24 research outputs found

    Design and development of a novel Invasive Blood Pressure simulator for patient's monitor testing

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    This paper presents a newly-designed and realized Invasive Blood Pressure (IBP) device for the simulation on patient’s monitors. This device shows improvements and presents extended features with respect to a first prototype presented by the authors and similar systems available in the state-of-the-art. A peculiarity of the presented device is that all implemented features can be customized from the developer and from the point of view of the end user. The realized device has been tested, and its performances in terms of accuracy and of the back-loop measurement of the output for the blood pressure regulation utilization have been described. In particular, an accuracy of ±1 mmHg at 25 °C, on a range from −30 to 300 mmHg, was evaluated under different test conditions. The designed device is an ideal tool for testing IBP modules, for zero setting, and for calibrations. The implemented extended features, like the generation of custom waveforms and the Universal Serial Bus (USB) connectivity, allow use of this device in a wide range of applications, from research to equipment maintenance in clinical environments to educational purposes. Moreover, the presented device represents an innovation, both in terms of technology and methodologies: It allows quick and efficient tests to verify the proper functioning of IBP module of patients’ monitors. With this innovative device, tests can be performed directly in the field and faster procedures can be implemented by the clinical maintenance personnel. This device is an open source project and all materials, hardware, and software are fully available for interested developers or researchers.Web of Science201art. no. 25


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    Oxygen therapy is an essential treatment of premature infants suffering from hypoxemia. Normoxemia is maintained by an adjustment of the fraction of oxygen (FiO2) in the inhaled gas mixture that is set manually or automatically based on peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2). Automatic closed-loop systems could be more successful in controlling SpO2 than traditional manual approaches. Computer models of neonatal oxygen transport have been developed as a tool for design, validation, and comparison of the automatic control algorithms. The aim of this study was to investigate and implement the time delay of oxygen delivery after a change of set FiO2 during noninvasive ventilation support to enhance an available mathematical model of neonatal oxygen transport. The time delay of oxygen delivery after the change of FiO2 during the noninvasive nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) ventilation support and during the High Flow High Humidity Nasal Cannula (HFHHNC) ventilation support was experimentally measured using an electromechanical gas blender and a physical model of neonatal lungs. Results show the overall time delay of the change in the oxygen fraction can be divided into the baseline of delay, with a typical time delay 5.5 s for nCPAP and 6.5 s for HFHHNC s, and an exponential rising phase with a time constant about 2–3 s. A delay subsystem was implemented into the mathematical model for a more realistic performance when simulating closed-loop control of oxygenation

    Review of present method of glucose from human blood and body fluids assessment

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    The work has been aimed to create an overview of available and used methods and ways to determine the concentration of glucose in body fluids, especially from a technical point of view. It also provides an overview of the clinical features of these methods. The survey found that today's market offers a large number of options and approaches to the issue. There are accurate reference laboratory methods, self-monitoring methods for measuring glucose levels using glucometers, or continuous methods for daily monitoring of blood glucose trends and for insulin pump control. However, it must not be forgotten that the development of full closure of feedback is still not complete today. Individual methods cannot always be compared with each other, precisely because of the focus and the use of these methods. Choosing the right method of blood glucose levels in the body measuring can help patients to manage their diabetes mellitus. The methods listed in the overview are divided in terms of measurement continuity and further according to the invasiveness of the method. Finally, the issues of accuracy in the detection of glycaemia variability and the possibility of further development of these methods are discussed, as it is clear from the survey that the development is focused mainly on continuous methods improving that get to the forefront and also on developing a biosensor that is purely non-invasive and continuous.Web of Science211art. no. 11434

    Ablation of single-crystalline cesium iodide by extreme ultraviolet capillary-discharge laser

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    Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) capillary-discharge lasers (CDLs) are a suitable source for the efficient, clean ablation of ionic crystals, which are obviously difficult to ablate with conventional, long-wavelength lasers. In the present study, a single crystal of cesium iodide (CsI) was irradiated by multiple, focused 1.5-ns pulses of 46.9-nm radiation delivered from a compact XUV-CDL device operated at either 2-Hz or 3-Hz repetition rates. The ablation rates were determined from the depth of the craters produced by the accumulation of laser pulses. Langmuir probes were used to diagnose the plasma plume produced by the focused XUV-CDL beam. Both the electron density and electron temperature were sufficiently high to confirm that ablation was the key process in the observed CsI removal. Moreover, a CsI thin film on MgO substrate was prepared by XUV pulsed laser deposition; a fraction of the film was detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.Web of Science65421020

