8 research outputs found

    Kombinirano liječenje rupturirane aneurizme srednje moždane arterije praćene subarahnoidnim krvarenjem i akutnim subduralnim hematomom u viÅ”estrukoj aneurizmatskoj bolesti krvnih žila mozga: prikaz slučaja

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    Aneurysms of blood vessels at the base of the brain are pathological focal outpouchings, usually found at the branching points of the arteries. Aneurysm can remain silent for life. Clinical presentation is due to rupture and bleeding. In only 1.3% of cases it results in subdural hematoma, which is associated with direct interaction of the aneurysm with the basal arachnoid membrane. Multiple aneurysms are present in 15% to 33% of cases with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Assessment of these patients is more complicated, as there are no specific signs to pinpoint/detect the aneurysm that has ruptured. This report presents a 44-year-old female patient suffering from multiple cerebral aneurysm disease, who was urgently treated after rupture by both endovascular (for multiple aneurysms) and surgical (for acute subdural hematoma) approach in the same act under general anesthesia, which resulted in complete recovery of the patient.Aneurizme krvnih žila na bazi mozga su žariÅ”na patoloÅ”ka proÅ”irenja koja se obično nalaze na račvanju arterija. Mogu ostati klinički nijeme cijelog života. Klinička slika nastaje zbog rupture i krvarenja. Samo u 1,3% slučajeva rezultira pojavom subduralnog hematoma, Å”to je u vezi s izravnom interakcijom aneurizme i bazalne arahnoidne membrane. ViÅ”estruke aneurizme su prisutne u 15% do 33% bolesnika sa subarahnoidnim krvarenjem. Pristup ovakvim bolesnicima je složen, jer ne postoje specifični znaci koji bi ukazali na ili otkrili aneurizmu koja je rupturirala. Ovaj prikaz opisuje bolesnicu u dobi od 44 godine s viÅ”estrukom aneurizmatskom boleŔću mozga koja je nakon rupture hitno podvrgnuta endovaskularnom (zbog viÅ”estrukih aneurizma) i kirurÅ”kom (zbog akutnog subduralnog hematoma) terapijskom zahvatu u istom aktu u općoj anesteziji, Å”to je rezultiralo njezinim potpunim oporavkom

    Međuzavisnost oscilacija i tranzijenata indukcionih procesa zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila u tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista kukuruza - reakcije na delovanje viÅ”ih temperatura i suÅ”e

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    Standard induction processes of delayed fluorescence (DF) of chlorophyll (induction signals) occur when an intact leaf segment of maize inbreds and hybrids is kept in the phosphoroscope darkroom for more than 15 minutes (t > 15 min), and at the same time the leaf is illuminated with the intermittent white light. Resolved induction processes of DF chlorophyll into transients: A, B, C, D and E occur when the intact leaf segment of maize inbreds and hybrids is kept in the phosphoroscope darkroom for a significantly shorter period (500 s > t > 30 s), with the time rate t of 30 s, prior to its illumination with the intermittent white light. Induction transients: A, B, C, D and E are characterized with the time of their generation: tA = 31Ā±6 ms (A), tB = 5 Ā± 0,5 s (B), tC = 15Ā±5 s (C), tD = 360Ā±20 s (D) and tE = 670Ā±35 s (E), dynamics of changes in transients intensities (IA, IB, IC, ID and IE) and mechanisms of their generation. The induction processes of chlorophyll DF of the intact leaf of maize inbreds and hybrids resolved into transients: A, B, C, D and E are accompanied by the occurrence and different levels of activation energy (Ea, kJ mol-1) that correspond to critical temperatures ranging from 28 to 33Ā°C. The generation mechanisms of induction transients A, B, C, D and E classify them into two groups. Transients A and B are of a physical character, while the transients: C, D, and E are of a chemical character. It is shown that the generation of the induction transients: B, C, D and E simultaneously follows establishing of the oscillations of induction processes of the DF chlorophyll. Oscillating of induction processes of DF chlorophyll is explained by the ion (K+, Na+, H+, Cl-) transport mechanism across the thylakoid membrane of the intact leaf of maize inbreds and hybrids grown under conditions of air drought, increased temperatures and water deficiency in the medium.U ovom radu ostvaruje se primena poboljÅ”anog fotosintetično-fluorescentnog metoda u proučavanju složenih indukcionih procesa zakasnele fluorescencije (ZF) hlorofila, koji su razloženi na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E i kod kojih mogu da nastanu oscilacije. Međuzavisnost oscilacija i indukcionih tranzijenata: A, B, C, D i E javlja se kod intaktnih listova linija (ZPR 70ž i Oh 43) i hibrida (ZPDC 360, ZPSC 46A, ZPSC 704 i ZPSC 71) kukuruza koji su gajeni u staklari u uslovima različite vazduÅ”ne suÅ”e, delovanja viÅ”ih temperatura i deficita vode u podlozi. Posebno se ukazuje na uslove pri kojima dolazi do uspostavljanja standardnih indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila. Daje se kraći opis standardne indukcione krive ZF hlorofila. Znatno detaljnije daju se eksperimentalni rezultati o razlaganju indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E. Pokazani su vremenski i fizičko-hemijski parametri za proučavane indukcione tranzijente. ObjaÅ”njeni su njihova priroda i mehanizmi nastajanja. Utvrđene su karakteristike i mehanizam nastajanja oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila. Dati su uslovi pri kojima dolazi do pojave pobuđenog stanja, nastajanja fluktuacija i uspostavljanja oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila u tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza. Izneta je hipoteza o mehanizmu nastajanja oscilacija. ObjaÅ”njena je međuzavisnost uspostavljanja oscilacija i tranzijenata indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila

