17 research outputs found

    Development of the caudal part of the human embryo

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    No comprehensive model of the development of the gut and cloaca of human embryos is presently available. This thesis illustrates the normal development of this region in human embryos and foetuses in the form of interactive 3D models. The thesis first describes the changes in the shape and the fate of the hindgut and cloaca. It then continues with the autonomic innervation of these distal parts of the gut. The innervation of organs in embryos is more easily accessible for study than later in life, because nervous tissue is relatively large at that stage. The thesis presents informative models of human embryos and their developing gut and autonomic nerves, but also contains quantitative data on the distribution of areas with more or with less than average growth. Insight into this so-called differential growth among structures in the embryo helps to explain how these structures grow and acquire their definitive shape. The well-defined models of the embryos and their composing parts provide testable models of human development. We are convinced that these short biographies of key organs in the body will help physicians to understand their anatomy and imagine their function and pathology

    Development of the sympathetic trunks in human embryos

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    Although the development of the sympathetic trunks was first described >100 years ago, the topographic aspect of their development has received relatively little attention. We visualised the sympathetic trunks in human embryos of 4.5–10 weeks post‐fertilisation, using Amira 3D‐reconstruction and Cinema 4D‐remodelling software. Scattered, intensely staining neural crest‐derived ganglionic cells that soon formed longitudinal columns were first seen laterally to the dorsal aorta in the cervical and upper thoracic regions of Carnegie stage (CS)14 embryos. Nerve fibres extending from the communicating branches with the spinal cord reached the trunks at CS15‐16 and became incorporated randomly between ganglionic cells. After CS18, ganglionic cells became organised as irregular agglomerates (ganglia) on a craniocaudally continuous cord of nerve fibres, with dorsally more ganglionic cells and ventrally more fibres. Accordingly, the trunks assumed a “pearls‐on‐a‐string” appearance, but size and distribution of the pearls were markedly heterogeneous. The change in position of the sympathetic trunks from lateral (para‐aortic) to dorsolateral (prevertebral or paravertebral) is a criterion to distinguish the “primary” and “secondary” sympathetic trunks. We investigated the position of the trunks at vertebral levels T2, T7, L1 and S1. During CS14, the trunks occupied a para‐aortic position, which changed into a prevertebral position in the cervical and upper thoracic regions during CS15, and in the lower thoracic and lumbar regions during CS18 and CS20, respectively. The thoracic sympathetic trunks continued to move further dorsally and attained a paravertebral position at CS23. The sacral trunks retained their para‐aortic and prevertebral position, and converged into a single column in front of the coccyx. Based on our present and earlier morphometric measurements and literature data, we argue that differential growth accounts for the regional differences in position of the sympathetic trunks

    A pictorial account of the human embryonic heart between 3.5 and 8 weeks of development

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    Heart development is topographically complex and requires visualization to understand its progression. No comprehensive 3-dimensional primer of human cardiac development is currently available. We prepared detailed reconstructions of 12 hearts between 3.5 and 8 weeks post fertilization, using AmiraÂź 3D-reconstruction and Cinema4DÂź-remodeling software. The models were visualized as calibrated interactive 3D-PDFs. We describe the developmental appearance and subsequent remodeling of 70 different structures incrementally, using sequential segmental analysis. Pictorial timelines of structures highlight age-dependent events, while graphs visualize growth and spiraling of the wall of the heart tube. The basic cardiac layout is established between 3.5 and 4.5 weeks. Septation at the venous pole is completed at 6 weeks. Between 5.5 and 6.5 weeks, as the outflow tract becomes incorporated in the ventricles, the spiraling course of its subaortic and subpulmonary channels is transferred to the intrapericardial arterial trunks. The remodeling of the interventricular foramen is complete at 7 weeks

    A pictorial account of the human embryonic heart between 3.5 and 8 weeks of development

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    Heart development is topographically complex and requires visualization to understand its progression. No comprehensive 3-dimensional primer of human cardiac development is currently available. We prepared detailed reconstructions of 12 hearts between 3.5 and 8 weeks post fertilization, using AmiraÂź 3D-reconstruction and Cinema4DÂź-remodeling software. The models were visualized as calibrated interactive 3D-PDFs. We describe the developmental appearance and subsequent remodeling of 70 different structures incrementally, using sequential segmental analysis. Pictorial timelines of structures highlight age-dependent events, while graphs visualize growth and spiraling of the wall of the heart tube. The basic cardiac layout is established between 3.5 and 4.5 weeks. Septation at the venous pole is completed at 6 weeks. Between 5.5 and 6.5 weeks, as the outflow tract becomes incorporated in the ventricles, the spiraling course of its subaortic and subpulmonary channels is transferred to the intrapericardial arterial trunks. The remodeling of the interventricular foramen is complete at 7 weeks

