31 research outputs found

    Utjecaj nehranidbenih čimbenika na razinu uree u mlijeku i njezina povezanost s parametrima mliječnosti i plodnosti u mliječnih stada u Vojvodini

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    The purpose of this study was to examine possible relationship between milk urea and fertility of dairy cows using field data. This study also evaluated the influence of environmental factors on milk urea (MU) and the relationship between MU and daily milk yield, milk fat and protein percentage. The data were collected at 11 dairy farms in the Vojvodina region. Reproductive dana and MU measurements were obtained from cows that calved between June 2013 and October 2015 and had a successful conception after calving. Statistical data processing was carried out by applying General Linear Model procedure, Statistics 13. Parity, calving season, season of milk control and farm were included in the models as fixed effects. Significant differences in MU concentrations were observed between farms (P35 mg dL-1 imale najdulje servisno razdoblje (163,18 dana). Nadalje, krave s najnižim prosječnim MU vrijednostima (<10 mg dL-1) imale su najkraće servisno razdoblje (72,62 dana), dok su krave s prosječnom vrijednosti MU 20,01-25,00 mg dL-1 imale najdulje servisno razdoblje (161,78 dana). Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju da povećanje razine MU negativno utječe na plodnost mliječnih krava

    Ocena oplemenjivačke vrednosti bikova za broj somatskih ćelija u mleku

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    The incidence of subclinical and clinical mastitis in the mammary gland produces variety of defensive factors were nuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages play an important role and they are marked as somatic cells. Somatic cell count depends on the type of pathogen and stage of infection. Increased number of somatic cells in milk occurs as a result of lesions in the mammary gland. Studies have shown that the somatic cells count is genetically predisposed. Although the heritability of this trait is low, using modern methods and the proper selection of work it is possible to achieve some progress. Therefore it is necessary to the selection of bulls for somatic cells, on the basis of somatic cells in milk of daughters. Data on milk yield and somatic cell count in milk of 247 cows Holstein Friesian and Simmental breed from Vojvodina province, were used to analyze the evaluation of breeding values for somatic cells in milk Average values and variability of somatic cells, milk yield, milk fat yield and protein and content of milk fat and protein were determined. The average number of somatic cells was 317 000 per ml of milk, with high variability. Average milk yield of 7 634kg with an average content and yield of milk fat from 3.74% to 285.69 kg and the average protein content and yield of 3.15% and 237.15 kg were determined. Assessment of breeding values was calculated using BLUP model of father, high variability in the assessment of bulls was found. Getting more accurate breeding values is possible using the Animal Model.Kod pojave subkliničkog i kliničkog mastitisa mlečna žlezda produkuje mnoÅ”tvo odbrambenih faktora od kojih značajnu ulogu imaju polimorfo nuklearni leukociti, limfociti i makrofage koje označavamo kao somatske ćelije. Broj somatskih ćelija zavisi od vrste uzročnika i stadijuma infekcije. Povećan broj somatskih ćelija u mleku javlja se kao posledica lezija na mlečnoj žlezdi. Istraživanja su pokazala da je broj somatskih ćelija genetski predisponiran. Iako je heritabilnost za ovu osobinu niska, uz pomoć savremenih metoda i pravilnog selekcijskog rada moguće je postići određeni genetski napredak. Zbog toga je potrebno vrÅ”iti selekciju bikova za broj somatskih ćelija i to na osnovu broja somatskih ćelija u mleku ćerki. Podaci o mlečnosti i broju somatskih ćelija u mleku kod 247 krava holÅ”tajn-frizijske i simentalske rase sa teritorije Vojvodine, koriŔćeni su za analizu ocene oplemenjivačke vrednosti za broj somatskih ćelija u mleku krava. Izračunate su prosečne vrednosti i varijabilnost broja somatskih ćelija, prinosa mleka, prinosa mlečne masti i proteina i sadržaja mlečne masti i proteina. Prosečan broj somatskih ćelija u ml iznosio je 317 000, sa velikom varijabilnoŔću. Utvrđen je prosečan prinos mleka od 7634 kg uz prosečan sadržaj i prinos mlečne masti od 3,74% i 285,69kg i prosečan sadržaj i prinos proteina od 3,15% i 237,15 kg. Ocena oplemenjivačke vrednosti je izračunata primenom BLUP modela oca, utvrđena je velika varijabilnost u oceni priplodnjaka. Dobijanje preciznije oplemenjivačke vrednosti moguće je primenom Animal Modela

