18 research outputs found

    The impact of the ursodeoxycholic acid as monotherapy and in the combination with the lactulose on the biochemical blood tests values of the nonalcoholic steatohepatitis patients

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    Aim of the Study. The administration of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) as monotherapy or in combination with lactulose for the treatment of the patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) has been studied insufficiently. The aim was to assess the impact of the 90-day therapy with Ursoliv® drug (20 mg/kg per day of the UDCA and 25 mg/kg per day of the lactulose) on the biochemical blood tests values of the NASH patients in comparison with the Ursosan® drug (20 mg/kg per day of UDCA).Мaterials and methods. 60 patients with the NASH were included into the open randomized prospective comparative study without applying control. The patients were separated into 2 equal groups. The 1st group was administered Ursoliv®, and the 2nd group – Ursosan®. The baseline laboratory tests – markers of cytolysis and cholestasis, lipid profiles – and after 45 and 90 days of the treatment were assessed.Results. The credible dynamic of the biochemical tests values of the cytolysis as compared with the baseline (the reducing of the activity of the alanine transaminase and the aspartate transaminase) and of the cholestasis (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase) was observed; the positive changes in the lipid profile (the increase in the concentration of the high density lipoproteins and the reduction in the total cholesterol, the low density lipoproteins, the very low density lipoproteins and triglycerides ) were seen during the treatmet in both groups. The tendency towards the more expressed impact of the combination of UDCA and lactulose (Ursoliv®) in comparison to the monotherapy by UDCA (Ursosan®) on the biochemical parameters were discovered. However, the statistical credibility was not reached, which, probably, can be explained by the peculiarities of the sampling.Conclusions. The administration of the UDCA in the dosage of 20 mg/kg per day as monotherapy as well as in the combination with the lactulose (25 mg/kg per day) in the patients with NASH is characterized by the expressed positive impact on the laboratory markers of cytolysis, cholestasis and the lipid profile. The higher dosages of the UDCA and of the UDCA in combination with the lactulose can be recommended for the treatment of the NASH patients

    Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency in diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetes is disease of both the endo- and exocrine parts of the pancreas. Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) can occur in every 2–3 patients with diabetes and affect not only the quality, but also life expectancy. At the same time, the diagnosis and treatment of PEI is not getting enough attention. The endocrinologist, as the main specialist leading patients with diabetes, can diagnose and treat patients with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and diabetes using adequate doses of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT)


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    The article discusses the joint solution of the Schrödinger and Poisson equations for two-dimensional semiconductor heterojunction. The application of a triangular potential of well approximation for the calculation of the electron-electron interaction is offered in the paper. The influence of the parameters of the selected approximation was analyzed

    Human gut microbiota community structures in urban and rural populations in Russia

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    The microbial community of the human gut has a crucial role in sustaining host homeostasis. High-throughput DNA sequencing has delineated the structural and functional configurations of gut metagenomes in world populations. The microbiota of the Russian population is of particular interest to researchers, because Russia encompasses a uniquely wide range of environmental conditions and ethnogeographical cohorts. Here we conduct a shotgun metagenomic analysis of gut microbiota samples from 96 healthy Russian adult subjects, which reveals novel microbial community structures. The communities from several rural regions display similarities within each region and are dominated by the bacterial taxa associated with the healthy gut. Functional analysis shows that the metabolic pathways exhibiting differential abundance in the novel types are primarily associated with the trade-off between the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes phyla. The specific signatures of the Russian gut microbiota are likely linked to the host diet, cultural habits and socioeconomic status. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Russian consensus on exoand endocrine pancreatic insufficiency after surgical treatment

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    The Russian consensus on exo - and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency after surgical treatment was prepared on the initiative of the Russian "Pancreatic Club" on the Delphi method. His goal was to clarify and consolidate the opinions of specialists on the most relevant issues of diagnosis and treatment of exo - and endocrine insufficiency after surgical interventions on the pancreas. An interdisciplinary approach is provided by the participation of leading gastroenterologists and surgeons

    The Russian consensus on diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis: points of debate

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    The most controversial provisions of the Russian Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis (hereinafter, the Consensus) are presented. The debate has been initiated by the Russian Pancreatic Club and performed with the use of the Delphi system, based on interdisciplinary approach with participation of leading gastroenterologists, surgeons and pediatricians. This paper is the first in the series of the Consensus-related publications. Here we discuss the most controversial issues of Chapter 5 "Treatment of acute episodes" and Chapter 8 "Strategies of pain syndrome management". While discussing the conventional recommendation of a period of starvation for patients with clinical symptom of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it was noted that for a long time it had been virtually the only way to provide functional rest for the pancreas. However, patients with chronic pancreatitis are frequently in malnutrition, therefore, starving may aggravate nutritional deficit that significantly affects the prognosis; therefore, early nutritional support is indicated. To alleviate functional strain of the pancreas, it is reasonable to use enteral nutrition elemental and semi-elemental formulas. The transition from formulas to conventional nutrition should be accompanied by administration of adequate pancreatin doses. The role of pancreatic enzymes, spasmolytics and proton pump inhibitors in the management of pain syndrome was also controversial

    Распространение поверхностных поляритонов в структурах с графеновым слоем

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    The paper considers the process of diffraction of an electromagnetic wave at the interface "vacuum – metal – nonlinear layer (graphene) – semiconductor" with the excitation of a surface wave. Within the framework of the theory, a modal method for calculating the process of interaction of radiation with a multilayer structure is presented, which makes it possible to calculate the energy fluxes arising in the process of diffractionВ работе рассмотрен процесс дифракции электромагнитной волны на границе раздела "вакуум – металл – нелинейная плёнка (графен) – полупроводник" с возбуждением поверхностной волны. В рамках теории представлен модовый метод расчета процесса взаимодействия излучения с многослойной структурой, позволяющий рассчитывать потоки энергий, возникающие в процессе дифракци