30 research outputs found

    Reproduction mode and apospory expressivity of selected hybrids of Paspalum notatum Flügge

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    Paspalum notatum Flüggé (bahiagrass) is the most important forage grass in the native grasslands of southern Brazil; the native germplasm is tetraploid and apomictic. Breeding to produce cultivars has been possible due to chromosome doubling of sexual diploid accessions, allowing hybridizations with apomictic genotypes, generating progenies with variability for agronomic traits and segregating for reproduction mode. The aim of this study was to determine the reproduction mode of selected hybrids derived from intraspecific crosses through cytoembryological analysis and to evaluate the level of apospory expres¬sivity. Eighty one tetraploid hybrids corresponding to 21 families of sexual and apomictic parents were generated and 28 most productive plants based on their superior agronomic performance in the field were evaluated. Sixteen hybrids were reproduced sexually and 12 of them were highly apomictic or facultative apomictic. Sexual hybrids may be used for further crosses in the breeding program while highly apomictic plants produce uniform progeny and become candidates of new cultivars to promote pasture diversification

    Determination of the mode of reproduction of bahiagrass hybrids using cytoembryological analysis and molecular markers

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    The aim of this study was to determine the mode of reproduction of a hybrid progeny derived from intraspecific crosses of Paspalum notatum through cytoembryological analysis and use of RAPD (random amplification of polymorphic DNA) molecular markers. Cytoembryological analysis allowed identification of the mode of reproduction of 28 plants that were selected after agronomic productivity evaluations. Of these, 19 had embryo sac morphology compatible with an apomictic mode of reproduction and nine had embryo sac morphology compatible with a sexual mode of reproduction. Meanwhile, molecular marker analysis for 194 individuals showed 54 sexual and 140 apomictic plants; of the 28 plants analyzed by the two methods, ten results (35.7%) were in disagreement. In this paper, through cytoembryological analyses, a ratio of 1:2.1 of sexual to apomictic plants was found. The BCU 243 marker showed a stable pattern of amplification, but some results differed with cytoembryological analyses, demonstrating that these analyses are more reliable when determining the mode of sexual reproduction for the plants of P. notatum. Apomictic plants characterized in this work can be tested in the field to check their agronomic value and registration as plant varieties, while the sexual plants can be used as potential parents in future crosses

    Reproductive analyses of intraspecific Paspalum notatum Flügge hybrids

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    Paspalum notatum is an important forage native to Southern Brazil and one of the most promising fodder species in terms of productivity, quality, resistance and growth speed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive mode and fertility of hybrid progenies resulting from artificial crosses among artificially duplicated sexual plants, selected intraspecific hybrids of the UFRGS breeding program and apomictic ecotypes of the species. The resulting F1 progenies were represented by 24 plants with high pollen viability (varying from 82.15 to 99.67%) and 1.2:1 segregation for the sexual: apomictic reproduction mode, indicating predominantly sexual hybrids, due to distorted segregation. In the apomictic plants, most chromosomes paired as bivalents in diakinesis. Since the low presence of abnormalities observed in the meiotic chromosome pairing and the high pollen viability of the hybrids, all plants were confirmed as promising parents for future crosses

    Hybrid progenies of Bahiagrass: agronomic evaluation

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    Paspalum notatum Flügge (bahiagrass) is one of the most common native grasses found in southern Brazil and have become one of the most promising forage species considering their value for beef cattle production in the tropics and subtropics. The breeding program has been possible through intraspecific hybridization among sexual and apomictic clones, generating progenies with variability for agronomic traits. Hybrid materials with superior agronomic performance can be selected, registered and protected to be made available as a commercial cultivar. The objective of this work was to evaluate 24 intraspecific hybrids and select them for the superior agronomic traits, as well analyze correlations between forage traits that can assist in the selection of genotypes. Based on the three years of evaluation, hybrids KD9, KF1, KF4, and KD5 produced higher total dry mass than other genotypes. The hybrid KF4 too had greater leaf dry matter; KF1 and KF4 were the more cold tolerant. These genotypes were selected for new cycles of hybridization and field evaluations, such as seed production, fertilizer use efficiency and animal performance. The high correlation of the total dry mass with the other forage components might be useful for indirect select criteria in bahiagrass improving strategies.Paspalum notatum Flügge is one native forage grasses of southern Brazil. Through intraspecific hybridization, is possible generating progenies with variability for agronomic traits. The objective of this work was to evaluate 24 hybrids and select them for the superior agronomic traits, as well analyze correlations between forage traits that can assist in the selection of genotypes.The hybrids were obtained from crosses among sexual and apomictic clones, and were vegetative propagated in a greenhouse until the transplant to the field. The agronomic traits evaluated were: total green mass (TGM), leaf dry mass (LDM), stem dry mass (SDM), inflorescence dry mass (IDM), dead mass (DeM), total dry mass (TDM), growth habit (GH). Correlations between plant diameter (PD), number of tillers (NT), total dry matter (TDM), plant height (PH), total green matter (TGM), leaf dry matter (LDM), stem dry mass (SDM), number of inflorescences (NINF) and inflorescence dry matter (IDM) were performed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The hybrids had great variability in all agronomic characteristics measured. Based on the three years of evaluation, hybrids KD9, KF1, KF4, and KD5 produced higher total dry mass than other genotypes. The hybrid KF4 too had greater LDM; KF1 and KF4 were the colder tolerant. These genotypes were selected for evaluations, such as seed production, fertilizer use efficiency, animal performance, and for new crosses. The high correlation of the total dry mass with the other forage components will be useful for indirect select criteria in bahiagrass improving strategies

