10 research outputs found


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    Here we examine the incidence and frequency of wildlife-vehicle collisions (daily and yearly dynamics) in Karlovac county. In the period from 2005 to 2008, 743 wildlife- vehicle collisions were recorded. 83,58 % of road killed wild animals were roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), 6,46 % wild boar (Sus scrofa) while the recorded proportion of other species was low. The highest risk of collision was in April and May, although the risk was high in other seasons as well, especially during autumn. Majority of daily collisions occured in the morning (5 a.m.-8 a.m.) and in the evening (6 p.m.-10 p.m.). The results of this research will be used as basis for implementation of mitigation strategy

    EkoloÅ”ki parametri populacije zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na području Međimurja nakon pada brojnosti posljednjih 40 godina

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    A total of 383 European hares (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) were sampled from three separate hunting grounds within the Međimurje region from 2004 to 2006 including, Čakovec, HodoÅ”an and Mala Subotica. Based on the eye lens mass the age structure of hares was determined. Reproductive effort per capita varied from 0.62 to 1.54 leverets per hare with female reproductive effort varying from 0.62 to 3.40 leverets per female. On average 46.7% of the hunting bag consisted of yearlings. The sex ratio varied between years from 0.39 to 0.69 females:males. Weight varied significantly between juveniles and adults regardless of sex (p<0.05) and ranged from 3.64 to 4.17 kg. Spring densities varied from 15-23 hares/km2 between hunting grounds. Analysis of data from the management plans of Međimurje region over the last 38 years showed that game bag record decreased approximately 9-fold and the relative hare abundance declined by 56% from 1967 to 2005. According to management plans the area productive for hunting hares declined by 62% in that period and this is probably one of the main reasons for the current trend of population decline in Međimurje.U razdoblju od 2004.-2006. god. provedeno je istraživanje zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na tri lovna područja Međimurja (Mala Subotica, HodoÅ”an, Čakovec). Nakon odstrjela obrađena su 383 zeca. Temeljem mase očnih leća određivana je dobna struktura zečeva. Za istraživana lovna područja prosječan udio mladih jedinki iznosio je 46.7 % od ukupne populacije zečeva. Reprodukcijski indeks varirao je od 0.62 do 3.40, a koeficijent reprodukcije od 0.62 do 1.54. Proljetna gustoća populacije kretala se od 15 do 23 jedinki/100 ha lovno-produktivne povrÅ”ine. Omjer spolova ovisno o godini varirao je od 0.39-0.69. Razlika u težini mladih i starih jedinki oba spola bila je statistički značajna (P<0.05). Utvrđena prosječna težina zečeva prema dobi i spolu kretala se od 3.64 kod mladih do 4.17 kg kod odraslih. Analiza podataka iz planova gospodarenja za posljednjih 40 godina pokazala je da je odstrjel zečeva na istom području smanjen za 9 puta, a brojnost populacije 2005. god. u odnosu na 1967. god. smanjena je za 56 %. Analizom veličine lovno-produktivne povrÅ”ine iz planova gospodarenja utvrđeno je njeno smanjenje za navedeno razdoblje za 62 % pa je to vjerojatno i glavni razlog sadaÅ”njem trendu pada brojnosti populacije u Međimurju


