44 research outputs found

    Zaburzenia seksualne u chorych na cukrzycę — ważne i pomijane powikłanie

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    Wstęp. Na cukrzycę choruje ponad 415 mln światowej populacji. W Polsce liczba ta sięga 3 milionów, z czego ponad milion pacjentów nie wie o swojej chorobie. Duża liczba chorych na cukrzycę zmaga się z licznymi powikłaniami nieprawidłowo kontrolowanej glikemii, w tym z zaburzeniami sfery seksualnej.Materiał i metody. W badaniu wykorzystano trzyczęściowy kwestionariusz własnego autorstwa dotyczący oceny satysfakcji seksualnej pacjentów z cukrzycą. Udział w badaniu wzięło 110 chorych na cukrzycę. Średnia wieku osób badanych wynosiła 42,2 (SD = 15,82).Wyniki. Najczęściej zgłaszanym przez chorych na cukrzycę problemem z zakresu życia seksualnego była utrata lub spadek zainteresowania seksem. Ponad 40% pacjentów jest niezadowolonych ze swojego życia seksualnego. Połowa badanych prowadzi życie seksualneniezgodne ze swoimi wyobrażeniami. Osoby badane, które stosują iniekcje z insuliny, miały istotnie mniejszy poziom satysfakcji seksualnej niż pacjenci korzystający z pompy insulinowej.Wnioski. Zadowolenie z życia seksualnego to ważna składowa dobrostanu pacjenta. Osoby z cukrzycą rzadko oceniają swoje życie jako satysfakcjonujące. Wyniki badania otwierają przed specjalistami przestrzeń do pracy, której efektem będzie poprawa jakości życiaseksualnego pacjentów z cukrzycą

    3D bioprinting as a future of regenerative medicine and hope for transplantology

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    Introduction: 3D bioprinting is a continuously refined technology that enables tissue structures to be faithfully reproduced, using specially developed bioinks and 3D printers. Thanks to its versatility, it is possible to use it in regenerative medicine and transplantation, which could have a positive impact on the survival and comfort of patients with injuries and those awaiting transplantation. Aim of the study: Summarise the current state of knowledge on the use of 3D bioprinting technology in the field of regenerative medicine and transplantation, to present the extent of the method's capabilities and examples of its applications, and to outline what role it will play in the future of medicine. Methods and materials: A review of the literature available in the PubMed database and Google Scholar from the last 5 years was conducted, using the following keywords: 3d bioprinting, regenerative medicine, tissue biofabrication. Results: Significant progress has been made in the field of bioprinting and various types of tissue are now being printed and tested. Current research into the printing of skin tissue leads us to believe that in the coming years, 3D bioprinting using stem cells will make it possible to significantly improve the treatment of skin injuries. Researchers are also working on using this technology in the field of neurology and bone damage.  Conclusion: The dynamic development of 3D bioprinting technology offers the hope of eliminating the main transplantation problem related to donor availability. However, the road to wider clinical application of this technology is still a long one, due to the numerous technological difficulties associated with the development of bioprinters, advanced printers and a thorough understanding of human tissue architecture. With the current intensified research in this field, it is expected that these problems will be eliminated in time and the technology will gain more interest from clinicians. &nbsp

    Dendritic cells based immunotherapy of patient with chondrosarcoma--case report.

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    We present a case report of patient with intracranial chondrosarcoma and attempt to use vaccination of dendritic cells as the salvage therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of DCs vaccination in the head and neck chondrosarcoma. Immunotherapy with allogeneic DCs stimulated with tumor cell lysates in this case was demonstrated to be feasible, safe and well tolerated. Unfortunately we did not observe any clinical or immune response during vaccination. CD4+ and CD8+ regulatory cells could be responsible for ineffectiveness of immunotherapy

    Atopic dermatitis – clinical phenotypes and related therapeutic possibilities

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    Introduction: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is characterized by damaged epidermal barrier, skin dysbiosis and pruritus. It affects up to 20% of the population of developed countries. AD represents a heterogeneous condition belonging to the spectrum of atopic diseases. It occurs in the form of multiple phenotypes with varied pathogenesis requiring different therapeutic strategies.  Aim of the study: To summarize the current state of knowledge on AD phenotypes and related therapeutic options.  Methods and materials: A review of the literature available in PudMed and Google Scholar databases was conducted. The following keywords were used: "atopic dermatitis", "atopic dermatitis phenotypes", "atopic dermatitis current treatment".  Results: There are many phenotypes of AD. However, due to the lack of a consistent classification system, identifying phenotypes is greatly hindered. It is possible to use the division of phenotypes into groups based on age, lesion topography, lesion morphology and patient ethnicity. Various drugs are available for the treatment of AD, but therapeutic strategies for specific phenotypes are sparse and insufficiently understood due to the problem of identifying phenotypes and the complexity of the endotypes behind them. Treatment of AD is not currently based on phenotype-specific targeted therapy.  Conclusion: Development of personalized therapy for the treatment of AD requires additional research using uniform definitions of phenotypes and endotypes. It is necessary to create a classification system for AD phenotypes