    Progênies híbridas de grama forquilha : avaliações agronômicas

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    Paspalum notatum Flüggeis one native forage grasses of southern Brazil. Through intraspecific hybridization, is possible generating progenies with variability for agronomic traits.The objective of this work was to evaluate 24 hybrids and select them for the superior agronomic traits, as well analyze correlations between forage traits that can assist in the selection of genotypes.The hybrids were obtained from crosses among sexual and apomictic clones, and were vegetative propagated in a greenhouse until the transplant to the field. The agronomic traits evaluated were: total green mass (TGM), leaf dry mass (LDM), stem dry mass (SDM), inflorescence dry mass (IDM), dead mass (DeM), total dry mass (TDM),growth habit (GH). Correlations between plant diameter (PD), number of tillers (NT), total dry matter (TDM), plant height (PH), total green matter (TGM), leaf dry matter (LDM), stem dry mass (SDM), number of inflorescences (NINF) and inflorescence dry matter (IDM) were performed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The hybrids had great variability in all agronomic characteristics measured. Based on the three years of evaluation, hybrids KD9, KF1, KF4, and KD5 produced higher total dry mass than othergenotypes. The hybrid KF4 too had greater LDM; KF1 and KF4 were the colder tolerant. These genotypes were selected for evaluations, such as seed production, fertilizer use efficiency, animal performance, and for new crosses. The high correlation of the total dry mass with the other forage components will be useful for indirect select criteria in bahiagrass improving strategies.Paspalum notatumFlügge é uma gramínea forrageira nativa do sul do Brasil. Hibridizações intraespecíficas geram progênies com variabilidade para características agronômicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar 24 híbridos e selecioná-los pelas características agronômicas superiores, bem como analisar correlações entre características forrageiras que possam auxiliar na seleção de genótipos. Os híbridos foram obtidos através dos cruzamentos entre clones sexuais e apomíticos, e foram propagados vegetativamente em casa de vegetação até o transplante para o campo. As características agronômicas avaliadas foram: massa verde total (MVT), massa seca das folhas (MSF), massa seca do caule (MSC), massa seca da inflorescência (MSI), material morta (MM), massa seca total (MST), hábito de crescimento (HC). As correlações entre diâmetro da planta (DP), número de perfilhos (NP), massa seca total (MST), altura da planta (Alt), massa verde total (MVT), massa seca das folhas (MSF), massa seca do caule (MSC), número de inflorescências (NINFL) e massa seca das inflorescências (MSINFL) foram realizados utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Os híbridos tiveram grande variabilidade em todas as características medidas. Em três anos de avaliações, os híbridos KD9, KF1, KF4 e KD5 produziram maior MST; KF4 apresentou maior MSF; KF1 e KF4 foram os mais tolerantes ao frio. Esses genótipos foram selecionados para avaliações de produção de sementes, eficiência no uso de fertilizantes, desempenho animal e para novos ciclos de cruzamentos. A alta correlação da massa seca total com outros componentes da forragem será útil para critérios de seleção indireta em estratégias de melhoramento da grama forquilha

    Cytogenetic characterization of Angelonia integerrima Sprengel, a native species with ornamental potential