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    Pregledom kataloga lovačkih trofeja s međunarodnih lovačkih izložbi uočeno je kako su trofeji muflona iz sredozemnih područja malo zastupljeni kao eksponati u odnosu na one iz kontinentalnog dijela Europe. Osim toga, malobrojni eksponati rogova ove divljači iz toplijih područja pokazuju neÅ”to niže trofejne vrijednosti od kontinentalnih tuljaca. Postavlja se pitanje jesu li tome uzrok loÅ”iji staniÅ”ni čimbenici ili ekstenzivnije gospodarenje muflonom. Stoga je analizirano 852 trofeja (tuljaca), s 4 lokaliteta u Hrvatskoj, od čega su 2 bila iz sredozemnog područja, a 2 iz panonskog. Ako se usporede trofejni parametri sredozemnih i kontinentalnih ovnova, tada se javlja relativno velik broj (13 od 36) interaktivnih odnosa u kojima sredozemne populacije pokazuju intenzivniji rast u mladosti, odnosno intenzivniji rast vrijednosti trofejnih parametara kontinentalnih ovnova u poznijoj dobi. S glediÅ”ta kontinentalnih populacija to se zove kompenzacijski rast. Primjerice, ovnovi sa sredozemlja u kategoriju kapitalnih grla ulaze minimalno godinu dana prije onih s kontinenta. Za razliku od muflona s kontinenta, grla sa sredozemnog područja pokazuju veću rentabilnost u uzgoju jer i bez prihrane krepkim krmivima postižu viÅ”e trofejne vrijednosti od grla iz kontinentalnih loviÅ”ta.The study comprised the analysis of mouflon trophy parameters from four sites in Croatia, of which two were from the Mediterranean area (Senj and Rab), and two from the Continental area (Garjevica and Psunj). Within each area, it was possible to differentiate a site with high density of large game and high quantity of concentrated fodder supplementary feeding (Rab and Garjevica), and a site with low density of large game and low quantity of supplementary feeding (Senj and Psunj, Figure 2 and 3). The influence of age on development of a particular trophy parameter as well as on trophy value is quite variable both among parameters and among sites. The strongest age influence is on horn length, since it controls between 36 % and 78 % variability in horn length. After horn length, quite a strong age influence is found on total trophy value (age controls between 34 and 71 % of trophy value) and on horn circumference at 3nd section (38% to 71 %). Other parameters (horn span, horn circumference at 1st and 2nd section) do not show correlation as high as the first three parameters, while it should be noted that horn circumference at 1st section is in certain cases non significant. Data comparison was made by using the ANCOVA method, in cases where interaction between trends was not found. In the cases of interaction, the Posttoff modified Johnson-Neyman method was used for calculation of significant trend difference intervals. The comparison of male mouflons aged three years or older over the whole observation period showed a total of 13 cases of interactions between Mediterranean and Continental sites, out of which four interactions with Continental values were shown at Rab site and nine at Senj site. The highest number of interactions within the same parameter was found for horn length (4 interactions). For the same parameter in two cases there was no interaction, where between Rabi and Senj sites there was no statistically significant difference in horn length. Rab mouflons have longer horns than Garjevica mouflons until 8 years of age, while Psunj mouflons until 9 years of age. Horn length of Senj mouflons compared to those from Garjevica do not show significant difference in length until the age of 5, after which longer horns are found on Garjevica mouflons (this is the first out of three cases of significantly higher values of Continental mouflons). However, the Senj mouflons have longer horns than the Psunj mouflons until 8 years of age. Regarding horn circumference at 3nd section and trophy values, out of six cases, interaction was found in three cases where the mouflons from Mediterranean sites showed higher values then the Continental ones within the same parameter (also in the cases where no interaction was found). According to the dynamic of horn length growth we can conclude that mouflon rams in continental habitats show compensatory growth. This indicates that horn length (combined with 3rd circumference) might serve as an index of monitoring population quality in the future. In cases of interaction, significantly higher values of Mediterranean mouflons in comparison to Continental ones appear until the age of 6 (i.e. trophy value Senj and Garjevica), until the age of 10 (i.e. trophy value Rab and Psunj), and significantly higher values of Continental mouflons after the 5th year (horn length at Senj and Garjevica sites), and 6th year respectively (i.e. 2nd circumference at Senj and Garjevica sites). This indicates that compensatory growth is present in Continental mouflons, that is, the Mediterranean sites are more favorable for raising mouflons compared to Continental sites since horn growth in length as well as in total trophy value is more intense. Mouflons from Mediterranean Croatia ā€œenterā€ into medal on average at 3 years of age, those from Garjevica at 4 years and from Psunj at 5 years of age. Hence, reaching the capital trophy value for Continental mouflons is at least one year later in comparison to Mediterranean populations. In warmer climate conditions supplementary feeding of mouflons does not contribute significantly to increasing trophy values. It can be concluded that from the game management point of view, raising mouflons on Mediterranean sites is more cost effective due to lower feeding costs

    Slučaj polidaktilije u srneće divljači u Hrvatskoj.

