C-terminalen Fragment führt. Dieses Fragment wird durch Intramembranproteolyse des Gamma-Sekretase-Komplexes in eine intrazelluläre Domäne (ICD) gespalten. Die Intramembranproteolyse von IL-1R2 konnte durch einen hochspezifischen Gammasekretase-Inhibitor gehemmt werden und fehlte in Gamma-Sekretase-defizienten embryonalen Mausfibroblasten. Überraschenderweise erhöhen die Beta-Sekretase BACE1 und ihr Homolog BACE2 die Sekretion von IL-1R2, welche zu ähnlich großen C-terminalen Fragmenten wie auch bei der Alpha-Spaltung von IL-1R2 führen. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass beide Proteasen als alternative Alpha-Sekretasen agieren könnten. Darüber hinaus werden zahlreiche andere Membranproteine, die in dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden, nicht durch BACE1 und BACE2 geschnitten, was zeigt, dass beide Proteasen nicht am generellen Membranproteinumsatz beteiligt sind. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass Il-1R2 und APP eine ähnliche proteolytische Prozessierung durchlaufen. Dies könnte somit eine Erklärung für die erhöhte Sekretion von IL-1R2 im Rahmen der Alzheimer Erkrankung sein

    Cell Type-Specific Human APP Transgene Expression by Hippocampal Interneurons in the Tg2576 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic animal models of Alzheimer's disease have become versatile tools for basic and translational research. However, there is great heterogeneity of histological, biochemical, and functional data between transgenic mouse lines, which might be due to different transgene expression patterns. Here, the expression of human APP (hAPP) by GABAergic hippocampal interneurons immunoreactive for the calcium binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin, calretinin, and for the peptide hormone somatostatin was analyzed in Tg2576 mice by double immunofluorescent microscopy. Overall, there was no GABAergic interneuron subpopulation that did not express the transgene. On the other hand, in no case all neurons of such a subpopulation expressed hAPP. In dentate gyrus molecular layer and in stratum lacunosum moleculare less than 10% of hAPP-positive interneurons co-express any of these interneuron markers, whereas in stratum oriens hAPP-expressing neurons frequently co-express these interneuron markers to different proportions. We conclude that these neurons differentially contribute to deficits in young Tg2576 mice before the onset of Abeta plaque pathology. The detailed analysis of distinct brain region and neuron type-specific APP transgene expression patterns is indispensable to understand particular pathological features and mouse line-specific differences in neuronal and systemic functions

    Prion Replication in the Mammalian Cytosol: Functional Regions within a Prion Domain Driving Induction, Propagation, and Inheritance

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    Prions of lower eukaryotes are transmissible protein particles that propagate by converting homotypic soluble proteins into growing protein assemblies. Prion activity is conferred by so-called prion domains, regions of low complexity that are often enriched in glutamines and asparagines (Q/N). The compositional similarity of fungal prion domains with intrinsically disordered domains found in many mammalian proteins raises the question of whether similar sequence elements can drive prion-like phenomena in mammals. Here, we define sequence features of the prototype Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sup35 prion domain that govern prion activities in mammalian cells by testing the ability of deletion mutants to assemble into self-perpetuating particles. Interestingly, the amino-terminal Q/N-rich tract crucially important for prion induction in yeast was dispensable for the prion life cycle in mammalian cells. Spontaneous and template-assisted prion induction, growth, and maintenance were preferentially driven by the carboxy-terminal region of the prion domain that contains a putative soft amyloid stretch recently proposed to act as a nucleation site for prion assembly. Our data demonstrate that preferred prion nucleation domains can differ between lower and higher eukaryotes, resulting in the formation of prions with strikingly different amyloid cores

    Iron-mediated aggregation and toxicity in a novel neuronal cell culture model with inducible alpha-synuclein expression

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) represents an increasing problem in society. The oligomerization of alpha-synuclein (alpha Syn) is a suggested key event in its pathogenesis, yet the pathological modes of action remain to be fully elucidated. To identify potential disease-modifying therapeutics and to study alpha Syn-mediated toxic mechanisms, we established cell lines with inducible overexpression of different alpha Syn constructs: alpha Syn, alpha Syn coupled to the fluorescence protein Venus (alpha Syn-Venus), and alpha Syn coupled to the N-terminal or C-terminal part of Venus (V1S and SV2, respectively) for a bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay (BiFC). Inducibility was achieved by applying modified GAL4-UAS or Cre-loxP systems and addition of tebufenozide or 4-OH-tamoxifen, respectively. Expression constructs were stably integrated into the host genome of H4 neuroglioma cells by lentiviral transduction. We here demonstrate a detailed investigation of the expression characteristics of inducible H4 cells showing low background expression and high inducibility. We observed increased protein load and aggregation of alpha Syn upon incubation with DMSO and FeCl3 along with an increase in cytotoxicity. In summary, we present a system for the creation of inducibly alpha Syn-overexpressing cell lines holding high potential for the screening for modulators of alpha Syn aggregation and alpha Syn-mediated toxicity

