29 research outputs found

    A countable dense homogeneous topological vector space is a Baire space

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    We prove that every homogeneous countable dense homogeneous topological space containing a copy of the Cantor set is a Baire space. In particular, every countable dense homogeneous topological vector space is a Baire space. It follows that, for any nondiscrete metrizable space XX, the function space Cp(X)C_p(X) is not countable dense homogeneous. This answers a question posed recently by R. Hern\'andez-Guti\'errez. We also conclude that, for any infinite dimensional Banach space EE (dual Banach space EE^\ast), the space EE equipped with the weak topology (EE^\ast with the weak^\ast topology) is not countable dense homogeneous. We generalize some results of Hru\v{s}\'ak, Zamora Avil\'es, and Hern\'andez-Guti\'errez concerning countable dense homogeneous products.Comment: slightly modified and expanded versio

    Stasis Papillomatosis with Cardiac Complications and Vein Insufficiency

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    ABSTRACT We report the case of a 73-year-old man with massive swelling of the lower extremities, with a chronic and rather uncommon form of stasis dermatitis – stasis papillomatosis. The patient was also diagnosed with severe heart failure, including dilated cardiomyopathy, hypothyroidism that required a substantial dose of exogenous tyrosine, microcytic and megaloblastic anemia, iron deficiency, and type 2 diabetes. The cause of stasis dermatitis lesions is not completely understood. It may be caused by the allergic reaction to some epidermal protein antigen formation or chronic damage to the dermal-epidermal barrier that makes the skin more sensitive to irritants or trauma. It has, however, been suggested that the term stasis dermatitis should be used to refer only to cases caused by chronic venous insufficiency, which belongs to a group of lifestyle diseases and affects both women and men more and more frequently. KEY WORDS: stasis; vein insufficienty; edema; heart failure</p

    Stasis Papillomatosis with Cardiac Complications and Vein Insufficiency

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    ABSTRACT We report the case of a 73-year-old man with massive swelling of the lower extremities, with a chronic and rather uncommon form of stasis dermatitis – stasis papillomatosis. The patient was also diagnosed with severe heart failure, including dilated cardiomyopathy, hypothyroidism that required a substantial dose of exogenous tyrosine, microcytic and megaloblastic anemia, iron deficiency, and type 2 diabetes. The cause of stasis dermatitis lesions is not completely understood. It may be caused by the allergic reaction to some epidermal protein antigen formation or chronic damage to the dermal-epidermal barrier that makes the skin more sensitive to irritants or trauma. It has, however, been suggested that the term stasis dermatitis should be used to refer only to cases caused by chronic venous insufficiency, which belongs to a group of lifestyle diseases and affects both women and men more and more frequently. KEY WORDS: stasis; vein insufficienty; edema; heart failure</p

    Results of the treatment of patients with solid tumours and liver metastases: 8 years experience of one institution

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    Wstęp. Leczenie chirurgiczne przerzutów nowotworów litych do wątroby powinno odbywać się w ramach zespołu wielodyscyplinarnego.Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ocena wyników leczenia skojarzonego chorych na różne nowotwory lite z przerzutami do wątroby przez zespół wielodyscyplinarny jednego ośrodka onkologicznego w ciągu ostatnich 8 lat.Materiał i metody. Retrospektywną analizą objęto 166 chorych (84 kobiety i 82 mężczyzn) w wieku od 19 do 78 lat (średnia 58 ± 11,2), leczonych z powodu przerzutów do wątroby pierwotnych nowotworów litych o różnej lokalizacji, z wyjątkiem guzów neuroendokrynnych. Każdorazowo rozważano okołooperacyjne leczenie systemowe zgodnie z aktualnymi zaleceniami Polskiej Unii Onkologii.Wyniki. W czasie obserwacji (mediana 35 miesięcy) zmarło 46% chorych. Resekcje wątroby wykonano u 107 (65%)chorych, w tym u 19 chorych połączono je z (RF-)termoablacją zmian przerzutowych, którą wykonano jako samodzielny zabieg u dalszych 59 (36%) chorych. Śmiertelność pooperacyjna wyniosła 1,2%. Powikłania II° wg klasyfikacji Clavien-Dindo wystąpiły u 33 (19,8%) chorych, natomiast III° i IV° — u 8 (4,8%) chorych. Przeżycia 1-roczne, 3-letniei 5-letnie wyniosły odpowiednio 78%, 41% i 37%. Pięcioletnie przeżycia całkowite u chorych na raka jelita grubego po resekcjach przerzutów metachronicznych wyniosły 48%.Wnioski. Skojarzone leczenie chorych na nieendokrynne nowotwory lite z przerzutami do wątroby przez zespół wielodyscyplinarny jest bezpieczne i skuteczne. W starannie dobranej grupie chorych można osiągnąć blisko 50% całkowitych przeżyć 5-letnich. Resekcja wątroby jest optymalną metodą leczenia chirurgicznego przerzutów do wątroby.Introduction. Surgical treatment of liver metastases from solid tumours should be provided by multidisciplinary teams.Aim. The aim of the present study is to analyse results of the combined treatment of patients with different solid tumours and liver metastases by single institution multidisciplinary team for last 8 years.Material and methods. This is a retrospective analysis of 166 patients (84 females and 82 males), aged from 19 to 78 years (mean 58 ± 11.2), treated due to liver metastases from solid tumours in various primary localizations: except neuroendocrine tumours. In every patient, perioperative systemic therapy was evaluated in agreement with current recommendations of the Polish Union of Oncology.Results. In the follow-up time available (median 35 months) 46% of patients died. Liver resections were performed in 107 (65%) patients, including 19 patients in whom resections were supplemented with (RF-)thermoablations of their liver metastases. This was the sole surgical treatment in the 59 (36%) patients. Perioperative mortality was 1.2%. Grade II complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification were found in 33 (19.8%) patients, whereas grade III and IV complications were treated in 8 (4.8%) patients. One-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates were respectively 78%, 41%, and 37%. Five-year overall survival in patients with colorectal carcinoma after liver resection of metachronous metastases was 48%. We conclude that combined treatment of patients with liver metastases from non-endocrine solid tumours by the multidisciplinary team is safe and effective. A nearly 50% 5-year survival is achievable in a carefully selected group of patients. We also conclude that hepatic resection is an optimal method of surgical treatment of liver metastases

