48 research outputs found

    Density Contrast Sedimentation Velocity for the Determination of Protein Partial-Specific Volumes

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    The partial-specific volume of proteins is an important thermodynamic parameter required for the interpretation of data in several biophysical disciplines. Building on recent advances in the use of density variation sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation for the determination of macromolecular partial-specific volumes, we have explored a direct global modeling approach describing the sedimentation boundaries in different solvents with a joint differential sedimentation coefficient distribution. This takes full advantage of the influence of different macromolecular buoyancy on both the spread and the velocity of the sedimentation boundary. It should lend itself well to the study of interacting macromolecules and/or heterogeneous samples in microgram quantities. Model applications to three protein samples studied in either H2O, or isotopically enriched H218O mixtures, indicate that partial-specific volumes can be determined with a statistical precision of better than 0.5%, provided signal/noise ratios of 50–100 can be achieved in the measurement of the macromolecular sedimentation velocity profiles. The approach is implemented in the global modeling software SEDPHAT

    Multiple factors regulate the rat liver basolateral sodium-dependent bile acid cotransporter gene promoter

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    The hepatic uptake of bile acids from the portal circulation is primarily dependent upon a sodium-dependent basolateral membrane transporter. In order to begin to investigate the factors controlling rat liver sodium-dependent bile acid cotransporter (ntcp) gene expression, we isolated approximately 30 kilobase pairs of rat genomic DNA in three overlapping lambdaphage clones. The rat ntcp gene is distributed over 16.5 kilobase pairs as five exons. Primer extension analysis revealed two closely spaced transcription initiation sites, 27 and 41 nucleotides downstream of a TATA sequence. Regulation of transcription was investigated first by transfection of primary rat hepatocytes by a series of 5'-deleted rat ntcp promoter-driven luciferase constructs (from approximately -6 kilobase pairs to -59 base pairs of upstream sequences, terminating at nucleotide +47), identifying a minimal promoter element: nucleotide -158 to +47. This minimal promoter was active in transfected HepG2, but inactive in NIH3T3, Caco-2, and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, indicating that the determinants of hepatocyte-specific expression reside within this region. The individual elements within the minimal promoter were investigated via transfection of HepG2 cells by a series of 20 mutant plasmids, each containing a 10-base pair sequential block mutation. Eight mutant constructs profoundly suppressed promoter activity; encompassing sequences from -66 to +4 nt, and +15 to +24 nucleotides, while no other 10-base pair mutation significantly interfered with minimal promoter activity. Deoxyribonuclease I footprint analysis of the minimal promoter revealed three bound regions; -92 to -74 (footprint C), -50 to -37 (footprint B), and -17 to +12 (footprint A). Gel mobility shift assays provided evidence for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 binding within footprint A and a liver-enriched factor(s) that binds within a novel palindrome in footprint B. These studies indicate that three elements direct the ba