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    A male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) aged 2 years was shot near NaÅ”ice in Croatia, exhibiting polydactylism. Based on visual examination and radiographs, polydactylism was described on three limbs. On the front and hind right feet digit 2 was duplicated and on the hind left foot there was a 2nd extra metatarsal bone with 3 digits.Slučaj polidaktilije opisan je u srnjaka (Capreolus capreolus) dobi od 2 godine, odstrijeljenoga kod NaÅ”ica u Hrvatskoj. Vizualnim pregledom te na osnovi rengenskih snimki, polidaktilija je utvrđena i opisana na tri noge. Na prednjoj i stražnjoj desnoj nozi utvrđena je duplikacija 2. prsta, a na stražnjoj lijevoj nozi pojava dodatne metatarzalne kosti s 3 prsta

    Kraniometrijske značajke zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pall.) s područja sjeverozapadne Hrvatske i otoka Vira.

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    The family of hares (Leporidae) expresses significant variation of morphological features under the influence of environment and diet. The aim of this research was the craniometric analysis of hares from two different habitat types, in order to confirm the presence of different ecotypes of this species in Croatia. The hares were sampled in the area of the island of Vir (Mediterranean habitat) and north-west Croatia (continental habitat). Craniometric measurements were conducted on 27 adult skulls, 12 female and 15 male skulls. 12 skulls originated from the island of Vir and 15 skulls were from north-west Croatia. 25 skull measurements were made, of which 6 were on the mandible for each skull. The results of the research showed significant variations in skull measurements between hares sampled on the island of Vir and in continental north-west Croatia. Of 19 cranium measurements, 10 measurements indicated statistical differences at P<0.01, 3 measurements indicated statistical differences at P<0.05, and of the 6 analysed mandible measurements, 5 indicated statistical differences at P<0.01. Cranium measurements that varied significantly were greater for hares from north-west Croatia by 5.11 to 12.84%, and mandible measurements also tended to be greater by 7.18 to 16.70%. Variations in craniometric measurements according to sex were not significant for both sites. The results indicate the presence of different ecotypes of European hare in Mediterranean and continental habitats.Porodica zečeva (Leporidae) sposobna je pod utjecajem okoliÅ”a i načina prehrane očitovati znatne razlike morfoloÅ”kih obilježja. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je kraniometrijska analiza zečeva (Lepus europaeus Pall.) s dva različita tipa staniÅ”ta, kako bi se potvrdilo postojanje različitih morfoloÅ”kih varijacija (ekotipova) ove vrste u Hrvatskoj. Zečevi su uzorkovani na području otoka Vira (mediteransko staniÅ”te) i sjeverozapadne Hrvatske (kontinentalno staniÅ”te). Kraniometrijska mjerenja su provedena na 27 lubanja odraslih zečeva, 12 ženskog i 15 muÅ”kog spola. Dvanaest lubanja potječe s područja otoka Vira, a 15 s područja sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Na svakoj lubanji je izmjereno 25 mjera, od čega 6 na donjoj čeljusti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su statistički značajne razlike između veličine lubanja zečeva koji žive na otoku Viru i onih koji potječu s kontinentalnog dijela sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Od 19 mjera lubanje, 10 mjera pokazalo je razliku na razini značajnosti P<0,01, 3 mjere pokazale su razliku na razini značajnosti P<0,05, a od 6 analiziranih mjera mandibule, 5 ih je bilo na razini značajnosti P<0,01. Mjere lubanje koje su pokazale statistički značajnu razliku bile su veće na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske od onih s područja otoka Vira od 5,11 - 12,84%, dok su mjere donje čeljusti bile veće na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske 7,18 - 16,70 %. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između kraniometrijskih karakteristika među spolovima unutar istog staniÅ”ta. Rezultati istraživanja govore da na otoku Viru obitava drugačiji ekotip zeca od onog na kontinentu

    Slučaj polidaktilije u srneće divljači u Hrvatskoj.

