5 research outputs found

    Independent discovery of a nulling pulsar with unusual subpulse drifting properties with the Murchison Widefield Array

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    We report the independent discovery of PSR J0026-1955 with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in the ongoing Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre pulsar survey. J0026-1955 has a period of ∼1.306 s, a dispersion measure of ∼20.869 pc cm-3, and a nulling fraction of ∼77%. This pulsar highlights the advantages of the survey's long dwell times (∼80 minutes), which, when fully searched, will be sensitive to the expected population of similarly bright, intermittent pulsars with long nulls. A single-pulse analysis in the MWA's 140-170 MHz band also reveals a complex subpulse drifting behavior, including both rapid changes of the drift rate characteristic of mode switching pulsars, as well as a slow, consistent evolution of the drift rate within modes. In some longer drift sequences, interruptions in the otherwise smooth drift rate evolution occur preferentially at a particular phase, typically lasting a few pulses. These properties make this pulsar an ideal test bed for prevailing models of drifting behavior such as the carousel model

    Discovery of a steep-spectrum low-luminosity pulsar with the Murchison Widefield Array

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    We report the discovery of the first new pulsar with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), PSR J0036−1033, a long-period (0.9 s) nonrecycled pulsar with a dispersion measure (DM) of 23.1 pc cm−3 . It was found after processing only a small fraction (∼1%) of data from an ongoing all-sky pulsar survey. Follow-up observations have been made with the MWA, the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT), and the Parkes 64 m telescopes, spanning a frequency range from ∼150 MHz to 4 GHz. The pulsar is faint, with an estimated flux density (S) of ∼1 mJy at 400 MHz and a spectrum S(v) α v - S 2.0±0.2, where ν is frequency. The DM-derived distance implies that it is also a low-luminosity source (∼0.1 mJy kpc2 at 1400 MHz). The analysis of archival MWA observations reveals that the pulsar’s mean flux density varies by up to a factor of ∼5–6 on timescales of several weeks to months. By combining MWA and uGMRT data, the pulsar position was determined to arcsecond precision. We also report on polarization properties detected in the MWA and Parkes bands. The pulsar’s nondetection in previous pulsar and continuum imaging surveys, the observed high variability, and its detection in a small fraction of the survey data searched to date, all hint at a larger population of pulsars that await discovery in the southern hemisphere, with the MWA and the future low-frequency Square Kilometre Array

    The Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) pulsar survey - II. : survey status, pulsar census, and first pulsar discoveries

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    In Paper I, we presented an overview of the Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) survey, including the survey design and search pipeline. While the combination of MWA's large field-of-view and the voltage capture system brings a survey speed of, the progression of the survey relies on the availability of compact configuration of the Phase II array. Over the past few years, by taking advantage of multiple windows of opportunity when the compact configuration was available, we have advanced the survey to 75% of the planned sky coverage. To date, about 10% of the data collected thus far have been processed for a first-pass search, where 10 min of observation is processed for dispersion measures out to 250, to realise a shallow survey that is largely sensitive to long-period pulsars. The ongoing analysis has led to two new pulsar discoveries, as well as an independent discovery and a rediscovery of a previously incorrectly characterised pulsar, all from of the data for which candidate scrutiny is completed. In this sequel to Paper I, we describe the strategies for further detailed follow-up including improved sky localisation and convergence to timing solution, and illustrate them using example pulsar discoveries. The processing has also led to re-detection of 120 pulsars in the SMART observing band, bringing the total number of pulsars detected to date with the MWA to 180, and these are used to assess the search sensitivity of current processing pipelines. The planned second-pass (deep survey) processing is expected to yield a three-fold increase in sensitivity for long-period pulsars, and a substantial improvement to millisecond pulsars by adopting optimal de-dispersion plans. The SMART survey will complement the highly successful Parkes High Time Resolution Universe survey at 1.2-1.5 GHz, and inform future large survey efforts such as those planned with the low-frequency Square Kilometre Array (SKA-Low)

    The Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) pulsar survey - I. : survey design and processing pipeline

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    We present an overview of the Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) pulsar survey that exploits the Murchison Widefield Array's large field of view and voltage-capture system to survey the sky south of 30 in declination for pulsars and fast transients in the 140-170 MHz band. The survey is enabled by the advent of the Phase II MWA's compact configuration, which offers an enormous efficiency in beam-forming and processing costs, thereby making an all-sky survey of this magnitude tractable with the MWA. Even with the long dwell times employed for the survey (4800 s), data collection can be completed in <![CDATA[ $100 h of telescope time, while still retaining the ability to reach a limiting sensitivity of 2-3 mJy (at 150 MHz, near zenith), which is effectively 3-5 times deeper than the previous-generation low-frequency southern-sky pulsar survey, completed in the 1990s. Each observation is processed to generate 5000-8000 tied-array beams that tessellate the full field of view (at 155 MHz), which are then processed to search for pulsars. The voltage-capture recording of the survey also allows a multitude of post hoc processing options including the reprocessing of data for higher time resolution and even exploring image-based techniques for pulsar candidate identification. Due to the substantial computational cost in pulsar searches at low frequencies, the survey data processing is undertaken in multiple passes: in the first pass, a shallow survey is performed, where 10 min of each observation is processed, reaching about one-third of the full-search sensitivity. Here we present the system overview including details of ongoing processing and initial results. Further details including first pulsar discoveries and a census of low-frequency detections are presented in a companion paper. Future plans include deeper searches to reach the full sensitivity and acceleration searches to target binary and millisecond pulsars. Our simulation analysis forecasts 300 new pulsars upon the completion of full processing. The SMART survey will also generate a complete digital record of the low-frequency sky, which will serve as a valuable reference for future pulsar searches planned with the low-frequency Square Kilometre Array