46 research outputs found


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    Global Islamic financial system is undergoing the process of active institutionalization: from simple interpretation of the Islamic norms in order to legitimate the establishment of Islamic financial institutions in terms of shari’a law to the stage of formation of international Islamic financial regulators and other elements of the financial infrastructure, to the development and implementation of international Islamic financial standards, to expanding the number and types of Islamic financial products, and o the introduction of Islamic financial rules into the law of the Western countries. The new reality requires a thorough study of the legal status of Islamic financial regulators and their financial products, a clearer shari’a identification of these financial products, and the potential of their implementation in Islamic and non-Islamic jurisdictions.Мировая исламская финансовая система переживает процесс активной институционализации: от простого толкования норм ислама в целях легитимного с точки зрения шариатского права создания исламских финансовых институтов процесс перешел в стадию формирования международных исламских финансовых регуляторов и иных элементов финансовой инфраструктуры, выработки и внедрения международных исламских финансовых стандартов, расширения количества и видов исламских финансовых продуктов, внедрения в право западных стран исламских финансовых правил. Новая реальность требует тщательного изучения правового статуса исламских финансовых регуляторов и выпускаемых ими финансовых продуктов, более четкой шариатской идентификации этих финансовых продуктов, потенциала их имплементации в исламских и неисламских юрисдикциях

    Development of engineering solutions for air drilling at Dulisminsk oilfield, Irkutsk oblast

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    The article presents the analysis of disastrous mud loss achieved during casing at Dulisminsk oil and gas condensate field (DOGCF) and comparative evaluation of geological structure of DOGCF and Naryksko-Ostashkinsk area of Kemerovo oblast, where the same problem was solved successfully. On the basis of the analysis, an engineering solution is proposed to prevent mud loss in the conditions of DOGCF

    MicroRNAs as Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Medulloblastomas

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    Medulloblastomas (MBs) are the most common malignant neoplasms of the central nervous system in children. MB is a persistent disease associated with a high level of morbidity and mortality, thus requiring aggressive therapeutical approaches. Clinical and histological features of tumours are used for their classification and prognosis. Despite significant progress in the study of MB, its molecular basis remains to be fully understood.  MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non­coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that function as key regulators of various biological processes, including the development, differentiation, metabolism, proliferation and apoptosis of cells. MiRNAs regulate genes at the post­transcriptional level. Aberrant expression of miRNAs correlates with various cancers. This altered expression may result from mutation, methylation, deletion and amplification of miRNA coding regions. In this review, we discuss the role of miRNAs in MB and their potential use in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of this malignant tumour. As a fast­growing field in biomedical sciences, miRNAs studies will revolutionize the treatment of MB

    Ten-year experience of transbronchial endosonography in single center

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    Objective Transbronchial endosonography (EBUS) is a relatively new method for diagnosing of the pathological condition of the thoracic organs. Analysis of 10 years of our experience in the use of transbronchial endosonography in a specialized center.Material and Methods During the period from April 2010 to April 2020, 756 transbronchial endosonographies were conducted on 756 patients. The studies were carried out for various indications: 1) Group 1 (483) – transbronchial puncture of the lymph nodes in order to obtain morphological confirmation of the etiology; 2) Group 2 (260) – staging of suspected or verified lung cancer to determine the descriptor N; 3) Group 3 (13) – a study that ended only with obtaining an endosonographic image. All patients underwent transbronchial endosonography using the special ultrasound bronchoscope EB-1970UK (Pentax Corp.) and the ultrasound scanner EUB 5000 Plus G OB/GYN – Vascular Ultrasound (HITACHI Corp.).Results General information content was 78%; verification of mediastinal lymphadenopathy was 72% (57, 79, 58% for smears, cytoblocks and smears + cytoblocks, cytoblocks vs smears + cytoblocks, p < 0.05). Verification of local changes in the mediastinum – 66%; verification of peribronchial tumor – 87%. Lung cancer staging – 87% (82, 88, 86% for smears, cytoblocks vs smears + cytoblocks, respectively, р > 0.05)Conclusion Тhe diagnostic utility of EBUS for the verification of mediastinal lymphadenopathy can range from 37,5 to 83% and rise with increasing experience for all persons involved. The use of cytoblocks showed the best results. The diagnostic utility of staging varies from 60 to 100% and does not depend on the method of processing the aspiration material