    Značaj kontinuiranog unapređenja proizvodnje i kontrole osnovnog semena ZP hibrida kukuruza

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    High-quality seed is one of the key factors in the commercial maize grain production. In addition, hybrid seed production is conditioned by the production of basic seed of parental inbreds. According to the Law on Seed, 2005, the category of basic seed is defined as: original of self-pollinated plant species, hybrid components and potato elite, produced under control of the Ministry competent for agribusiness and is used for the production of certified seed of the first generation. This paper presents a chronological overview of the overall activity since1945. that led to the modern production of maize seed in our country. The activities have been based on scientific, technical and technological achievements within many fields, ranging from genetics and breeding, through growing practices, processing, quality control and legal regulations concerning all of this. Transition from maize breeding and production to hybrids has provided an amazing development of maize breeding and seed production and also included significant profit. Therefore, maize seed production has become high-technology industry. The scientific and professional work in improving the production of basic seed of ZP maize hybrids has been carried out in stages, and generally followed achievements in maize breeding and genetics, as well as developments in the growing practices and processing. In order to maintain a high quality of maize hybrid seed, as the end product, permanent efforts have to be invested into maize production improvement, drying, processing, storing, genetic purity of basic seed of parental inbreds of ZP maize hybrids, which are grown on the significant percentage of maize production areas not only in Serbia and countries in the region.U procesu proizvodnje kukuruza jedan od ključnih činilaca je kvalitetno seme, bez kojeg nema ni kvalitetne proizvodnje merkantilnog zrna. Takođe proizvodnja hibridnog semena je uslovljena proizvodnjom osnovnog semena roditeljskih linija. Po zakonu o semenu iz 2005. godine definicija kategorije osnovnog semena glasi: Osnovno seme jeste original samooplodnih biljnih vrsta, komponente hibrida i elita krompira. Proizvodi se pod kontrolom ministarstva nadležnog za poslove poljoprivrede (u daljem tekstu: Ministarstvo), a koristi se za proizvodnju sertifikovanog semena prve generacije. U radu se izlaže hronoloÅ”ki pregled aktivnosti od 1945. do danas koje su dovele do savremene proizvodnje semena kukuruza kod nas, a koje se zasnivaju na naučno-tehničkim dostignućima iz brojnih oblasti, počevÅ”i od genetike i oplemenjivanja, preko tehnologije gajenja, dorade, kontrole kvaliteta i zakonske regulative koja sve ovo prati. Prelazak na hibridni koncept oplemenjivanja i proizvodnje kukuruza omogućio je, uz stvaranje značajnog profita, zadivljujući razvoj u oblasti oplemenjivanja i semenatrstva kukuruza, pa je semenarstvo kukuruza postalo industrija visoke tehnologije. Naučnostručni rad na unapređenju proizvodnje osnovnog semena ZP hibrida kukuruza odvijao se po etapama, i uglavnom je pratio dostignuća iz oplemenjivanja i genetike kukurza kao i dostignuća iz tehnologije gajenja i dorade. Kako bi se održao visok nivo kvaliteta hibridnog semena, kao krajnjeg proizvoda, moraju se ulagati kontinuirani napori i u unapređenje tehnologije proizvodnje, suÅ”enja, dorade, skladiÅ”tenja, genetičke čistoće, osnovnog semena roditeljskih linija ZP hibrida kukurza, koji zauzimaju značajan procenat proizvodnih povrÅ”ina kako Srbije tako i zemalja u regionu

    Prestižna selekciona svojstva samooplodnih linija kukuruza - dobra osnova za progres u oplemenjivanju