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    A male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) aged 2 years was shot near NaÅ”ice in Croatia, exhibiting polydactylism. Based on visual examination and radiographs, polydactylism was described on three limbs. On the front and hind right feet digit 2 was duplicated and on the hind left foot there was a 2nd extra metatarsal bone with 3 digits.Slučaj polidaktilije opisan je u srnjaka (Capreolus capreolus) dobi od 2 godine, odstrijeljenoga kod NaÅ”ica u Hrvatskoj. Vizualnim pregledom te na osnovi rengenskih snimki, polidaktilija je utvrđena i opisana na tri noge. Na prednjoj i stražnjoj desnoj nozi utvrđena je duplikacija 2. prsta, a na stražnjoj lijevoj nozi pojava dodatne metatarzalne kosti s 3 prsta

    Is hunting in opposed to the protection of nature

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    U ovom članku autori iznose svoj stav kojim nastoje prikazati da lovstvo nije u suprotnosti sa zaÅ”titom prirode, naprotiv ono može biti, ako je ispravno shvaćeno i dakako ispravno provođeno, učinkovit djelatan čimbenik u očuvanju i zaÅ”titi prirode. Ne nastojeći dati sveobuhvatno opravdanje lovstva, nastojimo prikazati neizostavnost lova kao značajnog čimbenika u povijesnom razvoju čovjeka, uvažavajući pri tome dio prigovora koji se upućuju lovu i lovstvu. Možemo reći da je lov jedan od osnovnih čimbenika čovjekova razvoja kako na bioloÅ”koj i evolucijskoj razini, tako i na duhovnom i kulturnom planu. Danas možemo reći da lovstvo ima značajke ne samo stručne, praktične, discipline nego i znanstvene značajke jer svoj objekt proučava temeljem bioloÅ”kih znanja, poglavito Å”umarstva, veterinarske medicine, ekologije i sličnih znanosti u svojoj prirodoznanstvenoj specifičnosti. Opće je poznato da je i lov, bez obzira na motive, često puta bio instrument devastacije prirode. Suvremeni način života, u svojem ispravnom obliku omogućuje da čovjek, koristeći prirodne izvore, od prirode uzme viÅ”ak koji ona pruža, a da pri tom ne ugrozi kolijevku svojeg postojanja, ali ni prirodnu cjelovitost. Tada, smatramo, on ne čini bioloÅ”ki, niti etički neprihvatljivu djelatnost. Suvremeno lovstvo nudi modus kojim lov nije ni instrumentalno, niti sadržajno element razaranja, nego je važna poluga očuvanja i zaÅ”tite prirode.The authors of the article consider hunting is not as not opposed to the protection of nature. On the contrary, if correctly perceived and properly implemented, it can be a significant factor that contributes to its protection. In the article the authors are not trying to justify hunting comprehensively, but want to point at the inevitability of hunting as a relevant factor in the historical development of mankind, taking into consideration some of the criticism related to it. As already mentioned, the authors claim hunting as one of the major factors of human development, not only at the biological and evolutional levels, but also in its spiritual and cultural field. Nowadays one can say that the hunting is both a practical and a scientific discipline, because the object of its study is based on the biological knowledge of forestry, veterinary medicine, ecology and similar disciplines. It is well known that hunting, no matter what its motives were, has often been an instrument in the devastation of nature. The modern way of life enables man to take whatever the nature offers, without posing a threat upon his existence and the integrity of nature. The authors believe that man would thus not be engaged in any kind of biologically or ethically unaccepted activities. Modern hunting offers the way by which it would not be an instrument of devastation but an important element in the protection of nature

