13 research outputs found

    Do European Union funds have an impact on the volume of corporate lending? The case of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland

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    Purpose: The research problem of this article is to determine the existence of a direct relationship between the EU funds spent and the volume of bank lending in the corporate sector in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Design/Methodology/Approach: The statistical analysis aimed to achieve the objective of this study consisted in revealing some interesting associations between the variables: EU funding to individual countries and lending to non-financial companies in the category of short and long-term loans. A linear regression analysis procedure was carried out, and an additional tool to support the course of the study was a relationship analysis measured by the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient of the individual variables. Findings: The research hypothesis adopted was that EU funds significantly modify the market for credit services offered by banks and, therefore, EU funds have an impact on the volume of bank lending in the corporate sector. The absorption of EU funds, based on the observation of their disbursements in the countries concerned which are members of the Community, demonstrates basically a similar regularity. This is consistent with the process of the implementation of programmes under particular EU perspectives. However, EU funding for the Czech Republic and Slovakia has a similar structure, and it can be seen that an increase in funding is in line with a decrease in lending (short-term loans) while this phenomenon does not occur in Poland. Practical Implications: The research results can be used by EU funds disposers as well as by banks authorities to create their future policy. Originality/Value: Original research.peer-reviewe

    Poziom funkcjonowania związku (małżeńskiego/partnerskiego) a zaburzenia lękowe u partnerów

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    For above reasons the aim of this work was to clarify whether and to what extent anxietydisorders evaluated clinically and according to the Spielberger STAI scale, affecting onepartner or both partners have an impact on the functioning of marriage.This study included 85 couples, where: 1) the male partner suffered from an anxiety disorderand female partner was free from this type of disorder (F (–)M(+), n = 20); 2) the femalepartner suffered from an anxiety disorder and the male partner was free from this type ofdisorder (F(+)M(–); n = 40); 3) both partners were affected with anxiety disorders (F(+)M(+), n = 25). The quality of the relationship was assessed by both partners using threedifferent scales: 1) Marriage Success Scale (SPM), 2) Dyadic Ad justment Scale (DAS),and 3) Family Affluence Scale (FAS).In case of the SPM scale, women from F(–)M(+) group evaluated their marriages significantlycompared to other groups. In case of males, the self-evaluated quality of marriage was thelowest in the case of individuals from F(+)M(+) group. In case of the DAS scale, women andmen being free from anxiety disorders assessed the quality of their relationships significantlyhigher than other participants. The analyzed groups did not differ significantly in terms ofmean values scored in the FAS scale.The lack of a multifactorial analysis taking into account the e ffects of a variety of anxi -ety disorders.The presence of anxiety disorders in at least one partner negatively affects the quality of partnerrelationship. The couples where the female partners are affected are particularly fragile.Celem niniejszej pracy było wyjaśnienie, czy i w jakim stopniu zaburzenia lękowe ocenianeklinicznie i w skali oceny lęku Spielbergera — lęk–stan (ST AI), występujące u jednegoz partnerów lub obydwu partnerów mają wpływ na funkcjonowanie małżeństwa.W badaniu brało udział 85 par, w któr ych: 1) mężczyźni cierpieli na zabur zenia lękowe,kobiety były wolne od takich zaburzeń — F(–)M(+), n = 20; 2) kobiety cierpiały na zaburzenialękowe, mężczyźni byli wolni od takich zaburzeń — F(+)M(–); 3) obydwoje partnerzy cierpielina zaburzenia lękowe — F(+)M(+). Jakość małżeństwa oceniana była przez oboje partnerówza pomocą trzech następujących kwestionariuszy: 1) Skala Powodzenia Małżeństwa (SPM);2) Skala Spanera DAS(DAS); 3) Skala Dopasowania Rodziny (FAS).W przypadku skali SPM, kobiety z grupy F(–)M(+) oceniły swoje małżeństwo wyżej niż kobietyw pozostałych grupach. Jakość małżeństwa oceniana przez mężczyzn była najniższaw grupie F(+)M(+). W przypadku skali DAS, zarówno kobiety jak i mężczyźni niecierpiącyna zaburzenia lękowe ocenili swoje małżeństwo wyżej niż inni badani. Ba dana grupa nieróżniła się istotnie w zakresie średnich wartości uzyskanych w skali FAS.Brakuje analizy wieloczynnikowej, biorącej pod uwagę skutki pos zczególnych zaburzeńlękowych. Obecność zaburzeń lękowych u pr zynajmniej jednego partnera wpływa nega -tywnie na ocenę jakości związku, Związki, w których to kobieta cierpi na zaburzenia lękowe,oceniono jako najbardziej stabilne.Dlatego celem niniejszej pracy była odpowiedź na pytanie, czy i w jakim stopniu zaburzenialękowe dotyczące jednego lub obojga partnerów oceniane klinicznie oraz za pomocą skalilęku Spielberga (STAI), mają wpływ na funkcjonowanie małżeństwa

