75 research outputs found

    Evaluation of forage yields in the urban populations of three Vicia species

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    The Annual Forage Legumes Collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is constantly enriched with the wild populations of large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora Scop.), narrow-leafed vetch (Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). A small-plot trial was carried out from the autumn 2005 to the summer 2007 at the Experiment Field of the Institute at Rimski Šančevi, which included seven urban populations of large-flowered vetch, seven of narrow-leafed vetch and seven of hairy vetch. The average yields varied from 13.7 t ha-1 of green for- age and 4.1 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the narrow-leafed vetch VN 03 to 50.9 t ha-1 of green forage and 11.7 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the hairy vetch VV 06

    Sezonske promene sadržaja proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti, mineralnih materija u suvoj materiji crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is the second most important perennial forage legume, after alfalfa. It is a significant source of proteins, which are essential in the diet of domestic animals, especially ruminants. The objective of this study was to determine the most important characteristics of dry matter quality (crude proteins, structural carbohydrates, fats and minerals) in three varieties of red clover (K-17, Kolubara and Una). The characteristics were monitored, per individual cuts, during one production cycle of red clover, i.e., in the period 2004- 2006. Highest contents of crude protein in all three test years were obtained in the second cut. Significantly increased contents of crude proteins (18.32%) and potassium (K-2.53%) were found in the red clover cultivar Una developed in Novi Sad. Significantly increased values of both cellulose fiber fractions (NDF, ADF) were registered in the second year of growing. The highest content of minerals was determined at the beginning of the growing season in the first and second year (8.68% and 8.52%, respectively). Here it should be mentioned that the contents of basic biogenous elements, phosphorus and potassium, were within the expected optimum range.Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.) je druga po značaju viÅ”egodiÅ”nja krmna leguminoza. Slično lucerki značajan je izvor proteina, neophodnih u ishrani domaćih životinja, a naročito preživara. Cilj rada je bio da se tokom jednog proizvodnog ciklusa crvene deteline, u periodu 2004-2006. godine po otkosima utvrde najvažniji parametri kvaliteta suve materije: sadržaj sirovih proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti i mineralnih materija kod tri domaće sorte crvene deteline: K-17, Kolubara i Una. Najveći sadržaj sirovih proteina u sve tri godine ispitivanja je utvrđen u drugom otkosu. Značajno veći sadržaj sirovih proteina (18,32 %) i kalijuma (K-2,53 %) je utvrđen kod NS-sorte crvene deteline Une. Statistički značajno veće vrednosti obe frakcije celuloznih vlakana (NDF, ADF) su utvrđene u drugoj godini života crvene deteline. Najveći sadržaj mineralnih materija je utvrđen početkom vegetacije prve (8,68 %) i druge godine proizvodnog ciklusa (8,52 %) crvene deteline, pri čemu treba istaći da se sadržaj osnovnih biogenih elementa: fosfora i kalijuma nalazio u očekivanim optimalnim granicama

    Varijabilnost bioloŔkih i agronomskih karaktera divljih grahorica (Vicia) flore Vojvodine

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    In flora of Vojvodina there are 23 vetch species of different origin Morphological variability, micromorphological analyses of seed testa organization of vegetative organs, content of elements (N, Ca) were presented in this work. Results given in this review paper suggest biodiversity of investigated wild wetch species. Taxonomic and genetic variability of species of Vicia genera can be very interesting from different point of view.U flori Vojvodine, na različitim staniŔtima raste 23 vrste divljih grahorica U radu se daju staniŔta, botaničke i agronomske karakteristike, odnosno diverzitet grahorica, koji može biti od interesa za agronomsku praksu. Analizirani podaci ukazuju na morfoloŔku, anatomsku i hemijsku varijabilnost biljaka i semena grahorica

    Projektovanje solarnih sistema za arhitektonske objekte i BIM alati - pregled relevantnih geometrijskih aspekata