    Hair loss after SARS-CoV2 Infection

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    Introduction:Since the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in China, more than 3.8 million people have died. A big problem is the long-term effects and complications of this disease. The pathogenesis of these long-term effects is not fully known. Significant increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines have been observed among people with complications. Their dermatological manifestations are due to the presence of receptors for angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in the skin and other tissues. Aim of the study: Summary of current knowledge on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment of hair loss after Covid-19. Methods and materials: A review of the literature available in the PubMed database, using the following terms: “Hair loss after Covid”, “Tellgoen Effluvium covid”, “Alopecia areata covid”, “androgenetic alopecia covid”. Results: The most commonly reported among the dermatological manifestations is hair loss, the predominant type of which is telogen alopecia, which involves a prolongation of the resting phase of the hair most likely due to an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines and depletion of anticoagulant proteins, leading to microthrombosis. There has also been a significant increase in the incidence of alopecia areata, in the development of which, in addition to autoimmunity, psychological and physiological stress factors are also highly influential and are higher during the course of the disease including SARS-CoV2. Androgenetic alopecia results from excess androgens and increased sensitivity of hair follicles to them, transmembrane serine protease 2 facilitates the "entry" of the virus into the body by facilitating the binding of viral particles to ACE-2 receptors, which acts as a gateway.  Conclusion: Hair loss is not life-threatening however it has serious psychological and social implications, so it is very important to educate patients about the mechanism and treatment of this phenomenon

    Endometriosis - Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction: Endometriosis is defined as a chronic gynecological disease characterized by endometrial tissue outside the uterus. The condition affects 5-10% of women of reproductive age worldwide and is associated with pelvic pain and infertility. Despite its prevalence, diagnosis is usually delayed for many years which postpones the introduction of appropriate treatment. Aim of the study: Summary of the current state of knowledge on endometriosis, analyzing the pathogenesis, the current diagnostic approach, highlighting the problem of fertility in this disease entity and presenting treatment options. Methods and materials: A review of the literaturę available in the PubMed database and GoogleScholar from the last 5years was conducted,using the following keywords: endometriosis”, „endometriosis pathogenesis”, „endometriosis diagnosis”, „infertility in endometriosis”, „endometriosis treatment” Results: Among the etiological factors mentioned are congenital, environmental, epigenetic, autoimmune and allergic factors. The main theory for the formation of the condition is retrograde menstruation through the fallopian tubes into the peritoneal cavity and implantation of endometrial cells. Laparoscopy is nowadays the gold standard for diagnosis, but less invasive methods that can shorten the time to diagnosis are being sought. Current treatment is limited to surgery, hormonal treatment and analgesics which are associated with many side effects. Conclusion: Endometriosis is the cause of infertility, chronic pain and reduced quality of life in many women. Non-invasive diagnostic tests such as imaging studies, genetic tests, biomarkers or miRNAs have diagnostic potential but more analysis is needed to be applied in daily clinical work. Future research should focus on learning and understanding the pathogenesis, identifying subtypes of the disease, and a modern approach to diagnosis and comprehensive treatment taking into account concomitant general symptoms

    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - problematic rare lung disease. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

