400 research outputs found

    Paraoxonase 1 Polymorphism p.Q192R in Patients With Dementia

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    PON1 PCR-RFLP polymorphism frequency and enzyme activity were determined in 223 patients with dementia (94 with AD, 55 with VaD and 74 with MD) and in 100 age and sex matched controls without dementia. I found no statistical significance of genotype frequencies between analyzed groups. 
Paraoxonase 1 activity was lower in patients carrying the R allele in locus 192 as compared with the R allele non-carriers. The results showed statistically significant association between PON1 polymorphism and enzyme activity and thus can suggest an important relationship between different isoforms of PON1, enzyme activity and dementia

    A characterization of trees with equal 2-domination and 2-independence numbers

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    A set SS of vertices in a graph GG is a 22-dominating set if every vertex of GG not in SS is adjacent to at least two vertices in SS, and SS is a 22-independent set if every vertex in SS is adjacent to at most one vertex of SS. The 22-domination number γ2(G)\gamma_2(G) is the minimum cardinality of a 22-dominating set in GG, and the 22-independence number α2(G)\alpha_2(G) is the maximum cardinality of a 22-independent set in GG. Chellali and Meddah [{\it Trees with equal 22-domination and 22-independence numbers,} Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 32 (2012), 263--270] provided a constructive characterization of trees with equal 22-domination and 22-independence numbers. Their characterization is in terms of global properties of a tree, and involves properties of minimum 22-dominating and maximum 22-independent sets in the tree at each stage of the construction. We provide a constructive characterization that relies only on local properties of the tree at each stage of the construction.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure


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    Le Téléphone au théâtre (France, 1880-1930)

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    Cette communication a été présentée lors du festival La Voix au téléphone organisé par l'I.N.S.A.-Lyon les 22-26 mai 2000. Il semble qu'elle ait disparu du site www.insa-lyon.fr/voixautelephone. Elle a été revue en 2006.De la fin du XIXe siècle à l'entre-deux-guerres, période de transition dans le processus d'appropriation des techniques, on trouve un nombre significatif de dramaturges qui se saisissent du téléphone comme d'un nouvel élément dramatique et scénographique. La majeure partie des pièces relèvent du "théâtre de boulevard", qui rajeunit ainsi quelques situations stéréotypées, tout en peignant des situations quotidiennes nouvelles. Mais le téléphone n'est pas qu'un accessoire pour signifier la modernité. Parce qu'il permet une séparation, paradoxale au théâtre, entre le présent et l'absent, le vu et le non-vu, la parole et l'action, parce qu'il impose aussi un mode d'énonciation particulier, fait de "blancs", il invite à explorer des formules dramaturgiques et stylistiques nouvelles, qui annoncent la réflexion sur la voix dont les avant-gardes contemporaines sauront se saisir.A travers cet exemple, souvent ludique, l'article s'intéresse à la fois au traitement de l'objet scénique, et aux modes d'intégration de la technique dans la littérature, depuis la motivation réaliste, jusqu'à des conséquences formelles qui interrogent les pratiques d'écriture

    Understanding the neural dynamics of ventromedial hypothalamus in defence and aggression

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    Fear and aggression are evolutionary conserved emotional responses that can be evoked by different stimuli. One of these stimuli is exposure to a threatening conspecific that depending on the context and history of previous encounters can elicit either defence and avoidance or approach and aggression. The ventrolateral division of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMHvl) has been recently identified as a structure involved in both behaviours. Neural activity in the ventromedial hypothalamus has been shown to be necessary for defensive and aggressive behavioural responses to conspecific threats. In male mice, inhibition of neural activity in VMHvl reduces avoidance behaviour following exposure to an aggressive male, as well as attack behaviour following exposure to a subordinate male. However, whether the same or different neurons in VMHvl are responsible for defence and aggression toward social threat, how experience affects these responses and the identity of defence neurons in VMHvl remains unknown. Here we performed serial cFos labelling experiments and found that defence and aggression recruited partially overlapping populations in VMHvl. Using in vivo calcium endoscopy of VMHvl neuron activity during social defence and aggression we found that strong calcium responses were elicited upon exposure to the social stimulus and these were further modulated as the animal exhibited defensive or aggressive behaviours. Notably, specific neuronal calcium responses were identified that were correlated with defensive behaviours, some of these neurons were reacted to more than one behaviour, showing complex patterns of activity during aggression and defence. Moreover, calcium recordings over several days of either defence or aggression revealed a change in the ensemble activity between defence and aggression and this effect was dependent on the previous experience of an animal. At the same time we performed a series of functional manipulation experiments blocking or activating neuronal activity in different cell types of the VMHvl. We found separate populations of VMHvl Esr1+ and Nos1+ neurons that were able to modulate defensive responses to social threat. Together, these results demonstrate that the VMHvl encodes and controls both specific and overlapping features of defensive and aggressive behavioural responses to social threat

    Reflektorem po świecie… kardiologii

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    W dniach 15–18 września 2016 odbędzie się XX jubileuszowy Międzynarodowy Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego. Od pierwszego I Międzynarodowego Kongresu PTK we wrześniu 1997 roku wiele się zmieniło, zarówno w zawartości merytorycznej programu, jak i organizacji tego przedsięwzięcia. Dziś królują zdobycze najnowszej techniki. Pojawił się system abstraktowy, e-maile, aplikacje mobilne, a także rejestracje online, które wyparły papierowe formularze rejestracyjne, papierowe powiadomienia o otrzymaniu streszczenia bądź komunikaty i informacje wstępne. Obrady toczą się w najnowocześniejszych salach. Istota kongresu pozostaje jednak niezmienna od lat. O sile spotkań naukowych oświadczy bowiem nie forma, lecz program naukowy oraz znakomici prelegenci i duża liczna uczestników.W dniach 15–18 września 2016 odbędzie się XX jubileuszowy Międzynarodowy Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego. Od pierwszego I Międzynarodowego Kongresu PTK we wrześniu 1997 roku wiele się zmieniło, zarówno w zawartości merytorycznej programu, jak i organizacji tego przedsięwzięcia. Dziś królują zdobycze najnowszej techniki. Pojawił się system abstraktowy, e-maile, aplikacje mobilne, a także rejestracje online, które wyparły papierowe formularze rejestracyjne, papierowe powiadomienia o otrzymaniu streszczenia bądź komunikaty i informacje wstępne. Obrady toczą się w najnowocześniejszych salach. Istota kongresu pozostaje jednak niezmienna od lat. O sile spotkań naukowych oświadczy bowiem nie forma, lecz program naukowy oraz znakomici prelegenci i duża liczna uczestników


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    Reflektorem po świecie kardiologii

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