    Anatomical classification of the shape and topography of the stomach

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    The aim of the study was to present the classification of anatomical variations of the stomach, based on the radiological and historical data. In years 2006–2010, 2,034 examinations of the upper digestive tract were performed. Normal stomach anatomy or different variations of the organ shape and/or topography without any organic radiologically detectable gastric lesions were revealed in 568 and 821 cases, respectively. Five primary groups were established: abnormal position along longitudinal (I) and horizontal axis (II), as well as abnormal shape (III) and stomach connections (IV) or mixed forms (V). The first group contains abnormalities most commonly observed among examined patients such as stomach rotation and translocation to the chest cavity, including sliding, paraesophageal, mixed-form and upside-down hiatal diaphragmatic hernias, as well as short esophagus, and the other diaphragmatic hernias, that were not found in the evaluated population. The second group includes the stomach cascade. The third and fourth groups comprise developmental variations and organ malformations that were not observed in evaluated patients. The last group (V) encloses mixed forms that connect two or more previous variations

    Morphological, densitometric and mechanical properties of mandible in 5-month-old Polish Merino sheep

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    Abstract Background Among bones building the axial and appendicular skeleton, the mandible is characterized by unique morphological and functional traits. The aim of the study was to evaluate morphological, densitometric and mechanical properties of mandible in 5-month-old Polish Merino sheep. Using quantitative computed tomography, volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and calcium hydroxyapatite density of the cortical bone (Cb Ca-HA ), mean vBMD (MvBMD) and total bone volume were determined. Using computed tomography cross-sectional scans of the mandible, cross-sectional area, second moment of inertia, mean relative wall thickness and cortical index were determined. Three-point bending test was applied to determine mechanical properties. Serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) was also measured. Results All the investigated morphometric, densitometric and mechanical parameters of the right and left mandibular halves were not significantly different ( P \u2009>\u20090.05). There was no correlation of final body weight, MvBMD, Cb Ca-HA , BAP and IGF-I with all the analyzed parameters of mandible ( P \u2009>\u20090.05). However, positive correlations between the other investigated morphometric, densitometric and mechanical parameter of mandible were found ( P \u2009<\u20090.05). Conclusions Relationships between morphological, densitometric and mechanical parameters of the mandible indicate that the elaborated experimental model may serve for further studies on metabolic responses of skeletal system to physiological, nutritional, pharmacological, toxicological and environmental factors

    Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts and cystic tumors based on own material and quoted literature