    Development of the sympathetic trunks in human embryos

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    Although the development of the sympathetic trunks was first described >100 years ago, the topographic aspect of their development has received relatively little attention. We visualised the sympathetic trunks in human embryos of 4.5–10 weeks post-fertilisation, using Amira 3D-reconstruction and Cinema 4D-remodelling software. Scattered, intensely staining neural crest-derived ganglionic cells that soon formed longitudinal columns were first seen laterally to the dorsal aorta in the cervical and upper thoracic regions of Carnegie stage (CS)14 embryos. Nerve fibres extending from the communicating branches with the spinal cord reached the trunks at CS15-16 and became incorporated randomly between ganglionic cells. After CS18, ganglionic cells became organised as irregular agglomerates (ganglia) on a craniocaudally continuous cord of nerve fibres, with dorsally more ganglionic cells and ventrally more fibres. Accordingly, the trunks assumed a “pearls-on-a-string” appearance, but size and distribution of the pearls were markedly heterogeneous. The change in position of the sympathetic trunks from lateral (para-aortic) to dorsolateral (prevertebral or paravertebral) is a criterion to distinguish the “primary” and “secondary” sympathetic trunks. We investigated the position of the trunks at vertebral levels T2, T7, L1 and S1. During CS14, the trunks occupied a para-aortic position, which changed into a prevertebral position in the cervical and upper thoracic regions during CS15, and in the lower thoracic and lumbar regions during CS18 and CS20, respectively. The thoracic sympathetic trunks continued to move further dorsally and attained a paravertebral position at CS23. The sacral trunks retained their para-aortic and prevertebral position, and converged into a single column in front of the coccyx. Based on our present and earlier morphometric measurements and literature data, we argue that differential growth accounts for the regional differences in position of the sympathetic trunks

    Anatomy of rodent and human livers: What are the differences?

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    The size of the liver of terrestrial mammals obeys the allometric scaling law over a weight range of >3 ∗ 106. Since scaling reflects adaptive changes in size or scale among otherwise similar animals, we can expect to observe more similarities than differences between rodent and human livers. Obvious differences, such as the presence (rodents) or absence (humans) of lobation and the presence (mice, humans) or absence (rats) of a gallbladder, suggest qualitative differences between the livers of these species. After review, however, we conclude that these dissimilarities represent relatively small quantitative differences. The microarchitecture of the liver is very similar among mammalian species and best represented by the lobular concept, with the biggest difference present in the degree of connective tissue development in the portal tracts. Although larger mammals have larger lobules, increasing size of the liver is mainly accomplished by increasing the number of lobules. The increasing role of the hepatic artery in lobular perfusion of larger species is, perhaps, the most important and least known difference between small and large livers, because it profoundly affects not only interventions like liver transplantations, but also calculations of liver function

    Cross-Sectional Area of the Tibial Nerve in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Ultrasonography Studies

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    Background: There is a link between diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) progression and the increase in the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the tibial nerve at the ankle. Nevertheless, no prior meta-analysis has been conducted to evaluate its usefulness for the diagnosis of DPN. Methods: We searched Google Scholar, Scopus, and PubMed for potential studies. Studies had to report tibial nerve CSA at the ankle and diabetes status (DM, DPN, or healthy) to be included. A random-effect meta-analysis was applied to calculate pooled tibial nerve CSA and mean differences across the groups. Subgroup and correlational analyses were conducted to study the potential covariates. Results: The analysis of 3295 subjects revealed that tibial nerve CSA was 13.39 mm2 (CI: 10.94–15.85) in DM patients and 15.12 mm2 (CI: 11.76–18.48) in DPN patients. The CSA was 1.93 mm2 (CI: 0.92–2.95, I2 = 98.69%, p < 0.01) larger than DPN-free diabetic patients. The diagnostic criteria of DPN and age were also identified as potential moderators of tibial nerve CSA. Conclusions: Although tibial nerve CSA at the ankle was significantly larger in the DPN patients, its clinical usefulness is limited by the overlap between groups and the inconsistency in the criteria used to diagnose DPN

    Extrinsic innervation of the pelvic organs in the lesser pelvis of human embryos

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    Realistic models to understand the developmental appearance of the pelvic nervous system in mammals are scarce. We visualized the development of the inferior hypogastric plexus and its preganglionic connections in human embryos at 4-8 weeks post-fertilization, using Amira 3D reconstruction and Cinema 4D-remodelling software. We defined the embryonic lesser pelvis as the pelvic area caudal to both umbilical arteries and containing the hindgut. Neural crest cells (NCCs) appeared dorsolateral to the median sacral artery near vertebra S1 at similar to 5 weeks and had extended to vertebra S5 1 day later. Once para-arterial, NCCs either formed sympathetic ganglia or continued to migrate ventrally to the pre-arterial region, where they formed large bilateral inferior hypogastric ganglionic cell clusters (IHGCs). Unlike more cranial pre-aortic plexuses, both IHGCs did not merge because the 'pelvic pouch', a temporary caudal extension of the peritoneal cavity, interposed. Although NCCs in the sacral area started to migrate later, they reached their pre-arterial position simultaneously with the NCCs in the thoracolumbar regions. Accordingly, the superior hypogastric nerve, a caudal extension of the lumbar splanchnic nerves along the superior rectal artery, contacted the IHGCs only 1 day later than the lumbar splanchnic nerves contacted the inferior mesenteric ganglion. The superior hypogastric nerve subsequently splits to become the superior hypogastric plexus. The IHGCs had two additional sources of preganglionic innervation, of which the pelvic splanchnic nerves arrived at similar to 6.5 weeks and the sacral splanchnic nerves only at similar to 8 weeks. After all preganglionic connections had formed, separate parts of the inferior hypogastric plexus formed at the bladder neck and distal hindgut