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    The paper systematizes geometric aspects relevant for understanding design of solar systems. The systematization is based on a review of literature dedicated to various kinds of engineers, including architects, involved in a multidisciplinary process of conceptualizing, designing and realization of PV systems. The understanding of the presented geometric aspects, known as solar geometry, is important not only in terms of finding optimal orientation and most effective tilt of solar modules, but also in terms of adequate geometric modelling of faƧade elements of a complex shape (as specific photovoltaic modules) in order to be optimally exposed to the sun all over the year. After providing detailed explanations of the main elements of solar geometry using the tools of spherical trigonometry, the paper discusses the integration of the presented geometric concepts in the BIM environments, and refers the example of Autodesk Revit software through its sun study tool. Analysed are functionalities of all interactive components of the 3D solar path representation. A need for more explicit determination of an incidence angle of the sun rays on a tilted surface is stressed. In the conclusion highlighted is the essential knowledge on solar geometry that needs to be acquired during architectural education, so that architects participating in the BIM working environments could be prepared for efficient conceptualization of integrated solar systems.U radu su sistematizovani najvažniji geometrijski aspekti koji su relevantni za celovito razumevanje projektovanja fotonaponskih sistema. Ova sistematizacija se bazira na pregledu literature namenjene različitim inženjerima, uključujući arhitekte koji su uključeni u multidisciplinarne procese konceptualizacije, projektovanja i realizacije fotonaponskih sistema. Razumevanje prikazanih geometrijskih aspekata, u literaturi objedinjenih pod nazivom solarna geometrija, značajno je ne samo zbog pronalaženja optimalne orijentacije i najefektnijeg nagiba fotonaponskih modula, nego i zbog adekvatnog oblikovanja geometrijski kompleksnih fasadnih elemenata, koji bi trebalo da budu optimalno osunčani tokom cele godine. Nakon detaljnog objaÅ”njenja osnovnih elemenata solarne geometrije koriŔćenjem sferne trigonometrije, u radu je prodiskutovana integracija prikazanih geometrijskih koncepata u BIM okruženja, ilustrovana primerom modula za analize osunčanja u okviru softvera Revit, firme Autodesk. Analizirana je funkcionalnost svih interaktivnih komponenata 3D prikaza sunčeve putanje. NaglaÅ”ena je potreba za eksplicitnijim određivanjem upadnog ugla sunčevih zraka na nagnutu povrÅ” fotonaponskog modula. U zaključnom delu izdvojeno je ono znanje o solarnoj geometriji koje bi bilo neophodno usvojiti u procesu arhitektonskog obrazovanja, kako bi projektanti koji rade u BIM okruženju bili pripremljeni za efikasnu konceptualizaciju integrisanih fotonaponskih sistema

    Effect of irrigation schedules on yield and water use of onion (Allium cepa L.)

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    In order to study the effect of different irrigation schedules on yield and water use of onion (Allium cepa L., cv. Alek and Kupusinski jabucar), a field experiment was conducted on the calcareous chernozem soil in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad in Serbia during 2005, 2006 and 2007 growing seasons. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design and adapted to conditions of sprinkling irrigation. Three irrigation treatments according to available soil water depletion (T-1 30, T 2 50 and T-3 70%) and a rainfed treatment (T-0) were included. Results showed that onion yield was significantly affected by irrigation. The highest onion bulb yields of 30.22 and 34.99 t ha(-1) were obtained from treatment T-1 and T-3, respectively, in 2005. However, the highest onion bulb yields of 38.46 and 40.07 t ha(-1) were obtained from T-2 and T-3 treatment in 2006 and 40.96 t ha(-1) from T-1 treatment in 2007, respectively. The lowest yield of 10.10 t ha(-1) was obtained from T-0 treatment in 2007 with limited precipitation and higher than average seasonal temperatures. The seasonal evapotranspiration values of irrigated (ETirr) and non irrigated (ETO) onions ranged from 435.6 to 542.9 mm and 290.2 to 393.9 mm, respectively. The highest and lowest water use efficiency (WUE) of 91.35 kg and 34.80 kg ha(-1) mm(-1) was obtained in irrigation and rainfed conditions in 2007, respectively. The highest irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of 280.54 kg ha(-1) mm(-1) was obtained from T-1 treatment in 2007, while the lowest value of 45.83 kg ha(-1) mm(-1) was obtained from T-1 treatment during the rainy period of 2005. High yields of bulbs produced from treatments T-1, T-2 and T-3 in different years indicated that amount and distribution of precipitation seriously affected the soil water regime and irrigation schedule of onion in the region. Therefore, irrigation schedule of onion has to be adjusted to climatic conditions of each year, mostly to amount and distribution of precipitation

    Response of sugar beet to soil water deficit

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    An investigation was carried out at Rimski Sancevi, experiment field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad in the period 2001-2006, aiming to determine the response of sugar beet to soil water deficit, using crop response factor (ky). The values of ky were derived from the linear relationship between relative seasonal evapotranspiration deficits (1-ETa/ETm) and relative yield loss (1-Ya/Ym). Values of crop response factor in the growing period (ky 0.45) indicated that sugar beet is moderately sensitive to soil water stress in the climatic conditions of the Vojvodina Province

