6 research outputs found

    Ground state EIT cooling of 171^{171}Yb+^+ ion

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    The work propose a scheme of deep laser cooling of 171^{171}Yb+^{+}. The cooling is based on the effect of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a polychromatic field with three frequency components are resonant to optical transitions of the ^2S_{1/2} \to \, ^2P_{1/2} line. The deep cooling down to the ground motional state in a trap allows for a significant suppression of the second order Doppler shift in frequency standards. Moreover, there is no need to use a magnetic field, which is required for Doppler cooling of 171^{171}Yb+^{+} in a field with two-frequency component. The cooling without use of magnetic field is important for deep suppression of quadratic Zeeman shifts of clock transitions from uncontrolled residual magnetic fields

    Comparison of the methods of selection of nonlinear surge arresters 6-750 kV

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    Проведено порівняння методик вибору обмежувачів перенапруг нелінійних 6-750 кВ. Показано, що методики вибору ОПН, в основному, виконані для двох типів мереж: 6-35 кВ та 110-750 кВ. Порівняння основних вимог нормативних документів України та інших країн з вибору ОПН виконане по характеристикам: вибір найбільшої тривало допустимої робочої напруги ОПН, вибір ОПН по комутаційним та грозовим перенапругам, вибір ОПН за умовами вибухобезпечності та по механічним характеристикам. Показана необхідність переходу до статистичних методів розрахунку для подальшого розвитку методик вибору ОПН.Comparison of the methods of selection of non-linear surge arresters 6-750 kV is carried out. It is shown that methods of selections of SA are mainly performed for two types of networks: 6-35 kV and 110-750 kV. Comparison of the main requirements of normative documents of Ukraine and other countries at the selection of SA is performed by features: selection of continuous operating voltage of SA, selection of SA on switching and lightning overvoltages, selection of SA on conditions of explosion safety and on mechanical characteristics. A need for a transition to the statistical methods of calculations for the further development of the methods of SA selection is shown.Проведено сравнение методик выбора ограничителей перенапряжений нелинейных 6-750 кВ. Показано, что методики выбора ОПН, в основном, выполнены для двух типов сетей: 6-35 кВ и 110-750 кВ. Сравнение основных требований нормативных документов Украины и других стран по выбору ОПН выполнено по характеристикам: выбор наибольшего длительно допустимого рабочего напряжения ОПН, выбор ОПН по коммутационным и грозовым перенапряжениям, выбор ОПН поусловиям взрывобезопасности и по механическим характеристикам. Показана необходимость перехода к статистическим методам расчётов для дальнейшего развития методик выбора ОПН


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    The basic approaches to the analysis of the formation of US foreign policy during the 1980’s has been searched in the article; evolution of geostrategic configuration of the world during the final period of the Cold War has been analyzed. Conceptual, functional and political peculiarities of the development and implementation of US foreign policy strategy has been defined. A tactics that allowed by the R. Reagan administration would have on the victory over the Soviet Union in the course of systematic opposition has been revealed. Global, regional and national components of the R. Reagan’s «grand strategy» has been systematized and the reasons for its victory in the embodiment of political practice; the internal rate of White House motives for the development and implementation of the anti-communist strategy has been clarified. The analysis of R. Reagan’s policy toward the Soviet Union as the main component of the US global strategy aimed at ensuring conditions for the implementation of the «American Dream», rooted in the ideology of «manifest destiny» has been provided