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    This study conforms the hypothesis that there are elite maize inbred lines and hybrids with erect top leaves, which have a dominant property of an efficient photosynthetic and fluorescent model, that is successfully used in modern breeding programmes and the production of hybrid seed and commercial maize. This statement is supported by the displayed results on the erect position of the top leaves, the dynamics of grain dry-down during the maturation period and photosynthetic and florescence parameters: the temperature dependence of the delayed chlorophyll fluorescence intensity, the Arrhenius criterion for the determination of critical temperatures (phase transition temperatures) and the activation energies. The presented results show that properties of observed maize inbreeds and their hybrids are based on the nature of conformational and functional changes that occur in their thylakoid membranes and other chemical structures of tissues of grain and intact leaves, as well as, on positive effects in maize breeding.U ovom radu potvrđuje se naÅ”a hipoteza da postoje elitne inbred linije kukuruza sa uspravnim položajem vrÅ”nih listova koje poseduju dominantno svojstvo efikasnog fotosintetično-fluorescentnog modela, te da se, kao takve, mogu uspeÅ”no koristiti u savremenim programima oplemenjivanja i proizvodnje hibridnog semena kukuruza. Ovoj konstataciji idu u prilog izloženi rezultati o uspravnom položaju vrÅ”nih listova prestižnih linija kukuruza, dinamici otpuÅ”tanja vode iz zrna u periodu sazrevanja i o fotosintetično-fluorescentnim pokazateljima: temperaturnoj zavisnosti intenziteta zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila, Arenijusovom kriterijumu za određivanje kritičnih temperatura (temperature faznih prelaza) i o energiji aktivacije. Ukupno izloženi rezultati pokazuju da su svojstva prestižnih inbred linija kukuruza zasnovana na prirodi strukturnih i funkcionalnih promena, koje se odigravaju u njihovim tilakoidnim membranama i drugim hemijskim strukturama tkiva intaktnog lista i zrna, kao i na pozitivnim efektima u oplemenjivanju kukuruza

    Spontaneous ultraweak, bioluminescence in plants: Origin, mechanisms and properties

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    An analysis of theoretical knowledge and experimental results of ultraweak luminescence (UWL) is provided. The role of excited state of molecules and free radicals, formed in various biochemical reactions, in UWL is discussed. UWL of model reactions and in vivo systems are compared. The hypothesis of coherent electromagnetic field as a source of UWL is also discussed. Spectral, kinetic and temporal properties of UWL are summarised, as well as their connection with its origin and role in the organism. Attention is paid to recent progress in experimental methods of low-light detection. The possible use of UWL in environmental studies, selection and other applications is discussed

    Kinetic study of stressā€induced luminescence from different tissues

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    Abstractā€” Exponential decay of the stressā€induced luminescence from different tissues was resolved into the first order reaction components and appropriate rate constants were determined from the reaction halfā€times. Kinetic analysis shows that luminescence decays generally through three parallel pseudoā€first order reactions which can be affected independently. The same order of magnitude (even very close numerical values) of the rate constants of luminescent reactions induced by different chemical and physical stimuli in different organisms suggests that a common mechanism is included in their luminescence. Analysis of the secondary kinetics appearing in the particular cases of the luminescence decay, as well as kinetic analysis of the stressā€induced radical decay measured by electron paramagnetic resonance, show that activated forms of oxygen and peroxyā€radicals have a central role in the luminescence emission

    Combined treatment of ruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysm followed by subarachnoid hemorrhage and acute subdural hematoma in multiple aneurysm disease of cerebral blood vessels: case report

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    Aneurysms of blood vessels at the base of the brain are pathological focal outpouchings, usually found at the branching points of the arteries. Aneurysm can remain silent for life. Clinical presentation is due to rupture and bleeding. In only 1.3% of cases it results in subdural hematoma, which is associated with direct interaction of the aneurysm with the basal arachnoid membrane. Multiple aneurysms are present in 15% to 33% of cases with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Assessment of these patients is more complicated, as there are no specific signs to pinpoint/detect the aneurysm that has ruptured. This report presents a 44-year-old female patient suffering from multiple cerebral aneurysm disease, who was urgently treated after rupture by both endovascular (for multiple aneurysms) and surgical (for acute subdural hematoma) approach in the same act under general anesthesia, which resulted in complete recovery of the patient

    A Spontaneous Cervical Epidural Hematoma Mimicking a Stroke: A Challenging Case

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    Background: A spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma (SCEH) is a rare occurrence, with < 500 cases reported to date. Clinically, it usually presents with quadriparesis, but in extremely rare cases it can present with hemiparesis or hemiplegia, and can easily be misdiagnosed as stroke. The cervical epidural hematoma by itself is an urgent condition that requires a quick and accurate diagnosis and a prompt surgical treatment. Case Report: We present a case where an SCEH mimicked the much more frequent condition of a stroke, and discuss the importance of diagnostics procedures that help differentiate SCEH from acute cerebral infarction. The patient's history of neck pain and spondylosis render this case more challenging. Why Should an Emergency Physician Be Aware of This?: Considering that the emergency tissue plasminogen activator treatment for acute cerebral infarction can worsen the state of an SCEH patient, or even lead to permanent damage or death, it is of great importance to rapidly and accurately differentiate these two conditions