    Simulations of M87 and Sgr A* imaging with the Millimetron Space Observatory on near-Earth orbits

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    High resolution imaging of supermassive black holes shadows is a direct way to verify the theory of general relativity at extreme gravity conditions. Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations at millimeter/sub-millimeter wavelengths can provide such angular resolution for supermassive black holes, located in Sgr A* and M87. Recent VLBI observations of M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has shown such capabilities. The maximum obtainable spatial resolution of EHT is limited by Earth diameter and atmospheric phase variations. In order to improve the image resolution longer baselines are required. Radioastron space mission has successfully demonstrated the capabilities of Space-Earth VLBI with baselines much larger than Earth diameter. Millimetron is a next space mission of the Russian Space Agency that will operate at millimeter wavelengths. Nominal orbit of the observatory will be located around Lagrangian L2 point of the Sun-Earth system. In order to optimize the VLBI mode, we consider a possible second stage of the mission that could use near-Earth high elliptical orbit (HEO). In this contribution a set of near-Earth orbits is used for the synthetic space-ground VLBI observations of Sgr A* and M87 in joint Millimetron and EHT configuration. General-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic models (GRMHD) for black hole environment of Sgr A* and M87 are used for static and dynamic imaging simulations at 230 GHz. A comparison preformed between ground and space-ground baselines demonstrates that joint observations with Millimetron and EHT significantly improve the image resolution and allow the EHT+Millimetron to obtain snapshot images of Sgr A* probing dynamics at fast timescales.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    High-mobility compensated semimetals, orbital magnetization, and umklapp scattering in bilayer graphene moire superlattices

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    Twist-controlled moire superlattices (MS) have emerged as a versatile platform in which to realize artificial systems with complex electronic spectra. Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) form an interesting example of the MS that has recently featured a set of unexpected behaviors, such as unconventional ferroelectricity and electronic ratchet effect. Yet, the understanding of the BLG/hBN MS electronic properties has, at present, remained fairly limited. Here we develop a multi-messenger approach that combines standard magnetotransport techniques with low-energy sub-THz excitation to get insights into the properties of this MS. We show that BLG/hBN lattice alignment results in the emergence of compensated semimetals at some integer fillings of the moire bands separated by van Hove singularities where Lifshitz transition occurs. A particularly pronounced semimetal develops when 8 electrons reside in the moire unit cell, where coexisting high-mobility electron and hole systems feature a strong magnetoresistance reaching 2350 % already at B=0.25 T. Next, by measuring the THz-driven Nernst effect in remote bands, we observe valley splitting, pointing to an orbital magnetization characterized by a strongly enhanced effective g-factor of 340. Last, using THz photoresistance measurements, we show that the high-temperature conductivity of the BLG/hBN MS is limited by electron-electron umklapp processes. Our multi-facet analysis introduces THz-driven magnetotransport as a convenient tool to probe the band structure and interaction effects in vdW materials and provides a comprehension of the BLG/hBN MS

    Transcriptomic analysis of Medicago truncatula calli with MtWOX9-1 overexpression

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    Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is the development of embryo-like structures from somatic plant tissues. This process rarely can be observed in nature, but for many plant species, in vitro protocols are developed, which allow to obtain somatic embryos formation directly from tissues of plant explant or from the embryogenic callus. SE is widely used for plant propagation and transformation; therefore, the search for SE stimulators and revealing of the mechanisms of their functioning are very important for biotechnology. Among the SE regulators, proteins of the WOX family play significant roles. WOX (WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX) is a homeodomain-containing transcription factor family. Different WOX genes  function  in different plant organs  and tissues, maintaining meristem activity and regulating cell proliferation  and differentiation. Recently, we have shown  that  transcription factor MtWOX9-1, belonging to the WOX family, can stimulate SE in the Medicago truncatula callus culture. In this research, transcriptomic analysis of highly embryogenic calli with MtWOX9-1 overexpression was performed in comparison to wildtype calli. It was shown that MtWOX9-1 overexpression led to the activation  of several groups  of genes,  including genes  related  to cell division, tissue differentiation, and seed development. Enriched GO pathways included  several groups  related to histone  methyltransferase activity as well as DNA methylation and chromatin binding,  suggesting major epigenetic changes that  occur in call overexpressing MtWOX9-1. Using Medicago Truncatula Gene Expression Atlas, we also identified a group of genes  coding for transcription factors that were both coexpressed with MtWOX9-1 in different plant organs  and differentially expressed in our samples. These genes  are putative targets of MtWOX9-1, and they may act in the same pathway with this regulator during SE

