15 research outputs found

    Features of Formation and Functioning of Scientific and Industrial Clusters in the Development of Regional Economy

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    The article considers the basic conditions for the formation of scientific and production clusters, as well as their goals and objectives. The role of the state in the development of the cluster and the degree of influence of the cluster on the economy. The analysis of the most promising research-and-production clusters of the Russian Federation, and considered their impact on the competitiveness of the regional economy

    The State Cluster Policy as Instrument of Increase in Competitiveness of Territorial Subjects of the Russian Federation

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    The paper examines the role of the state cluster policy in the development of the competitiveness of the region. We investigated the types of cluster policy in the world. Contains a study of the strengths and weaknesses of cluster policy in Russia, and provides recommendations to eliminate existing shortcomings. The proposed actions of the state directed on maintenance and development of clusters


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    The researches on the development of medical and medical-preventive food products for people with violation of normal intestinal microflora are presented in the article. It was found that,  the introduction into the formulation of cooked sausage food beet  fibers based on sugar beet, hydrated in a ratio 1:5, in amount 10 %  to weight of mince and lactulose, synthesized from lactose, in  amount 640 mg/kg mince retains the traditional organoleptic  properties of the product. There were carried out comparative  morphometric, histochemical and bacterioscopic studies of boiled  sausage effect without additives and sausage enriched with food  fibers and lactulose on the morphofunctional condition of the mucous membrance of the colon (MMC) of rats. Was shown a significant  height  increase of epithelial surface of epithelium, an increase of frequency mitoses in the epithelium crypts of intestinal glands (from 0.6 ± 0.08 % to 1.1 ± 0.04 %), there is a tendency of increasing  content of goblet ekzokrinnye (from 21.3 ± 5.5 % to 32.4 ± 18.7  %), while the mucosal were intensively produced allopathically  mucus, which indicates the stimulation of sausage, enriched with  lactulose on the functional status of the surface epithelium and intestinal glands of the mucous membrane of the colon. Based on the studies results of the effect of food beet fibers and lactulose,  contained in the ration of rats in large and small intestine were fixed  on order greater amount of bifido- and lactobacteries in comparison  with the animals control group. Same time, it was found that in the  large intestine the number of lactobacilli were much higher in  animals receiving experimental sausage.В статье представлены исследования по разработке продуктов лечебного и лечебно-профилактического питания для людей с нарушением нормальной кишечной микрофлоры.  Установлено, что введение в рецептуру вареной колбасы пищевых свекловичных волокон  на основе сахарной свеклы, гидратированных в соотношении 1:5, в количестве 10 % к массе фарша и лактулозного сиропа, синтезированного из молочного сахара, в количестве  640 мг/кг фарша сохраняет традиционные органолептические свойства продукта.  Проведены сравнительные морфометрические, гистохимические и бактериоскопические  исследования влияния вареной колбасы без добавок и колбасы обогащенной пищевыми волокнами и лактулозой на морфофункциональное состояние слизистой оболочки толстого кишечника (СОТК) крыс. Показано значимое увеличение высоты эпителиоцитов  поверхностного эпителия, возрастание частоты митозов в эпителии крипт кишечных желез  (с 0,6 ± 0,08 % до 1,1 ± 0,04 %), имеется тенденция к повышению содержания бокаловидных экзокриноцитов (с 21,3 ± 5,5 % до 32,4 ± 18,7 %), при этом мукоциты  интенсивно продуцировали альцианпозитивную слизь, что свидетельствует о  стимулирующем влиянии колбасы, обогащенной лактулозой, на функциональное состояние  поверхностного эпителия и кишечных желез слизистой оболочки толстой кишки. На  основании результатов исследований влияния пищевых свекловичных волокон и лактулозы, содержащихся в рационе крыс в толстом и тонком кишечнике зафиксировано на порядок большее количество бифидо- и лактобактерий в сравнении с контрольной группой  животных. Одновременно установлено, что в толстом кишечнике у животных получавших экспериментальную колбасу на порядок выше количество лактобактерий