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    Angelonia integerrima Sprengel is a native species of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and the Southern region (Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) of Brazil, with features such as an unusual appearance and color of the flowers, indicating an ornamental use. To optimize the use of this species and to fill in gaps regarding its cytogenetic characterization, this study determined the chromosome number, meiotic index and pollen viability of plant individuals of four A. integerrima populations. All plant individuals of the four populations had 2n = 20 chromosomes. Still, the meiotic index of most analyzed plant individuals exceeded 90%, while pollen viability of all plant individuals was higher than 80%. These data suggest considerable cytological stability of the analyzed A. integerrima plant individuals, which may favor the selection of future genotypes for commercial purposes or their use in conservation and breeding programs of the species

    Produção de forragem de híbridos tetraploides de grama forquilha

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    In Southern Brazil, much of the livestock activity is developed in native grasslands. Studies about forage traits, frost tolerance and nutritional value of native forage species there has been increasing with better results of productive efficiency (animal gain). The objective of this work was to evaluate forage yieldof forty-five intraspecific hybrids of segregating progenies of bahiagrass (Paspalum notatumFlügge) from agronomic analyses under greenhouse conditions and determine the reproduction mode of selected hybrids. The hybrids had great variability in all agronomic characteristics measured. The plants with the highest total dry mass production were 17PN10P3 and 17PN29P1 (sexualreproduction), 17PN10P5, 17PN16P3 and 17PN28P4 (apomicticreproduction). The high correlation of the total dry mass with tillers numberand with the root dry mass demonstrate that the hybrids can be used as forage and also to reduce the effects of soil erosion in degraded areas. The evaluations of agronomic characteristics and the determinationof the mode of reproduction of the selected hybrids allowed the identification of promising genetic materials for forage yield and to soil cover, selecting them for additional stages in the breeding program.No sul do Brasil, boa parte da atividade pecuária é desenvolvida em pastagens nativas. Estudos sobre caraterísticas agronômicas, tolerância ao frio e valor nutritivo das espécies forrageiras nativas têm aumentado, e melhores resultados de eficiência produtiva (ganho animal) são alcançados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de forragem de 45 híbridos intraespecíficos de progênies segregantes de grama-forquilha (Paspalum notatumFlügge), através de análises conduzidas em casa de vegetação e determinar o modo de reprodução dos híbridos selecionados. Os híbridos tiveram grande variabilidade para as características analisadas. As plantas com a mais alta produção total de matéria seca foram 17PN10P3 e 17PN29P1 (reprodução sexual), 17PN10P5, 17PN16P3 e 17PN28P4 (reprodução apomítica). A alta correlação da matéria seca total com o número de perfilhos e com a massa seca total das raízes indica que as plantas híbridas podem ser usadas como forrageiras e para recuperação de áreas degradadas, reduzindo os efeitos da erosão do solo. As avaliações das características agronômicas e adeterminação do modo de reprodução dos híbridos selecionados permitem a identificação de materiais genéticos promissores para produção de forragem e para coberturade solo, selecionando-os para as próximas fases do programa de melhoramento

    Acúmulo de forragem em híbridos de grama-forquilha em dois ambientes distintos no Sul do Brasil

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    The native grasslands of southern Brazil have sustained livestock farming for many years; however, decline in pasture areas has led to the loss of genetic diversity of forage species.The development of forage grass cultivars adapted to different environments, will contribute to forming new cultivated pastures or recovering degraded areas.The aim of this study was to assess the herbage accumulation of selected intraspecific hybrid progenies of bahiagrass (P. notatum Flügge) in two different environments(Depressão Central and Campanha region)to estimate their agronomic value. The results indicated variability for the main forage traits studied(leaf dry mass, stem dry mass, inflorescence dry mass, total drymass, leaf: stem ratio,plant height and population density of tillers).All the hybrids producing more forage mass than the ‘Pensacola’ cultivarin the municipality of Eldorado do Sul and the majority also superior in the municipality of São Gabriel.Theproductionof leaves in the forage was correlated withtotal dry mass (84%), suggesting that genotype selection for forage massalso selected for production of leaves. The selected hybrids should be indicated for new steps of assessment within the P. notatumbreeding program.As pastagens nativas do Rio Grande do Sul (sul do Brasil), sustentam a pecuária há muitos anos; no entanto, o declínio em áreas de pastagens tem levado à perda da diversidade genética das espécies forrageiras e o desenvolvimento de cultivares de gramíneas forrageiras adaptadas a diferentes ambientes contribuirá para a formação de novas áresa de pastagens cultivadas ou recuperação de áreas degradadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o acúmulo de forragem de uma progênie híbrida intraespecífica selecionada de grama forquilha (Paspalum notatum Flügge) em dois ambientes distintos (Depressão Central e Campanha)para estimarseu valor agronômico.Os resultados indicaram variabilidade para as principais características forrageiras estudadas(massa seca das folhas, massa seca do caule, massa seca da inflorescência, massa seca total, relação folha:caule, altura daplanta e densidade de perfilhos) com todos os híbridos produzindo mais massa de forragemdo que a cultivar ‘Pensacola’no município de Eldorado do Sul e a maioria também superior no município de São Gabriel. A produção de folhas foi a característica mais correlacionada com a massa seca total(84%), sugerindo que a seleção de genótipos para massa de forragem também selecionou para a produção de folhas.Os híbridos selecionados poderão ser indicados para novas etapas de avaliações dentro do programa de melhoramento de P. notatum