    Uticaj veličine farmi na osobine mlečnosti krava

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    Objective of this study was to analyze the effect of the dairy farm on milk traits of cows in Vojvodina. The research was carried out on small farms with 10 to 20 cows, medium farms with 20 to 50 cows, and large farms with over 50 dairy cows. The study included registered animals of Simmental (SM) and Holstein-Friesian breed (HF; including Red Holstein) in the first lactation for traits of milk yield and yield and content of milk fat. Total of 1323 first lactations were analyzed. The average milk yield (both breeds) in the first lactation of 305 days was 6295 kg of milk with 234,3 kg of milk fat and average milk fat content of 3,74%. Milk performance of cows varied significantly (CV=22,9% and SD=1447,8), as well as milk fat yield (CV=21,6% and SD=50,8). Large farms produced in average 6534 kg of milk, medium farms 6347kg and small farms 4717kg. Size of the farm exhibited significantly high effect on all observed traits, and the tendency was that farms with higher number of animals realize also higher average of production. Farm management and various breeding-zootechnical conditions present on farms had significant effect on milk performance of cows.Cilj rada je da se ispita uticaj veličine govedarske farme na osobine mlečnosti u Vojvodini. U odnosu na veličinu farme, ispitivanje je sprovedeno na malim farmama sa 10 do 20 krava, srednje velikim od 20 do 50 i velikim sa preko 50 krava. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo umatičena grla simentalske (SM) i holÅ”tajnfrizijske rase (HF; uključujući i crveni holÅ”tajn) u prvoj laktaciji za osobine prinosa mleka, mlečne masti i sadržaja mlečne masti. Ukupno je analizirano 1323 prvih laktacija. Prosečna mlečnost krava (obe rase) u prvoj laktaciji za 305 dana je iznosila 6295 kg mleka sa 234,3 kg mlečne masti i prosečnim sadržajem masti od 3,74%. Mlečnosti krava je značajno varirala (CV=22,9% i SD=1447,8) kao i prinos mlečne masti (CV=21,6% i SD=50,8). Velike farme su prosečno proizvele 6534 kg, srednje 6347 kg i male 4717 kg. Veličina farme je ispoljila signifikantno visok uticaj na sve posmatrane osobine a tendencija je da se na farmama sa većim brojem grla ostvaruje prosečno veća proizvodnja. Farmski menadžment i različiti odgajivačko zootehnički uslovi na farmama su ostvarili značajan uticaj na mlečnost krava

    Progesterone concentration in milk and blood serum and reproductive efficiency of cows after Ovsynch treatment

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of hormonal synchronization of ovulation on progesterone concentrations in milk and blood serum and on reproductive performance. Sixty Holstein-Friesian cows averaging 8000 L over 305 days of lactation were divided into 2 groups of 30 animals. One-factor ANOVA and a t-test of progesterone concentrations in venous serum and milk revealed that the lowest concentrations of progesterone in milk (Ovsynch 5.8 + 1.0 ng/mL; control 4.5 + 0.6 ng/mL) and blood serum (Ovsynch 1.3 +/- 0.9 ng/mL; control 1.4 +/- 0.5 ng/mL) in both groups were found on the day of estrus or artificial insemination (AI) (both P lt 0.05). Increases in the concentrations of progesterone in milk (Ovsynch 17.6 +/- 4.3 ng/mL; control 10.5 +/- 1.9 ng/mL) and blood serum (Ovsynch 3.6 +/- 1.1 ng/mL; control 4.0 +/- 1.0 ng/mL) were observed on day 7 after AI (both P lt 0.05). Concentrations of progesterone in milk and blood serum in nonpregnant cows were reduced on day 21 after AI. Assessment of reproductive performance revealed that the application of treatment shortened the duration of the service period (Ovsynch 76 days; control 83 days) and the calving interval (Ovsynch 376 days; control 382 days)

