88 research outputs found

    Mapping hydrothermally altered rocks in the Northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada and California with the airborne imaging spectrometer

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    Seven flightlines of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) data were analyzed for an area of hydrothermally altered rocks. The data were reduced to reflectance relative to an average spectrum, and an automated procedure was used to produce a color coded image displaying absorption band information. Individual spectra were extracted from the AIS images to determine the detailed mineralogy. Two alteration types were mapped based upon mineralogy identified using the AIS data. The primary alteration type is quartz sericite pyrite alteration which occurs in northwest-trending zones in quartz monzonite porphyry. The AIS data allow identification of sericite (muscovite) based upon a strong absorption feature near 2.21 micron and weaker absorption features near 2.35 and 2.45 micron. The second alteration type occurs as a zone of argillic alteration associated with a granitic intrusion. Montmorillonite was identified based on a weak to moderate absorption feature near 2.2 micron and the absence of the two absorption features at longer wavelengths characteristic of sericite. Montmorillonite could be identified only where concentrations of sericite did not mask the montmorillonite spectrum

    Mineral Mapping with AVIRIS and EO-1 Hyperion

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    Imaging Spectrometry data or Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI) acquired using airborne systems have been used in the geologic community since the early 1980 s and represent a mature technology (Goetz et al., 1985; Kruse et al., 1999). The solar spectral range, 0.4 to 2.5 m, provides abundant information about many important Earth-surface minerals (Clark et al., 1990). In particular, the 2.0 to 2.5 m (SWIR) spectral range covers spectral features of hydroxyl-bearing minerals, sulfates, and carbonates common to many geologic units and hydrothermal alteration assemblages. Previous research has proven the ability of airborne and spaceborne hyperspectral systems to uniquely identify and map these and other minerals, even in sub-pixel abundances (Kruse and Lefkoff, 1993; Boardman and Kruse, 1994; Boardman et al., 1995; Kruse, et al., 1999). This paper describes a case history for a site in northern Death Valley, California and Nevada along with selected SNR calculations/results for other sites around the world. Various hyperspectral mineral mapping results for this site have previously been presented and published (Kruse, 1988; Kruse et al., 1993, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003), however, this paper presents a condensed summary of key details for hyperspectral data from 2000 and 2001 and the results of accuracy assessment for satellite hyperspectral data compared to airborne hyperspectral data used as ground truth

    Evaluation of the airborne visible-infrared imaging spectrometer for mapping subtle lithological variation

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    The Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), flown aboard the NASA ER-2 aircraft in 1987 and 1989, used four linear arrays and four individual spectrometers to collect data simultaneously from the 224 bands in a scanned 614 pixel-wide swath perpendicular to the aircraft direction. The research had two goals. One was to evaluate the AVIRIS data. The other was to look at the subtle lithological variation at the two test sites to develop a better understanding of the regional geology and surficial processes. The geometric characteristics of the data, adequacy of the spatial resolution, and adequacy of the spectral sampling interval are evaluated. Geologic differences at the test sites were mapped. They included lithological variation caused by primary sedimentary layering, facies variation, and weathering; and subtle mineralogical differences caused by hydrothermal alterations of igneous and sedimentary rocks. The investigation used laboratory, field, and aircraft spectral measurements; known properties of geological materials; digital image processing and spectrum processing techniques; and field geologic data to evaluate the selected characteristics of the AVIRIS data

    Automated extraction of absorption features from Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and Geophysical and Environmental Research Imaging Spectrometer (GERIS) data

