490 research outputs found

    Building consensus for riparian users: toward the twenty-first century

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    Society\u27s definition of the acceptable use of riparian areas changes over time. Land managers must accept these changes and find ways to help rangeland users work together to develop shared visions for all resources. One approach that has worked for the Oregon Watershed Improvement Coalition (OWIC) is the use of abundance theory and the coalition-building process. Abundance theory focuses attention on the needs of the people and on the importance of understanding one another. This method helps to allay the fear with which many resource users approach on another on resource issues. By using abundance theory and coalition building, OWIC has successfully improved the management and shared vision of Oregon\u27s watersheds and associated riparian areas

    Agriculture and riparian areas

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    Agriculture has historically been based in the subirrigated riparian ecosystems. Often the engineering and agricultural practices have altered the systems and many of the associated ecological processes. In the Western United States, the most common agricultural practices affecting riparian systems has been livestock grazing. Effects have been both positive and negative. Lack of management has deteriorated many of these systems. Current research has shown what types of management have been successful in allowing grazing by livestock to improve the grazing capacity

    Biodiversity as a facet of rangeland research

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    Biodiversity is only partially a scientific issue. Philosophical and political value systems drive much of the debate and action. Better science would, however, help expose much of what is presently intuitive but may be false. A topic upon which range scientists have much to contribute is how plant diversity relates to successional status of woodlands, grasslands, shrub steppe, and deserts. Correspondence of vegetational change to animal habitats and soil erosion follows. Closer monitoring of large blocks of land under multiple use could lead to a blending of research with management. Definitive understanding of mechanisms will, however, require well-designed manipulated experiments with adequate controls maintained over longer time spans than has been the case in the past

    Prevention of infection and disruption of the pathogen transfer chain in elective surgery

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us all to stop our normal activities and consider how we can safely return to caring for our patients. There are many common practices (such as an increased use of personal protective equipment) which we are all familiar with that can be easily incorporated into our daily routines. Other actions, such as cleaning more surfaces with solutions such as dilute povidone iodine or changing the air filtration systems used within operating room theaters, may require more extensive efforts on our behalf. In this article, we have attempted to highlight some of the changes that arthroplasty surgeons may need to instigate when we are able to resume elective joint arthroplasty procedures in an effort to disrupt the chain of pathogen transfer

    Ozonation process analysis. Project 2697-3, report three : a progress report to the Fourdrinier Kraft Board Group of the American Paper Institute

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    "August 29, 1980.""The Institute of Paper Chemistry, William C. Krueger ... William J. Whitsitt ... Clyde H. Sprague.

    Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Supernova Remnants

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    We present Infrared Space Observatory spectroscopy of sites in the supernova remnants W28, W44, and 3C391, where blast waves are impacting molecular clouds. Atomic fine-structure lines were detected from C, N, O, Si, P, and Fe. The S(3) and S(9) lines of H2 were detected for all three remnants. The observations require both shocks into gas with moderate (~ 100 /cm3) and high (~10,000 /cm3) pre-shock densities, with the moderate density shocks producing the ionic lines and the high density shock producing the molecular lines. No single shock model can account for all of the observed lines, even at the order of magnitude level. We find that the principal coolants of radiative supernova shocks in moderate-density gas are the far-infrared continuum from dust grains surviving the shock, followed by collisionally-excited [O I] 63.2 and [Si II] 34.8 micron lines. The principal coolant of the high-density shocks is collisionally-excited H2 rotational and ro-vibrational line emission. We systematically examine the ground-state fine structure of all cosmically abundant elements, to explain the presence or lack of all atomic fine lines in our spectra in terms of the atomic structure, interstellar abundances, and a moderate-density, partially-ionized plasma. The [P II] line at 60.6 microns is the first known astronomical detection. There is one bright unidentified line in our spectra, at 74.26 microns. The presence of bright [Si II] and [Fe II] lines requires partial destruction of the dust. The required gas-phase abundance of Fe suggests 15-30% of the Fe-bearing grains were destroyed. The infrared continuum brightness requires ~1 Msun of dust survives the shock, suggesting about 1/3 of the dust mass was destroyed, in agreement with the depletion estimate and with theoretical models for dust destruction.Comment: 40 pages; 10 figures; accepted by ApJ July 11, 200

    Comparison of TOMS and AVHRR volcanic ash retrievals from the August 1992 eruption of Mt. Spurr

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    On August 19, 1992, the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) onboard NOAA-12 and NASA\u27s Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) onboard the Nimbus-7 satellite simultaneously detected and mapped the ash cloud from the eruption of Mt. Spurr, Alaska. The spatial extent and geometry of the cloud derived from the two datasets are in good agreement and both AVHRR split window IR (11–12µm brightness temperature difference) and the TOMS UV Aerosol Index (0.34–0.38µm ultraviolet backscattering and absorption) methods give the same range of total cloud ash mass. Redundant methods for determination of ash masses in drifting volcanic clouds offer many advantages for potential application to the mitigation of aircraft hazards
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