1,115 research outputs found

    Market position of selected competitors of the Czech wine market

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    Paper tries to map the market position of eight competitors of the Czech wine market in period 2001–2006. Authors use the Map of the Marketplace approach and compare key economic indicators – Relative Market Share and Return on Assets – of selected firms. During the analyzed period we can see, that some changes of one or of both indicators happened in all of the eight cases, but these were not major changes and it is possible to say, that most of businesses kept their position. The leader of the market is a group Bohemia Sekt, majority of eight analyzed businesses are in the position of ‘In- band followers’.market position, mapping, sales, return on assets, wine production

    Novel anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model capable of representing localized failure of massive structures. Part II: identification from tests under heterogeneous stress field

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    In Part I of this paper we have presented a simple model capable of describing the localized failure of a massive structure. In this part, we discuss the identification of the model parameters from two kinds of experiments: a uniaxial tensile test and a three-point bending test. The former is used only for illustration of material parameter response dependence, and we focus mostly upon the latter, discussing the inverse optimization problem for which the specimen is subjected to a heterogeneous stress field.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 6 table


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    The objective of the project was a laboratory check of biodegradation of soil samples contaminated by PAH(s), PCB(s) and NEL from the hazardous waste dump in the Pozďátky locality. For the laboratory check, pure bacterial cultures of Rhodococcus sp. and Pseudomonas putida have been used. It is apparent from the laboratory experiments results that after one-month bacterial leaching, applying the bacterium of Rhodococcus sp. there is a 83 % removal of NEL, a 79 % removal of PAH(s) and a 14 % removal of PCB(s). Applying a pure culture of Pseudomonas putida there is a 87 % removal of NEL, a 81 % removal of PAH(s) and a 14 % removal of PCB(s).Cilj projekta bilo je laboratorijsko istraživanje biorazgradivosti uzoraka tala zagađenih s poliaromatskim ugljikovodicima (PAH), polikloriranim bifenilima (PCB), i organskim spojevima kao što su benzin i dizel obuhvaćeni u radu skraćenicom (NEL) s odlagališta opasnog otpada na lokalitetu Pozd\u27átky. Za laboratorijska ispitivanja korištene su čiste kulture bakterija Rhodococcus sp. i Pseudomonas putida. Iz rezultata laboratorijskih ispitivanja vidljivo je da je nakon mjesec dana (ispiranja) djelovanja bakterija Rhodococcus sp. odstranjeno 83% NEL, 79% PAH i 14% PCB. Primjenom čiste kulture bakterija Pseudomonas putida odstranjeno je 87% NEL, 81% PAH i 14% PCB

    Multilocus sequence typing of Cronobacter sakazakii and Cronobacter malonaticus reveals stable clonal structures with clinical significance which do not correlate with biotypes

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    Background: The Cronobacter genus (Enterobacter sakazakii) has come to prominence due to its association with infant infections, and the ingestion of contaminated reconstituted infant formula. C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus are closely related, and are defined according their biotype. Due to the ubiquitous nature of the organism, and the high severity of infection for the immunocompromised, a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme has been developed for the fast and reliable identification and discrimination of C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus strains. It was applied to 60 strains of C. sakazakii and 16 strains of C. malonaticus, including the index strains used to define the biotypes. The strains were from clinical and non-clinical sources between 1951 and 2008 in USA, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the Far East. Results: This scheme uses 7 loci; atpD, fusA, glnS, gltB, gyrB, infB, and pps. There were 12 sequence types (ST) identified in C. sakazakii, and 3 in C. malonaticus. A third (22/60) of C. sakazakii strains were in ST4, which had almost equal numbers of clinical and infant formula isolates from 1951 to 2008. ST8 may represent a particularly virulent grouping of C. sakazakii as 7/8 strains were clinical in origin which had been isolated between 1977 - 2006, from four countries. C. malonaticus divided into three STs. The previous Cronobacter biotyping scheme did not clearly correspond with STs nor with species. Conclusion: In conclusion, MLST is a more robust means of identifying and discriminating between C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus than biotyping. The MLST database for these organisms is available online at http://pubmlst.org/cronobacter

    Two scrambling strategies in German: Evidence from PPs

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    Peripherals close: a study of three peripheral municipalities and their neighbors

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    This work presents 3 case studies from the Czech Republic based on a long term qualitative research. The main issue under study is a description of peripheral municipalities and their neighbors in terms of everyday life, history and future of these places.periphery, village, interview, development