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    Automated techniques were developed for the extraction and characterization of absorption features from reflectance spectra. The absorption feature extraction algorithms were successfully tested on laboratory, field, and aircraft imaging spectrometer data. A suite of laboratory spectra of the most common minerals was analyzed and absorption band characteristics tabulated. A prototype expert system was designed, implemented, and successfully tested to allow identification of minerals based on the extracted absorption band characteristics. AVIRIS spectra for a site in the northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada, have been characterized and the minerals sericite (fine grained muscovite) and dolomite were identified. The minerals kaolinite, alunite, and buddingtonite were identified and mapped for a site at Cuprite, Nevada, using the feature extraction algorithms on the new Geophysical and Environmental Research 64 channel imaging spectrometer (GERIS) data. The feature extraction routines (written in FORTRAN and C) were interfaced to the expert system (written in PROLOG) to allow both efficient processing of numerical data and logical spectrum analysis

    Simulation modeling and preliminary analysis of TIMS data from the Carlin area and the northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada

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    A theoretical radiance model was employed together with laboratory data on a suite of igneous rock to evaluate various algorithms for processing Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) data. Two aspects of the general problem were examined: extraction of emissivity information from the observed TIMS radiance data, and how to use emissivity data in a way that is geologically meaningful. The four algorithms were evaluated for appropriate band combinations of TIMS data acquired on both day and night overflights of the Tuscarora Mountains, including the Carlin gold deposit, in north-central Nevada. Analysis of a color composited PC decorrelated image (Bands 3, 4, 5--blue/green/red) of the Northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada, area showed some useful correlation with the regional geology. The thermal infrared region provides fundamental spectral information that can be used to discriminate the major rock types occurring on the Earth's surface

    The effects of AVIRIS atmospheric calibration methodology on identification and quantitative mapping of surface mineralogy, Drum Mountains, Utah

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    The Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) measures reflected light in 224 contiguous spectra bands in the 0.4 to 2.45 micron region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Numerous studies have used these data for mineralogic identification and mapping based on the presence of diagnostic spectral features. Quantitative mapping requires conversion of the AVIRIS data to physical units (usually reflectance) so that analysis results can be compared and validated with field and laboratory measurements. This study evaluated two different AVIRIS calibration techniques to ground reflectance: an empirically-based method and an atmospheric model based method to determine their effects on quantitative scientific analyses. Expert system analysis and linear spectral unmixing were applied to both calibrated data sets to determine the effect of the calibration on the mineral identification and quantitative mapping results. Comparison of the image-map results and image reflectance spectra indicate that the model-based calibrated data can be used with automated mapping techniques to produce accurate maps showing the spatial distribution and abundance of surface mineralogy. This has positive implications for future operational mapping using AVIRIS or similar imaging spectrometer data sets without requiring a priori knowledge

    Quantitative remote sensing of ammonium minerals, Cedar Mountains, Esmeralda County, Nevada

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    Mineral-bound ammonium (NH4+) was discovered by the U.S. Geological Survey in the southern Cedar Mountains of Esmeralda County, Nevada in 1989. At 10 km in length, this site is 100 times larger than any previously known occurrence in volcanic rocks. The ammonium occurs in two hydrothermally altered, crystal-rich rhyolitic tuff units of Oligocene age, and is both structurally and stratigraphically controlled. This research uses Advanced Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data to quantitatively map the mineral-bound ammonium (buddingtonite) concentration in the altered volcanic rocks. Naturally occurring mineral-bound ammonium is fairly rare; however, it has been found to occur in gold-bearing hydrothermal deposits. Because of this association, it is thought that ammonium may be a useful too in exploration for gold and other metal deposits. Mineral-bound ammonium is produced when an ammonium ion (NH4+) replaces the alkali cation site (usually K+) in the crystal structure of silicate minerals such as feldspars, micas and clays. Buddingtonite is an ammonium feldspar. The ammonium originates in buried organic plant matter and is transported to the host rock by hydrothermal fluids. Ammonium alteration does not produce visible changes in the rock, and it is barely detectable with standard x-ray diffraction methods. It is clearly identified, however, by absorption features in short wave-infrared (SWIR) wavelengths (2.0 - 2.5 micrometers). The ammonium absorption features are believed to be caused by N-H vibrational modes and are analogous to hydroxyl (O-H) vibrational modes, only shifted slightly in wavelength. Buddingtonite absorption features in the near- and SWIR lie at 1.56, 2.02 and 2.12 micrometers. The feature at 2.12 micrometer is the strongest of the three and is the only one used in this study. The southern Cedar Mountains are sparsely vegetated and are an ideal site for a remote sensing study