    Sex-related differences among ischaemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis in Poland

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    Aim of study. We investigated sex differences i n i schaemic s troke p atients t reated w ith i ntravenous a lteplase. Clinical rationale for study. We suggest that it is necessary to improve care for women with atrial fibrillation. Our data suggests that closer evaluation of treatment for ischaemic stroke in men and women is needed, preferably in the form of a prospective study. Materials and methods. This was a multicentre analysis of 1,830 ischaemic stroke patients treated with alteplase from 2004 to 2012. Data was prospectively collected in the Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke (SITS) registry. The main outcome measures were symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage (sICH) within 36 hours of treatment, three months of functional independence, and mortality. Results. Women were significantly older (mean age 71.3 vs 66.2 years; p < 0.01), more often suffered from hypertension (78.3% vs 70.1%; p < 0.01) and cardio-embolic strokes (34.7% vs 27.1%; p < 0.01), and presented heavier baseline deficits. There were no differences in sICH, but after three months fewer women were functionally independent (46.5% vs 53.3%; p < 0.01) and women had higher mortality (26.0% vs 19.7%; p < 0.01). Conclusions. Of the ischaemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis, women had worse long-term outcomes than men. This discrepancy may be explained by the older age and higher proportion of cardio-embolic strokes with more severe baseline deficits. However, multiple logistic analysis did not show that sex itself had an impact on the greater mortality in women after a stroke, or on the poorer prognosis

    On the transformers of the Zahorski classes of functions

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    Techniki Bayesowskie w procedurach losowania odpowiedzi

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    The issue of truthfulness of the answers given to socially or personally sensitive questions appeared at the very beginning of the construction of the surveys. The respondents often try to avoid answering a sensitive question or they do not tell the truth. Various research and analysis techniques have been developed to adjust the surveys results in order to assess the real opinion of the respondents. The work introduces a bayesian analysis of the Randomized Response technique. It presents arguments for choosing various a priori distributions, both non-informative and compensating for the preliminary information described by parametrized distributions.Zagadnienie prawdziwości odpowiedzi na drażliwe społecznie lub osobiście pytania ankieterów pojawiło się wraz z początkiem badań ankietowych. Często respondenci próbują uniknąć odpowiedzi lub odpowiadają niezgodnie z prawdą. Powstało wiele technik badawczych i analitycznych korygujących wyniki badań ankietowych pozwalających na ocenę rzeczywistej opinii respondentów. W pracy przedstawiono bayesowską analizę techniki Randomize Response. Zaprezentowano argumentację wyboru różnych rozkładów a priori zarówno nieinformujących, jak i rozkładów kompensujących informacje wstępne opisane rozkładami parametrycznymi

    The rationality of individual investors' investment decisions on the Polish stock market

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    Klasyczne teorie finansów zakładają racjonalność zachowań uczestników rynku. Niniejszy artykuł odnosi się do rynku akcji i zachowań na nim inwestorów indywidualnych. Zatem celem niniejszego artykułu jest przeprowadzenie analizy zachowań inwestorów indywidualnych na rynkach kapitałowych i ocena racjonalności tych działań. W pracy podjęta zostanie próba odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: Czy inwestorzy indywidualni podejmują racjonalne decyzje inwestycyjne na rynku akcji? Czy udział inwestorów indywidualnych w rynku determinuje rodzaj podejmowanych decyzji inwestycyjnych przez pozostałych uczestników rynku? Autorzy artykułu stawiają następującą tezę badawczą: inwestorzy indywidualni nie zachowują się w pełni racjonalnie przy podejmowaniu decyzji inwestycyjnych, a to przekłada się na decyzje inwestycyjne pozostałych uczestników rynku akcji. Badanie opiera się na następujących danych pochodzących z rynku kapitałowego: struktura inwestorów, wartość indeksu WIG, wartość obrotów na GPW, saldo wpłat i wypłat do funduszy inwestycyjnych. Dane pochodzą z lat 2002–2009.Wyniki przeprowadzonych w pracy badań nie są jednoznaczne co do oceny racjonalności decyzji inwestycyjnych inwestorów indywidualnych. Wyniki niektórych badań uznać można za dowód nieracjonalności decyzji inwestycyjnych inwestorów indywidualnych.Commonly known financial theories presuppose the rational behavior of market participants. The following article pertains to the stock market and individual investors’ behavior on it. The aim of this work is to analyze individual investors’ behavior modes on the capital markets. The study is also aimed at evaluating the rationality of their behaviors. Additionally, the article strives to provide adequate answers to the following dilemmas: Do individual investors always take rational investment decisions on the stock market? Does the proportion of their participation on the market determine the type of investment decisions taken by other market players? The authors of this study pose the following research thesis: Individual investors do not behave in a fully rational manner while undertaking investment decisions. This has a considerable impact upon investment decisions of other stock market participants. The research hinges on the following data derived from the capital market: investors’ structure, WIG index value, the Polish stock market’s turnover value and the flow in and flow out of investments funds. The data originates from the 2002-2009 period. The outcome of the research carried out is not uniform as regards the evaluation of the rationality of individual investors’ investment decisions. Some research results may be viewed as evidence of the irrationality of individual investors’ investment decisions

