6 research outputs found

    Role of Zinc in Chronic Gastritis

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    Oxidative stress occurs in inflammation of gastric mucosa. The role of zinc in modulating oxidative stress has recently been recognized. Zn deficiency results in an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and have a higher risk of musoca damage in inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine wheather chronic inflammation affects on the concentration of Zn2+ ions in gastric mucosa of patients with chronic gastritis. Forthy-three patients with chronic gastitis were enrolled. Patients were endoscoped. Histology and scoring of gastritis was performed following the guidelines of the updated Sydney system. Endoscopic finding of mucosa were scored according to a Lanza scoring system. The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, histopathologic changes, intensity of inflammation and zinc concentration were determined from biopsies of gastric mucosa. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine tissue concentrations of zinc. Twenty of 43 patients with chronic gastritis were uninfected by H. pylori. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between H. pylori-positive and H. pylori-negative patients. From those infected patients 53.3% had chronic active gastritis. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between patients with chronic active gastritis and patients with chronic inactive gastritis (p=0.966). Zn in antrum showed positive correlation with density of H. pylori in antrum (Spearmanā€™ rho =0.481, p=0.020), negative correlation with density of H. pylori in corpus (Spearmanā€™ rho = ā€“0.492, p=0.017) and with zinc in corpus (Spearmanā€™ rho = 0.631, p=0.001). Tissue concentration of zinc was not affected by chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa in patients with chronic gastritis

    Role of Zinc in Chronic Gastritis

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    Oxidative stress occurs in inflammation of gastric mucosa. The role of zinc in modulating oxidative stress has recently been recognized. Zn deficiency results in an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and have a higher risk of musoca damage in inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine wheather chronic inflammation affects on the concentration of Zn2+ ions in gastric mucosa of patients with chronic gastritis. Forthy-three patients with chronic gastitis were enrolled. Patients were endoscoped. Histology and scoring of gastritis was performed following the guidelines of the updated Sydney system. Endoscopic finding of mucosa were scored according to a Lanza scoring system. The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, histopathologic changes, intensity of inflammation and zinc concentration were determined from biopsies of gastric mucosa. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine tissue concentrations of zinc. Twenty of 43 patients with chronic gastritis were uninfected by H. pylori. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between H. pylori-positive and H. pylori-negative patients. From those infected patients 53.3% had chronic active gastritis. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between patients with chronic active gastritis and patients with chronic inactive gastritis (p=0.966). Zn in antrum showed positive correlation with density of H. pylori in antrum (Spearmanā€™ rho =0.481, p=0.020), negative correlation with density of H. pylori in corpus (Spearmanā€™ rho = ā€“0.492, p=0.017) and with zinc in corpus (Spearmanā€™ rho = 0.631, p=0.001). Tissue concentration of zinc was not affected by chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa in patients with chronic gastritis

    Human resources exploitation on the example of multinational company Nestle in business etics

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    Suvremeno druÅ”tvo karakteriziraju stvaranje profita, međunarodno tržiÅ”te i globalizacija koji su međusobno povezani. Stvaranje profita glavna je smjernica suvremenog života. Posljedično, naglasak se stavlja na materijalno. U takvom okruženju, temelji etike, kao i sama disciplina su u ozbiljnoj krizi. To je polaziÅ”te od kojega se kreće u ovom istraživanju koje cilja prikazati krizu morala u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je zloporaba ljudskih potencijala na primjeru multinacionalne kompanije Nestle i njihov odnos prema dječjem radu. Dječji rad predstavlja oblik krÅ”enja dječjih prava. Djeca i mladi imaju pravo zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu, strogo je zabranjeno iskoriÅ”tavanje djece za težak rad te svi oblici zlostavljanja i mučenja djece, djeca imaju pravo na besplatno osnovno obrazovanje, imaju pravo na dobar odgoj, informiranje isl. Prethodno spomenuto prikazati će se u tri velika poglavlja u istraživanju na kojem se temelji ovaj zavrÅ”ni rad.Modern society is characterized by globalization and the international market crisis, which are causally linked to profit making. Child labor, taken as a subject of investigation I intent to present here in is a form of violation of children's rights, hence, of human rights in general. My hypothesis I want to explicate here is that global labor market place, especially in the last century might be seen as ethically deprived area consequentially arouse from the human agency crisis. Additionally, the last has produced deep human rights crisis ā€“ in the field of children labor. This problem I see due to lack of responsibility in the field of human resources management crisis. The mentioned topic will be discussed herein within three major chapters: in the first chapter I shall discuss about generals of Ethics and Business Ethics; the second one will be focused on human resources management issues and the final one is dedicated to do children labor rights issue in the contemporary labor culture. All these things might be pushed under common notion of human agency crisis

    Role of zinc in chronic gastritis [Uloga cinka u kroničnom gastritisu]

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    Oxidative stress occurs in inflammation of gastric mucosa. The role of zinc in modulating oxidative stress has recently been recognized. Zn deficiency results in an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and have a higher risk of musoca damage in inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine wheather chronic inflammation affects on the concentration of Zn2+ ions in gastric mucosa of patients with chronic gastritis. Forthy-three patients with chronic gastitis were enrolled. Patients were endoscoped. Histology and scoring of gastritis was performed following the guidelines of the updated Sydney system. Endoscopic finding of mucosa were scored according to a Lanza scoring system. The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, histopathologic changes, intensity of inflammation and zinc concentration were determined from biopsies of gastric mucosa. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine tissue concentrations of zinc. Twenty of 43 patients with chronic gastritis were uninfected by H. pylori. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between H. pylori-positive and H. pylori-negative patients. From those infected patients 53.3% had chronic active gastritis. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between patients with chronic active gastritis and patients with chronic inactive gastritis (p = 0.966). Zn in antrum showed positive correlation with density of H. pylori in antrum (Spearman' rho = 0.481, p = 0.020), negative correlation with density of H. pylori in corpus (Spearman' rho = -0.492, p = 0.017) and with zinc in corpus (Spearman' rho = 0.631, p =0.001). Tissue concentration of zinc was not affected by chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa in patients with chronic gastritis