    Generation and deposition of A43 by the virtually inactive presenilin-1 L435F mutant contradicts the presenilin loss-of-function hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease

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    As stated by the prevailing amyloid cascade hypothesis, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is caused by the aggregation and cerebral deposition of long amyloid- peptide (A) species, which are released from a C-terminal amyloid precursor protein fragment by -secretase. Mutations in its catalytic subunit presenilin-1 (PS1) increase the A42 to A40 ratio and are the major cause of familial AD (FAD). An opposing hypothesis states that loss of essential presenilin functions underlies the disease. A major argument for this hypothesis is the observation that the nearly inactive PS1 L435F mutant, paradoxically, causes FAD. We now show that the very little A generated by PS1 L435F consists primarily of A43, a highly amyloidogenic species which was overlooked in previous studies of this mutant. We further demonstrate that the generation of A43 is not due to a trans-dominant effect of this mutant on WT presenilin. Furthermore, we found A43-containing plaques in brains of patients with this mutation. The aberrant generation of A43 by this particular mutant provides a direct objection against the presenilin hypothesis

    QUINT: Workflow for Quantification and Spatial Analysis of Features in Histological Images From Rodent Brain

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    Transgenic animal models are invaluable research tools for elucidating the pathways and mechanisms involved in the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Mechanistic clues can be revealed by applying labelling techniques such as immunohistochemistry or in situ hybridisation to brain tissue sections. Precision in both assigning anatomical location to the sections and quantifying labelled features is crucial for output validity, with a stereological approach or image-based feature extraction typically used. However, both approaches are restricted by the need to manually delineate anatomical regions. To circumvent this limitation, we present the QUINT workflow for quantification and spatial analysis of labelling in series of rodent brain section images based on available 3D reference atlases. The workflow is semi-automated, combining three open source software that can be operated without scripting knowledge, making it accessible to most researchers. As an example, a brain region-specific quantification of amyloid plaques across whole transgenic Tg2576 mouse brain series, immunohistochemically labelled for three amyloid-related antigens is demonstrated. First, the whole brain image series were registered to the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas to produce customised atlas maps adapted to match the cutting plan and proportions of the sections (QuickNII software). Second, the labelling was segmented from the original images by the Random Forest Algorithm for supervised classification (ilastik software). Finally, the segmented images and atlas maps were used to generate plaque quantifications for each region in the reference atlas (Nutil software). The method yielded comparable results to manual delineations and to the output of a stereological method. While the use case demonstrates the QUINT workflow for quantification of amyloid plaques only, the workflow is suited to all mouse or rat brain series with labelling that is visually distinct from the background, for example for the quantification of cells or labelled proteins

    The immunologic tumor microenvironment in endometrioid endometrial cancer in the morphomolecular context: mutual correlations and prognostic impact depending on molecular alterations

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    OBJECTIVE POLE-mutant, microsatellite-instable (MSI), p53-mutant and non-specific molecular profile (NSMP) are TCGA-defined molecular subgroups of endometrial cancer (EC). Hypothesizing that morphology and tumor immunology might differ depending on molecular background concerning composition and prognostic impact, we aimed to comprehensively interconnect morphologic, immunologic and molecular data. METHODS TCGA-defined molecular groups were determined by immunohistochemistry and sequencing in n = 142 endometrioid EC. WHO-defined histopathological grading was performed. The immunologic microenvironment (iTME) was characterised by the quantification of intraepithelial and stromal populations of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL: overall T-cells; T-Killer cells; regulatory T-cells (Treg)). Immunologic parameters were correlated with WHO-grading, TCGA-subgroups and prognosis. RESULTS High density TIL were significantly more frequent in high-grade (G3) compared to low-grade (G1/2) EC in the whole cohort and in the subgroup of POLE-wildtype-/microsatellite-stable-EC. MSI was associated with high-level TIL-infiltration when taking into account the type of mismatch repair defect (MLH1/PMS2; MSH2/MSH6). Prognostic impact of biomarkers depended on molecular subgroups: In p53-mutant EC, Treg were independently prognostic, in NSMP, the unique independently prognostic biomarker was WHO-grading. CONCLUSIONS EC morphology and immunology differ depending on genetics. Our study delineated two molecularly distinct subgroups of immunogenic EC characterized by high-density TIL-infiltration: MSI EC and high-grade POLE-wildtype/microsatellite-stable-EC. Prognostic impact of TIL-populations relied on TCGA-subgroups indicating specific roles for TIL depending on molecular background. In NSMP, histopathological grading was the only prognostic biomarker demonstrating the relevance of WHO-grading in an era of molecular subtyping

