77 research outputs found

    Nonsingular, big-bounce cosmology from spinor-torsion coupling

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    The Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity removes the constraint of general relativity that the affine connection be symmetric by regarding its antisymmetric part, the torsion tensor, as a dynamical variable. The minimal coupling between the torsion tensor and Dirac spinors generates a spin-spin interaction which is significant in fermionic matter at extremely high densities. We show that such an interaction averts the unphysical big-bang singularity, replacing it with a cusp-like bounce at a finite minimum scale factor, before which the Universe was contracting. This scenario also explains why the present Universe at largest scales appears spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic.Comment: 7 pages; published versio

    Hydrostatic equilibrium of insular, static, spherically symmetric, perfect fluid solutions in general relativity

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    An analysis of insular solutions of Einstein's field equations for static, spherically symmetric, source mass, on the basis of exterior Schwarzschild solution is presented. Following the analysis, we demonstrate that the {\em regular} solutions governed by a self-bound (that is, the surface density does not vanish together with pressure) equation of state (EOS) or density variation can not exist in the state of hydrostatic equilibrium, because the source mass which belongs to them, does not represent the `actual mass' appears in the exterior Schwarzschild solution. The only configuration which could exist in this regard is governed by the homogeneous density distribution (that is, the interior Schwarzschild solution). Other structures which naturally fulfill the requirement of the source mass, set up by exterior Schwarzschild solution (and, therefore, can exist in hydrostatic equilibrium) are either governed by gravitationally-bound regular solutions (that is, the surface density also vanishes together with pressure), or self-bound singular solutions (that is, the pressure and density both become infinity at the centre).Comment: 16 pages (including 1 table); added section 5; accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters

    Spacetime geometry of static fluid spheres

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    We exhibit a simple and explicit formula for the metric of an arbitrary static spherically symmetric perfect fluid spacetime. This class of metrics depends on one freely specifiable monotone non-increasing generating function. We also investigate various regularity conditions, and the constraints they impose. Because we never make any assumptions as to the nature (or even the existence) of an equation of state, this technique is useful in situations where the equation of state is for whatever reason uncertain or unknown. To illustrate the power of the method we exhibit a new form of the ``Goldman--I'' exact solution and calculate its total mass. This is a three-parameter closed-form exact solution given in terms of algebraic combinations of quadratics. It interpolates between (and thereby unifies) at least six other reasonably well-known exact solutions.Comment: Plain LaTeX 2e -- V2: now 22 pages; minor presentation changes in the first part of the paper -- no physics modifications; major additions to the examples section: the Gold-I solution is shown to be identical to the G-G solution. The interior Schwarzschild, Stewart, Buch5 XIII, de Sitter, anti-de Sitter, and Einstein solutions are all special cases. V3: Reference, footnotes, and acknowledgments added, typos fixed -- no physics modifications. V4: Technical problems with mass formula fixed -- affects discussion of our examples but not the core of the paper. Version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Poincare gauge theory of gravity: Friedman cosmology with even and odd parity modes. Analytic part

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    We propose a cosmological model in the framework of the Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity (PG). The gravitational Lagrangian is quadratic in curvature and torsion. In our specific model, the Lagrangian contains (i) the curvature scalar RR and the curvature pseudo-scalar XX linearly and quadratically (including an RXRX term) and (ii) pieces quadratic in the torsion {\it vector} V\cal V and the torsion {\it axial} vector A\cal A (including a VA{\cal V}{\cal A} term). We show generally that in quadratic PG models we have nearly the same number of parity conserving terms (`world') and of parity violating terms (`shadow world'). This offers new perspectives in cosmology for the coupling of gravity to matter and antimatter. Our specific model generalizes the fairly realistic `torsion cosmologies' of Shie-Nester-Yo (2008) and Chen et al.\ (2009). With a Friedman type ansatz for an orthonormal coframe and a Lorentz connection, we derive the two field equations of PG in an explicit form and discuss their general structure in detail. In particular, the second field equation can be reduced to first order ordinary differential equations for the curvature pieces R(t)R(t) and X(t)X(t). Including these along with certain relations obtained from the first field equation and curvature definitions, we present a first order system of equations suitable for numerical evaluation. This is deferred to the second, numerical part of this paper.Comment: Latex computerscript, 25 pages; mistakes corrected, references added, notation and title slightly changed; accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Lanthanide dopant stabilized Ti3+ state and supersensitive Ti3+ -based multiparametric luminescent thermometer in SrTiO3:Ln3+ (Ln3+ = Lu3+, La3+, Tb3+) nanocrystals

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    Herein, we show that the substitution of Sr2+ by trivalent lanthanide ions (Lu3+, La3+, Tb3+) in SrTiO3 nanocrystals stabilizes and enhances Ti3+ near-infrared emission (around 800 nm). This emission occurs from the 6-fold coordinated Ti3+ luminescent centers that appear in the vacancy–Ti3+–O form after lanthanide doping into the Sr2+ site. The strong dependence of the Ti3+ emission on temperature provided means for the tailored chemical engineering of luminescent nanonthermometers able to read the temperature in three ways: from the changes in Ti3+ emission intensity, excited-state lifetime, and from the ratio of Tb3+ and Ti3+ emission intensities. We demonstrated the unprecedented temperature sensitivity of the lifetime-based luminescent thermometer (8.83% K−1) with SrTiO3:Tb3+, along with exceptional repeatability in measurements