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    Reproductive analyses and agronomic evaluation of intraespecific hybrids de Paspalum notatum

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    Paspalum notatum, gramínea nativa do Rio Grande do Sul, se destaca pelo elevado valor forrageiro e é importante em programas de melhoramento, pois se reproduz tanto de forma apomítica quanto sexual. Seu uso nas pastagens pode ser incrementado e explorado economicamente, após avaliações reprodutivas conduzidas em laboratório, e cultivos a campo, com a finalidade de selecionar os genótipos mais produtivos e estáveis reprodutivamente. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar uma progênie híbrida intraespecífica de P. notatum quanto ao modo de reprodução, viabilidade polínica e comportamento meiótico e avaliar o seu potencial produtivo em ensaios conduzidos a campo. Após comprovada a estabilidade reprodutiva e selecionados os híbridos com comprovado valor agronômico, será possível viabilizar novos ciclos de cruzamentos artificiais controlados. A poliploidização de plantas sexuais diploides foi usada em cruzamentos intraespecíficos entre genótipos apomíticos e sexuais, que gerou a progênie híbrida estudada. As avaliações agronômicas foram conduzidas durante três anos, comparando a progênie com a cultivar “Pensacola”, o ecótipo “Bagual” e as plantas poliploides artificiais ‘WKS3’, ‘WKS63’ e ‘WKS92’. As análises estatísticas foram efetuadas com o programa estatístico R, com os testes de Scott-Knott a 5% de significância. Todas as 29 plantas obtidas foram classificadas como apomíticas ou sexuais e apresentaram alta viabilidade polínica, a maioria acima de 90%. As plantas que mais produziram MSF (massa seca de folhas) foram as nominadas ‘KF4’, ‘KF17’, ‘KM2’ e ‘KD9’, produzindo, em média, 34, 24, 21 e 17%, respectivamente, a mais de massa seca do que o ecótipo mais produtivo “Bagual”. Os híbridos com características superiores, como o maior rendimento de forragem, passarão por etapas adicionais no programa de melhoramento e poderão ser candidatas a novas cultivares.Paspalum notatum, native grass of Rio Grande do Sul, stands out for its high forage value and is important in breeding programs, as it reproduces both apomictically and sexually. Its use in the pastures can be increased and economically exploited, after reproductive evaluations conducted in the laboratory, and field crops, in order to select the most productive and reproductively stable genotypes. The aim of the present work was to evaluate an intraspecific hybrid progeny of P. notatum on reproduction mode, pollen viability and meiotic behavior and to evaluate its productive potential in field trials. After proven reproductive stability and selected hybrids with proven agronomic value, it will be possible to make possible new cycles of controlled artificial crosses. Polyploidization of diploid sex plants was used in intraspecific crosses between apomictic and sexual genotypes, which generated the hybrid progeny studied. The agronomic evaluations were conducted over three years, comparing the progeny with the "Pensacola" cultivar, the "Bagual" ecotype and the artificial polyploid plants 'WKS3', 'WKS63' and 'WKS92'. Statistical analyzes were performed with the statistical program R, with Scott-Knott's tests at 5% significance. All 29 plants obtained were classified as apomictic or sexual and presented high pollen viability, most of them above 90%. The plants that produced the most MSF were: 'KF4', 'KF17', 'KM2' and 'KD9', producing on average 34, 24, 21 and 17%, respectively, of more than than the most productive "Bagual" ecotype. Hybrids with superior characteristics, such as higher forage yield, will go through additional stages in the breeding program and may be candidates for new cultivars