1,200 research outputs found

    Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme fĂŒr Logistikdienstleister

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    Aufgrund hoher Marktdynamik und WettbewerbsintensitĂ€t steht die Logistikdienstleistungswirtschaft vor neuartigen Herausforderungen. Kunden fordern verstĂ€rkt komplexe Systemleistungen aus einer Hand und eine tiefe, reibungslose Integration der Dienstleistungserstellung in die eigenen Leistungsprozesse. Die Probleme, die von industriellen Auftraggebern beim Outsourcing logistischer LeistungsumfĂ€nge beklagt werden, deuten an, dass die Herausforderungen nicht zufriedenstellend bewĂ€ltigt werden und machen eine VerĂ€nderung des bisher angewendeten Systems zur Leistungserstellung notwendig. Logistikunternehmen muss es kĂŒnftig gelingen, die eigenen Prozesse konsequent an den Anforderungen des Kunden auszurichten. Expertise in der systematischen UnterstĂŒtzung der Wertschöpfung des Kunden und ein vertieftes VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die Produktionskultur der Auftraggeber ist dafĂŒr eine Voraussetzung. Diese Kultur wird in zahlreichen produzierenden Unternehmen durch die auf das Toyota- Produktionssystem zurĂŒckzufĂŒhrenden AnsĂ€tze des Schlanken Denkens geprĂ€gt. Dabei bĂŒndeln, standardisieren und integrieren Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme die mit diesen AnsĂ€tzen verbundenen Inhalte zu einem aus den Unternehmenszielen abgeleiteten und unternehmensspezifisch zugeschnittenen methodischen Ordnungsrahmen. Aufgrund ihrer Schnittstellenposition kommen Logistikunternehmen zwangslĂ€ufig mit den durch die VerschlankungsbemĂŒhungen induzierten organisatorischen VerĂ€nderungen in Kontakt, vor allem auch deshalb, weil einige dieser VerĂ€nderungen starken Einfluss auf den Aktionsraum der Dienstleister – die Logistik – haben. Das Forschungsvorhaben leistet daher einen Beitrag, um die im schlanken Transformationsprozess erreichten Erfolge zahlreicher Unternehmen in der SachgĂŒterproduktion auch der Logistikdienstleistungswirtschaft zugĂ€nglich zu machen. Die Auswirkungen der Verbreitung von schlanken Produktionssystemen in produzierenden Unternehmen auf die Logistikdienstleistungserstellung wurden dazu systematisch analysiert und transparent gemacht. Zudem wurden die Anwendungspotenziale des Ansatzes der Ganzheitlichen Produktionssysteme zur Verankerung standardisierter, schlanker und stabiler Prozesse in Logistikunternehmen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen wurden in einen spezifischen Gestaltungsrahmen zur Schaffung derartiger Systeme in der Logistikbranche ĂŒberfĂŒhrt. Dieser Gestaltungsrahmen ist ein methodischer Ansatz, der interessierte Dienstleister bei der unternehmensspezifischen Konfiguration und Implementierung eines eigenen Ganzheitlichen Produktionssystems oder aber auch lediglich Teilen davon unterstĂŒtzt. DarĂŒber hinaus liefert er Hinweise zur Erfolgskontrolle des initiierten VerĂ€nderungsprozesses. Durch eine zielgruppenorientierte Aufbereitung aller Teilergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens und deren Integration in einen internetbasierten Anwenderkatalog steht interessierten Logistikunternehmen nunmehr eine Plattform zur VerfĂŒgung, die sie zur Auseinandersetzung mit innovativen Trends in der Produktionsorganisation einlĂ€dt. Diese EinschĂ€tzung wurde auch von beteiligten Kooperationspartnern aus der Logistikdienstleistungswirtschaft geteilt

    Investigating diffraction phenomena with low-cost material and augmented reality

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    Visual cues improve students’ understanding of divergence and curl: Evidence from eye movements during reading and problem solving

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    The coordination of multiple external representations is important for learning, but yet a difficult task for students, requiring instructional support. The subject in this study covers a typical relation in physics between abstract mathematical equations (definitions of divergence and curl) and a visual representation (vector field plot). To support the connection across both representations, two instructions with written explanations, equations, and visual representations (differing only in the presence of visual cues) were designed and their impact on students’ performance was tested. We captured students’ eye movements while they processed the written instruction and solved subsequent coordination tasks. The results show that students instructed with visual cues (VC students) performed better, responded with higher confidence, experienced less mental effort, and rated the instructional quality better than students instructed without cues. Advanced eye-tracking data analysis methods reveal that cognitive integration processes appear in both groups at the same point in time but they are significantly more pronounced for VC students, reflecting a greater attempt to construct a coherent mental representation during the learning process. Furthermore, visual cues increase the fixation count and total fixation duration on relevant information. During problem solving, the saccadic eye movement pattern of VC students is similar to experts in this domain. The outcomes imply that visual cues can be beneficial in coordination tasks, even for students with high domain knowledge. The study strongly confirms an important multimedia design principle in instruction, that is, that highlighting conceptually relevant information shifts attention to relevant information and thus promotes learning and problem solving. Even more, visual cues can positively influence students’ perception of course materials

    Harnessing Large Language Models to Enhance Self-Regulated Learning via Formative Feedback