    EkoloÅ”ki parametri populacije zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na području Međimurja nakon pada brojnosti posljednjih 40 godina

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    A total of 383 European hares (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) were sampled from three separate hunting grounds within the Međimurje region from 2004 to 2006 including, Čakovec, HodoÅ”an and Mala Subotica. Based on the eye lens mass the age structure of hares was determined. Reproductive effort per capita varied from 0.62 to 1.54 leverets per hare with female reproductive effort varying from 0.62 to 3.40 leverets per female. On average 46.7% of the hunting bag consisted of yearlings. The sex ratio varied between years from 0.39 to 0.69 females:males. Weight varied significantly between juveniles and adults regardless of sex (p<0.05) and ranged from 3.64 to 4.17 kg. Spring densities varied from 15-23 hares/km2 between hunting grounds. Analysis of data from the management plans of Međimurje region over the last 38 years showed that game bag record decreased approximately 9-fold and the relative hare abundance declined by 56% from 1967 to 2005. According to management plans the area productive for hunting hares declined by 62% in that period and this is probably one of the main reasons for the current trend of population decline in Međimurje.U razdoblju od 2004.-2006. god. provedeno je istraživanje zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na tri lovna područja Međimurja (Mala Subotica, HodoÅ”an, Čakovec). Nakon odstrjela obrađena su 383 zeca. Temeljem mase očnih leća određivana je dobna struktura zečeva. Za istraživana lovna područja prosječan udio mladih jedinki iznosio je 46.7 % od ukupne populacije zečeva. Reprodukcijski indeks varirao je od 0.62 do 3.40, a koeficijent reprodukcije od 0.62 do 1.54. Proljetna gustoća populacije kretala se od 15 do 23 jedinki/100 ha lovno-produktivne povrÅ”ine. Omjer spolova ovisno o godini varirao je od 0.39-0.69. Razlika u težini mladih i starih jedinki oba spola bila je statistički značajna (P<0.05). Utvrđena prosječna težina zečeva prema dobi i spolu kretala se od 3.64 kod mladih do 4.17 kg kod odraslih. Analiza podataka iz planova gospodarenja za posljednjih 40 godina pokazala je da je odstrjel zečeva na istom području smanjen za 9 puta, a brojnost populacije 2005. god. u odnosu na 1967. god. smanjena je za 56 %. Analizom veličine lovno-produktivne povrÅ”ine iz planova gospodarenja utvrđeno je njeno smanjenje za navedeno razdoblje za 62 % pa je to vjerojatno i glavni razlog sadaÅ”njem trendu pada brojnosti populacije u Međimurju


