68 research outputs found

    A daily diary study of stressful and positive events, alcohol use, and addiction severity among heavy drinking sexual minority men

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Background: The purpose of this study is to examine the conditions under which daily stressful and positive events are associated with alcohol use among heavy drinking sexual minority men (SMM). Specifically, we examined the moderating effects of two indicators of alcohol addiction severity (i.e., alcohol dependence severity and negative drinking consequences) on the associations between daily stressful events and alcohol use and between daily positive events and alcohol use among heavy drinking SMM. Procedures: Secondary data analyses were performed using data from a randomized controlled trial of heavy drinking and treatment seeking SMM who were assigned male at birth (N = 200). Participants responded to a daily survey delivered via interactive voice recording (IVR). The first seven days of the IVR were analyzed for this study. Results: While accounting for treatment condition, weekday/weekend, and baseline drinking, stressful and positive events were both associated with increased daily drinking; however, indicators of alcohol addiction severity moderated these associations. For heavy drinkers with high alcohol addiction severity, daily stressful events were not associated with alcohol use, and daily positive events were associated with increased alcohol use. In contrast, for heavy drinkers with low alcohol addiction severity, daily stressful events were associated with less drinking, and daily positive events were not associated with alcohol use. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that alcohol addiction severity plays a key role in explaining when daily stressful or positive events are associated with daily alcohol use among heavy drinking SMM

    Comparing daily drivers of problem drinking among older and younger adults: An electronic daily diary study using smartphones

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Background: By 2030, numbers and proportions of older adults with substance-use problems are expected to increase. While risk factors for problem drinking in late life have been identified, it remains unknown whether these factors drive daily drinking among older problem drinkers. This study examined the daily drivers of drinking among problem drinkers, moderated by age, utilizing ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Method: Participants (N = 139), ages 20–73, received daily EMA online surveys completed via a smartphone prior to initiation of treatment. Multilevel modeling tested the moderating impact of age on within- and between-person relationships between drinking and focal predictors (mood, loneliness, boredom, stress, poor sleep, social factors, alcohol salience, commitment and confidence not to drink heavily). Results: Older adults reported greater alcohol consumption when daily boredom levels were higher. Heavier drinking among younger adults was associated with poorer sleep quality. Greater daily confidence, daily commitment and daily alcohol salience did not impact drinking to the same extent for older adults as for younger adults. Greater person-level commitment predicted reduced drinking equivalently across age, but low person-level commitment predicted greater drinking among older adults compared to their younger counterparts. Conclusion: Older adults may have unique daily drivers of drinking that are not fully realized in current research and intervention efforts. Addressing the growing substance-use treatment needs among this population will require identifying the unique drivers of drinking among older adults, such as boredom, when compared to younger adults

    Older adults and mobile technology: Factors that enhance and inhibit utilization in the context of behavioral health

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    While numbers and proportions of older adults with behavioral health issues are expected to substantially increase, there is also a widening gap in available services for older adults. Mobile health interventions (mhealth) are a way to address existing barriers to treatment, provide frontline assessment and increase access to services for older adults. Due to perpetuated stereotypes, many assume that older adults do not utilize mobile technology nor will they accept a mHealth intervention. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize contemporary literature from information technology and healthcare regarding: (1) current mobile technology utilization by older adults, particularly in regards to health; (2) factors affecting older adult motivation to engage with mobile technology; and (3) older adult preferences for interacting with mobile technology. Findings reveal that significant proportions of older adults: already utilize mobile technology; are willing to engage in existing mobile interventions for health reasons; and have positive attitudes overall towards mobile technology. Finally, recommendations for optimizing mobile interventions to better suit older adults with behavioral health problems are reviewed

    Dynamic systems modeling to identify a cohort of problem drinkers with similar mechanisms of behavior change

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    One challenge to understanding mechanisms of behavior change (MOBC) completely among individuals with alcohol use disorder is that processes of change are theorized to be complex, dynamic (time varying), and at times non-linear, and they interact with each other to influence alcohol consumption. We used dynamical systems modeling to better understand MOBC within a cohort of problem drinkers undergoing treatment. We fit a mathematical model to ecological momentary assessment data from individual patients who successfully reduced their drinking by the end of the treatment. The model solutions agreed with the trend of the data reasonably well, suggesting the cohort patients have similar MOBC. This work demonstrates using a personalized approach to psychological research, which complements standard statistical approaches that are often applied at the population level

    Daily Factors Driving Daily Substance Use and Chronic Pain Among Older Adults with HIV: A Study Using Ecological Momentary Assessment

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    Background: Adults 50 and older make up approximately 50% of persons living with HIV. Multiple co-morbidities are common among this group, including chronic pain and substance abuse, yet little is known about the daily factors that either enhance or inhibit these experiences or behaviors. This study explored daily drivers of substance use, pain, and relief from pain among older adults living with HIV utilizing ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Method: Participants (N=55), ages 49–71, completed seven consecutive days of daily EMA online surveys prior to treatment initiation within a randomized controlled trial. Multilevel modeling tested predictors of pain, substance use, and relief from pain by examining within- and between-person relationships. Results: Results revealed an associational, reciprocal relationship between daily worst pain and daily drinking, where greater worst pain ratings predicted heavier drinking and heavier drinking predicted greater daily and overall pain. Greater happiness and poorer quality of sleep predicted greater daily worst pain. Exercising and overall confidence to cope with pain without medication were associated with lower levels of daily worst pain. Finally, spending less time with a loved one over time and reporting any coping behavior were associated with relief from pain. Conclusion: Investigation of daily factors that drive pain and substance use behaviors among this unique population help inform which daily factors are most risky to their health and well-being. Alcohol use emerged as the only substance associated with both driving pain and responding to pain. Findings suggest key points for prevention and intervention

    Substance Use and Abuse

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    Examining motivational interviewing\u27s effect on confidence and commitment using daily data

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    © 2019 Mechanisms of behavior change (MOBC) within Motivational Interviewing (MI) are thought to operate via both relational and technical elements. These elements are hypothesized to increase client motivation and self-efficacy for change and subsequently decrease drinking. Only partial support for this causal chain exists, particularly when using within-session change talk as the primary intervening variable. This study explored whether commitment to moderate or abstain from drinking and confidence to moderate drinking in the next day measured via ecological momentary assessment (EMA) provided alternative support for the theory. Data were from a pilot randomized controlled trial testing active ingredients of MI. Problem drinkers (N = 89) seeking to moderate their drinking were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions: 1) MI; 2) Spirit only MI (SOMI), consisting of non-directive elements of MI, e.g., reflective listening; and 3) a non-therapy control. Participants completed daily EMA that measured confidence, both types of commitment, and drinks per day for a week prior to and during seven weeks of treatment. Hypotheses were not supported, and results were unexpected. Participants in SOMI were more likely to have higher daily confidence than those in MI; there were no condition differences for either type of commitment. All daily measures significantly predicted drinking; however, the MI group did not demonstrate a stronger relationship between the intervening variables and drinking, as hypothesized. Instead, participants in SOMI yielded the strongest relationship between daily commitment to abstain and drinking compared to the other two conditions. Multiple possible explanations for the unexpected findings are discussed
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