3 research outputs found

    The spread of alien species along the touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park

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    Touristic routes have a great meaning for the spread of alien species through the protected areas like national parks. The aim of the study was to assess the spread of the chosen species along the different kinds of touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park and asphalt roads lying in the direct vicinity of the Park, in its protective zone. The presence of 108 localities of eight alien species were recorded (Padus serotina, Quercus rubra, Acer negundo, Robinia pseudoacacia from woody species and Conyza canadensis, Impatiens parviflora, Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana from herbaceous plants). The localities of the woody plants were found in areas where they were formerly deliberately planted or near routes leading to such areas. All of the analysed woody plants can be the source of ecological threat and should be actively removed. Interestingly, regarding herbaceous plants, the species which according to literature are not a threat to untransformed habitats – Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana – were noted quite commonly. Their populations should be monitored. The populations of Impatiens parviflora, classified to the IV class of invasiveness and Conyza canadensis, which can invade sand dunes, should be destroyed as soon as possible till they occupy small areas

    Dendroflora of the former manor park in Wojsławice village in the Zduńska Wola district

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    Park in Wojsławice is a valuable remnant of the former manor (palace)-park complex, established at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries around the seat of the Siemiątkowski family. The original spatial arrangement of the complex has been changed as a result of changes in the form of area use after nationalization and then privatization (of a part) of the facility. At present, the flora of trees and shrubs includes 73 species (20 conifers and 53 deciduous), which represent 23 families. The characteristic component of the park are numerous magnificent specimens of European ash Fraxinus excelsior, Norway maple Acer platanoides and Canadian poplar Populus canadensis. A varied-in-species groups of trees, best preserved around the palace (the central part of the complex), are the highest value of the park. Newer elements are build mainly by the colourful varieties and forms of alien species of coniferous and deciduous shrubs. Among 281 trees and shrubs, noted in the available non-forested part of the park and nearly 300 trees noted in the forested area, which were inventoried in details, 10 trees achieve a size of natural monuments.Park w Wojsławicach jest cenną pozostałością dawnego założenia dworskiego, powstałego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku wokół siedziby rodziny Siemiątkowskich. Oryginalny układ przestrzenny założenia został zmieniony w wyniku zmian sposobu zagospodarowania terenu po upaństwowieniu, a następnie sprywatyzowaniu (części) obiektu. Obecnie na dendroflorę parku składają się 73 gatunki drzew i krzewów (20 gatunków iglastych i 53 gatunki liściaste), reprezentujących 23 rodziny. Charakterystycznym komponentem parku są liczne okazałe jesiony wyniosłe Fraxinus excelsior, klony zwyczajne Acer platanoides i topole kanadyjskie Populus canadensis. Walorem parku są wielogatunkowe zgrupowania drzew, najlepiej zachowane w części (centralnej) przypałacowej. Nowsze elementy założenia tworzone są głównie przez barwne odmiany i formy obcych gatunków krzewów iglastych i liściastych. Wśród szczegółowo zinwentaryzowanych 281 drzew i drzewiastych form krzewów dostępnych w części nieleśnej parku i blisko 300 drzew w części leśnej, wyróżnia się 10 okazów o wymiarach pomnikowych


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