    Expert system-based mineral mapping using AVIRIS

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    Integrated analysis of imaging spectrometer data and field spectral measurements were used in conjunction with conventional geologic field mapping to characterize bedrock and surficial geology at the northern end of Death Valley, California and Nevada. A knowledge-based expert system was used to automatically produce image maps from Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data showing the principal surface mineralogy. The imaging spectrometer data show the spatial distribution of spectrally distinct minerals occurring both as primary rock-forming minerals and as alteration and weathering products. Field spectral measurements were used to verify the mineral maps and field mapping was used to extend the remote sensing results. Geographically referenced image-maps produced from these data form new base maps from which to develop improved understanding of the processes of deposition and erosion affecting the present land surface. The 'northern Grapevine Mountains' (NGM) study area was reported on in numerous papers. This area is an unnamed northwestward extension of the range. Most of the research here has concentrated on mapping of Jurassic-age plutons and associated hydrothermal alteration, however, the nature and scope of these studies is much broader, pertaining to the geologic history and development of the entire Death Valley region. AVIRIS data for the NGM site were obtained during May 1989. Additional AVIRIS data were acquired during September 1989 as part of the Geologic Remote Sensing Field Experiment (GRSFE). The area covered by these data overlaps slightly with the May 1989 data. Three and one-half AVIRIS scenes total were analyzed

    Mapping target signatures via partial unmixing of AVIRIS data

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    A complete spectral unmixing of a complicated AVIRIS scene may not always be possible or even desired. High quality data of spectrally complex areas are very high dimensional and are consequently difficult to fully unravel. Partial unmixing provides a method of solving only that fraction of the data inversion problem that directly relates to the specific goals of the investigation. Many applications of imaging spectrometry can be cast in the form of the following question: 'Are my target signatures present in the scene, and if so, how much of each target material is present in each pixel?' This is a partial unmixing problem. The number of unmixing endmembers is one greater than the number of spectrally defined target materials. The one additional endmember can be thought of as the composite of all the other scene materials, or 'everything else'. Several workers have proposed partial unmixing schemes for imaging spectrometry data, but each has significant limitations for operational application. The low probability detection methods described by Farrand and Harsanyi and the foreground-background method of Smith et al are both examples of such partial unmixing strategies. The new method presented here builds on these innovative analysis concepts, combining their different positive attributes while attempting to circumvent their limitations. This new method partially unmixes AVIRIS data, mapping apparent target abundances, in the presence of an arbitrary and unknown spectrally mixed background. It permits the target materials to be present in abundances that drive significant portions of the scene covariance. Furthermore it does not require a priori knowledge of the background material spectral signatures. The challenge is to find the proper projection of the data that hides the background variance while simultaneously maximizing the variance amongst the targets

    Use of Imaging Spectrometer Data and Multispectral Imagery for Improved Earthquake Response

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    Imaging and Applied Optics Technical Digest, 2012Multispectral imagery and imaging spectrometer data are used to develop prototype map products for improved earthquake response. A tiered approach keyed to post-event communications infrastructure is directed at providing critical information to emergency services personnel.This research is supported by the Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, Department of Homeland Security (DHS). We gratefully acknowledge the participation of emergency responders and managers from the cities and counties of Monterey, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Riverside California. We also appreciate contributions during project definition stage and follow-ups by the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Geological Survey, and DHS. AVIRIS data were acquired by NASA/JPL. The LiDAR data were provided by the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, via a USGS grant through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009. WV-2 data were provided by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) under the NextView imagery license agreement