15,588 research outputs found

    Electronic structure and resistivity of the double exchange model

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    The double exchange (DE) model with quantum local spins S is studied; an equation of motion approach is used and decoupling approximations analogous to Hubbard's are made. Our approximate one-electron Green function G is exact in the atomic limit of zero bandwidth for all S and band filling n, and as n->0 reduces to a dynamical coherent potential approximation (CPA) due to Kubo; we regard our approximation as a many-body generalisation of Kubo's CPA. G is calculated self-consistently for general S in the paramagnetic state and for S=1/2 in a state of arbitrary magnetization. The electronic structure is investigated and four bands per spin are obtained centred on the atomic limit peaks of the spectral function. A resistivity formula appropriate to the model is derived from the Kubo formula and the paramagnetic state resistivity rho is calculated; insulating states are correctly obtained at n=0 and n=1 for strong Hund coupling. Our prediction for rho is much too small to be consistent with experiments on manganites so we agree with Millis et al that the bare DE model is inadequate. We show that the agreement with experiment obtained by Furukawa is due to his use of an unphysical density of states.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Sublattice Asymmetric Reductions of Spin Values on Stacked Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet CsCoBr3_3

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    We study the reductions of spin values of the ground state on a stacked triangular antiferromagnet using the spin-wave approach. We find that the spin reductions have sublattice asymmetry due to the cancellation of the molecular field. The sublattice asymmetry qualitatively analyzes the NMR results of CsCoBr3_3.Comment: 5pages, 5figure

    Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in the absence of a Magnetic Field

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    We propose that in a system with pocket Fermi surfaces, a pairing state with a finite total momentum q_tot like the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state can be stabilized even without a magnetic field. When a pair is composed of electrons on a pocket Fermi surface whose center is not located at Gamma point, the pair inevitably has finite q_tot. To investigate this possibility, we consider a two-orbital model on a square lattice that can realize pocket Fermi surfaces and we apply fluctuation exchange approximation. Then, by changing the electron number n per site, we indeed find that such superconducting states with finite q_tot are stabilized when the system has pocket Fermi surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    D6 Family Symmetry and Cold Dark Matter at LHC

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    We consider a non-supersymmetric extension of the standard model with a family symmetry based on D6 Z2 Z2, where one of Z2's is exactly conserved. This Z2 forbids the tree-level neutrino masses and simultaneously ensures the stability of cold dark matter candidates. From the assumption that cold dark matter is fermionic we can single out the D6 singlet right-handed neutrino as the best cold dark mater candidate. We find that an inert charged Higgs with a mass between 300 and 750 GeV decays mostly into an electron (or a positron) with a large missing energy, where the missing energy is carried away by the cold dark matter candidate. This will be a clean signal at LHC.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Carrier States and Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

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    Applying the dynamical coherent potential approximation to a simple model, we have systematically studied the carrier states in A1xA_{1-x}MnxB_xB-type diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS's). The model calculation was performed for three typical cases of DMS's: The cases with strong and moderate exchange interactions in the absence of nonmagnetic potentials, and the case with strong attractive nonmagnetic potentials in addition to moderate exchange interaction. When the exchange interaction is sufficiently strong, magnetic impurity bands split from the host band. Carriers in the magnetic impurity band mainly stay at magnetic sites, and coupling between the carrier spin and the localized spin is very strong. The hopping of the carriers among the magnetic sites causes ferromagnetism through a {\it double-exchange (DE)-like} mechanism. We have investigated the condition for the DE-like mechanism to operate in DMS's. The result reveals that the nonmagnetic attractive potential at the magnetic site assists the formation of the magnetic impurity band and makes the DE-like mechanism operative by substantially enhancing the effect of the exchange interaction. Using conventional parameters we have studied the carrier states in Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs. The result shows that the ferromagnetism is caused through the DE-like mechanism by the carriers in the bandtail originating from the impurity states.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Equilibration problem for the generalized Langevin equation

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    We consider the problem of equilibration of a single oscillator system with dynamics given by the generalized Langevin equation. It is well-known that this dynamics can be obtained if one considers a model where the single oscillator is coupled to an infinite bath of harmonic oscillators which are initially in equilibrium. Using this equivalence we first determine the conditions necessary for equilibration for the case when the system potential is harmonic. We then give an example with a particular bath where we show that, even for parameter values where the harmonic case always equilibrates, with any finite amount of nonlinearity the system does not equilibrate for arbitrary initial conditions. We understand this as a consequence of the formation of nonlinear localized excitations similar to the discrete breather modes in nonlinear lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Granular Scale Magnetic Flux Cancellations in the Photosphere

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    We investigate the evolution of 5 granular-scale magnetic flux cancellations just outside the moat region of a sunspot by using accurate spectropolarimetric measurements and G-band images with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode. The opposite polarity magnetic elements approach a junction of the intergranular lanes and then they collide with each other there. The intergranular junction has strong red shifts, darker intensities than the regular intergranular lanes, and surface converging flows. This clearly confirms that the converging and downward convective motions are essential for the approaching process of the opposite-polarity magnetic elements. However, motion of the approaching magnetic elements does not always match with their surrounding surface flow patterns in our observations. This suggests that, in addition to the surface flows, subsurface downward convective motions and subsurface magnetic connectivities are important for understanding the approach and collision of the opposite polarity elements observed in the photosphere. We find that the horizontal magnetic field appears between the canceling opposite polarity elements in only one event. The horizontal fields are observed along the intergranular lanes with Doppler red shifts. This cancellation is most probably a result of the submergence (retraction) of low-lying photospheric magnetic flux. In the other 4 events, the horizontal field is not observed between the opposite polarity elements at any time when they approach and cancel each other. These approaching magnetic elements are more concentrated rather than gradually diffused, and they have nearly vertical fields even while they are in contact each other. We thus infer that the actual flux cancellation is highly time dependent events at scales less than a pixel of Hinode SOT (about 200 km) near the solar surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Electron Spin Dephasing due to Hyperfine Interactions with a Nuclear Spin Bath

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    We investigate pure dephasing decoherence (free induction decay and spin echo) of a spin qubit interacting with a nuclear spin bath. While for infinite magnetic field B the only decoherence mechanism is spectral diffusion due to dipolar flip-flops of nuclear spins, with decreasing B the hyperfine-mediated interactions between the nuclear spins become important. We give a theory of decoherence due to these interactions which takes advantage of their long-range nature. For a thermal uncorrelated bath we show that our theory is applicable down to B~10 mT, allowing for comparison with recent experiments in GaAs quantum dots.Comment: Published version, new title suggested by the PRL edito