    Sastav sirovog mleka dobijen u sistemu konvencionalne i organske proizvodnje

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    Possible differences between composition of raw milk due to dairy farming system (organic vs conventional) as well as seasonal variations were investigated. The samples were analysed during one year. A total of 6.782 samples of raw milk were collected (4.496 from organic farming). Dairy farms were located in the northern part of Republic of Serbia (Province of Vojvodina). The principle of analysis of raw milk samples was in accordance with the methodology by midinfrared spectrometry and flow cytometry. The fixed effect of system of farming and season (winter, spring, summer and fall) have shown a high statistical significance (P lt 0.01) on all examined milk parameters except fat, total solids and somatic cell count, where the impact was slightly lower (P lt 0.05). Significant difference wasn't found in number of bacterial colonies (P > 0.05). Composition of milk is also affected by a number of other factors, therefore it is recommended to involve factors such as nutrition of dairy cows, breed and farm management.Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju razlike između sirovog mleka dobijenog u različitim sezonama i sistemima proizvodnje (organska/ konvencionalna). Uzorci mleka su sakupljani u toku čitave godine. Ukupno je sakupljeno 6782 (od čega 4496 iz organske proizvodnje). Farme su bile locirane na severnom delu Srbije (AP Vojvodina). Sirovi uzorci mleka su analizirani u skladu sa metodologijom infracrvene spektometrije i protočne citometrije. Fiksni uticaji sistema proizvodnje i sezone (zima, proleće, leto i jesen) su pokazali visoku signifikantnu značajnost (P lt 0,01) na sve ispitivane parametre mleka osim na mlečnu mast, ukupnu suvu materiju i ukupan broj somatskih ćelija, gde je uticaj bio signifikantan na nivou (P lt 0,05). Statistički značajna razlika nije pronađena u ukupnom broju bakterija (kolonija) (P > 0,05). Na sastav mleka takođe utiče i veliki broj drugih faktora, stoga je za preporuku da se u ispitivanje uključe i faktori poput ishrane mlečnih krava, rase i farmskog menadžmenta

    Utjecaj sustava držanja na bolesti papaka i postotak izlučenja u krava holŔtajnske pasmine

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    The objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of the housing system (tie-stall and free-stall barns) on the prevalence of hoof diseases/disorders, as well as on the percentage of culling in 6,348 Holstein dairy cows from 5 farms. During the three months of research the hoof care service on all farms collected records of causes of lameness, diagnoses and treatments. Functional and corrective hoof trimming was conducted by a professional farm trimmer. When all the registered diseases/disorders were observed as a percentage (all diseases = 100%), it was noticed that both housing systems were similarly affected by the same diseases/disorders. In this regard, White Line Disease occurred in both systems in prevalence of 0.5% - 1%, Toe Ulcer and Necrosis in 3% - 6%, Rusterholz Ulcer / Sole Ulcer in 20% - 23%, Digital Dermatitis in 18% - 20%, Interdigital Hyperplasia / Tyloma in 10% - 12%, Panaritium / Interdigital Phlegmon in 0.7% - 0.77%, while the prevalence of Mechanical Injury was negligible and in similar amounts - 0.2% - 0.5%. Cows in the free-stall barns were much more burdened with Dermatitis Interdigitalis / Heel Erosion Disease (39.11%) compared to cows in the bound housing system (20.40%). In contrast, diagnosed acute, chronic and haemorrhagic Laminitis was significantly more pronounced in the tie-stall barns (18.61%) than in the free-stall barns (0.88%). In the statistical analysis conducted, statistically significantly more diseases/disorders were registered in the tie-stall system than in the free housing system (P0.05).Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi utjecaj držanja (vezani ili slobodni sustav) na pojavnost bolesti i promjena na papcima, kao i na postotak izlučenja u krava holÅ”tajnske pasmine. Uključeno je 6348 krava s pet farmi, za koje su tijekom tri mjeseca prikupljeni podaci o obradi i njezi papaka, uzrocima Å”epavosti, dijagnozama te redovitim liječenjima. Funkcionalno i korektivno obrezivanje papaka provele su osobe educirane za to. Promotre li se svi registrirani poremećaji i bolesti postotno (sve bolesti = 100 %), zapaža se da su oba sustava držanja bila u sličnoj mjeri opterećena istim bolestima. U skladu s tim, bolest bijele linije opažena je u oba sustava, s pojavnoŔću od 0,5 do 1%, čir i nekroza papka od 3 do 6 %, Rusterholzov čir / Ulcus soleae od 20 do 23 %, digitalni dermatitis od 18 do 20 %, interdigitalna hiperplazija / tilom od 10 do 12 %, panaricij / interdigitalna flegmona od 0,7 do 0,77 %, dok je postotak mehaničkih ozljeda bio vrlo sličan i zanemariv (0,2 ā€“ 0,5 %). Krave u slobodnom sustavu držanja bile su mnogo viÅ”e opterećene boleŔću interdigitalni dermatitis / erozija pete (39,11 %) u odnosu na krave u vezanom sustavu držanja (20,40 %). Suprotno tomu, pojavnost akutnog, kroničnog i hemoragijskog laminitisa bila je znakovito veća u vezanom sustavu držanja (18,61 %) nego u slobodnom (0,88 %). Na osnovi provedenih statističkih proporcija i Z-testa tijekom istraživanog razdoblja, registrirano je statistički znakovito viÅ”e bolesti i poremećaja u vezanom sustavu držanja nego u slobodnom (P0,05)

