8 research outputs found

    The labial gene is required to terminate proliferation of identified neuroblasts in postembryonic development of the Drosophila brain

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    The developing brain of Drosophila has become a useful model for studying the molecular genetic mechanisms that give rise to the complex neuronal arrays that characterize higher brains in other animals including mammals. Brain development in Drosophila begins during embryogenesis and continues during a subsequent postembryonic phase. During embryogenesis, the Hox gene labial is expressed in the developing tritocerebrum, and labial loss-of-function has been shown to be associated with a loss of regional neuronal identity and severe patterning defects in this part of the brain. However nothing is known about the expression and function of labial, or any other Hox gene, during the postembryonic phase of brain development, when the majority of the neurons in the adult brain are generated. Here we report the first analysis of Hox gene action during postembryonic brain development in Drosophila. We show that labial is initially expressed in six larval brain neuroblasts, of which only four give rise to the labial expressing neuroblast lineages present in the late larval brain. Although MARCM-based clonal mutation of labial in these four neuroblast lineages does not result in an obvious phenotype, a striking and unexpected effect of clonal labial loss-of-function does occur during postembryonic brain development, namely the formation of two ectopic neuroblast lineages that are not present in wild-type brains. The same two ectopic neuroblast lineages are also observed following cell death blockage and, significantly, in this case the resulting ectopic lineages are Labial-positive. These findings imply that labial is required in two specific neuroblast lineages of the wildtype brain for the appropriate termination of proliferation through programmed cell death. Our analysis of labial function reveals a novel cell autonomous role of this Hox gene in shaping the lineage architecture of the brain during postembryonic development

    Structure and development of the subesophageal zone of the Drosophila brain. I. Segmental architecture, compartmentalization, and lineage anatomy

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    The subesophageal zone (SEZ) of the Drosophila brain houses the circuitry underlying feeding behavior and is involved in many other aspects of sensory processing and locomotor control. Formed by the merging of four neuromeres, the internal architecture of the SEZ can be best understood by identifying segmentally reiterated landmarks emerging in the embryo and larva, and following the gradual changes by which these landmarks become integrated into the mature SEZ during metamorphosis. In previous works, the system of longitudinal fibers (connectives) and transverse axons (commissures) has been used as a scaffold that provides internal landmarks for the neuromeres of the larval ventral nerve cord. We have extended the analysis of this scaffold to the SEZ and, in addition, reconstructed the tracts formed by lineages and nerves in relationship to the connectives and commissures. As a result, we establish reliable criteria that define boundaries between the four neuromeres (tritocerebrum, mandibular neuromere, maxillary neuromere, labial neuromere) of the SEZ at all stages of development. Fascicles and lineage tracts also demarcate seven columnar neuropil domains (ventromedial, ventro-lateral, centromedial, central, centrolateral, dorsomedial, dorsolateral) identifiable throughout development. These anatomical subdivisions, presented in the form of an atlas including confocal sections and 3D digital models for the larval, pupal and adult stage, allowed us to describe the morphogenetic changes shaping the adult SEZ. Finally, we mapped MARCM-labeled clones of all secondary lineages of the SEZ to the newly established neuropil subdivisions. Our work will facilitate future studies of function and comparative anatomy of the SEZ

    Psychosocial Learning Environment in Science Classrooms: A Review of Research

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