78 research outputs found

    Sakry ordynariuszy i sufraganów poznańskich w XVIII stuleciu

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    Anointments and the succession of the episcopal ordination in the second and the following third of the 18th century

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    The article concerns the members of the Catholic episcopate connected with the bishops' capital in Vilnius with in the second and the following third of the 18th century, during the rule of August III and Stanislaus August. The Vilnius diocese remained then within the borders of the Polish church province whose center was in Gniezno. The materials currently available in Lithuania were at that time unobtainable to the author. He succeeded, however, in examining the sources from Polish and Vatican collections. This enabled the author to present the theme of pastoral anointments in the Vilnius church with in the chosen period.Polska Akademia Nauk211-24

    Ekscerpty źródłowe do dziejów archidiecezji gnieźnieńskiej i diecezji poznańskiej w czasach nowożytnych

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    It is already the author’s fourth publication in the excerpta series in which he makes available to Polish historians the abundant material on Polish affairs housed in the Vatican archives. The tradition of publications of this type has a long standing in Polish historical sciences. This time the author crossed the boundary of the Vatican and consulted two important Roman institutions: Archivio di Stato di Roma and Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma. The subject matter of this part of the excerpta refers to the territory of the historical Greater Poland and the representatives of the episcopate and religious orders active there. Each of the presented persons had to be connected to the history of the archdiocese of Gniezno or the diocese of Poznań in the times of Old Poland in their extensive historical borders