    Controlling działalności naukowej a parametryzacja jednostek naukowych

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie ram koncepcyjnych systemu controllingu działalności naukowej uczelni wyższej w świetle kryteriów kategoryzacji jednostek naukowych. W pierwszej części artykułu zakreślono zasady oceny działalności naukowej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości zarządzania uczelnią w zakresie osiągania określonych celów kategoryzacyjnych. Druga część zawiera odniesienie planowanych działań i osiągnięć do ponoszonych wydatków oraz proponowane kierunki pomiaru ich efektywności. Ramy koncepcyjne systemu controllingu działalności naukowej zakładają funkcjonowanie trzech podsystemów. Pierwszy z nich obejmuje bieżącą ewidencję dokonań naukowych (według zasad parametryzacji) oraz równoległą ewidencję ponoszonych na ten cel kosztów. Drugi podsystem opiera się na porównaniach. Podstawą tychże porównań jest poprzedni okres parametryzacji oraz wartości referencyjne ocen wyższej kategorii naukowej. Trzeci z podsystemów obejmuje zestaw wskaźników umożliwiających pomiar efektywności prowadzonej działalności

    Clustering of Polish Citizens on the Bases of Their Support for Leaving and Remaining the European Union

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    The article presents the clustering of Polish citizens based on the empirical dimension of support for European integration. The structure of the work is based on three key elements constituting the basis of the presented text. The first refers to the development of a scale to measure the extent of support for the integration of Poland with the EU. The second element covers an area of support scale modelling. After the substantial and statistical analysis of the adequacy of the probability distribution for the support scale, it was decided that a model in which the scale underwent mixing non-standard Beta distributions would be adopted. Applying the Maximal Likelihood Method (ML), the components for its fitted probability densities and estimators of prior (or mixing) probabilities were indicated. The procedure allowed us to define the clusters of which the population of voters was composed. The paper’s final section presents many practical and theoretical conclusions for political parties and scientists interested in the discussed area. The novelty of applying the ML method goes hand in hand with the findings that previously appeared in political science literature, although under different economic and geopolitical conditions

    Clustering of Polish Citizens on the Bases of Their Support for Leaving and Remaining the European Union

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    The article presents the clustering of Polish citizens based on the empirical dimension of support for European integration. The structure of the work is based on three key elements constituting the basis of the presented text. The first refers to the development of a scale to measure the extent of support for the integration of Poland with the EU. The second element covers an area of support scale modelling. After the substantial and statistical analysis of the adequacy of the probability distribution for the support scale, it was decided that a model in which the scale underwent mixing non-standard Beta distributions would be adopted. Applying the Maximal Likelihood Method (ML), the components for its fitted probability densities and estimators of prior (or mixing) probabilities were indicated. The procedure allowed us to define the clusters of which the population of voters was composed. The paper’s final section presents many practical and theoretical conclusions for political parties and scientists interested in the discussed area. The novelty of applying the ML method goes hand in hand with the findings that previously appeared in political science literature, although under different economic and geopolitical conditions

    TGF-β1, IL-10 and IL-4 in colostrum of allergic and nonallergic mothers

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    Objective: To determine transforming growth factor (TGF) β1, interleukin (IL) 4, and IL-10 concentrations in human milk and to assess the relationship between allergic disorders in mothers and the content of the interleukins in their milk. Material and methods: Thirty allergic and 46 healthy mothers were included in the study. Colostrum was collected 2-3 days after delivery. Cytokine concentrations were determined with commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent systems. Results: TGF-β1was found in milk from 23 women in the control group (53.49%) and 11 in the allergy group (37.93%). When TGF-β1 was present, the median concentration was higher in the allergy group than in the control (61.5 and 30.4 pg/mL, respectively; P < 0.004). IL-10 was present in the colostrum of all the women and the median IL-10 concentration did not differ between the allergy (50.5 pg/mL) and control (51.5 pg/mL) groups. The probability of occurrence of a positive IL-4 value in the allergy group was greater than in the control group (chi-squared [df=1] = 2.60, P < 0.053). Median IL-4 level did not differ significantly between the two groups (0.5 and 0.5 pg/mL respectively). Conclusions: TGF-β1 was detected less often in the colostrum of allergic mothers than in that of mothers without allergy (but the difference was not statistically significant). IL-4 was found more often in the colostrum of allergic mothers than nonallergic ones. The allergy status did not correlate with IL-10 concentration