1,023 research outputs found

    The Acceleration Mechanism of Resistive MHD Jets Launched from Accretion Disks

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    We analyzed the results of non-linear resistive magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of jet formation to study the acceleration mechanism of axisymmetric, resistive MHD jets. The initial state is a constant angular momentum, polytropic torus threaded by weak uniform vertical magnetic fields. The time evolution of the torus is simulated by applying the CIP-MOCCT scheme extended for resistive MHD equations. We carried out simulations up to 50 rotation period at the innermost radius of the disk created by accretion from the torus. The acceleration forces and the characteristics of resistive jets were studied by computing forces acting on Lagrangian test particles. Since the angle between the rotation axis of the disk and magnetic field lines is smaller in resistive models than in ideal MHD models, magnetocentrifugal acceleration is smaller. The effective potential along a magnetic field line has maximum around z0.5r0z \sim 0.5r_0 in resistive models, where r0r_0 is the radius where the density of the initial torus is maximum. Jets are launched after the disk material is lifted to this height by pressure gradient force. Even in this case, the main acceleration force around the slow magnetosonic point is the magnetocentrifugal force. The power of the resistive MHD jet is comparable to the mechanical energy liberated in the disk by mass accretion. Joule heating is not essential for the formation of jets.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    3-D General Relativistic MHD Simulations of Generating Jets

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    We have performed a first fully 3-D GRMHD simulation with Schwarzschild black hole with a free falling corona. The initial simulation results show that a jet is created as in previous axisymmetric simulations. However, the time to generate the jet is longer than in the 2-D simulations. We expect that due to the additional azimuthal dimension the dynamics of jet formation can be modified.Comment: 4 pages Proc. Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop ed. R. Laing & K. Blundell (San Francisco: PASP) in press (revised

    Gravitational Wave Background from Neutrino-Driven Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We discuss the gravitational wave background (GWB) from a cosmological population of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Among various emission mechanisms for the gravitational waves (GWs), we pay a particular attention to the vast anisotropic neutrino emissions from the accretion disk around the black hole formed after the so-called failed supernova explosions. The produced GWs by such mechanism are known as burst with memory, which could dominate over the low-frequency regime below \sim 10Hz. To estimate their amplitudes, we derive general analytic formulae for gravitational waveform from the axisymmetric jets. Based on the formulae, we first quantify the spectrum of GWs from a single GRB. Then, summing up its cosmological population, we find that the resultant value of the density parameter becomes roughly \Omega_{GW} \approx 10^{-20} over the wide-band of the low-frequency region, f\sim 10^{-4}-10^1Hz. The amplitude of GWB is sufficiently smaller than the primordial GWBs originated from an inflationary epoch and far below the detection limit.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Three-dimensional MHD Simulations of Jets from Accretion Disks

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    We report the results of 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of a jet formation by the interaction between an accretion disk and a large scale magnetic field. The disk is not treated as a boundary condition but is solved self-consistently. To investigate the stability of MHD jet, the accretion disk is perturbed with a non-axisymmetric sinusoidal or random fluctuation of the rotational velocity. The dependences of the jet velocity (vz)(v_z), mass outflow rate (M˙w)(\dot{M}_w), and mass accretion rate (M˙a)(\dot{M}_a) on the initial magnetic field strength in both non-axisymmetric cases are similar to those in the axisymmetric case. That is, vzB01/3v_z \propto B_0^{1/3}, M˙wB0\dot{M}_w \propto B_0 and M˙aB01.4\dot{M}_a \propto B_0^{1.4} where B0B_0 is the initial magnetic field strength. The former two relations are consistent with the Michel's steady solution, vz(B02/M˙w)1/3v_z \propto (B_0^2/\dot{M}_w)^{1/3}, although the jet and accretion do not reach the steady state. In both perturbation cases, a non-axisymmetric structure with m=2m=2 appears in the jet, where mm means the azimuthal wave number. This structure can not be explained by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and seems to originate in the accretion disk. Non-axisymmetric modes in the jet reach almost constant levels after about 1.5 orbital periods of the accretion disk, while all modes in the accretion disk grow with oscillation. As for the angular momentum transport by Maxwell stress, the vertical component, ,iscomparabletotheradialcomponent,, is comparable to the radial component, , in the wide range of initial magnetic field strength.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. The pdf file with high resolution figures can be downloaded at http://www.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hiromitu/3j050806.pd

    Plant sexual reproduction during climate change: gene function in natura studied by ecological and evolutionary systems biology

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    Background It is essential to understand and predict the effects of changing environments on plants. This review focuses on the sexual reproduction of plants, as previous studies have suggested that this trait is particularly vulnerable to climate change, and because a number of ecologically and evolutionarily relevant genes have been identified. Scope It is proposed that studying gene functions in naturally fluctuating conditions, or gene functions in natura, is important to predict responses to changing environments. First, we discuss flowering time, an extensively studied example of phenotypic plasticity. The quantitative approaches of ecological and evolutionary systems biology have been used to analyse the expression of a key flowering gene, FLC, of Arabidopsis halleri in naturally fluctuating environments. Modelling showed that FLC acts as a quantitative tracer of the temperature over the preceding 6 weeks. The predictions of this model were verified experimentally, confirming its applicability to future climate changes. Second, the evolution of self-compatibility as exemplifying an evolutionary response is discussed. Evolutionary genomic and functional analyses have indicated that A. thaliana became self-compatible via a loss-of-function mutation in the male specificity gene, SCR/SP11. Self-compatibility evolved during glacial-interglacial cycles, suggesting its association with mate limitation during migration. Although the evolution of self-compatibility may confer short-term advantages, it is predicted to increase the risk of extinction in the long term because loss-of-function mutations are virtually irreversible. Conclusions Recent studies of FLC and SCR have identified gene functions in natura that are unlikely to be found in laboratory experiments. The significance of epigenetic changes and the study of non-model species with next-generation DNA sequencers is also discusse

    Simplified solution to determination of a binary orbit

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    We present a simplified solution to orbit determination of a binary system from astrometric observations. An exact solution was found by Asada, Akasaka and Kasai by assuming no observational errors. We extend the solution considering observational data. The generalized solution is expressed in terms of elementary functions, and therefore requires neither iterative nor numerical methods.Comment: 15 pages; text improved, Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Cortical and Subcortical Organization Participating in Tactual Pattern Perception in Man: A PET study

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