    Human resources exploitation on the example of multinational company Nestle in business etics

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    Suvremeno druÅ”tvo karakteriziraju stvaranje profita, međunarodno tržiÅ”te i globalizacija koji su međusobno povezani. Stvaranje profita glavna je smjernica suvremenog života. Posljedično, naglasak se stavlja na materijalno. U takvom okruženju, temelji etike, kao i sama disciplina su u ozbiljnoj krizi. To je polaziÅ”te od kojega se kreće u ovom istraživanju koje cilja prikazati krizu morala u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je zloporaba ljudskih potencijala na primjeru multinacionalne kompanije Nestle i njihov odnos prema dječjem radu. Dječji rad predstavlja oblik krÅ”enja dječjih prava. Djeca i mladi imaju pravo zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu, strogo je zabranjeno iskoriÅ”tavanje djece za težak rad te svi oblici zlostavljanja i mučenja djece, djeca imaju pravo na besplatno osnovno obrazovanje, imaju pravo na dobar odgoj, informiranje isl. Prethodno spomenuto prikazati će se u tri velika poglavlja u istraživanju na kojem se temelji ovaj zavrÅ”ni rad.Modern society is characterized by globalization and the international market crisis, which are causally linked to profit making. Child labor, taken as a subject of investigation I intent to present here in is a form of violation of children's rights, hence, of human rights in general. My hypothesis I want to explicate here is that global labor market place, especially in the last century might be seen as ethically deprived area consequentially arouse from the human agency crisis. Additionally, the last has produced deep human rights crisis ā€“ in the field of children labor. This problem I see due to lack of responsibility in the field of human resources management crisis. The mentioned topic will be discussed herein within three major chapters: in the first chapter I shall discuss about generals of Ethics and Business Ethics; the second one will be focused on human resources management issues and the final one is dedicated to do children labor rights issue in the contemporary labor culture. All these things might be pushed under common notion of human agency crisis

    Uloga cinka u kroničnom gastritisu

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    Oxidative stress occurs in inflammation of gastric mucosa. The role of zinc in modulating oxidative stress has recently been recognized. Zn deficiency results in an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and have a higher risk of musoca damage in inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine wheather chronic inflammation affects on the concentration of Zn2+ ions in gastric mucosa of patients with chronic gastritis. Forthy-three patients with chronic gastitis were enrolled. Patients were endoscoped. Histology and scoring of gastritis was performed following the guidelines of the updated Sydney system. Endoscopic finding of mucosa were scored according to a Lanza scoring system. The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, histopathologic changes, intensity of inflammation and zinc concentration were determined from biopsies of gastric mucosa. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine tissue concentrations of zinc. Twenty of 43 patients with chronic gastritis were uninfected by H. pylori. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between H. pylori-positive and H. pylori-negative patients. From those infected patients 53.3% had chronic active gastritis. There was no statistically significant difference in tissue concentrations of zinc between patients with chronic active gastritis and patients with chronic inactive gastritis (p = 0.966). Zn in antrum showed positive correlation with density of H. pylori in antrum (Spearman' rho = 0.481, p = 0.020), negative correlation with density of H. pylori in corpus (Spearman' rho = -0.492, p = 0.017) and with zinc in corpus (Spearman' rho = 0.631, p =0.001). Tissue concentration of zinc was not affected by chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa in patients with chronic gastritis.Oksidativni stres se pojavljuje u upali sluznice želuca. Nedavno je uočena uloga cinka u oksidativnom stresu. Deficit cinka dovodi do povećane osjetljivosti na oksidativni stres te povećava rizik oÅ”tećenja sluznice tijekom upale. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti da li kronična upala utječe na koncentraciju cinkovih iona u sluznici želuca bolesnika sa kroničnim gastritisom. U studiju je bilo uključeno 43 bolesnika sa kroničnim gastritisom kojima je napravljen endoskopski pregled. HistoloÅ”ka analiza i dijagnoza gastritisa napravljena je prema Sydney sistemu. Endoskopski nalaz sluznice bodovan je prema Lanza sistemu. U biopsijama tkiva sluznice želuca određena je dijagnoza Helicobacter pylori infekcije, histopatoloÅ”ka analiza, jačina upale i koncentracija cinka. Dvadeset od 43 bolesnika sa kroničnim gastritisom nije inficirano sa H. pylori. Razlika u koncentraciji cinka u tkivu sluznice između H. pylori pozitivnih i H. pylori negativnih bolesnika nije pronađena. Kod bolesnika sa H. pylori infekcijom 53,3% imalo je kronični aktivni gastritis. Statistički značajna razlika u koncentraciji cinka između bolesnika sa kroničnim aktivnim gastritisom i bolesnika sa kroničnim inaktivnim gastritisom nije pronađena (p=0,966). Pronađena je pozitivna korelacija koncentracije cinka sa H. pylori u antrumu (Spearmanā€™ rho=0,481, p=0,020), negativna sa H. pylori u korpusu (Spearmanā€™ rho=ā€“0,492, p=0,017) i sa cinkom u korpusu (Spearmanā€™ rho=0,631, p=0,001). Kronična upala ne mijenja koncentraciju cinkovih iona u sluznici želuca bolesnika sa kroničnim gastritisom