15 research outputs found

    Effect of the storage time and several silage inoculants on the aerobic stability of sorghum silages

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    Aerobic stability of silages has great importance in practice. When the silo is opened, yeasts and moulds can grow due to exposure to the air. The process cause significant loss of nutrients and harmful silage will be produced. There are lot of published results on the fermentability, the nutritive value and digestibility of sorghum silages, but we have only limited knowledge about their aerobic stability. The aerobic stability is affected by several factors. As the sugar content is high one of the most important fact is the amount of easily fermented carbohydrate remaining after the fermentation – in case of sorghum silage. In this paper we report the aerobic stability of sorghum silages changing in the function of storage time, using inoculants Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788), Propionibacterium acidipropionici (MA 26/4U) and the preservative product Lalsil Fresh. Four treatments were used (T1 untreated control, T2 treated with Lactobacillus buchneri 3x105 CFU/g FM, T3 treated with Propionibacterium propionici 3x105 CFU/g FM, T4 treated with 0.005 g/kg Lalsil Fresh). The Lallemand inoculant “Lalsil Fresh” contained selected strain of Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788 6x1010 CFU/g). Sorghum (Róna 1) was ensiled immediately after harvest, chopped to about 1-1.5 cm size, mixed with additives and ensiled in 4.2 L jars. The jars were incubated at 20+/-2 °C. Five jars per treatment were sampled on day 14, 28, 42, 56 and after 140 of storage. The aerobic stability, chemical and microbiological parameters were analysed from the silages. Strong correlation was observed between the aerobic stability and the storage time of silages. At the beginning of fermentation the aerobic stability was still low but changed better with the progress of time. After complete fermentation, from the eight week of ensilaging stable silages could be observed. The aerobic stability of silages opened on the twentieth week was more than one week. Positive effect of the heterolactic bacteria was established. The aerobic stability was increased moderately by Propionibacterium propionici, and significantly Lactobacillus buchneri. Lalsil Fresh had the best effect on aerobic stability. All the treated silages opened on the twentieth week had better aerobic stability than the untreated

    Effect of the storage time and several silage inoculants on the aerobic stability of sorghum silages

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    Aerobic stability of silages has great importance in practice. When the silo is opened, yeasts and moulds can grow due to exposure to the air. The process cause significant loss of nutrients and harmful silage will be produced. There are lot of published results on the fermentability, the nutritive value and digestibility of sorghum silages, but we have only limited knowledge about their aerobic stability. The aerobic stability is affected by several factors. As the sugar content is high one of the most important fact is the amount of easily fermented carbohydrate remaining after the fermentation – in case of sorghum silage. In this paper we report the aerobic stability of sorghum silages changing in the function of storage time, using inoculants Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788), Propionibacterium acidipropionici (MA 26/4U) and the preservative product Lalsil Fresh. Four treatments were used (T1 untreated control, T2 treated with Lactobacillus buchneri 3x105 CFU/g FM, T3 treated with Propionibacterium propionici 3x105 CFU/g FM, T4 treated with 0.005 g/kg Lalsil Fresh). The Lallemand inoculant “Lalsil Fresh” contained selected strain of Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788 6x1010 CFU/g). Sorghum (Róna 1) was ensiled immediately after harvest, chopped to about 1-1.5 cm size, mixed with additives and ensiled in 4.2 L jars. The jars were incubated at 20+/-2 °C. Five jars per treatment were sampled on day 14, 28, 42, 56 and after 140 of storage. The aerobic stability, chemical and microbiological parameters were analysed from the silages. Strong correlation was observed between the aerobic stability and the storage time of silages. At the beginning of fermentation the aerobic stability was still low but changed better with the progress of time. After complete fermentation, from the eight week of ensilaging stable silages could be observed. The aerobic stability of silages opened on the twentieth week was more than one week. Positive effect of the heterolactic bacteria was established. The aerobic stability was increased moderately by Propionibacterium propionici, and significantly Lactobacillus buchneri. Lalsil Fresh had the best effect on aerobic stability. All the treated silages opened on the twentieth week had better aerobic stability than the untreated

    Laboratory diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis in Hungary

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    Acanthamoeba species are free-living amebae that can be found in almost every range of environments. Within this genus, numerous species are recognized as human pathogens, potentially causing Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK). AK is a corneal disease that is predominantly associated with contact lens use, the epidemiology of which is related to the specific genotype of Acanthamoeba. This study reports seven (7/16; 43.75%) positive cases. Detection of Acanthamoeba in corneal scrapings is based on cultivation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) combined with the molecular taxonomic identification method. By PCR, seven samples were positive; cultivation was successful for five samples, probably because of the low quantity of samples. Genotype identification was carried out with a real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR assay based on sequence analysis of the 18S rRNA gene, and sensitivity and specificity were evaluated in comparison with traditional parasitological techniques. All seven detected Acanthamoeba strains belonged to the T4 genotype, the main AK-related genotype worldwide. These results confirmed the importance of a complete diagnostic protocol, including a PCR assay, for the clinical diagnosis of AK from human samples. Genotyping allowed the identification of all isolates in the T4 group, thus demonstrating the prevalence of this genotype in Hungary

    Megvenni vagy megélni? - Magyar Z generációs fiatalok luxus észlelése

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    Jelen tanulmány a Z generáció luxus észlelését térképezi fel kitérve a közösségi média szerepére a luxusról kialakult kép vonatkozásában. Kutatási kérdésünk az volt, hogy a Z generáció által is követett magyar véleményvezérek milyen módon mutatták be a luxust az Instagramon a pandémia előtt és alatt, valamint a Z generáció hogyan észleli és interpretálja a luxust, továbbá termék- vagy élményközpontúság jellemezi percepciójukat

