7 research outputs found

    RF system of electron injector for the race-track microtron-recuperator and results of its operation with electron beam

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    The RF system is a part of the 1.6 - 2 MeV injector for the Race-Track Microtron - Recuperator (RTMR) that is under construction at BINP, Novosibirsk, for the Center of Photochemistry. RF system has three 180.4 MHz cavities. Buncher cavity operates at the accelerating voltage of 100 kV and two accelerating cavities operate at the gap voltage up to 800 kV. Cavities are driven by 3 power amplifiers. Maximum output power of amplifier which feeds the accelerating cavity is 130 kW. Low level electronics controls phase and amplitude of RF cavity gap voltages and generates signals for synchronization of the electron gun. Maximum current of injector (45 mA) is realized at 22.5 MHz repetition rate of electron bunches. The effects of beam – RF cavities interaction and the RF system operation results are presented