12 research outputs found

    Study of softening temperatures of manganese ores in central Kazakhstan

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    The article presents the results of studying the temperatures of the beginning, end and temperature range of softening, samples of manganese ores in Central Kazakhstan. For the study, samples of manganese ores from the Zhezdinsky, Karazhal, Keregetas, and Western Kamys deposits were taken. The temperature interval for the softening of ores was determined by the method of isothermal heating on a specially assembled installation

    Investigation and comparison of the softening temperature of manganese ores used for the production of complex ligatures based on Fe-Si-Mn-Al

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    The article presents the results of studying the beginning, end and temperature range of softening of Kazakhstan manganese ores of the Bogach and Yesimzhal deposits. The experimental study was carried out using a softening unit on the Tamman furnace. The results obtained showed that the ore of the Yesimzhal Deposit has a low softening temperature compared to the ore of the Bogach Deposit, but the ore of the Bogach Deposit has the lowest softening temperature intervals. The dependence of the degree of softening of the investigated manganese ores on the temperature is established. The chemical composition was qualitatively evaluated, and the main phases in the samples of manganese ores were determined by x-ray phase studies

    Thermodynamic diagrammatic analysis (TDA) of the system Al-Si-Mn-Fe

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    The article presents the results of thermodynamic diagrammatic analysis of the Al-Si-Mn-Fe metal system as characterizing the final composition of the manganese-containing complex ferroalloy. By the method of thermodynamic diagrammatic analysis, the phase equilibrium of the Al-Si-Mn-Fe metal system was constructed, and the coexisting phases in the alloy were determined. Experimental samples of the aluminosilicomanganese alloy were studied on an Empyrean Malvern Panalytical X-ray diffractometer (XRD), where the presence of phases in the form of an intermetallic compound was determined - MnSi, Mn15Si26, Al2Fe3Si4, Al5Fe2, FeSi and structurally free silicon

    Research of microstructure and phase composition of a new complex alloy – alumosilicomanganese (Al-Si-Mn)

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    The paper presents the results of a physicochemical study of a new complex alloy of alumosilicomanganese. The phase composition of the alloy was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analysis on an Empyrean Malvern Panalytical X-ray diffractometer. Radiographs were processed and decoded using the Match! 3 software and the Full- Prof-2021 database. The HighScorePlus, Match! 3 and FullProf-2021 programs are based on the Rietveld method. The study of the microstructure of the alloy was carried out on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the JEOL - JSM7001F type. The chemical composition of the phases was determined using an Oxford INCA X-max 80 energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) installed on a JEOL JSM-7001F scanning electron microscope

    Melting of high-carbon ferrochrome using coal of the saryadyr deposit

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    The article presents the results of large-scale laboratory tests on the smelting of high-carbon ferrochrome with the replacement of parts metallurgical coke with high-ash coal from the Saryadyr deposits. According to the test results, it can be stated that the optimal percentage of replacing metallurgical coke with high-ash Saradyr coal is 30 – 40 %. During a large-scale laboratory test, it was also established that the cost of the alloy was reduced due to the partial replacement of expensive coke and removes the fluxing component of quartzite from the charge composition, and improves the TPE of the high-carbon ferrochrome smelting process

    Research of microstructure and phase composition of a new complex alloy – alumosilicomanganese (Al-Si-Mn)

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    The paper presents the results of a physicochemical study of a new complex alloy of alumosilicomanganese. The phase composition of the alloy was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analysis on an Empyrean Malvern Panalytical X-ray diffractometer. Radiographs were processed and decoded using the Match! 3 software and the Full- Prof-2021 database. The HighScorePlus, Match! 3 and FullProf-2021 programs are based on the Rietveld method. The study of the microstructure of the alloy was carried out on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the JEOL - JSM7001F type. The chemical composition of the phases was determined using an Oxford INCA X-max 80 energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) installed on a JEOL JSM-7001F scanning electron microscope

    Development of carbon ferrochrome smelting technology using high-ash coal

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    This article presents the results of experimental tests using coal from the Saryadyr deposit as a reducing agent for the smelting of carbonaceous ferrochrome. Large-scale laboratory tests were carried out on the smelting of carbonaceous ferrochrome in an ore-thermal furnace with a capacity of 200 kV · A. X-ray diffraction analysis of the obtained alloy and slag on a diffractometer was carried out. The presence of forsterite 2MgO·SiO2 and magnesitochromite Cr2Fe0,2Mg0,8O4 in the slag was revealed, as well as the FeCr compound and the absence of silicide compounds. The optimal percentage of replacing traditional coke with coal up to 30% (by weight) has been found, which can significantly reduce the specific consumption of quartzite in the charge

    Study of softening temperatures of manganese ores in central Kazakhstan

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    The article presents the results of studying the temperatures of the beginning, end and temperature range of softening, samples of manganese ores in Central Kazakhstan. For the study, samples of manganese ores from the Zhezdinsky, Karazhal, Keregetas, and Western Kamys deposits were taken. The temperature interval for the softening of ores was determined by the method of isothermal heating on a specially assembled installation

    Investigation and comparison of the softening temperature of manganese ores used for the production of complex ligatures based on Fe-Si-Mn-Al

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    The article presents the results of studying the beginning, end and temperature range of softening of Kazakhstan manganese ores of the Bogach and Yesimzhal deposits. The experimental study was carried out using a softening unit on the Tamman furnace. The results obtained showed that the ore of the Yesimzhal Deposit has a low softening temperature compared to the ore of the Bogach Deposit, but the ore of the Bogach Deposit has the lowest softening temperature intervals. The dependence of the degree of softening of the investigated manganese ores on the temperature is established. The chemical composition was qualitatively evaluated, and the main phases in the samples of manganese ores were determined by x-ray phase studies

    Thermodynamic diagrammatic analysis (TDA) of the system Al-Si-Mn-Fe

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    The article presents the results of thermodynamic diagrammatic analysis of the Al-Si-Mn-Fe metal system as characterizing the final composition of the manganese-containing complex ferroalloy. By the method of thermodynamic diagrammatic analysis, the phase equilibrium of the Al-Si-Mn-Fe metal system was constructed, and the coexisting phases in the alloy were determined. Experimental samples of the aluminosilicomanganese alloy were studied on an Empyrean Malvern Panalytical X-ray diffractometer (XRD), where the presence of phases in the form of an intermetallic compound was determined - MnSi, Mn15Si26, Al2Fe3Si4, Al5Fe2, FeSi and structurally free silicon