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    Pseudocysts constitute the most basic cystic lesions of the pancreas. Symptomatic cysts may be treated by means of both minimally invasive methods and surgery. Currently, it is believed that approximately 5% of cystic lesions in the pancreas may in fact, be neoplastic cystic tumors. Their presence is manifested by generally irregular multilocular structures, solid nodules inside the cyst or in the pancreatic duct, frequently vascularized, as well as fragmentary thickening of the cystic wall or septation. Aim: The aim of this paper was to present current management, both diagnostic and therapeutic, in patients with pancreatic pseudocysts and cystic tumors. The article has been written based on the material collected and prepared in the author’s Department as well as on the basis of current reports found in the quoted literature. Material and methods, results: In 2000–2012, the Second Department of General, Gastrointestinal and Oncological Surgery of the Alimentary Tract treated 179 patients with cystic lesions in the region of the pancreas. This group comprised 12 cases of cystic tumors and 167 pseudocysts. Twenty-three patients (13.8%) were monitored only and 144 received procedural treatment. Out of the latter group, 75 patients underwent drainage procedures and 48 were qualified to endoscopic cystogastrostomy or cystoduodenostomy. The endoscopic procedure was unsuccessful in 11 cases (23%). In a group of patients with a pancreatic cystic tumor (12 patients), 6 of them (50%) underwent therapeutic resection of the tumor with adequate fragment of the gland. Conclusions: Endoscopic drainage is an effective and safe method of minimally invasive treatment of pancreatic cysts. The patients who do not qualify to endoscopic procedures require surgical treatment. The differentiation of a neoplasm from a typical cyst is of fundamental significance for the selection of the treatment method.Do podstawowych zmian o typie torbieli trzustki należą torbiele rzekome. Objawowe torbiele można leczyć zarówno z wykorzystaniem technik małoinwazyjnych, jak i chirurgicznie. Obecnie przyjmuje się, że w około 5% torbielowatych zmian w trzustce możemy mieć do czynienia z nowotworowymi guzami torbielowatymi. Za ich obecnością przemawiają struktury wielokomorowe, najczęściej nieregularne, lite guzki we wnętrzu torbieli lub w przewodzie trzustkowym, często unaczynione, oraz odcinkowe pogrubienie ściany torbieli lub przegrody. Cel pracy: Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie obecnej taktyki postępowania zarówno diagnostycznego, jak i terapeutycznego u chorych z pseudotorbielami oraz torbielowatymi guzami trzustki. Praca została napisana na podstawie materiału zebranego i przygotowanego w Klinice autora oraz współczesnych doniesień z zaprezentowanego piśmiennictwa. Materiał i metoda, wyniki: W latach 2000–2012 w II Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej, Gastroenterologicznej i Nowotworów Układu Pokarmowego przebywało 179 chorych z torbielowatymi zmianami w obrębie trzustki, w tej grupie stwierdzono 12 przypadków guzów torbielowatych oraz 167 zmian o charakterze rzekomych torbieli – u 23 pacjentów (13,8%) prowadzono jedynie obserwację, pozostałych 144 leczono zabiegowo. U 75 wykonano zabieg drenażowy na drodze operacyjnej, 48 chorych zakwalifikowano do endoskopowej cystogastrostomii lub cystoduodenostomii. Zabieg endoskopowy nie powiódł się u 11 leczonych (23%). W grupie pacjentów z guzem torbielowatym trzustki na 12 badanych u 6 (50%) wykonano leczniczą resekcję guza z odpowiednią częścią narządu. Wnioski: Zabiegi endoskopowego drenażu torbieli trzustki stanowią efektywną i bezpieczną metodę małoinwazyjnego leczenia. Chorzy niezakwalifikowani do zabiegu endoskopowego wymagają leczenia operacyjnego. Odróżnienie nowotworu od typowej torbieli trzustki ma podstawowe znaczenie dla kwalifikacji do sposobu leczenia

    Primary renal lymphoma : case report

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    Background: Primary renal lymphoma is a very rare and controversial disease entity. Diagnostic criteria and therapeutic procedure are not obvious. However, a few cases have been reported in the world literature. Pathological symptoms and radiological manifestation are not typical. Correct diagnosis is established thanks to renal biopsy. Even though curative algorithm is not clear, the fact is that early diagnosis and treatment have a big influence on prognosis as to life. Case Report: We report the case of 81 year old women which was diagnosed due to nonspecific symptoms. Laboratory investigation reveals hypercalcaemia, high C-reactive protein, and urinary tract infection with leucocyturia, erythrocyturia, bacteriuria. Ultrasonography of the abdomen exposes hypo-echoic area in the inferior pole of the left kidney. CT scanning discloses hypodensive and poorly enhancing masses in this region. The diagnosis of primary renal lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell type was established, thanks to histological examination of biopsy material. After surgical intervention patient started polychemotherapy. Conclusions: Although primary renal lymphoma is an uncommon disease it should be included in the differential diagnosis for renal masses. That procedure could accelerate correct diagnosis and treatment, which in the future could make better prognosis as to life