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    U posljednjih petnaestak godina uočeno je značajno povećanje brojnosti populacije čaglja (Canis aureus aureus Linnaeus, 1758) u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Budući da je grabežljivac, smatra se da povećanom brojnoŔću čini znatne Å”tete u loviÅ”tu, prvenstveno hraneći se plemenitim vrstama divljači. U cilju provjere ove tvrdnje te utvrđivanja njegovih hranidbenih navika analiziran je sadržaj 40 želudaca čagljeva odstrijeljenih tijekom jedne lovne godine, pri čemu je pronađeno: dlake divlje svinje (kod 14 primjeraka), dlake i miÅ”ićno tkivo srneće divljači (3), mali glodavci (7), perje fazana (2), ostaci domaće svinje i peradi (12), beskraljeÅ”njaci i njihove ličinke (4), jaje (1), divlje i kultivirano voće, dudovi, Å”ljive, viÅ”nje, glog (9), kukuruz u raznim fazama zriobe (6), zrnje suncokreta (3), sjemenke amorfe (1), liŔće raznih trava (3) i otpaci anorganskog podrijetla (plastična folija). Za pretpostaviti je da su meso i dlaka podrijetlom od žive (srna) odnosno ranjene divljači (divlja svinja) ili da su pojedene nakon nepravilnog odlaganja sirovina animalnog podrijetla u loviÅ”tu. Mali glodavci u želucu potječu od primjeraka koje su čagljevi ulovili prvenstveno na poljoprivrednim povrÅ”inama. Evidentno je da čagalj u pre-hrani koristi i različite vrste voća ovisno o godiÅ”njem dobu odnosno vremenu njihova dozrijevanja. Može se zaključiti da je čagalj primarno izvrstan sanitarac u loviÅ”tu, budući da se prvenstveno hrani leÅ”inama i otpacima u loviÅ”tu, a tek u njihovom nedostatku uzima hranu biljnog podrijetla odnosno lovi drugu dostupnu divljač, čime predstavlja potencijalnu Å”tetočinu u loviÅ”tu.In the past fifteen years a considerable increase of golden jackal (Canis aureus aureus) population was perceived on the territory of east Croatia. Since the golden jackal is a predator, it may be concluded that the increased number can cause a significant damage in the hunting grounds, especially by feeding on noble game. For the purpose of verification this assertion and determination of jackal consumption habits, 40 stomachs of the golden jackal were analyzed during the one year period. In that time various remains were found: wild boar hair (in 14 samples), hair and muscle tissue of roe deer (3), small rodents (7), pheasant feathers (1), remains of domestic pigs and poultry (12), vertebrates and their larvae (3), eggs (1), wild and cultivated fruits, (8), corn in different phases of ripening (2), sunflower seeds (1), grains of Amorfa fruticosa (1), leafs of different kinds of grass and herbs (3) and different inorganic litter (plastic foil). It could be presumed that meat and hair were from live (roe dear) or wounded game (wild boar) or those they were eaten after inappropriate disposal of animal remains in their hunting ground. Small rodents originate from animals which jackals caught on agricultural land. It is obvious that golden jackal also uses in its diet different fruits, depending on season and itā€™s ripening time. It may be concluded that golden jackal is primarily good cleaner in hunting grounds since he uses for its diet carcasses and litter, and only in their absence, he eats the food of non animal origin or hunts for other accessible game which turns him into vermin in those particular hunting grounds

    Population genetic structure in a rapidly expanding mesocarnivore

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    Species range expansions and (re)colonization of landscapes variously dominated by humans occur on a global scale. Understanding such range enlargements and subsequent changes in the composition of ecological communities is important for conservation management, and the golden jackal (Canis aureus) can be considered a model species for regional and continental range expansion. Although this mesopredator has been known from the Adriatic Coast of southeastern Europe for over 500 years, the species is a recent arrival further north, including in Slovenia where jackals were first confirmed in the 1950s. Research from eastern Italy found jackals with ancestry from the Dalmatian region on the Adriatic Coast and the Pannonian region further east. We predicted similar ancestry for Slovenian jackals, and examined samples from Croatia, including Dalmatia and interior regions, Serbia, Hungary, and Slovenia with 25 microsatellite markers to determine population genetic structure. We detected two distinct genetic clusters, representing the Dalmatian and Balkan-Pannonian (Pannonian) jackal populations (FST_{ST} = 0.157, 95% CI: 0.112ā€“0.209). Contrary to expectations, only few individuals in Slovenia exhibited signs of Dalmatian ancestry, and none appeared to be direct immigrants. Some results suggested a third cluster centered in northern Hungary. These divergent profiles might indicate immigration from outside the study area, and samples from regions further east are required for additional resolution. Based on our results, we hypothesize that Dalmatia has not been a substantial source for recent range expansion of the species, which has likely occurred from the east. Further investigation can help resolve the ancestry and current distribution of the Dalmatian and Pannonian populations, and the ecological relationships resulting from progressively overlapping distributions of canid species. Finally, genomic research could illuminate whether genetic variants from eastern areas might have facilitated jackal expansion into regions characterized by a colder climate, the presence of snow, and extensive forest coverhabitats seemingly avoided by the jackals occupying the Adriatic Coast and surrounding areas in southeastern Europe