17 research outputs found

    Concept of the right to a decent human existence as a basis for self-realization russian young people and its social and legal guarantees

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    В работе рассматривается философско-правовое и социально-экономическое обоснование концепции права на достойное человеческое существование, изучается ее практическая реализация в современной Российской Федерации.This paper considers the philosophical and legal and socio-economic justification of the concept of the right to a decent human existence. Study its practical implementation in the modern Russian Federation

    Magnetic nanoclusters coated with albumin, casein, and gelatin: Size tuning, relaxivity, stability, protein corona, and application in nuclear magnetic resonance immunoassay

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    The surface functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles improves their physicochemical properties and applicability in biomedicine. Natural polymers, including proteins, are prospective coatings capable of increasing the stability, biocompatibility, and transverse relaxivity (r2) of magnetic nanoparticles. In this work, we functionalized the nanoclusters of carbon-coated iron nanoparticles with four proteins: bovine serum albumin, casein, and gelatins A and B, and we conducted a comprehensive comparative study of their properties essential to applications in biosensing. First, we examined the influence of environmental parameters on the size of prepared nanoclusters and synthesized protein-coated nanoclusters with a tunable size. Second, we showed that protein coating does not significantly influence the r2 relaxivity of clustered nanoparticles; however, the uniform distribution of individual nanoparticles inside the protein coating facilitates increased relaxivity. Third, we demonstrated the applicability of the obtained nanoclusters in biosensing by the development of a nuclear-magnetic-resonance-based immunoassay for the quantification of antibodies against tetanus toxoid. Fourth, the protein coronas of nanoclusters were studied using SDS-PAGE and Bradford protein assay. Finally, we compared the colloidal stability at various pH values and ionic strengths and in relevant complex media (i.e., blood serum, plasma, milk, juice, beer, and red wine), as well as the heat stability, resistance to proteolytic digestion, and shelf-life of protein-coated nanoclusters. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Application of magnetic nanoparticles, fluorescent nanoparticles and nanozymes in immunoassays

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    The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-015-00408 А

    Nuclear magnetic resonance-based assays in immunodiagnostics

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    During the research, two different approaches for NMR-based assays were developed. Analytical performance of designed (table) method is acceptable for immunodiagnostics test-systems.This work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (project № 17-15-01116)

    Prussian Blue Nanozymes with Enhanced Catalytic Activity: Size Tuning and Application in ELISA-like Immunoassay

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    Prussian blue nanozymes possessing peroxidase-like activity gather significant attention as alternatives to natural enzymes in therapy, biosensing, and environmental remediation. Recently, Prussian blue nanoparticles with enhanced catalytic activity prepared by reduction of FeCl3/K3[Fe(CN)6] mixture have been reported. These nanoparticles were denoted as ‘artificial peroxidase’ nanozymes. Our study provides insights into the process of their synthesis. We studied how the size of nanozymes and synthesis yield can be controlled via adjustment of the synthesis conditions. Based on these results, we developed a reproducible and scalable method for the preparation of ‘artificial peroxidase’ with tunable sizes and enhanced catalytic activity. Nanozymes modified with gelatin shell and functionalized with affine molecules were applied as labels in colorimetric immunoassays of prostate-specific antigen and tetanus antibodies, enabling detection of these analytes in the range of clinically relevant concentrations. Protein coating provides excellent colloidal stability of nanozymes in physiological conditions and stability upon long-term storage. © 2022 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 20-75-00029Funding: This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 20-75-00029


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    Glycodelin (PP14, PAEP, alpha-2-microglobulin, dimeric glycoprotein with molecular weight of 42 to 56 kDa) is considered as a reproductive tissue receptivity marker. Despite that glycodelin immunosuppressive effects are well-known there still remains uncovered its role in myeloid suppressor cell (MDSC) regulation. MDSC represent the heterogeneous population of immature myeloid cells that acquire suppressor phenotype while inhibiting the immune response under the pathological states. MDSC are known to play an essential role in supporting the immune tolerance in pregnancy and at transplantation. Our hypothesis suggests that glycodelin is capable of inducing the MDSC formation as the level of these cells is elevated during the successful pregnancy, whereas the spontaneous abortion and progression of eclampsia are associated with low circulating glycodelin. Therefore, the aim of the work was to analyze the role of recombinant glycodelin in physiological concentrations in regulation of MDSC differentiation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of donor volunteers were separated via centrifugation on density gradient of 1,077 g/cm3 (Ficoll-Hypaque, Sigma-Aldrich) to obtain MDSC generation in vitro. Then cells obtained were cultured in 24-well plate at a concentration of 1 × 106 cell/ml in complete medium with cytokines IL-6 (20 ng/ml), GM-CSF (40 ng/ml) therein for 14 days at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Medium replacement was made by 7th day in culture followed by cytokine re-introduction, and on the 11th day recombinant glycodelin in physiological concentrations (0,2; 2 mkg/ml) was applied while the pharmacological concentration was 50 mkg/ml. The M-MDSC (LinHLA-DRCD33+CD11b+CD14+CD66b- ) and PMN-MDSC (LinHLA-DRCD33+CD11b+CD14- CD66b+) level was evaluated in cultures using flow cytometry (СytoFlexS (Beckman Coulter)) and “R&D Systems” antibodies according to standard protocol. Statistical data processing was realized with GraphPad Prizm software using Friedman test. It was found that glycodelin did not significantly affect cell viability being assessed with flow cytometry (PI). It was revealed that high GdA concentration (50 mkg/ml) being pharmacological did not render significant effect on MDSC differentiation. Meanwhile, glycodelin in concentrations correspanding the healthy pregnancy (0,2; 2 mkg/ml) was stated to increase the MDSC percentage in induced cultures of human mononuclear cells. When analyzing the subsets it was disclosed that this effect was conditioned by the increase in PMN-MDSC level while the M-MDSC level remained significantly unchanged. This result could be interpreted as glycodelin fetoprotective effect as the increase of the PMN-MDSC level is associated with the suppression of the immune response to paternal antigens. The PMN-MDSC level is known to be elevated in peripheral blood of healthy pregnant women at all the stages of pregnancy as compared to nonpregnant subjects whereas the M-MDSC amount remains unaltered. Meanwhile, patients with miscarriage demonstrated more that by 30% lowering in the MDSC amount in blood and endometrium and in I trimester, in particular. During the physiological pregnancy PMN-MDSC accumulate in placenta, but at spontaneous abortion their number is found to be declined. Placental PMN-MDSC efficiently suppress the T-cell response while concurrently polarizing the CD4+ lymphocytes in Th2 phenotype. PMN-MDSC are suggested to play an essential role in inducing and supporting the tolerance to fetal antigens that allows considering these as promising target of therapeutical manipulation in pregnancy complications. As a whole, we have originally demonstrated the GdA effect on MDSC differentiation