    Экзосомальные длинные некодирующие РНК как биомаркеры и терапевтические мишени при раке

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    Extensive study of extracellular vesicles began about ten years ago. Exosomes are extracellular membrane vesicles 30–100 nm in diameter secreted by various types of cells and present in most biological fluids. For a long time they were considered non-functional cellular components. However, it has been proven that they serve as a means of intercellular exchange of information. They can move bioactive molecules such as proteins, lipids, RNA, and DNA. Several studies have shown that their contents, including proteins and non-coding nucleic acids, may be of particular interest as biomarkers of diseases. The most promising of all these molecules are non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), including microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). LncRNAs are a large group of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) longer than 200 nucleotides. As regulatory factors lncRNAs play an important role in complex cellular processes, such as apoptosis, growth, differentiation, proliferation, etc. Despite many advances in diagnosis and treatment (surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy), cancer remains one of the most important public healthcare problems worldwide. Every day brings a better understanding of the role of exosomes in the development of cancer and metastases. Liquid biopsy has been developed as a method for the detection of cancer at an early stage. This is a series of minimally invasive tests of bodily fluids offering the advantage of real-time tracking of the tumour development. In fact, circulating exosomal lncRNAs have been found to be closely linked to processes of oncogenesis, metastasis and treatment. In this paper we review current studies into the functional role of exosomal lncRNAs in cancer and discuss their potential clinical use as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets for cancer.Обширное изучение внеклеточных везикул началось примерно десять лет назад. Экзосомы — это внеклеточные мембранные везикулы диаметром 30–100 нм, которые секретируются различными типами клеток и присутствуют в большинстве биологических жидкостей. Долгое время считались нефункциональными клеточными компонентами, а на сегодняшний день уже доказано, что являются средством межклеточного обмена информацией. Они могут перемещать биоактивные молекулы, такие как белки, липиды, РНК и ДНК. Несколько исследований показали, что их содержимое, включая белки и некодирующие нуклеиновые кислоты, могут представлять особый интерес в качестве биомаркеров заболеваний. Из этих молекул наиболее привлекательными являются некодирующие РНК (нкРНК), включая микроРНК и длинные некодирующие РНК (lncRNA). LncRNAs являются большой группой некодирующих РНК (ncRNAs) длиной более 200 нуклеотидов. LncRNAs как факторы регуляции играют важную роль в сложных клеточных процессах, таких как апоптоз, рост, дифференцировка, пролиферация и т. д. Несмотря на многие достижения в области диагностики и терапии (хирургия, лучевая терапия, химиотерапия), рак по-прежнему остается одной из наиболее важных проблем общественного здравоохранения во всем мире. С каждым днем все лучше описывается роль экзосом в развитии рака и метастазировании. Жидкостная биопсия была разработана для выявления рака на ранней стадии на основе минимально инвазивных и серийных исследований жидкости организма с преимуществом отслеживания развития опухоли в режиме реального времени. Фактически были обнаружены циркулирующие lncRNAs в экзосомах, которые подтвердили, что они тесно связаны с онкогенезом, метастазированием и терапией. В этом материале мы представляем обзор текущих исследований функциональной роли экзосомальных lncRNAs при раке и обсуждаем их потенциальное клиническое применение в качестве диагностических биомаркеров и терапевтических мишеней для рака


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    Researches are executed and the method of choice of rational parameters of the mode of braking of guided cut in a group of three cuts with the set numbers of dividing switches is developed. The method is aimed at the solution of optimization task of modes of braking the rolling stock cuts