    Cell Type-Specific Human APP Transgene Expression by Hippocampal Interneurons in the Tg2576 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic animal models of Alzheimer’s disease have become versatile tools for basic and translational research. However, there is great heterogeneity of histological, biochemical, and functional data between transgenic mouse lines, which might be due to different transgene expression patterns. Here, the expression of human APP (hAPP) by GABAergic hippocampal interneurons immunoreactive for the calcium binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin, calretinin, and for the peptide hormone somatostatin was analyzed in Tg2576 mice by double immunofluorescent microscopy. Overall, there was no GABAergic interneuron subpopulation that did not express the transgene. On the other hand, in no case all neurons of such a subpopulation expressed hAPP. In dentate gyrus molecular layer and in stratum lacunosum moleculare less than 10% of hAPP-positive interneurons co-express any of these interneuron markers, whereas in stratum oriens hAPP-expressing neurons frequently co-express these interneuron markers to different proportions. We conclude that these neurons differentially contribute to deficits in young Tg2576 mice before the onset of Abeta plaque pathology. The detailed analysis of distinct brain region and neuron type-specific APP transgene expression patterns is indispensable to understand particular pathological features and mouse line-specific differences in neuronal and systemic functions

    Mouse brain proteomics establishes MDGA1 and CACHD1 as in vivo substrates of the Alzheimer protease BACE1

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    The protease beta-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) has fundamental functions in the nervous system. Its inhibition is a major therapeutic approach in Alzheimer's disease, because BACE1 cleaves the amyloid precursor protein (APP), thereby catalyzing the first step in the generation of the pathogenic amyloid beta (A beta) peptide. Yet, BACE1 cleaves numerous additional membrane proteins besides APP. Most of these substrates have been identified in vitro, but only few were further validated or characterized in vivo. To identify BACE1 substrates with in vivo relevance, we used isotope label-based quantitative proteomics of wild type and BACE1-deficient (BACE1 KO) mouse brains. This approach identified known BACE1 substrates, including Close homolog of L1 and contactin-2, which were found to be enriched in the membrane fraction of BACE1 KO brains. VWFA and cache domain-containing protein 1 (CACHD)1 and MAM domain-containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor protein 1 (MDGA1), which have functions in synaptic transmission, were identified and validated as new BACE1 substrates in vivo by immunoblots using primary neurons and mouse brains. Inhibition or deletion of BACE1 from primary neurons resulted in a pronounced inhibition of substrate cleavage and a concomitant increase in full-length protein levels of CACHD1 and MDGA1. The BACE1 cleavage site in both proteins was determined to be located within the juxtamembrane domain. In summary, this study identifies and validates CACHD1 and MDGA1 as novel in vivo substrates for BACE1, suggesting that cleavage of both proteins may contribute to the numerous functions of BACE1 in the nervous system

    Immunohistochemical Evidence from APP-Transgenic Mice for Glutaminyl Cyclase as Drug Target to Diminish pE-Abeta Formation

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    Oligomeric assemblies of neurotoxic amyloid beta (Abeta) peptides generated by proteolytical processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) play a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In recent years, a substantial heterogeneity of Abeta peptides with distinct biophysical and cell biological properties has been demonstrated. Among these, a particularly neurotoxic and disease-specific Abeta variant is N-terminally truncated and modified to pyroglutamate (pE-Abeta). Cell biological and animal experimental studies imply the catalysis of this modification by the enzyme glutaminyl cyclase (QC). However, direct histopathological evidence in transgenic animals from comparative brain region and cell type-specific expression of transgenic hAPP and QC, on the one hand, and on the formation of pE-Abeta aggregates, on the other, is lacking. Here, using single light microscopic, as well as triple immunofluorescent, labeling, we report the deposition of pE-Abeta only in the brain regions of APP-transgenic Tg2576 mice with detectable human APP and endogenous QC expression, such as the hippocampus, piriform cortex, and amygdala. Brain regions showing human APP expression without the concomitant presence of QC (the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus and perifornical nucleus) do not display pE-Abeta plaque formation. However, we also identified brain regions with substantial expression of human APP and QC in the absence of pE-Abeta deposition (the Edinger-Westphal nucleus and locus coeruleus). In these brain regions, the enzymes required to generate N-truncated Abeta peptides as substrates for QC might be lacking. Our observations provide additional evidence for an involvement of QC in AD pathogenesis via QC-catalyzed pE-Abeta formation
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