1 research outputs found

    Development of A Simulation Model of A Cargo Customs Complex Operation as A Link of A Logistic Supply Chain

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    The main link in the logistics supply chain is the cargo customs complex. It provides customs and logistics services to cargo owners during the export and import of goods, complex services, placement of goods in a customs warehouse and a temporary storage warehouse. To substantiate the choice of the optimal logistics supply chain and optimize the work of the cargo customs complex, it is proposed to use simulation modeling. The model of operation of the logistics chain and the cargo customs complex is presented in a general form. The proposed model is implemented in the GPSS World simulation automation package. Testing the simulation model involved checking its adequacy. Checking the adequacy of the simulation model, which showed the maximum value of the t-statistic of 1.424 with a critical value of 1.85, proved its compliance with the work of a real object. After completing the adequacy check, the simulation error was estimated, which was 3 % with an allowable 5 %, due to the presence of pseudo-random number generators in the simulation model. Thus, the simulation error is insignificant for this study. For the cargo customs complex, an example of the simulation results is given. Based on the results of simulation modeling, it is possible to determine: the optimal type of the logistics supply chain and the optimal structure of the cargo customs complex. A wide range of tasks that the proposed simulation model can solve is presented. Thus, the developed simulation model will make it possible to analyze and improve the modes of operation of the cargo customs complex. In addition, it will allow to get an informed decision regarding the use of a certain type of logistics supply chai