    Reproduktivne karakteristike bikovskih majki simentalske rase

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    Cattle reproduction is most significant production phase because in this phase heads of cattle for maintaining of the herd are provided, as well as for dairy production and fattening - production of meat. The effect of year and season of calving on age at first conception, duration of pregnancy duration of service period, interval between calving, etc. is investigated in the paper. Bull dams of Simmental breed selected on farms of individual agricultural producers were investigated. The method of Least Squares LSMLMW(Harvey 1987) was used for analysis of the effect of year and season of calving on reproductive traits. Year of calving had significant effect on duration of service period and interval between calving (p (lt) 0.05), while season influenced significantly only the duration of service period (p (lt) 0.05). Mean values of the general average were following: for age at first conception - 517.61 days; duration of pregnancy 285.51 days; duration of service period 108.98 days; duration of interval between calving 395.34 days.Ispoljenost reproduktivnih osobina bikovskih majki simentalske rase bila je na zadovoljavajućem nivou. U daljem odgajivačko-selekcijskom radu treba nastojati da se omogući dobijanje jednog teleta godiÅ”nje. OpÅ”ti prosek sredine najmanjih kvadrata osobina plodnosti iznosio je za uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji 517.61 dana,trajanje bremenitosti 285.51 dana, trajanje servis perioda 108.98 dana, dužina međutelidbenog intervala 395.34 dana. Godina telenja statistički je značajno uticala na trajanje servis perioda i dužinu međutelidbenog intervala (P (lt) 0,05), za razliku od uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji i trajanje bremenitosti na koje nije imala značajan uticaj (P>0,05). Sezona telenja imala je signifikantan uticaj samo na trajanje servis perioda (P (lt) 0,05), dok na ostale ispitivane parametre plodnosti nije imala značajnijeg uticaja (P>0,05)

    Ispitivanje važnijih tovnih osobina muÅ”kih meleza F1 generacije nemačke Fleckvieh rase sa domaćom simentalskom rasom

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    Major fattening and growth traits of performance tested bulls from two groups are presented in this paper. Bulls obtained in pure breed Fleckvieh x Fleckvieh were investigated/evaluated in test stations in Germany, and male crosses with Domestic Simmental cows in domestic centers for AI (Krnjača and Velika Plana). In observing two groups of young bulls statistically significant differences were registered (p (lt) 0,01**) for following traits chest depth, chest girth, and daily gain, whereas for body mass at the end of test and height of withers differences were at level p> 0,05 ns. Group of young bulls F x F tested in Germany achieved in average greater chest depth and chest girth and realized higher daily gains during test period. Group of crosses tested in our conditions in domestic test stations realized higher values for length of carcass and almost identical body mass at the end of test period. In other words, improvement of production traits and correction of exterior characteristics of domestic population of cattle through import of breeding animals and their semen is justified only when positively tested breeding material is imported which is adequate for our purpose and breeding objective.U radu su ispitane važnije osobine tovnosti i porasta kod dve grupe bikova testiranih performans testom. Bikovi dobijeni u čistoj rasi Fleckvieh x Fleckvieh ispitani su u testnim stanicama u Nemačkoj, a muÅ”ki melezi sa kravama domaćeg simentalca ispitani su kod nas u centrima za VO (Krnjača i Velika Plana). Posmatrajući dve grupe mladih bikova, ustanovljene su statistički značajne razlike (p (lt) 0,01**) za osobine dubina grudi. obim grudi i bruto dnevni prirast, dok su za osobine telesne mase pri zavrÅ”etku testa i visine grebena razlike bile na nivou (p> 0,05 ns)

    utjecaj odgovora na toplinski stres, redoslijeda laktacije, pasmine te regije uzgoja na broj somatskih stanica u mliječnih goveda