    The standard "static" spherically symmetric ansatz with perfect fluid source revisited

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    Considering the standard "static" spherically symmetric ansatz ds2 = -B(r) dt2 + A(r) dr2 + r2 dOmega2 for Einstein's Equations with perfect fluid source, we ask how we can interpret solutions where A(r) and B(r) are not positive, as they must be for the static matter source interpretation to be valid. Noting that the requirement of Lorentzian signature implies A(r) B(r) >0, we find two possible interpretations: (i) The nonzero component of the source four-velocity does not have to be u0. This provides a connection from the above ansatz to the Kantowski-Sachs (KS) spacetimes. (ii) Regions with negative A(r) and B(r) of "static" solutions in the literature must be interpreted as corresponding to tachyonic source. The combinations of source type and four-velocity direction result in four possible cases. One is the standard case, one is identical to the KS case, and two are tachyonic. The dynamic tachyonic case was anticipated in the literature, but the static tachyonic case seems to be new. We derive Oppenheimer-Volkoff-like equations for each case, and find some simple solutions. We conclude that new "simple" black hole solutions of the above form, supported by a perfect fluid, do not exist.Comment: 24 standard LaTeX pages, no figures. Some change in emphasis; changes in parametrizations of some of the solutions (ND2, TD2, TD3, NS1); one new solution (TS4); removal of an incorrect statement (about ND4

    Chiral fermions and torsion in the early Universe

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    Torsion arising from fermionic matter in the Einstein-Cartan formulation of general relativity is considered in the context of Robertson-Walker geometries and the early Universe. An ambiguity in the way torsion arising from hot fermionic matter in chiral models should be implemented is highlighted and discussed. In one interpretation, chemical potentials in chiral models can contribute to the Friedmann equation and give a negative contribution to the energy density.Comment: 5 pages revtex4; error in v1 corrected

    Classical big-bounce cosmology: dynamical analysis of a homogeneous and irrotational Weyssenhoff fluid

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    A dynamical analysis of an effective homogeneous and irrotational Weyssenhoff fluid in general relativity is performed using the 1+3 covariant approach that enables the dynamics of the fluid to be determined without assuming any particular form for the space-time metric. The spin contributions to the field equations produce a bounce that averts an initial singularity, provided that the spin density exceeds the rate of shear. At later times, when the spin contribution can be neglected, a Weyssenhoff fluid reduces to a standard cosmological fluid in general relativity. Numerical solutions for the time evolution of the generalised scale factor in spatially-curved models are presented, some of which exhibit eternal oscillatory behaviour without any singularities. In spatially-flat models, analytical solutions for particular values of the equation-of-state parameter are derived. Although the scale factor of a Weyssenhoff fluid generically has a positive temporal curvature near a bounce, it requires unreasonable fine tuning of the equation-of-state parameter to produce a sufficiently extended period of inflation to fit the current observational data.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figure

    Collapsing shear-free perfect fluid spheres with heat flow

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    A global view is given upon the study of collapsing shear-free perfect fluid spheres with heat flow. We apply a compact formalism, which simplifies the isotropy condition and the condition for conformal flatness. This formalism also presents the simplest possible version of the main junction condition, demonstrated explicitly for conformally flat and geodesic solutions. It gives the right functions to disentangle this condition into well known differential equations like those of Abel, Riccati, Bernoulli and the linear one. It yields an alternative derivation of the general solution with functionally dependent metric components. We bring together the results for static and time- dependent models to describe six generating functions of the general solution to the isotropy equation. Their common features and relations between them are elucidated. A general formula for separable solutions is given, incorporating collapse to a black hole or to a naked singularity.Comment: 26 page

    Big bounce from spin and torsion

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    The Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity naturally extends general relativity to account for the intrinsic spin of matter. Spacetime torsion, generated by spin of Dirac fields, induces gravitational repulsion in fermionic matter at extremely high densities and prevents the formation of singularities. Accordingly, the big bang is replaced by a bounce that occurred when the energy density ϵgT4\epsilon\propto gT^4 was on the order of n2/mPl2n^2/m_\textrm{Pl}^2 (in natural units), where ngT3n\propto gT^3 is the fermion number density and gg is the number of thermal degrees of freedom. If the early Universe contained only the known standard-model particles (g100g\approx 100), then the energy density at the big bounce was about 15 times larger than the Planck energy. The minimum scale factor of the Universe (at the bounce) was about 103210^{32} times smaller than its present value, giving \approx 50 \mum. If more fermions existed in the early Universe, then the spin-torsion coupling causes a bounce at a lower energy and larger scale factor. Recent observations of high-energy photons from gamma-ray bursts indicate that spacetime may behave classically even at scales below the Planck length, supporting the classical spin-torsion mechanism of the big bounce. Such a classical bounce prevents the matter in the contracting Universe from reaching the conditions at which a quantum bounce could possibly occur.Comment: 6 pages; published versio