    Contribution and significance of Heidelberg retinal tomography II in diagnostics of ocular hypertension and its conversion into primary open-angle glaucoma

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    Background/Aim. A term 'ocular hypertension' is used when IOP is found to be > 21 mmHg on two consecutive occasions, in the absence of detectable glaucomatous damage. The aim of this study was to determine the significance and contribution of Heidelberg Retinal Tomography II (HRT II) results that show very early, subtle changes in retinal neurofibre layers (RNFL) in the optic nerve head that are specific for glaucoma itself (the loss of neuroretinal rim area and an increase of Cup/Disc ratio), but are not possible to register by an ophthalmoscope. Also, when the results of the functional tests remain unchanged, that confirms the conversion of ocular hypertension into glaucoma. Methods. During a 5-year study period (2002-2007), 29 patients with ocular hypertension were examined. The frequency of control examinations, based on the presence of risk factors for glaucoma development, was 3-6 months. The examination also included IOP measurements with Goldmann Applanation Tonometry (GAT), central corneal thickness (CCT) determination by pachymetry, the examination of chamber angle using indirect gonioscopy, visual field tests by computerized perimetry and also papillae nervi optici (PNO) examination by using HRT II. The application of HRT II enables a great number of stereometric parameters of optic disc, the most important being the rim area and Cup/Disc (C/D) ratio, which was followed during the control examination by each segment, as well as PNO in global. Results. In the examination period, three cases of conversion of ocular hypertension into a primary open-angle glaucoma were found. In the group of patients with ocular hypertension, HRT II results after six months did not show a significant increase in C/D ratio. No significant loss of rim area or rim volume was found either. In three cases of conversion, HRT II results after 3 months showed an increase of C/D ratio and also a significant loss in rim volume at first examination (0.413) comparing to the last one. Conclusion. In diagnosing ocular hypertension and its conversion to glaucoma, HRT II is used for quantitative evaluation of retinal topography and for quantitative monitoring of topographical changes, especially regarding the increase of C/D ratio and loss of rim volume tissue, which enables to see and register subtle structural changes in optic nerve head and RNFL that are so characteristic for glaucoma, which cannot be seen by an ophthalmoscope. With these results, according to risk factors for glaucoma, one can confirm the diagnosis of ocular hypertension and its conversion to primary open-angle glaucoma. In this study HRT II revealed conversion of ocular hypertension into glaucoma in 10% of the patients

    Words related to some annual egumes in Slavic and other indo-European languages

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    The Indo-European languages form the largest and the most widely distributed linguistic family in the world today. There is an extensive vocabulary common to all Slavic languages, including numerous words related to legumes. A large number of annual legumes were domesticated in the regions inhabited by Indo-European tribes, such as faba bean, pea, lentil, vetches and vetchlings. The Primitive Slavic *bob'', was derived from the Primitive Indo-European root *bhabha, denoting something swelling. There are Slavic languages with two words for lentil, with one of them derived from the Primitive Indo-European root *s(w)okw-, meaning juice, and another from the Primitive Indo-European root *lent- and *lent-s-. The Primitive Slavic *gorch'' has its root in the Primitive Indo-European *ghArs-, being one of the words denoting a leguminous plant. The Primitive Slavonic word for grain *zt''rno, has its origin in the Primitive Indo-European *ger[a]n- and *gran meaning both grain and to mature.