    Anti-PD-1 Therapy Does Not Influence Hearing Ability in the Most Sensitive Frequency Range, but Mitigates Outer Hair Cell Loss in the Basal Cochlear Region

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    The administration of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) often leads to immune-related adverse events. However, their effect on auditory function is largely unexplored. Thorough preclinical studies have not been published yet, only sporadic cases and pharmacovigilance reports suggest their significance. Here we investigated the effect of anti-PD-1 antibody treatment (4 weeks, intraperitoneally, 200 μg/mouse, 3 times/week) on hearing function and cochlear morphology in C57BL/6J mice. ICI treatment did not influence the hearing thresholds in click or tone burst stimuli at 4-32 kHz frequencies measured by auditory brainstem response. The number and morphology of spiral ganglion neurons were unaltered in all cochlear turns. The apical-middle turns (32 kHz). The number of Iba1-positive macrophages has also increased moderately in this high frequency region. We conclude that a 4-week long ICI treatment does not affect functional and morphological integrity of the inner ear in the most relevant hearing range (4-32 kHz; apical-middle turns), but a noticeable preservation of OHCs and an increase in macrophage activity appeared in the >32 kHz basal part of the cochlea

    A védőoltásokkal kapcsolatos ismeretek és attitűdök orvostanhallgatók körében a COVID–19-pandémia alatt [Knowledge and attitudes about vaccinations among medical students during the COVID–19 pandemic]

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    Bevezetés: Magyarországon az életkorhoz kötött kötelező oltások vonatkozásában közel 100%-os a lakosság átoltottsága. Az ajánlott oltások esetében viszont már kevésbé kedvező a helyzet, ráadásul a COVID–19-pandémia alatt a korábbinál nagyobb mértékben jelent meg az oltásellenesség is egyes csoportokban, melynek visszaszorítása minden egészségügyi szakembernek feladata. Célkitűzés: A védőoltásokkal kapcsolatos ismeretek és attitűdök feltárása, valamint ezen tényezők nemek, évfolyamok és oltási hajlandóság/bizonytalanság szerinti jellemzőinek elemzése a Szegedi Tudományegyetem orvostanhallgatói körében. Módszer: A keresztmetszeti vizsgálat a Szegedi Tudományegyetem I. és IV. évfolyamos orvostanhallgatói körében történt online kérdőív segítségével, amely a szociodemográfiai adatokon kívül vizsgálta az influenza és a COVID–19 elleni oltás beadatását, a védőoltásokkal kapcsolatos tudás önértékelését, az oltások fontosságáról, valamint az ajánlott oltásokról alkotott hallgatói véleményeket. Eredmények: Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet stratégiai munkacsoportjának meghatározása alapján a hallgatók 88,6%-a tartozott az „oltási hajlandóság” csoportba, akik amint elérhetővé vált a COVID–19 elleni védőoltás, azonnal beadatták azt, míg az „oltási bizonytalanság” csoportba soroltak (11,4%) csak az oltás kötelezővé tételekor vagy még akkor sem kérték az oltást. A nem és évfolyam szerint illesztett modell alapján az oltási hajlandóságot mutatók nagyobb eséllyel tartották fontosnak a védőoltások alkalmazását, a tanácsadást stb., mint a bizonytalanok, míg az ismeretek önminősítésével nem volt összefüggés. Az ajánlott oltásokkal kapcsolatos állítások esélyhányadosai alapján azonosítani lehetett az oltási hajlandósághoz, illetve bizonytalansághoz társuló véleményeket. Megbeszélés : Összességében a hallgatói ismeretek és attitűdök pozitív képet mutattak. Kiemelendő viszont, hogy az oltási bizonytalanságot mutató hallgatóknál azonosított tévhitek megegyeznek a lakosság körében is fellelhető oltásellenes eszmékkel. Következtetés: Az egyetemi képzés során nagyobb hangsúlyt kell kapnia a hallgatói oltási hajlandóság monitorozásának, az ismeretek és a kommunikáció fejlesztésének. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(21): 803–810

    Real-time PCR assay for rapid qualitative and quantitative detection of Entamoeba histolytica

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    Simple real-time PCR assay with one set of primer and probe for rapid, sensitive qualitative and quantitative detection of Entamoeba histolytica has been used. Consensus sequences were used to amplify a species-specific region of the 16S rRNA gene, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer hybridization probes were used for detection in a LightCycler platform (Roche). The anchor probe sequence was designed to be a perfect match for the 16S rRNA gene of Entamoeba species, while the acceptor probe sequence was designed for Entamoeba histolytica, which allowed differentiation. The performed characteristics of the real-time PCR assay were compared with ELISA antigen and microscopical detection from 77 samples of individuals with suspected clinical diagnosis of imported E. histolytica infection. Stool and liver abscess pus samples were examined with analytical sensitivity of 5 parasites per PCR reaction. The melting curve means Tms (standard deviation) in clinical isolates were 54°C. The real-time assay was 100% sensitive and specific for differentiation of Entamoeba histolytica, compared with conventional ELISA or microscopy. This real-time PCR assay with melting curve analysis is rapid, and specific for the detection and differentiation of Entamoeba histolytica. The suitability for routine use of this assay in clinical diagnostic laboratories is discussed