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    Introduction: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive, fatal lung disease most often affecting people over the age of 50. Causes and pathogenesis of the disease are not fully understood. The non-specific symptoms of the disease prolongs diagnosis. It translates into a reduced chance of survival for patients. Treatment options for patients with IPF remain limited and sometimes lung transplantation is indicated. The prognosis of untreated IPF is 2 to 3 years. Aim of the study: Summary of current knowledge on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Methods and materials: A review of the literature available in the PubMed database, using the following  keywords:  „Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis”, „Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis current treatment”, „Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Pathogenesis”. Results: The pathogenesis of IPF has been understood to some extent, but is still not described in detail. A chest CT scan and a lung biopsy are procedures that allow us to confidently diagnose IPF. We have two drugs at our disposal - pirfenidone and nintedanib, but their effect is not satisfactory. The prognosis of the disease is poor, and lung transplantation is the only way to improve it significantly. Conclusion: IPF is a severe lung disease in which the main problem is its difficult diagnosis and rapidly progressive course. We have drugs that delay the decline in lung function, but they do not improve the quality or prolong the life of the patient. It is also known that lung transplantation is the best solution, but it is rarely performed. The prognosis of the disease is poor, often worse than the prognosis of many cancers. It is possible that knowing the exact pathogenesis of the causes of the IPF would enable more effective treatment and diagnosis

    SGLT-2 inhibitors: new effective drugs for treatment of heart failure

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    Introduction: SGLT-2 inhibitors having selectivity to sodium glucose cotransporter 2 were introduced on the market in 2012 as drugs for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes.Aim of the work: To summarize the current state of knowledge about the drugs: SGLT-2 inhibitors and their mechanism of action and application in cardiology.Materials and Methods: A review of the literature available in PubMed and Google Scholar database was conducted.Results: In addition to glucosuria, the diuretic effect is caused by natriuresis. A study was conducted, after which it was deduced that the natriuretic effect of empagliflozin did not depend on the degree of renal dysfunction, and was exacerbated under the influence of loop diuretics.SGLT-2 inhibitors reduce cardiac preload. Flozins also lead to a reduction in afterload.The DAPA-HF study of 4744 patients with HF, taking 10 mg of dapagliflozin or placebo. The primary outcome of the study, was data in the form of death from cardiovascular causes or exacerbation of heart failure. These accounted for 16.3% in the flozin group compared to 21.2% in the control group. Adverse events were rare. Dapagliflozin was effective in 55% of subjects, in both patients and non-diabetics with type 2 diabetes.EMPEROR-REDUCED studied the effect of taking 10 mg of emagliflozin or placebo in 3730 patients. Flozin reduced the risk of cardiovascular death and hospitalizations. Fewer deaths from any cause were also observed.Summary: Both studies highlighted significant benefits of SGLT-2 inhibitors- they reduced the risk of death from any cause and from cardiovascular causes. The therapeutic benefits, regardless of the degree of renal dysfunction, the synergy with other drugs in heart failure, and the low number of serious side effects, led to the inclusion of flozins in the latest ESC 2021 guidelines for therapy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, regardless of the presence of diabetes

    Benefits of nutritional yeast for children on vegan diet

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    Introduction: Nutritional yeast are a food product that can be fortified with valuable components. They are a product suitable for introducing into the diet of vegan children due to their friendly form, good taste and relatively low cost. Aim of the study: Summarize current knowledge on the benefits of introducing nutritional yeast into children's diets as supplementation for deficiencies in a vegan diet. Demonstrate the positive impact of the product on the health of the body. Methods and materials: : A review of the literature available in the PubMed database and Google Scholar, the following keywords were used: "nutritional yeast", "vegan diet in children", "nutritional yeast impact on health". Results: Introducing nutritional yeast into the diet of a child restricting animal products has measurable benefits. It reduces the risk of deficiencies such as deficiency of vitamin B12, zinc, protein and the following disease symptoms. Conclusion: The constantly growing number of infants and older children on vegan diets is a challenge for modern pediatrics, but also an opportunity to find new products that meet the high nutritional requirements of children during the developmental period. Nutritional yeast can be considered such a product thanks to their richness in nutrients that meat products contain but are not found in plant based foods. Nutritional yeast, however, cannot be a reason to completely abandon other sources of vitamin B12 supplementation

    Forecast and impact of electromobility development on the Polish Electric Power System

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    Thanks to the development of technology, the presence of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads is no longer a purely theoretical issue. Also in Poland, electric cars are already visible on the streets, and charging stations (EVCS) are increasingly being installed near newly emerging buildings and housing estates. The article attempts to determine to what extent the use of electric cars will affect the demand for power and energy in the Polish electric power system (PEPS). The basis for PEPS modernization plans should be a detailed analysis of the technical adequacy of all its subsystems: generation, transmission and distribution, on the basis of which it will be possible to assess the potential impact of EVCS infrastructure operation on the Polish electric power system. This publication presents an example of such analysis for the distribution sub- sector, most exposed to potential negative interactions with the future, extensive infrastructure of EVCS