    Electronic Dynamometer

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    Cílem této bakaláské práce je návrh elektronického dynamometru, ureného pro snímání síly mezi palcem a ukazovákem a jeho uvedení do provozu v léka ském prostedí. Samotnému návrhu zaízení pedchází úvod do anatomického uspoádání kostí a svalstva ruky a je uveden i pehled možných sníma tlakových sil.The objective of this bachelor's project is a suggestion of electronical dynamometer which is focused on scaning a power among a thumb and an index finger and focusing on its implementation to the medical area. Before the machinery's project there is a introduction of anatomical ordering of the hand's bone and musculature and then a rewiev of possible sensors of pressure powers

    Dynamometric measuring system

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    Tato práce se zabývá popisem systému pro dynamometrická měření, jeho konstrukčním návrhem a v poslední řadě jeho včleněním do výuky v rámci technicky zaměřených laboratorních cvičení na Fakultě biomedicínského inženýrství Českého vysokého účení technického. Zařízení slouží k současnému snímání mechanogramu pomocí senzoru síly a povrchového EMG zodpovídajících svalových skupin. Měření je možné zobrazovat v reálném čase na PC monitoru a ukládat do souborů, kterése dají dále zpracovávat různými SW aplikacemi.This thesis deals with the description, design and inclusion system for dynamometric measuring to context of technically oriented laboratory exercises at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University. Equipment is used for current sensing forces byforce sensor and surface EMG from the active muscle groups. Measurements can be displayed in real time on a PC monitor and stored in files which can be further processed by another software applications

    Effects of Orifice Plate as a Flow Sensor in an Endotracheal Tube on the Ability of Elimination CO2 during HFJV—Animal Study

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    High-frequency jet ventilators lacking flow monitoring systems, and information about supplied tidal volumes are still missing. This complicates the jet ventilator’s initial setting; at the same time, it complicates the line of the high-frequency ventilation itself. Therefore, an experimental flow sensor (orifice plate) was designed and placed in the ETC (endotracheal tube). Laboratory tests have confirmed the solution’s functionality, but it was necessary to verify the practical applicability for the clinical environment. The experiment shows that the flow sensor is used only for research purposes or when using functional monitoring of chest excursions

    Dynamic Purkinje Meter as a Tool for Intraocular Lens Position Measurement

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    Due to the increasing demands of today’s society on visual quality and patient comfort, and due to the growing interest in the implantation of new and more complex intraocular lens (IOL) designs, determining the IOL position occupies an important position in current ophthalmological practice. The dynamic Purkinje meter combines the construction of static Purkinje meters, presented in recent years, with dynamic examination of the IOL position according to the optical axis of the IOL

    The Development of a Specific Nanofiber Bioreceptor for Detection of <i>Escherichia coli</i> and <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> from Air

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    Polluted air and the presence of numerous airborne pathogens affect our daily lives. The sensitive and fast detection of pollutants and pathogens is crucial for environmental monitoring and effective medical diagnostics. Compared to conventional detection methods (PCR, ELISA, metabolic tests, etc.), biosensors bring a very attractive possibility to detect chemicals and organic particles with the mentioned reliability and sensitivity in real time. Moreover, by integrating nanomaterials into the biosensor structure, it is possible to increase the sensitivity and specificity of the device significantly. However, air quality monitoring could be more problematic even with such devices. The greatest challenge with conservative and sensing methods for detecting organic matter such as bacteria is the need to use liquid samples, which slows down the detection procedure and makes it more difficult. In this work, we present the development of a polyacrylonitrile nanofiber bioreceptor functionalized with antibodies against bacterial antigens for the specific interception of bacterial cells directly from the air. We tested the presented novel nanofiber bioreceptor using a unique air filtration system we had previously created. The prepared antibody-functionalized nanofiber membranes for air filtration and pathogen detection (with model organisms E. coli and S. aureus) show a statistically significant increase in bacterial interception compared to unmodified nanofibers. Creating such a bioreceptor could lead to the development of an inexpensive, fast, sensitive, and incredibly selective bionanosensor for detecting bacterial polluted air in commercial premises or medical facilities

    Present results and methods of vectorcardiographic diagnostics of ischemic heart disease

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    : This article presents an overview of existing approaches to perform vectorcardiographic (VCG) diagnostics of ischemic heart disease (IHD). Individual methodologies are divided into categories to create a comprehensive and clear overview of electrical cardiac activity measurement, signal pre-processing, features extraction and classification procedures. An emphasis is placed on methods describing the electrical heart space (EHS) by several features extraction techniques based on spatiotemporal characteristics or signal modelling and signal transformations. Performance of individual methodologies are compared depending on classification of extent of ischemia, acute forms - myocardial infarction (MI) and myocardial scars localization. Based on a comparison of imaging methods, the advantages of VCG over the standard 12-leads ECG such as providing a 3D orthogonal leads imaging, better performance, and appropriate computer processing are highlighted. The issues of electrical cardiac activity measurements on body surface, the lack of VKG databases supported by a more accurate imaging method, possibility of comparison with the physiology of individual cases are outlined as potential reserves for future research