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    Effectively supporting students in mastering all facets of self-regulated learning is a central aim of teachers and educational researchers. Prior research could demonstrate that formative feedback is an effective way to support students during self-regulated learning (SRL). However, for formative feedback to be effective, it needs to be tailored to the learners, requiring information about their learning progress. In this work, we introduce LEAP, a novel platform that utilizes advanced large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, to provide formative feedback to students. LEAP empowers teachers with the ability to effectively pre-prompt and assign tasks to the LLM, thereby stimulating students' cognitive and metacognitive processes and promoting self-regulated learning. We demonstrate that a systematic prompt design based on theoretical principles can provide a wide range of types of scaffolds to students, including sense-making, elaboration, self-explanation, partial task-solution scaffolds, as well as metacognitive and motivational scaffolds. In this way, we emphasize the critical importance of synchronizing educational technological advances with empirical research and theoretical frameworks.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Figures, 1 Tabl

    Comparing Two Subjective Rating Scales Assessing Cognitive Load During Technology-Enhanced STEM Laboratory Courses

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    Cognitive load theory is considered universally applicable to all kinds of learning scenarios. However, instead of a universal method for measuring cognitive load that suits different learning contexts or target groups, there is a great variety of assessment approaches. Particularly common are subjective rating scales, which even allow for measuring the three assumed types of cognitive load in a differentiated way. Although these scales have been proven to be effective for various learning tasks, they might not be an optimal fit for the learning demands of specific complex environments such as technology-enhanced STEM laboratory courses. The aim of this research was therefore to examine and compare the existing rating scales in terms of validity for this learning context and to identify options for adaptation, if necessary. For the present study, the two most common subjective rating scales that are known to differentiate between load types (the cognitive load scale by Leppink et al. and the naïve rating scale by Klepsch et al.) were slightly adapted to the context of learning through structured hands-on experimentation where elements such as measurement data, experimental setups, and experimental tasks affect knowledge acquisition. N 95 engineering students performed six experiments examining basic electric circuits where they had to explore fundamental relationships between physical quantities based on the observed data. Immediately after the experimentation, the students answered both adapted scales. Various indicators of validity, which considered the scales’ internal structure and their relation to variables such as group allocation as participants were randomly assigned to two conditions with a contrasting spatial arrangement of the measurement data, were analyzed. For the given dataset, the intended three-factorial structure could not be confirmed, and most of the a priori-defined subscales showed insufficient internal consistency. A multitrait–multimethod analysis suggests convergent and discriminant evidence between the scales which could not be confirmed sufficiently. The two contrasted experimental conditions were expected to result in different ratings for the extraneous load, which was solely detected by one adapted scale. As a further step, two new scales were assembled based on the overall item pool and the given dataset. They revealed a three-factorial structure in accordance with the three types of load and seemed to be promising new tools, although their subscales for extraneous load still suffer from low reliability scores

    The use of augmented reality to foster conceptual knowledge acquisition in STEM laboratory courses—Theoretical background and empirical results

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    Learning with hands‐on experiments can be supported by providing essential information virtually during lab work. Augmented reality (AR) appears especially suitable for presenting information during experimentation, as it can be used to integrate both physical and virtual lab work. Virtual information can be displayed in close spatial proximity to the correspondent components in the experimentation environment, thereby ensuring a basic design principle for multimedia instruction: the spatial contiguity principle. The latter is assumed to reduce learners' extraneous cognitive load and foster generative processing, which supports conceptual knowledge acquisition. For the present study, a tablet‐based AR application has been developed to support learning from hands‐on experiments in physics education. Real‐time measurement data were displayed directly above the components of electric circuits, which were constructed by the learners during lab work. In a two group pretest–posttest design, we compared university students' (N = 50) perceived cognitive load and conceptual knowledge gain for both the AR‐supported and a matching non‐AR learning environment. Whereas participants in both conditions gave comparable ratings for cognitive load, learning gains in conceptual knowledge were only detectable for the AR‐supported lab work

    FrĂŒheinstieg ins Physikstudium (FiPS) - Entwicklung der Konzeption eines FrĂŒhstudiums als Fernstudium

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    Seit 1998 hat sich das FrĂŒhstudium fĂŒr SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern zu einem breiten und dauerhaften Angebot der UniversitĂ€ten in Deutschland entwickelt. Derzeit bieten lediglich drei der ca. 75 UniversitĂ€ten Lehrveranstaltungen des FrĂŒhstudiums im Fernstudium an.Der Artikel fĂŒhrt als Ergebnis einer umfassenden Literatur- und Internetrecherche in Entwicklung und Charakteristika des FrĂŒhstudiums in Deutschland ein. Anschließend wird die seit dem WS 15/16 begonnene studienorganisatorische und mediendidaktische Neukonzeption des FrĂŒheinstiegs ins Physikstudium der Technischen UniversitĂ€t Kaiserslautern (FiPS) begrĂŒndet dargestellt und in das bundesweite FrĂŒhstudiumangebot eingeordnet. Deskriptive statistische Daten zur Anzahl der FiPS-Studierenden, zum Einzugsgebiet, zur Studiendauer, zur Kurswahl sowie zu Erfolgsquoten geben eine erste EinschĂ€tzung der Wirksamkeit von FiPS seit dem WS 15/16