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    With the aim of determining the effect of response to heat stress, parity, breed and breeding region on somatic cell count (SCC) in dairy cattle, the individual test-day records of dairy cows collected from 2005 to 2012 in regular milk recording (AT4 / BT4 method) in Croatia were used. The proportional differences in log somatic cell count, and logSCC (in %) in subsequent milk recordings (1st, and 2nd) were determined in cows with a significant decrease in daily milk yield at a set temperature-humidity index, THI threshold (68, 72, and 76). The results indicate high variability in somatic cell count due to the animalā€™s response to heat stress (heat stressed at THI in 68, 72, and 76), parity (1, 2, and 3+), breed (Holstein, and Simmental) and breeding region (Central, and Eastern Croatia). Also, it could be pointed out that Holsteins, especially cows in higher parities (2, 3+) reared in Eastern Croatia were shown to be more sensitive to environmental stress, even in the period after heat stress (1st, and 2nd subsequent milk recording). Since SCC is not only an indicator for mastitis, but also reflects a cowā€™s immune response to general stress situations, the high variability determined may be explained by the individual adaptation capabilities of these two breeds to breeding conditions in the analysed regions.U cilju utvrđivanja utjecaja odgovora na toplinski stres, redoslijeda laktacije, pasmine te regije uzgoja na broj somatskih stanica u mliječnih krava analizirani su zapisi na kontrolni dan prikupljeni u periodu od 2005. do 2012. tijekom provedbe redovite kontrole mliječnosti (AT4 / BT4 metoda) u Hrvatskoj. Proporcionalna razlika u logSCC (%) u slijedećim kontrolama mliječnosti (1. i 2.), utvrđena je u krava sa znakovitim padom dnevne količine mlijeka pri određenim graničnim vrijednostima THI (68, 72 i 76). Utvrđeni rezultati ukazuju na visoku varijabilnost u broju somatskih stanica uslijed odgovora grla na toplinski stres (u toplinskom stresu pri THI 68, 72 i 76), redoslijeda laktacije (1, 2 i 3+), pasmine (Holstein i Simmental) te regije uzgoja (srediÅ”nja i istočna Hrvatska). Nadalje, može se istaknuti da su se grla Holstein pasmine, osobito krave u viÅ”im laktacijama (2., 3+) uzgajane u istočnoj Hrvatskoj, pokazale kao osjetljivije na stresne okoliÅ”ne uvjete, čak i u razdoblju nakon toplinskog stresa (1., i 2. kontrola mliječnosti). Budući da broj somatskih stanica ne predstavlja samo indikator mastitisa, već odražava i imunoloÅ”ki odgovor krave na opće stresne situacije, utvrđena visoka varijabilnost može biti objaÅ”njena individualnim adaptacijskim mogućnostima obiju pasmina na uvjete uzgoja u analiziranim regijama

    The composition of goat milk in different types of farming's

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    Possible differences between compositions of raw goat's milk due to the types of farmings system (organic, conventional and traditional) were investigated. Farms were located in different parts of Republic of Serbia. All animals were loose housed. The capacity of the farm ranged from 50 to 750 French Alpine goats. A total of 72 bulk samples of raw milk were collected from each farm during the year. The principle of analysis of raw milk samples was in accordance to mid-infrared spectrometry and flow cytometry. The following parameters in raw Milk were analyzed: fat, protein, lactose, total solids, somatic cell count, milk urea, and contents of fatty acid: saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The fixed effect the types of farming and season (winter, spring, summer and fall) have shown a statistical significance difference (P 0.05). The Composition of milk also affected by a number of other factors such as the nutrition of dairy goats, breed and farm management. It is recommended to consider all these factors during the comparison of different farming systems. The results that showed significant differences could be used to improve the breeding technology of dairy goats, and feeding strategies as well as emphasize the importance of using pastures