    Adaptation of investment analysis to the features of socially oriented investments

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    The current trend in the transition of the economy from a linear to a circular model implies, among other things, a reorientation of target indicators from cost criteria in favour of social and environmental significance. The sustainable development of the economy requires the complex interaction of all market players, the awareness of consumers and producers, investments from the state, as well as the attraction of private capital. Socially significant investments in ESG projects have a number of distinctive features, which makes it impossible to assess their effectiveness by the usual criteria for investment analysis. Methods for assessing the social return on investment today certainly exist and are being developed, but their perception, interpretation and, in particular, areas of practical application remain insufficiently accessible. This article is devoted to the analysis of the SROI indicator, as a generally accepted criterion for measuring the social return on investment, as well as the peculiarities of using this indicator for Russian investors. The purpose of the study is to analyse the existing methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments in ESG projects, taking into account the specifics of the Russian economy in the current realities. Research objectives: To identify the main known methods in the field of evaluating investments in ESG projects; To identify the main problems when using international methods in the practice of assessing socially significant investments in the Russian market; Suggest ways to solve the identified problems

    Fire Resistance Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

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    Alternative to fire tests in the near future may become modeling of structures under fire by means of the computer-aided design. With an objective source of data, the quantity of information from the created model is much higher than the results of standard fire tests. Based on the range of research a technique for modeling the precast concrete slabs to assess their fire rates with CAD system ANSYS has been developed. The adequacy of the simulation environment is confirmed by comparison with experimental data

    Expansion of the Laser Beam Wavefront in Terms of Zernike Polynomials in the Problem of Turbulence Testing

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    The results of a study of the wavefront distortions of laser radiation caused by artificial turbulence obtained in laboratory conditions using a fan heater are presented. Decomposition of the wavefront in terms of Zernike polynomials is a standard procedure that traditionally is used to investigate the set of existing aberrations. In addition, the spectral analysis of the wavefront dynamics makes it possible to estimate the fraction of the energy distributed between different Zernike modes. It is shown that the fraction of energy related to the low-order polynomials is higher compared to the high-order polynomials. Also, one of the consequences of Taylor’s hypothesis is confirmed—low-order aberrations are slower compared to the higher-order ones

    Investigation of PZT Materials for Reliable Piezostack Deformable Mirror with Modular Design

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    This article presents a study of the electrophysical properties of a piezoceramic material for use in adaptive optics. The key characteristics that may be important for the manufacturing of piezoelectric deformable mirrors are the following: piezoelectric constants (d31, d33, d15), capacitance, elastic compliance values s for different crystal directions, and the dielectric loss tangent (tgδ). Based on PZT ceramics, the PKP-12 material was developed with high values of the dielectric constant, piezoelectric modulus, and electromechanical coupling coefficients. The deformable mirror control elements are made from the resulting material—piezoceramic combs with five individual actuators in a row. In this case, the stroke of the actuator is in the range of 4.1–4.3 microns and the capacitance of the actuator is about 12 nF

    Local Correction of the Light Position Implemented on an FPGA Platform for a 6 Meter Telescope

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    The low-frequency component of the distortions caused by both the atmospheric turbulence and the behavior of the telescope itself has been studied. A corrector for the position of the center of the star image has been developed and is being used in front of the high-resolution Echelle spectrograph on the 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences. To speed up the calculations and to increase the bandwidth, a laser beam angular stabilization system based on an FPGA platform is considered. The system consists of two tip-tilt mirrors and two quadrant photodiodes. The FPGA analyzes the signals from the photodiodes, calculates and then applies the voltages to the piezo-driven tip-tilt mirrors to minimize the displacement of the beam on the photodiodes. The stabilization system was developed as a part of the adaptive optical system to improve the efficiency of the high-resolution Echelle spectrograph