    Prvi rezultati gajenja buretaste lucerke (Medicago truncatula) u Srbiji

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    A small-plot trial with eight Australian barrel medic (Medicago truncatula Gaertn) cultivars was carried out in 2010 at Rimski Å ančevi. The average green forage and forage dry matter yields were highest in Jemalong (30.7 t ha-1 and 7.3 t ha-1) and Parabinga (30.7 t ha-1 and 8.0 t ha-1). Forage dry matter crude protein content ranged between 150.8 g kg-1 in Parabinga and 179.4 g kg-1 in Jester. Forage neutral detergent fibre content varied from 305.2 g kg-1 in Sephi to 458.8 g kg-1 in Caliph, while the average forage acid detergent fibre content was 312.8 g kg-1. The average seed yield for all cultivars was 281 kg ha-1 and may be considered satisfying, as it was obtained in a very rainy and warm growing season. Jemalong and Parabinga had the highest aboveground nitrogen yield (190 kg ha-1 and 193 kg ha-1) and thus the greatest potential for green manure.Mikro-ogled sa osam australijskih sorti buretaste lucerke (Medicago truncatula Gaertn) izveden je na Rimskim Å ančevima 2010. Najveći prosečni prinos zelene krme i suve materije krme bio je kod sorti Jemalong (30,7 t ha-1 i 7,3 t ha-1) i Parabinga (30,7 t ha-1 i 8,0 t ha-1). Sadržaj sirovih proteina suve materije krme kretao se između 150,8 g kg-1 kod sorte Parabinga i 179,4 g kg-1 kod sorte Jester. Sadržaj neutralno-deterdžentskih vlakana (NDF) krme kretao se od 305,2 g kg-1 kod sorte Sephi do 458,8 g kg-1 kod sorte Caliph, dok je prosečni sadržaj kiselo-deterdžentskih vlakana (ADF) bio 312,8 g kg-1. Prosečan prinos semena svih sorti iznosio je 281 kg ha-1 i može se smatrati zadovoljavajućim s obzirom na veoma kiÅ”oviti i topli vegetacioni period vrste. Sorte Jemalong i Parabinga ostvarile su najveći prinos nadzemnog azota (190 kg ha-1 i 193 kg ha-1) i time najveći potencijal za zeleniÅ”no đubrenje

    Potencijal manje rasprostranjenih vrsta jednogodiŔnjih mahunarki za prinos krme - Bob (Vicia faba l)

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    Although commonly regarded as on of the most important grain legumes, faba bean (Vicia faba L) can be successfully grown for green forage, silage and green manure. A small-plot trial has been carried out at the Rimski Sancevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops during 2005 and 2006, including ten faba bean genotypes of diverse geographic origin from the Annual Forage Legumes Collection of the Forage Crops Department (Tab. 1). All genotypes were sown in early March, with a crop density of 70 plants rrr2, and were cut in the stages of full flowering and forming of the first pods. There were significant differences in all monitored characteristics between the ten examined genotypes at the levels of 0.05 and 0.01 (Tab. 2). Green forage yield, measured in situ after the cutting, in average varied between 26.11 ha-1 in Debek and 51.4 t ha-1 in PP2. Forage dry matter yield, determined on the basis of green forage samples taken after the cutting and dried at room temperature, in average ranged from 12.7 t ha-1 in Brok to 3.91 ha-1 Debek. Forage dry matter portion, calculated as a ratio between forage dry matter yield and green forage yield, in average varied from 0.15 in FP 1 and Debek to 0.29 in Brok. Potential forage crude protein yield, determined on the basis of forage dry matter yield and an average value of forage crude protein content in faba bean of 206.8 g kg-1, in average ranged between 807 kg ha-1 in Debek and 2625 kg ha-1 in Brok. Faba bean has a considerable potential for forage production, with forage yields at the same level as forage pea and common vetch and forage crude protein yields of more than 1500 kg ha-1, as well as for green manuring, establishing itself as a crop for modern trends such as organic farming and sustainable agriculture. The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Research Institute of Plant Production Piest'any in Piest'any, Slovakia, as one of the donors of the Annual Forage Legumes Collection.Kao zrna mahunarka, bob (Vicia faba L) poseduje veliki potencijal za proizvodnju krme i primenu u vidu zeleniÅ”nog đubriva. Mikroogled, izveden tokom 2005. i 2006. godine na oglednom polju Instituta na Rimskim Å ančevima uključio je deset genotipova boba različitog geografskog porekla. Prosečan prinos zelene krme varirao je između 26,1 t ha-1 kod genotipa Debek i 51,4 t ha-1 kod genotipa PP 2. NajviÅ”i prinos suve materije krme utvrđen je kod genotipa Brok (12,7 t ha-1), dok je najniži prinos suve materije krme utvrđen kod genotipa Debek (3,9 t ha-1). Genotip Brok odlikovao se najviÅ”im udelom suve materije krme (0,29), a genotipovi PP 1 i Debek najnižim udelom suve materije krme (0,15). Prosečne vrednosti ostvarivog prinosa sirovih proteina krme kretale su se od 807 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Debek, do 2625 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Brok. Utvrđeno je postojanje značajnih razlika u prosečnim vrednostima svih praćenih osobina na oba nivoa značajnosti
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