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    Graphene-based materials have an opportunity for use in biomedicine, thanks to their properties. Nevertheless, due to its cytotoxic effects, the use of graphene-based drugs is problematic. However, the surface modification of graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles with a polyethyleneglycol (PEG) is one way to reduce the harmful effects of graphene on cells. Applying nanoparticles implies their interaction with the immune system, which protects the body. Monocytes are innate immunity cells and the first line of defenсe of the human organism from microorganisms and other alien objects. One of the monocytes’ reactions to a stimulus of any nature is to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). Published data shows an incomplete picture of modified graphene oxide nanoparticles’ effects on ROS formation by human monocytes. Thus, it was essential to evaluate the pegylated graphene oxide (GO-PEG and GO-8armedPEG) effect on ROS production by human monocytes, assessed by the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LCL). The objects of the study were CD14+-cells isolated from mononuclear cells of healthy donors. ROS production was stimulated by opsonized zymosan (OZ), spontaneous LCL was used as a control. PEG-modified (GO-PEG and GO-8armedPEG) GO nanoparticles with sizes of 100-200 nm (“small”) and 1-5 μm (“big”) with PEG covering ~ 20% were used at concentrations of 5 and 25 μg/ml. The study showed that small size nanoparticles at a low concentration of 5 μg/ml and big nanoparticles coated with 8-armed PEG at both concentrations have a significant suppressive effect on spontaneous ROS production. In the stimulated LCL reaction variant, it was found that small nanoparticles (25 μg/ml) also have a suppressive effect on ROS production, such as big-sized particles coated with linear PEG at the same concentration. Thus, we have established for the first time that graphene oxide nanoparticles functionalized with PEG are capable of inhibiting the ROS production by human monocytes, and therefore, we can speak of the antioxidant activity of GO-PEG

    Art-therapy techniques: psycho-pedagogical innovations in education of future healthcare specialists

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    The article describes psycho-pedagogical innovations in education of future healthcare specialists at the Chair of psychology and pedagogy at the Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg). The article shows the practice of integration of innovational and interactive technologies with elements of art-therapy techniques during practical classes of «Psychology and pedagogy». The technologies are focused on developing students', who study enforced group of «Healthcare» specialties, general cultural and professional competence.В статье охарактеризованы психолого-педагогические инновации в обучении будущих специалистов здравоохранения на кафедре психологии и педагогики Уральского государственного медицинского университета (г. Екатеринбург). Представлена практика внедрения в учебные занятия дисциплины «Психология и педагогика» инновационных и интерактивных технологий с элементами арт-терапевтических техник, направленных на формирование общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций обучающихся по укрепленной группе специальностей «Здравоохранение»

    Innovative pedagogical forms of medical education of students of a medical university: the experience of the department of psychology and pedagogy

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    An experiment of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Ural State Medical University on realization of innovative pedagogical forms of education of students of a medical school is exposed in this article. Such innovative pedagogical forms as story-role modelling of situations, art-therapeutic classes, mediation techniques of conflict management and project activities are presented and described. These pedagogical forms are relevant in the conditions of medical education and are focused on formation of common cultural and professional competences.В статье показан опыт кафедры психологии и педагогики УГМУ по реализации инновационных педагогических форм обучения студентов медицинского вуза. Представлено краткое описание таких форм практических занятий как сюжетно-ролевое моделирование ситуаций, арт-терапевтические занятия, медиативные формы управления конфликтами, проектная деятельность. Эти педагогические формы доказали эффективность при реализации концепции практико-ориентированного медицинского образования и нацелены на формирование как общекультурных, так и общепрофессиональных компетенций будущих медицинских работников